
Chapter 1


Wick was sitting in an armchair beside the fire, the dark green cushions vibrant against her jet-black hair and gown. The gown’s sleeves were slit up the sides, so that they fell like wings, leaving her white arms bare as she sat with her hands calmly in her lap, regarding Selene.

Arlonhold was the name of the castle to which Wick had whisked Selene away. It stood on an island in the middle of a great lake, in the heart of Dark Bloom Forest. The occasional small boat came to and from the island, bearing supplies for Wick’s servants to keep life in Arlonhold running smoothly, but that was all. Aside from Wick’s sisters, there were never any visitors here. Wick lived her life in solitude, seeing only her servants and receiving the occasional raven from one of her sisters.

Upon Selene’s arrival, Wick had explained that the old castle had been given to her by her sister, Serian, who had taken pity on her that their parents had disowned her and left her threadbare. And so, instead of venturing into the city to open a shop or a healing clinic, Wick had settled here, living her life in luxury, wearing fancy gowns every day, eating succulent meats, and enjoying a lazy life of reading and soaking in her bathing basin.

Wick believed she now had everything. All she required, she told Selene with a lusty smile, was a lover to share it with for the next three hundred years. Wouldn’t Selene be that lover?

Selene still hadn’t answered, for she was . . . considering it. She was surprised with herself that she hadn’t immediately said “yes,” for she had come here in the first place because she believed she had no place at Zelda’s side. It was she who wrote a letter to Wick, asking where she was and if she could not come and live with her. Wick had answered by appearing in a puddle near Selene’s boot, smiling up at her from the water. And then a portal had opened, and Selene had stepped through to find herself here.

The last day she was with Zelda, Aereth, and the Knights of Falcon, Selene had sadly watched as everyone sat around the fire outside Sune and Kare’s tent. They were all so engaged in one another, eating and laughing and chatting ceaselessly. Aereth had doted on Gweneth (ranting about Gweneth’s prowess with a sword), Zelda had doted on Calain (lovingly feeding her spoonfuls of stew), and Sune and Kare could not stop praising Cassandra’s magick abilities – such as her visions and the dream walking – which had aided Gweneth so many times, for the people of Ellormest had great respect for magick, even if they couldn’t wield it themselves.

Selene had looked at the others and wondered what her place was. Did they really need her? And would Zelda ever truly love her? Zelda and Cassandra weren’t aware, but Selene had seen them making love the very same night that Aereth had. And unlike young Aereth – who had been fascinated into a still state of open-mouthed shock – Selene had felt nothing but . . . bitter envy.

Zelda had never made love with Selene as she had with Cassandra! The way she had wiggled and squirmed in Cassandra’s lap, the way she had so desperately and breathlessly crushed her mouth to Cassandra’s . . . And she had climaxed her so hard, her belly trembling, her big breasts heaving . . .

And in that moment, Selene had asked herself if Zelda truly desired her, truly loved her, or was the sorceress just keeping her around as another blindly devoted protector? Had Calain, in fact, been right to leave Zelda’s service? Was it silly to compete for her favor? Was Selene, as Calian had suggested, pathetic?

“Shall you give me an answer today, my knight?” asked Wick quietly, for it had been three days.

Three days of Selene saying she would consider, she would think on it, she would sleep on it. Wick had been extraordinarily patient, so confident was she that she would be granted what she wanted. And what she wanted was Selene.

Selene didn’t quite know what to say or what to think. She had never been . . . wanted before! In the past, it was always Calain the maidens lusted for. And indeed, Selene still remembered how Wick had doted on Calain at the feast, going on and on about her! Did she think Selene had forgotten that?

Selene glanced over her shoulder and could tell that Wick had attempted to make herself appealing. While her breasts weren’t very large, she had worn a gown that wrapped around her bare shoulders and boosted her cleavage, so that it was bursting from the front. And her usually straight hair she had attempted to curl like Zelda’s. It tumbled long and silky behind her shoulders, and she was so small, her little slippers barely touched the hard stone floor.

Wick was watching Selene intently.

“This isn’t even about me,” Selene said dismissively.

Wick hesitated. “What do you mean?”

Selene turned around. “I mean, you care nothing for me! What has it been since Queen Ellanara was slain? Three months now? Almost four? And yet, it took you all this time to reclaim me from Zelda? And this after you gave me your blessing that I should go with her!”

Wick blushed guiltily, but she took a breath and said hotly, “You contacted me, lest you have forgotten!”

“And you did leap on the opportunity to hurt Zelda!” Selene shot back. She shook her head. “No, this isn’t about me at all. Tis about Zelda and your bitter hatred of her. Not that I care. Not that any of it matters.”

Selene turned and started pacing angrily. She was not wearing her sword and armor. Instead, her sword and armor were displayed on a nearby stand, and she was clad in trousers and a tunic. They were in the bedchamber Wick had given Selene. Selene was on the verge of telling her to leave but had to keep reminding herself that it was Wick’s castle. Arlonhold would have been her home as well, had she gone with Wick instead of Zelda. It would have been her home. Such a beautiful old castle, and she had forfeited it for what? To aid Calain, who despised her? To protect Zelda, who cared not for her?

“Selene . . .” Wick said heavily. “I admit that I do despiseth Zelda,” her nostrils flared in momentary anger, then her face softened and she said in earnest, “but my desire for thee is real.”

Selene gave a scoffing laugh. “I saw the way you lusted for Calain! Do not lie to me!”

“What is wrong with wishing to be like Zelda and Selene?” said Wick quietly. “What is wrong with wishing to be loved?”

Selene moved across the room to Wick and stood over her. Wick looked up at her eagerly, her lips parted in anticipation. When Selene leaned down, Wick closed her eyes and leaned forward for a kiss, but Selene only touched her cheek and whispered hoarsely, “Leave me.”

Wick sadly cast her eyes down, then rose to her feet and glided serenely out the door, her back stiff with hurt, letting the door close behind her. 



LATER THAT NIGHT, SELENE found it difficult to sleep. Wick’s calm insistence that she wanted to lay with her was driving her to distraction. Selene thought of simply going down to the pier and asking the ferryman to take her across the lake. Wick had told her she was allowed to leave any time she pleased, but was she truly? Wick had gone through a great deal of trouble to keep Selene there, posting guards outside her door, locking the door of her bedchamber at night, making her elven heart race with sudden passion . . . For Wick had touched herself, bringing herself to a climax, forcing Selene to feel her sweet pleasure as she lay sleeping . . .

But if Wick was telling the truth and Selene was allowed to depart. . . where would she go? Back to being another horse in Zelda’s stable? Back to being the least valued, the least loved? She wondered bitterly if Zelda and the others had even noticed she was missing or if they even cared. Even Aereth hadn’t seemed to care for her!

It took hours, but Selene finally fell asleep. She was lying on her back in the great four-poster bed and dozing gently when she felt sudden weight on the mattress. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked around to see Wick lying beside her, sitting up on her elbow under the coverlet . . . and she was naked!

Selene’s lips parted in shock. “My lady!” she scolded, pulling the coverlet to her chin, for she was in her smallclothes.

Wick giggled softly, and when she tossed her hair, it changed with a ripple from jet-black to curly gold. She winked, and suddenly, she was no longer Wick Blackwood but Zelda, taller, curvier, with larger breasts that crushed together nicely, and a swath of curly golden hair cloaking her sex. The eyes that looked out of Wick’s face now were Zelda’s bewitching blue eyes, so round and innocent and sweet.

Wick slowly smiled in quiet triumph, twisting Zelda’s pink, supple lips in a smirk. “I can feel your heart racing, my knight,” she whispered.

Selene hated that it was true, but her heart was indeed pounding. She lay on her back, staring at Wick – who now looked completely and totally like Zelda—and could feel her clitoris throbbing to life. She barely managed to stammer, “M-My lady . . .” She didn’t know what she was going to say. It was as if her mind had stopped functioning. Zelda had always had that effect on her any time she was naked.

Wick giggled again, shrugging up one shoulder coyly, so that her now-enormous breasts jiggled. She slid on top of Selene, and her heavy breasts swelled near Selene’s face, the cleavage plump and swollen. Selene could see the tiny pink nipples standing rigid and hard. When she glanced at them with narrow-eyed lust, Wick’s cheeks flushed.

“How I have longed,” Wick whispered, “for you to look at me with such desire. But if I must look like Zelda to put that thirst in your eyes, then so be it.” She looked at Selene’s lips and gently kissed her.

Selene thought she had lost her senses, but she kissed Wick back, her hands smoothing over Wick’s backside and squeezing at the soft cheeks in fistfuls. It was Zelda’s backside, heart-shaped and soft, supple and giving in her hands. She squeezed and massaged again, watching Wick’s cheeks grow brighter, and then her hands smoothed over the back of Wick’s thighs and she spread them, baring Wick’s sex to the air.

Wick blushed prettily and gasped when Selene’s careful fingers slid between the lips of her sex, exploring. It was Zelda’s sex as Selene remembered it: the lips were fat and swollen, and the tight maidenhead was still there – still there, even after Aereth’s birth. Though Selene wondered if it wasn’t, in fact, Wick’s maidenhead she was fondling.

Watching Wick’s blushing face for a reaction, Selene slid in one finger, then paused and slid in another. She felt the maidenhead yield soft around her fingers, stretching to admit her, and as her fingers traveled deeper, she saw Wick’s eyes fluttering wide at the sudden pleasure. Her sex clenched and moisture washed over Selene’s fingers.

“Oh . . . Oh, my!” Wick gasped, embarrassed. Her eyes hooded. “Oh . . . Selene . . . You’re so good at that. . .” She closed her eyes. “By the gods, don’t stop . . . So d-deep in my pussy . . .” 

Selene slowly sank her fingers deeper and saw Wick gasp and arch her back, thrusting her backside out as she was fingered. Lying there, thighs spread, on Selene’s belly, the arching of her back thrust her great breasts near Selene’s mouth, and Selene caught one of the nipples in her lips and suckled deeply, until the plump mound of flesh was rising against her face.

Wick squirmed and blushed against the pleasure, whispering helplessly, “Oh, Selene . . . Touch me. . . You’re so good . . . so good at that . . .” She frowned in ecstasy and trembled, and because their hearts were connected, Selene could feel her pleasure. She could feel how Wick’s clitoris was throbbing, how her breast flushed with tingling pleasure with each suck on her nipple, how the lips of her sex filled with blood. . . Wick’s throbbing clitoris was making her own clitoris pump hard, fast, strong with lust.

Selene pulled her lips from Wick’s nipple and watched her absently as she fondled the lips of her sex. When Wick spoke, it was with Zelda’s voice, with Zelda’s sweet lips, with Zelda’s blue eyes. She was saying everything Selene had ever wanted Zelda to say, and she was shocked by how aroused it was making her.

Wick cupped Selene’s face in both hands, looking down at her with a sudden fierce hunger that startled her. “Fuck me!” she whispered breathlessly and crushed her lips to Selene’s in a passionate kiss.

Selene obeyed, kissing Wick back with a fervent tongue as her fingers slid deeper, harder, faster, until Wick was rocking on top of her, until Wick’s great breasts were jiggling, until the bed was shaking. She remembered how Zelda’s sex had always reacted to her fingers, flexing and heaving and clenching on them as she grew moist, and Wick’s sex – enchanted though it was – felt similar. So similar, Selene wondered how many times Wick had secretly studied Zelda’s body.

Selene trembled helplessly as Wick’s lips sucked at her own as if she would devour her. Zelda had never kissed her with such hunger, with such passion and desire! But Wick had dominated her completely, riding her fingers, demanding it harder, pinning her to the bed with her curvy body. Selene fingered Wick so hard, the elf was rocking almost violently when her head fell back and she choked out a cry. As she climaxed, her sex tightened, releasing its moisture over Selene’s fingers, and pinned beneath her, Selene felt her belly tighten as she released as well.