


The Guardians and their Servants




Adiem Arturin– Dead at 28 a thousand years ago, telepath, corrupted by the demon, leader of the demon’s realm, split into entities called the Six, shape-shifters consigned to the form of a wraith, a reptilian like entity. They are constantly seeking to break the barrier into the world to subjugate all to the demon’s will. As long as he remains, the world can not move forward, and time will repeat, beginning with the destruction of civilization every thousand years.

Alurn Ardin – Dead at 28 a thousand years ago, telepath, murdered by his brother, Adiem in a battle to contain the demon’s horde behind the veil. The First King of Cobalt, who learns of the demon’s great plan to conquer the world. Messenger of the Seven Gods, given eternal life as a spirit to assist his heirs in their task to defeat at long last Adiem and forever contain the demon. Shape-shifter given the form of a dragon

Fadril – wife of Alurn, First Queen of Cobalt, murdered by Adiem at the age of twenty-six. Taken to the Demon’s Gate in exchange for the souls of her children. Guardian of the Dead. Rescued by Dynan.

Ambrose – son of Dionin, King of Cobalt, murdered by Maralt Adaeryn, set to replace Fadril, but taken at the Demon’s Gate. Deceased.

Shalael – wife of Ambrose, died from complications of childbirth, mother to Dynan, Dain and Shalis.

Kamien Argent – son of Trameil Argent, traitor of Cobalt, eldest son of Ambrose. At the age of four, at the insistence of Cobalt’s Regional Governors and in agreement with King Dionin, lost his rights as Heir to the Throne. Deceased.

Dynan Alurn – second son of Ambrose, telepath. Chosen as protector of the Sacred Seal, sent to the Demon’s Gate to rescue Alurn. Confronted the Demon Beliel and survived. Given a part of Maralt Adaeryn to help withstand the Demon’s influence. Exiled by half-brother Kamien.

Loren Durian – wife of Dynan, and future Queen of Cobalt, born of the forbidden planet, Cadal, meets and marries Dynan

Dain Ardin – third son of Ambrose, telepath. Chosen as protector of the Sacred Seal, taken to the Demon’s Gate by Adiem in an attempt to open a permanent rift to the world. Given a part of Maralt Adaeryn to help withstand the Demon’s influence. Exiled by his half-brother Kamien. The divided.

Bronwyn Esrel – mother of Garan, living in hiding to protect her son.

Garan – First son of Dain Telaerin, sent into hiding by Roth Perquin with his mother, Bronwyn. Moved to live in exile in the Trea System.

Shalis – only daughter of Ambrose and Shalael, prisoner of Maralt, escaped to Trea, survived Adept attack, joined with Marc Talryn.

Corwin Esrel – brother of Bronwyn, Garan’s sworn protector. Prince’s Guard.


Xavier Illothian – The Lord Chancellor of Cobalt, only Lord Chancellor to serve two Kings, and Surrogate to Dynan and Dain.

Boral Sloyl – The Palace Master at Arms and Surrogate to Dynan and Dain.

Marc Talryn – Telepath, trusted friend. Lord Chancellor of Cobalt.

Ralion Blaise – one of the Hounds, Dynan’s guard and elite Special Forces operative. First Minister of Cobalt.

Sheed Lasser – one of the Hounds, Dain’s guard and elite Special Forces operative.

Frazier Cordon – Palace Guard, Special Forces operative.

Allie Ahreld – Communications technician with a talent for developing com system operations. Secretary to the Crown Prince.

Gaden Ahreld – brother of Allie, first suitor of Shalis.

Trevan Golyin – The Prince’s Engineer, builder of the XR-30 and a genius with space flight mechanics.

Lycon Tylam – The Prince’s Engineer, builder of the XR-30, assistant to Trevan.

Geneal Elger – Physician to the Royal Family, Chief Medical Officer of the XR-9. Chief of Medicine.

Roth Perquin – Former First Minister of Cobalt, Surrogate to Garan Telaerin.

Burley Ven – friend of Roth, Garan’s sworn protector.

Mikk Jorg – Special Forces Guard

Jarrid Rohn – Special Forces Guard

Eyron Renning – Special Forces Guard


Gradyn Vall – The High Bishop of Cobalt, holder of the spirit of Alurn, orchestrator of the prophesy.

Maralt Adaeryn – descendant of Adiem, telepath with the ability to erase memory. Holder of the Talisman. Corrupted.

Carryn Adaeryn – sister of Maralt, telepath with the ability to see the future. Sworn protector of Dynan and Dain.

Matt Talryn – brother of Marc, brought to the temple by Carryn, Chalice of the Dead.


Arlon Drayer – attacked Dynan at Sacred Seal, Dain’s jailer, Maralt’s First

Logue Riztrin – attacked Dynan at Sacred Seal, murderer who slices out the hearts of the dead, Communications specialist.

Aldridge Faulk – attacked Dynan at Sacred Seal, Maralt’s assassin. Sent to Cadal for information and to bring back to Maralt anything or anyone useful to his purpose.




Kamien Argent Telaerin – King of Cobalt, usurper. Cobalt has four planets within its boundary – Cobalt, Arel, Altair and Muri, the latter ruled by an independent King.

Drake Mardon – King of Trea, married to Queen Marella Mardon. Friend and ally to Cobalt. Ilthain is the capital city of Trea. Trillian is a hidden moon within the System. Capra is a third habitable planet in the System.

Alexia Targon – Queen of Yomir. Historical enemy of Cobalt. Yomir’s other planet is Redomon.

Creal Nyant – King of Rynald. Fought with Yomir in the Great War against Trea and Cobalt. Planets are Rynald and Jeminda.

Trayanna Moren – Queen of Suma. Fought with Yomir in the Great War against Trea and Cobalt. Planets are Suma, Crinalda and Orgrel.

Lorton Kyle – King of Thylin. Fought with Yomir in the Great War against Trea and Cobalt. Planets are Thylin, Murunde, and Purdyn.