Mark Morris has written over twenty-five novels, among which are Toady, Stitch, The Immaculate, The Secret of Anatomy, Fiddleback, The Deluge and four books in the popular Doctor Who range. He is also the author of two short story collections, Close to the Bone and Long Shadows, Nightmare Light, and several novellas. His short fiction, articles and reviews have appeared in a wide variety of anthologies and magazines, and he is editor of Cinema Macabre, a book of horror movie essays by genre luminaries for which he won the 2007 British Fantasy Award, its follow-up Cinema Futura, and The Spectral Book of Horror Stories, the second volume of which will be launched in October 2015. His script work includes audio dramas for Big Finish Productions’ Doctor Who and Jago & Litefoot ranges, and also for Bafflegab’s Hammer Chillers series, and his recently published work includes an updated novelisation of the 1971 Hammer movie Vampire Circus, the official movie tie-in novelisation of Darren Aronofsky’s Noah, and two novellas: It Sustains (Earthling Publications), which was nominated for a Shirley Jackson Award, and Albion Fay (Spectral Press). Upcoming is Wrapped In Skin, a new short story collection from ChiZine Publications, and book three of the Obsidian Heart trilogy, which will be published by Titan Books in 2016.
Follow him on twitter @MarkMorris10