9-11 A tribute

A flag flies at Ground Zero as work continues on the site of the former World Trade Center on Friday, 9th November 2001, in New York. Almost two months after the terrorist attack which destroyed the twin World Trade Center towers the ruins emit acrid fumes while fires trapped underground rise to the surface every day as contractors work to clear the area of some two million tons of rubble.

9-11 A tribute

The chief of the service of voluntary workers of Padua's civil defence, Renato Lambini (L), gives an Italian flag as a present to the commander of New York City fire-fighters, Daniel Nigro, on a stage in Piazza del Popolo, in downtown Rome, on Saturday 10th November 2001 during the rally for the US-Day organized by ruling "House for Freedoms" centre-right coalition to support the United States after the 11th September's terrorist attacks against New York and Washington. The cardboard wall on the background, under the Italian and US flags, reads the words "Per non dimenticare" (To not forget).