Suk could no longer stomach the screams of the young woman in the next room. He grabbed the keys to the FOCO SUV, slammed the door and left the house.
Her screams reminded him of the screams of the doctor when Hwang cut out his heart. Why did I let Hwang talk me into the sacrificial killing? They should have stuck with the plan to shoot him and dump the body. Hwang had convinced them that there was power in the ancient sacrifice, and Suk had relented.
But all it had seemed to accomplish was to make his two cohorts more violent and unpredictable. For Suk, it had filled his mind with unshakable images that obsessed his thoughts and dreams.
Sitting in the SUV, Suk shuddered involuntarily when another scream came from the house and thought about a recurring night terror that haunted him—being chased by a dark, disfigured creature.
They better not kill her! That is all we need—the local police coming to the house for a visit.
Cho and Hwang were drunk on beer and lust. Stepping into stop the mayhem might get him killed. As their time of completion in Guatemala approached, those two became more and more out of control to the point that Suk considered eliminating them. Poisoning them would be an easy task, but lifting their dead bodies to dispose of them would be difficult.
As he reached for the door handle of the vehicle, his hands trembled. It was a good thing their house in San Benito was secluded and no one else could hear the poor girl cry in pain.
She’d come from the local brothel. At fourteen, she was kidnapped in Honduras, smuggled across the border, and forced into prostitution. Now she was forced to be with Cho and Hwang who were brutalizing her. The brothel boss was handsomely paid in cash and always looked the other way when the girls returned with bruises and rope burns.