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abstract art, 63–5

abstract expressionism, 510–11, 515

acetylene-based fabrics, 343

acquisitive society, 186–7, 208, 210

Addison’s disease, 103

adenine, 480

adolescence, 278–9

adrenaline, 103

advertising: emphasises prodigality, 594; and pop art, 511; and status, 446

aeronautics see flight

aesthetic experience: and corporate business, 591

aesthetics: value (cultural), 722–3; Vienna and, 29 see also canon (literary); culture affluence, 441–3, 520, 591

‘African Mind’, 527; see also Négritude

Afro-Americans see US minorities, racial

agitprop, 165–6, 474

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), 658, 660, 662–3, 764

alcoholism, 103–4

alienation, 53, 225, 289, 292, 408, 599, 640, 704

alternative consciousness, 502

altruism, 619

amplification, 476–7, 617

anaerobes, 685

‘angry young men’, 463–5

animal behaviour (ethology), 309–10, 606–12

anthropic principle, 742

anthropology: applied to US society, 212–15; and cultural variations, 278–81, 461–2, 674–6; Frazer and, 30, 60; Freeman challenges, 665; and native

Americans, 116–20; and psychoanalysis, 141–2; and study of

adolescence, 278–9; see also Ruth Benedict; Franz Boas; Margaret Mead; Clifford Geertz

antibiotics, 367–8

antidepressants, 501, 597

anti-psychiatry, 502

anti-Semitism: decline of, 760; German, 42–3, 394; growth of, 71; Heidegger and, 309; Hitler and, 243–4; in Hungary, 181; Jung’s, 759; and literary canon, 726–7; in USA, 327, 352, 435; in Vienna, 12, 33, 45, 56, 243; Zola condemns, 327; see also holocaust; Jews; National Socialism; race theory

apartheid, 526

Apollo space program (USA), 566–8

archaeology: in Africa, 725–8; and cultural distribution, 555–65; in Egypt and Middle East, 246–52; see also dendrochronology; Potassium-Argon dating; radiocarbon dating; and individual sites and peoples in Index of Names, People and Places

architecture: and Bauhaus, 34, 223–4; ‘brown world’, 332; and Flatiron Building, 80–2; international style, CIAM, 331–2, 622; Plan Voisin, 332; and Pompidou Centre (Paris), 621–3; postmodern, 679; in Vienna, 26–7, 34–5; ‘white world’, 332; see also individual architects and buildings in Index of Names, People and Places

Arica, 598–9

Armory Show, New York (1912), 126–8

ARPANET, 736–7

arrhenoplasm, 33

artificial life, 746, 748

Aryans and Aryanism, 40, 42–3, 241, 296, 315

Ashcan school (painters), 85–6, 89

astrology, 602–3

astrophysics (and cosmology): and cosmic radiation, 569–73; and Eddington’s relativity experiments, 183–5, 264; and unstable universe, 264–6; see also, ‘Big Bang’; nuclear synthesis

atomic bomb: development of, 392–3, 395–401; dropped on Japan, 401–2, 728–9; in USSR, 507; see also hydrogen bomb; nuclear energy

atomic structure see particle physics

atonality, 56–7, 230, 512

autism, 506

automatic writing, 164

automation, 365

avant-garde (art), 107, 126–9, 161–7, 203–4, 510–12; defined, 53; see also modernism

awareness movement, 600–1

baby boom, 537

background radiation see relict radiation

bakelite (earlier Bakalite), 97–8

ballet, 130–2, 357–9, 510, 512–15

Bantu (people), 557

Beat culture, 454–6, 595, 760

behaviorism, 495–8, 500, 551

Bell Curve, 698–9

beta decay, 393

beta-blockers, 659

‘Big Bang’ theory, 508, 569–71, 740–1, 751, 755

‘Big brother’, 473

bioenergetics, 598

birth control see contraception

black body problem, 22–3

black holes, 572–3, 739–41, 755

blacks see US minorities, racial

Blaue Reiter, Der (movement), 55

‘blight of dullness’, 521, 680

blood transfusion, 147

boosterism, 210

Boxer Rising (China, 1898), 70

branes, 745

Brownian motion, 61, 95

Brücke, Die (movement), 55

bull cults, 251

business administration: education for, 78–80

business-cycle theory, 652

Cambrian Explosion, 686

cancer research, 658–62, 666, 700

canon (literary), 722–6, 732–3

capitalism: and alienation, 436; collapse foretold, 224, 293, 378; communist alternative, 294; and cooperation, 389; as creative haven, 767; and culture, 186–8; Daniel Bell on, 593–4; Orwell writes against, 288; and Protestant ethic, 46–7; static nature, 378; universal evolution towards, 753

carbon-14 dating see radiocarbon dating

catastrophe theory, 746–7

cathode rays, 21

Catholicism: and modernism, 53; resists scientific revolution, 67–9; values, 46–7; see also Christianity

cave paintings (prehistoric), 368–70

cavity magnetron, 366, 392

cellophane, 343

celluloid, 97

Cepheid stars, 182

ceremonies of the whole, 30

CFCs, 586

chaoplexity, 746–7, 764

chaos theory, 746

chemical bond, 266, 268, 343–4

chemistry, 96, 266–7

childhood: understanding of, 77–8, 498–500

chimpanzees: studied, 608–9, 611, 618

Christianity: as ‘absolute religion’, 753–4; Christopher Hill on changes in, 603–4; and discovery of Dead Sea scrolls, 574–5; ‘Five Fundamentals’, 207; and Nazism, 314–15; opposition to evolution theory, 207–8; and other religions, 188; reaction to scientific revolution, 67–9, 575–8; and revisionist theology, 576–9; and secularisation, 604; and social principles, 381–2, 388; and transcendent truth, 472; and Vatican II, 579–80; worldwide spread of, 245; see also religion

chromosomes, 114–15, 373–4; see also genes

church-going, 603–4

cinema see films and cinema

cities: decline and rehabilitation in USA, 520–2, 680; Mumford on, 289

civil disobedience, 549

civil rights movement (USA), 391, 523–4, 528–9, 551, 753

class (social), 284–6, 448–9, 451

climate: human influence on, 586

cloning, 614–16

code-breaking (wartime), 361–4

Cold War, the, 410, 444, 474, 481, 507, 517, 538, 591

colloids, 344

colonialism, 714–15

Colossus (calculating machine), 364–5

communism: collapse of, 753; and Cuban missile crisis, 517; French intellectuals embrace, 412–13; ideology of, 632; repression under, 539–44; US suppression of, 434; Western attitudes to, 292–4, 386–7; world spread of, 517; see also Marxism

computers, 363–5; see also Internet

Confucianism, 69–71, 178–9

Consciousness I, II and III, 583–4, 586

consciousness studies, 701–3, 746, 756

consilience, 692, 768

constructivism, 68, 166

consumerism, 444–6

continental drift, 122–4, 553–4, 570

contraception, 428–9, 526

corporations (business): and planning, 590–2

correspondence (in quantum physics), 259

cosmetic surgery, 147

cosmic rays, 508

cosmic string, 741

cosmological constant, 265

cosmology see astrophysics

counter-culture, 537, 594–8

creation see ‘Big Bang’ theory; universe

crisis theology, 576

critical mass (nuclear fission), 396

critical theory, 226

criticism (literary), 347, 465–6

Cubism, 63, 129, 131

cults and sects, 603–4

Cultural Left, 467

Cultural Revolution (China), 539–40

cultural studies (and culture wars), 716–35, 768

culture: Blooms’ attack on decline of, 720–3; cross-over, 769; Snow-Leavis ‘two-culture’ debate, 467–70; tradition and levels of, 450–3, 466–7, 470, 706; see also anthropology

cuneiform writing, 249

cyberspace, 738

cytosine, 480

Dada, 161–4

Darwinism: and pessimism, 38; Social, 40–4, 47–8, 60, 113, 122, 136, 241, 244, 246, 318–21, 453; see also evolution

dating methods see dendrochronology; potassium-argon method; radiocarbon dating

DDT (earlier DDD), 582–3

Dead Sea scrolls, 574–5

decolonisation, 460

deconstruction, 627, 631–2

défaillance, 672–3

degeneration, 38, 43–5, 53, 606

democracy, 753–4

demythologising, 576–7

dendrochronology, 252–3, 563, 565

dinosaurs: extinction of, 686–8

direct analysis, 663

dissonance (musical): emancipation of, 56

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid): and cloning, 614–16; deep geometry of, 748; discovery of structure of, 374, 478–81; and genetic fingerprinting, 682–3; and human inequalities, 697; mitochondrial, 689; and origins of life, 684; see also nucleic acid

domestication: of animals and plants, 752

dominant traits (genetics), 19

double bind, 502

double-helix, 480, 614–15; see also DNA

Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly), 113–15

drugs: mind-affecting, 501–2

E=mc2, 93, 107, 571

e-mail, 737; see also Internet

earth: age of, 124; photographed from space, 580–1; see also ecology

ecology, 582–6; see also animal behaviour

economics: and society, 646–55; see also acquisitive society; affluence; business-cycle theory; capitalism; consumerism; corporations (business); famines; free market

economics; Great Depression; Great Society; growth; laissez-faire; living standards; monetarism; New Deal; New Growth Theory; planned society; poverty; stagflation; underclass; unemployment; welfare state; and Bretton Woods; Wall Street Crash; and individual economists in Index of Names, People and Places

Ediacara, 686

edification (philosophy), 669–70

education: and abolition of schools, 535–6; criticised in USA, 729–31; in democracies, 77–8; and equality of opportunity, 533–6; and neighborhood effect, 519; popular, 220; see also universities

ego, the, 37

Eight-Fold Way, 509

élan vital see life force

electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), 501

electronic music, 624

electronics, 477

electrons, 21–2, 37, 64, 93, 134, 258–9, 261–3, 267; see also particle physics

elephants: studied, 611–12, 618

elevators (lifts), 81n

emergent properties, 701

empiricism, 76, 91, 235, 632

encyclicals (papal) see Index of Names, People and Places under Popes John XXIII; Pius X and Pius XII

energy: emission of, 22–3

ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator), 364–5

Enigma (code machine), 361–2, 364

Enovid (birth-control pill), 429

entropy, 22

environment see ecology

épuration (French post-war purging), 409, 411

Erhard Seminar Training (EST), 598

ethnic cleansing, 766

ethology see animal behaviour

eugenics, 44, 113, 115, 242, 318; see also

race theory

Eurodollars, 590

evidential research, 70

evolution: as ‘best idea, ever’, 3, 694; Catholic Church resists, 67–8; as concept, 66; and consciousness, 702, 756; effect on US intellectual life, 453; end of, 753; evolutionary synthesis, 371; human place in, 253–5, 371–2; and knowledge forms, 757–8; and Nietzsche’s philosophy, 40; popular acceptance of, 121, 124; and progress, 246; and racial differences, 121–2, 124–5; and recent human history, 752; religious response to, 207–8, 290; and right to exist, 617; and ‘saltation’, 372–3; and Scopes trial (Tennessee), 207; slow pace of, 71, 124–5; and stable strategy (ESS), 619–20; Teilhard de Chardin on, 577–8; teleology of, 769; theoretical work and writings on, 692–8; see also Darwinism

exclusion principle (physics), 259

existentialism, 407–8, 410–12, 414, 421, 630; and religion, 575–6

Explorer (US space vehicle), 484

Expressionism, 56; in cinema, 221–2

Fabianism, 293

family life, 451, 601

family planning, 428–9

famines, 651

fascism: as danger in USA, 435; rise of, 224–6, 234; Socialist hostility to, 287; in Switzerland, 306

Fauvism, 60, 129, 165

feminism, 276–7, 422–3, 430–1, 530–2, 536

Fibonacci sequence, 747–8

films and cinema: beginnings, 86–9; creative innovations in (‘new wave’), 636–9; documentary, 327–8; Expressionist, 221–2; in India, 712; madness in, 490–1; Orson Welles and, 348–9; popularity, 234–5; and propaganda, 328–9, 331; realism in, 327; sound introduced, 326; in USSR, 329–30

fixed action patterns see animal behaviour

flexible accumulation, 680

flight: beginnings, 83–5, 89; and jet propulsion, 268–9; and Soviet aeronautics, 482–3

fossils see palaeontology

fractals, 746

Francophone thought, 753

free market economics, 650–2, 655–6, 753, 766–7

freedom see liberty

Freudianism see psychoanalysis

‘frodos’, 738

fruit fly see Drosophila melanogaster futurism, 164, 166

Gaia theory, 693

genes: and cancer research, 661; discovery of, 17; mathematics of, 748; physical composition, 373–4; and survival, 619–20; see also DNA; human genome project

Genesis, 573, 755

generic engineering, 616

genetic epistemology, 500

genetic fingerprinting, 682–3

genetics: de Vries on, 17–8; and ethics and social behaviour, 617–19, 693; and inheritance mechanism, 113–15; Mendel’s discoveries in, 18–19; Morgan’s theory of, 113–15; and mutation, 374; and race theory, 309–11; in Soviet Union, 318–21, 473–6; see also human genome project

geology: and age of earth, 124; and fossil

distribution, 122; and origins of life, 686; see also continental drift

German intuition, 240

Gestalt, 31–2

glands, ductless, 102–3

Gleitende, das, 29–30

global warming, 586

globalisation, 754

gluons, 667

God: proofs of existence, 30–1

gorillas: studied, 610–11, 618

‘great attractor’ (cosmology), 755

Great Depression (1930s), 340–2, 519, 646

‘Great Refusal’ (Mercuse), 503

Great Society (USA), 375, 376–7, 516, 518, 521–2, 533, 536, 596, 654

Great Terror (USSR), 320–3, 334, 386

Great War (1914–18) see World War I

‘green’ movement, 585

greenhouse effect see global warming

growth (economic), 648–50

guanine, 480

gulag (USSR), 541–4

hallucinogenic substances, 597

heart transplants see transplants (organ)

Hinduism, 762

historicism, 379–81, 557–64, 632

history: and progress, 254–5; ‘wars’, 728–9

Holocaust, 352, 435, 734–5, 764; see also Jews

homme révolté, I’, 409, 628

Homo genus see man: origins and fossil evidence

homosexuality: and AIDS, 657–8, 662; in Genet, 415–16; and liberalisation, 526; and Mann’s Death in Venice, 135–6; prevalence, 529; in Proust, 199–200

hormones, 102

human genome project, 615, 700, 738

hydrogen bomb, 506–8

identity crisis, 506

ideology: end of, 447–9, 753, 760; false consciousness of, 632

idioplasm, 33

ignorance: as veil, 548–9

Immaculate Conception, 68

immortality: prospect of, 755

immunosuppressants, 659–60

imperialism, 48, 50; see also decolonisation

Impressionism, 27–8, 59, 64, 127–8

Index of Prohibited Books (Catholic Church), 297

individualism, 27; see also narcissism

infantile sexuality, 13, 34

inflation (in early universe), 741

information technology, 605; see also


innate releasing mechanisms see animal behaviour

inner-directed people, 433

insanity see mental illness

Insight, 598

Intelligence Quotient (IQ): and Bell Curve, 698–9; and educational

attainment, 533–4; tests, 146–50, 206, 375, 533, 535

intentional fallacy, the, 635

intercesseurs, 61

Interface Message Processor (IMP), 737

intermediate technology, 586

international style (art and architecture), 331–2, 622

Internet, 736–8

interpretation (in art forms), 515

intuition: in science, 471–2

IQ see Intelligence Quotient

Islam, 761–2

jet propulsion, 268–70, 365

justice, 517–19, 548–9, 677–9; see also liberty

K/T boundary, 686, 688

Kaposi’s sarcoma, 657

kerygma, 576–7

‘kitchen-sink’ drama, 463–4

Kitsch, 221

knowledge: forms of, 667–72, 676–7, 757–8, 760; limits to, 755, 764–6

Kristallnacht (1938), 394

laissez-faire (economics), 41

‘Lamb shift’, 508

language: classification of, 690–2; and deconstruction, 631–2; formation and learning of, 497, 695; as instinct, 695; as mental construct, 630–1; and modes of discourse, 626; origins of, 689–91, 695, 696–7; see also Mother Tongue

lentiviruses, 660

leukemia, 658–60

liberalism: and education, 30–2; and equality, 519; and intellectual tradition, 452; and narcissism, 600

liberty (freedom), 517–19, 544–51, 579, 645, 753

libraries (early), 251

life: origins of, 684–6, 748–9

life force (élan vital), 66–7

light: nature of, 94–5, 260

Linear A and B scripts (Crete), 16

lions: studied, 608, 611, 618

living standards, 647–8

logic: Wittgenstein’s theory of, 159–61

logical positivism, 235, 306, 766

longue durée, la, 559–60, 563, 624, 752

LSD, 502

lynchings: in USA, 283

M-theory, 745

Mach number, 36

magic: in religions, 602–3

magic realism (literary), 706–9

magnetic anomalies, 553–4

man: distribution and migration, 555—6, 564, 689–92, 752, 754; origins and fossil evidence, 370–2, 484–7, 555, 607, 612–14, 675, 688–9

March on the Pentagon (1967), 538

March on Washington (1963), 523

Marxism: and Budapest Sunday Circle, 180; and culture, 466; and Darwinism, 319–21; and Frankfurt School, 224–5; and French existentialists, 410–11; and Freud, 225, 437, 752; and history, 561–2; Popper on, 380; resurgence in France, 625–6, 632–3, 752; and revisionism, 235; scientists’ adherence to, 316; and socio-economic change, 445; Weber refutes, 46; and women’s liberation, 530; see also communism

masochism, 34

mass society: and conformity, 503; and counterculture, 595

mathematics: as abstract concept, 677; foundations of, 24, 98–102; and German refugees to USA, 352–3; and Gödel’s theorem, 270–1; journals, 351–2; limits to, 764; and phenomenology, 31; and understanding of life, 747–9, 751; and wartime code-breaking, 362–4

matrix math, 260

May 4 movement (China), 178–9

Me generation, 599

media: ‘hot’ and ‘cool’, 547; mass, 754, 766–7; new forms of, 210–12, 218–19, 285, 547–8

Medicare (USA), 533

medicine see AIDS; antibiotics; antidepressants; autism; beta-blockers; blood transfusion; cancer research; cloning; contraception; cosmetic surgery; genetics; glands; hormones; immunosuppressants; leukaemia; Medicare; progesterone; psychoanalysis; psychology; restriction enzymes; Salvarsen; syphilis; therapy-religions; tranquillisers; transplants (organ); tuberculosis; venereal diseases; viruses; vitamins

‘medium is the message, the’, 546–7

mental abilities see Intelligence Quotient

mental illness, 491–2, 501, 626–8

Mentalités (historical), 558, 560

meritocracy, 448–9, 698–9

messenger substances see hormones

metanarratives see postmodernism

metaphysics, 36–7, 76–7

‘Middle America’, 520–2

middlebrow: and media, 210–12, 219–20

mind: nature and function of, 492–3, 500–1

modernism: condemned by Catholic Church, 68–9; defined, 52–3; impact of, 71–2; and science, 5

molecular biology, 683–98

monetarism, 650

moon landings, 566–8

morphomatics, 749

mother tongue, 690

motivational research, 445–6

motor cars: ownership, 214

Movement poets and novelists, 464–5

music: chance in, 624; evolution of, 757; indeterminacy in, 513; and modernism, 52–9; in Vienna, 37; see also electronic music; pop music; serial music

myth, 461–2

narcissism, 599–601, 620

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 112

National Intellegence Tests (USA) see Intelligence Quotient

National Socialism (Nazism): beginnings, 173; Hitler leads, 240; and Olympic Games (1936), 329; persecution and flight of intellectuals and scientists, 181, 302–7, 309, 350–1; persecution of Jews, 67, 243, 302, 309, 327, 352–7, 394, 435, 606; philosophical background, 234, 309; race theories, 294–7, 310–12, 315; religious opposition to, 314–15; repression of art and artists, 211–13, 300–2; rise of, 273, 294–6, 300, 304; and Stalinism, 436; and Western disarmament, 176

nationalism, 71

Nazism see National Socialism negation, 503

Négritude, 460

Neo-Confucian synthesis, 71

neptunium, 397

neutron stars, 572–3

neutrons, 262, 393, 509; see also particle physics

New Class, 443

New Deal (USA), 341–2, 646

New Growth Theory, 649

New Journalism, 598–9

New Learning (New Culture)

Movement, 178–9

New Left, 537, 595

New Policies (China), 70

‘Niagara movement’, 111

nihilism see therapeutic nihilism

Noema, 32

Noesis, 32

Nomenklatura (Soviet Russia), 318

noncommunicative geometry, 745

Novembergruppe, 222, 231

nuclear energy, 365, 394, 396; see also

atomic bomb

nucleic acid: and amplification, 617

nucleosynthesis, 508

nucleus (atomic), 93; see also particle physics

nylon, 343–4

oceanography, 553–4

Oedipus complex, 13–14

oestrogen, 428

oil price crisis (1973–4), 583, 589, 647–8, 655, 680

Old Growth Theory, 649

opinion polls, 432

other-directed societies, 433, 442, 446, 650

ozone layer, 586

palaeontology, 370–2, 484–7, 586–7, 612–14, 675, 686–90

Pan-Germanism, 241, 243

papal encyclicals see Index of Names, People and Places under Popes John XXIII; Pius X and Pius XII

parallel universes (cosmology), 742, 755

parallel worlds (psychology), 203

paramedics, 647

particle physics, 20–1, 90–2, 134, 256–64. 393–5, 508–9, 569–70, 744–5

particulate inheritance, 115

penicillin, 367–8

pessimism, 38, 39

pesticides, 582–3

Ph.D. (degree), 74

phenomenology, 31

philosophy: continental and analytic, 75, 766; and forms of knowledge, 668–71, 676–9; and objectivity/subjectivity divide, 673–4; and problem-solving, 492–3; and science, 235–6

photography, 167–8

physics see particle physics; quantum

physics; theoretical physics

pill, the (contraceptive), 429

Planck length, 740

Planck’s constant, 22

planned society, 376, 378–9, 382, 388, 646–8; see also welfare state

plasmids, 615

plastic, 96–8, 343–4, 635

plutonium, 397

pollution see ecology

polyesters, 343–4

pop art, 510–12, 515

pop music, 456–7, 477

pornography, 529

Port Huron Statement (1962), 595

Post-Impressionism, 58, 127

postindustrial society, 592–3

postmodernism, 7, 679–81, 706, 715, 729, 734, 753, 769

poststructuralism, 634–5

potassium-argon method (dating), 487

poverty, 286–9, 383–5, 441, 520–1, 646, 651, 653–4, 698

pragmatism, 75–7, 89, 90, 679

prehistoric art, 369–70

‘preparation 606’ see Salvarsen

primal therapy, 598–9

privatisation (of utilities and businesses), 648

progesterone, 428

progress: decline in belief in, 245–6, 254, 453, 603, 631, 670, 673; end of, 7, 754–5

Prohibition (USA), 215

propaganda: political, 328

Protestantism, 46–7, 602

protons, 257, 261–3, 509; see also

particle physics

psychedelic revolution, 597

psychiatry: misused in Russia, 540–1; see also anti-depressants, tranquilisers; radical pyschiatry; schizophrenia

psychoanalysis: and association tests, 139; connection with Marxism, 225, 437, 752; criticisms and reevaluations of, 493–5, 498, 664–6, 758–60, 766–7; and direct analysis, 663–4; effect of Great War on, 150–2; effect on literary works, 135–7, 196, 202, 758; Freud-Jung division in, 135, 139–42, 274; international spread of, 138; interpretation of civilisation and society, 273–5; Nazi view of, 306–7; and neuroses, 275–6; and personal emancipation, 633; resurgence in France, 625–8, 752; in Strauss’s operas, 55; Trilling supports, 452; in USA, 505–6; in Vienna, 13–15

psychology: inferior to fiction as teacher, 755; and phenomenology, 31–2; see also counter-culture; therapy-religions; schizophrenia

pulsars, 572–3

punctuated equilibrium, 696

Puritanism, 47

quantum chromodynamics (QCD), 743

quantum physics, 23, 37, 61, 93–5, 257–60, 755; and string theory, 744–5

quantum electro-dynamics (QED), 508

quarks, 509, 569, 573, 667, 743

quasars, 572–3

R & B music see rhythm and blues

race theory: in Africa, 526–7; and assumption of white superiority, 40–4, 277; and culture levels, 451; and ‘degeneration’, 38, 43; and evolution, 578; in Germany, 240–3, 294–6, 310–12, 315, 395; growth of, 71; and human migration, 752; immigration control in Britain, 536; and intelligence, 206; and teaching of Third World cultures, 730–1; and US ethnic minorities and immigrants, 108–12, 116–18, 124, 148–50, 198, 206, 217, 282–4, 390–1, 522–3, 526, 528, 654–5; Weininger’s, 33; see also anti-Semitism; US minorities, racial

radar, 365–6

radiation, cosmic, 569–72

radical psychiatry, 502

radio, 210–11, 218–20

radioactivity, 91, 134, 262–3, 393

radiocarbon dating, 487, 563, 565

rebirthing, 598

recessive traits (genetics), 19

red giants, 573

redshift, 265–6

refugees: from Nazi Germany, 181, 302–9, 350–7, 505

reinforced concrete, 82

relativity: and Eddington’s astronomical experiments, 183–5; general theory of, 133, 181, 264; Mach and, 37; special theory of, 61, 93–6, 132; and string theory, 744

relict radiation, 570

religion: and alternative life-styles, 598–602; and challenge of science, 289–91, 765; and church-going, 603–4; and community, 314; and magical practices, 602–3; non-Western, 761–3; see also Christianity; Jews; and individual theologians in Index of Names, People and Places

REM sleep, 494

reportage, 285

repression, 13

restriction enzymes, 614–15

rhythm and blues (R & B) music, 457, 477

rocket propulsion, 365, 482–3, 736; see also space travel

rock‘n’roll music, 457–8

sacrifice (religious), 249

Salvarsen (‘preparation 606’), 106, 113, 367

satellites (orbital), 481–4; Echo, 569

schizophrenia, 502–3, 541

science: and cross-over culture, 769; as ‘culture’, 467–70; intuition and tradition in, 471–2; link to science, 754–5; see also individual sciences and fields of study scientism, 66

seafloor spreading, 553

Secession, 59, 64; Viennese, 35

self-organisation, 746

self-religions, 598–9

semicircular canals (inner ear), 36

semiconductors, 477

semiology, 635–6

semiotics (semiosis), 347

serial music (serialism), 230, 414, 513, 624

sex: education, 214; in literature, 429–30; origins of, 685, 695; religious attitudes to, 604; theories and studies of, 33–4, 278–80, 423–7, 529; see also pornography

sharashki (Soviet camps), 316, 482, 542

shell shock, 151

Silva Mind Control, 598

singularity see ‘Big Bang’ theory

‘Situs’, 593

skyscrapers, 80–2, 89, 223

smoking (tobacco), 582, 658, 661

Social Darwinism see Darwinism, Social

social welfare see welfare state

socialism, 163, 287–8, 292–3, 378, 518, 530

socialist realism, 321–3

sociology: decline of, 763–4, 766–7; and German emigrants, 305–6; in USA, 212–15, 281–2, 432–49; see also, Herbert Spencer; C. Wright Mills; Irving Louis Horowitz in Index of People, Names and Places

solidarity (philosophy), 670–1

Sonderbund (Cologne, 1912), 127–8

space travel, 481–4, 566–9, 573, 667

spectroscopy, 134, 479

speech see language

spiral nebulae, 265–6

Sprechgesang (opera), 58

Sputniks, 481–2, 484, 566, 736

stagflation, 648

Stalinism: and French intellectuals, 412–13; and genetics, 475; and Nazism, 436; persecution of Russian intellectuals, 315–25; socialist opposition to, 472–3; see also Josef

Stalin in Index of Names, People and Places

Stanford-Binet test see Intelligence Quotient

stars see stellar evolution

‘steady state’ theory, 508

stellar evolution, 573

stream-of-consciousness, 28

string theory, 739, 741, 743–5, 756

stromatolites, 685

structuralism, 629–30, 632, 634

students: rebellion, 536–7; see also Youth

suburbia: and social life, 438

Sunday Circle (Lukács Circle, Budapest), 180–3

superstring revolution, 743–5

Surrealism, 164, 203–5, 510

survival of the fittest, 41–3; see also evolution

symbolic logic, 102

Synanon, 598

syphilis, 103–7

technology: and individual control, 4; Mumford on, 288

technostructure (corporations), 590–1

tectonic plates (continental), 554

television, 211, 219, 546–8, 757

temperament (intellectual), 75–6

Theatre of the Absurd, 513

Theatre of Cruelty, 641

thelyplasm, 33

theology: see religion; Vatican; individual theologians in Index of Names, People and Places

theoretical physics, 93

Theory of Everything, 742–3, 764

theosophy, 64

therapeutic nihilism, 12, 27–8, 30

therapy-religions, 598–601

Thermodynamics, Laws of, 21–2, 32

Third World cultures: teaching of in USA, 729–32

thorium, 91

thymine, 480

time: real and physics, 66

Time Zero (singularity), 570–1

totalitarianism, 435–6, 473

tradition-directed people, 433

tranquilisers, 501, 597

transcendent pictures, 63

transistors, 476–7

transmission control protocols (TCPs), 737–8

transplants (organ), 659–60

transuranic elements, 394, 397

tree rings see dendrochronology

tripartite division (Freudian), 13

tuberculosis (consumption), 103–5, 662

turbines: in jet engines, 269

U-Project (Germany), 400

uncertainty principle, 261

unconscious, the, 13, 139–41, 237, 626, 629, 664–5, 758; collective, 140–1; see also Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung in Index of Names, People and Places

underclass, 699; see also poverty

unemployment: and corporate industrial system, 691; eliminated in Nazi Germany, 341, 383; post-war fluctuations, 390; of US blacks, 523; World War II affects, 342, 387

universalism, 27

universe: beginning of, 508, 569–71, 740–1, 751, 755; expanding, 264–6, 755

universities: and creative ideas, 767; criticisms of in USA, 720–2, 729–32; expansion, 212, 503, 760; increased in Britain, 537; influence in Germany of, 26, 74; internet in, 739; modern development, 73–5, 78, 281; and technological innovation, 650; see also countries and individual institutions in Index of Names, People and Places

uranium, 91, 393–6, 398–400

US minorities, racial (negroes; blacks; Afro-Americans): at Black Mountain College, 355; and colonialism, 527; cultural influence on artists, 60; economic/social deprivation, 653–5; education of, 533–4, 655; emancipation and integration, 519; and ‘Harlem Renaissance’, 215–17, 458; and intelligence, 206, 526, 533–5; and Johnson’s Great Society, 522–3; and legal equality, 644–5; and literary canon, 726–8; music and literature, 458–61, 528–9, 705; origins, 556–7; sporting prowess, 329; and US civil rights movement and direct action, 391, 523–4, 528–9, 644; and US racial attitudes, 108–12, 117, 124, 198, 206, 217, 282–3, 390–1, 458, 526, 654–5; war service, 390; women, 705

venereal diseases, 104–5

vernalization, 319–20

viruses: and medical research, 660–1

vitamins, 180

welfare state, 383–5, 444

West: dominance in modernist ideas, 760–2

white dwarfs, 572–3

will to power, 40

women: black, 705; and Christian belief, 604; de Beauvoir on, 422–3; liberation movement, 529–32; in non-Western cultures, 761; portrayed by Klimt, 35; in US literature, 705; see also feminism

work and workplace, 437–8, 440, 443, 447

World War I (1914–18): conduct and effects, 144–52, 156–8, 168; literary response to, 186–201; and poetry, 152–6

World War II (1939–45): effect on economies, 342, 388–90; effect on political allegiances, 386; effect on science, 375; outbreak, 361; progress of, 367, 386

World Wide Web, 738

wormholes (in space), 741

X-ray spectroscopy, 479

X-rays, 49, 479

youth: and counterculture, 595; and Komsomol, 293, 317; and Red Guards, 539–40 see also students

Zen, 597

Zionism, 45; see also Jews