Mary “Auntie M” Mizio Embler
Auntie M’s Enchanted Garden
Clayton, NC
Prep Time: 10–15 minutes
Marinating Time: 1 hour
Baking Time: 20 minutes
Makes 4–6 servings
1 cup white vinegar
1 cup olive oil
3 Tbsp. fresh rosemary (1 Tbsp. dried)
3 Tbsp. fresh chives (1 Tbsp. dried)
3 Tbsp. fresh parsley (1 Tbsp. dried)
1 clove garlic, minced
1½–2 lbs. chicken breasts, cut into 1” cubes
bamboo or rosemary skewers*
1. Mix together vinegar, olive oil, rosemary, chives, parsley, and garlic. Add chicken and marinate for 1 hour.
2. Thread meat onto bamboo or rosemary skewers that have soaked in water.
3. Bake at 400°F for 20 minutes, basting 2–3 times with marinade.
* To make rosemary skewers, strip the leaves from stout, woody rosemary branches. Cut one end at an angle to form a sharp point.
To make skewering meat easier, first pierce the meat with an ice pick before threading onto skewers.