Forrest, Edwin, 5, 232, 369; declines nomination for Congress, 259; rescues Lcggett, 260
Forsyth, John, Secretary of State, 104, 117
Foster, William, Massachusetts labor leader, 149, 169, 176, 225; on independent treasury, 263
Fourierism, 361-368
Fredoniad, The (Emmons), 142
Free Enquirer, radical New York journal, 46, 138, 139, 140, 181, 182, 356
Free Press Association (New York), 137
Free Soilers, 452, 480, 488, 491; Buffalo convention, 465-466; presidential campaign, 466-468; oppose Compromise of 1850, 472; nominate Hale, 474
Free Trade Advocate, 79
Free-trade Association, Byrdsall founds, 407
Frelinghuysen, Theodore, 138; quoted on Biddle, 114; champion of religion in politics, 351-352; nominated for Vice-President, 438
Fremont, John Charles, 61; Republican nominee, 479
French Revolution, 136
Fugitive Slave Act, 475, 488
Fuller, Margaret, 373
Gai.lattx, Albert, 26, 76, 111, 187, 225, 395; urges resumption of specie payments, 252, 253; quoted on Bank of United States, 364-365; on "banking," 525
Gamble, Roger L., 228
General Union for Promoting the Observance of the Christian Sabbath, 138, 143
Geneva, New York, shoemakers strike at. 194
Georgia missionaries, case of, 350
Gerard, James W., 480
Gilpin, Henry D., 203, 204, 372, 435; on Bank of United States, 75; on labor meeting in Philadelphia, 229-230; on independent treasury, 263
Girard, Stephen, 202
Girard Will case, 353
Godwin, Parke, spokesman of Fourierism, 363-364, 365, 366, 367
Gold, revaluation of, 126-127
Gordon. William F., 227-228. 248
Gouge, William M., 79, 308; fonnulates
hard-money doctrines, 117-119, 125, 526; quoted on credit expansion, 121; on overproduction, 122; on Specie Circular, 222; advocates separation of bank and state, 227, 228, 229, 234; on surplus public funds, 240; on social order, 306; on corporations, 335; on slavery, 425
Gould, Jav, 333, 502
Greeley, Horace, 378, 416, 468, 507; quoted on Wright, 104; on separation of bank and state, 237; on federal labor restriction, 266; nco-Jeffer-sonian, 281, 285; ardent Whig, 294-296; advocates homestead bill, 348, 349; champions Fourierism, 364, 367; on tariff agitation, 423; opposes Polk, 440, 443; on anti-Lincoln feeling, 493; Democrats endorse, 503
Green, Duff, 6, 54, 70. 71, 214, 501
Greene, Charles Gordon, editor of Boston Post, 102, 147, 165. 167, 434, 476; quoted on Thacher, 166; on Hallett, 173; upholds Knceland. 358
Greene, Nathaniel, 147, 148, 320
Greene, \^'ilIiam B., 503
Greenough, Horatio, 369
Grinnell, Aloses H., 92
Grow, Galusha A., 349
Grundy, Felix, 52, 58
Hale, John P., 430-431, 456, 465, 474, 478
Hale, William H., 185, 317
Hallett, Benjamin F., radical Democrat, 173-174, 176, 256, 391, 406. 434, 446, 466, 475; defends Luther. 415; champion of slavery, 426; chairman of Democratic national committee. 476
Hamilton, Alexander, 277; and struggle for Federalism, 9-16; quoted on United States Bank, 76; on note issue, 119
Hamilton, James A., 88
Hamlin. Hannibal, 451, 478
Hammond, J. H., 248
Hammond, Judge, 453
Hinnpshire Republican, 165
Hanna, Mark, 282
"Hans Pfaal" (Poe), 232
Hard-money policy. Jackson supports, 115-117; Gouge'formulates, 117-118; objectives of. 119-121, 526-52^; the-or>^ and practice of, 121-131, 239-240; Walker reshapes, 502. See also Banking
Hare, Dr. Robert, quoted on class relations, 270
Harris, J. G., 149
Harrison, William Henry, defeated, 1836, 211, 215; 1840 campaign, 248, 289-294, 298; presidency, 279, 304-305, 394
Hart, Eli, and Company, 219, 220
Hartford Times, 354
Hasbrouck, Stephen, 407
Haughton, Richard, editor of Boston Atlas, 288
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 50, 99, 369, 370, 371, 372, 374-375, 518; quoted on Jackson, 42
Hecker, Isaac, 407
Hecker, John, 407
Hecker brothers, 198
Henshaw, David, political boss in Massachusetts, 147-148, 165, 167, 170, 171-172, 175-176, 358, 395, 446, 466; Loco-focos reject, 231; fights for ballot reform, 343; Secretary of the Navy, 434
Herkimer, New York, Barnburner convention at, 460-461
Herschel, Sir John, 232
Herttell, Thomas, 355, 356
Hildreth, Richard, 46, 331; quoted on Massachusetts conservatism, 146; editorial writer for Boston Atlas, 288; on common law, 330
Hill, Isaac, 104, 147, 406, 434, 480
Hinsdale Act, 337
History of Paper Money (Gouge), 121, 227, 229
History of the United States (Bancroft), 161, 162, 370, 381
Hoffman, Michael, 179, 397, 437; quoted on Seward, 286; leader of Barnburners, 398
Hogan, Thomas, 193, 205, 229
Holland, William M., 213
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, quoted on Lemuel Shaw, 340
Home as Found (Cooper), 377, 378
Homestead Act of 1862, 349, 499
Homeward Bound (Cooper), 376, 377, 379
Hone, Philip, 223, 259; quoted on Jackson, 99, 215; on Jackson, Van Buren and Benton, 224; on separation of bank and state, 237, 240; on Whig party, 287
Honest Man's Book of Finance and Politics, The (Hunt?), 492
House of the Seven Gables, The (Hawthorne), 374
Houston, George, 137
Houston, Sam, 474, 489
Howe, Samuel Gridley, quoted on capital and labor, 166; attacks Knee-land, 357
Hubbard, Senator, 221
Hudson, New York, shoemakers strike at, 197
Hunkers, conservative New York Democrats, 397, 445, 455^56, 460, 480
Hunt, John H., 492
Hunter, R. M. T., 480
Immigration, Democrats welcome, 320; increase of, 507-508
Independent treasury, struggle for, 227-241, 250-252, 264; Van Buren signs bill, 265
Industrialism, rise of, 8-9, 10-11, 18, 309-310, 507; in Massachusetts, 144, 148; Jacksonian Democracy and, 334-339. See also Labor
Ingersoll, Charles Jared, 202, 203, 204, 228, 230, 339, 515
Inquiry into the Expediency of Dispensing with Bank Agency, etc. (Gouge), 229
Inquiry into the Moral and Religious Character of the American Government, An, iS2
Inquiry into the Principles and Policy of the Government of the United States, An (Taylor), 22-25, 308-309
Internal reform, doctrine of, 273-275
Investigator, The, 359
Irving, Washington, 50, 100, 369, 370, 374; quoted on Van Buren, 55; opposes independent treasury, 263; conservative Democrat, 238-239
Jack Downing papers (Davis), 48, 214,
277-278 Jackson, Andrew, 19, 28; elected President, 3; inauguration, 6; background, character and reputation, 36-43; spoils system under, 45-47; party hostilities under, 47, 54-56; intervenes in behalf of Airs. Eaton, 54; opposes government aid to private corporations, 58-59; reorganizes cabinet, 63-66; quoted on Cass, 64; on Livingston, 64; on journalists, 67; Kitchen Cabinet, 67-73; opposes Bank of United States^
76, 80-Sl, 85, 86, 88-92, 97-98, 100-102, 103. 106-114, 123-124; re-elected, 94, 96-97; and tariff of 1832, 95-96; visits New York and New England, 98-99, 310-311; favors hard money, 115-117, 126, 131; on stock-jobbers, etc., 121; administration ends, 215-216; advocates separation of bank and state, 229, 235; and charge of executive despotism, 276-277; on separation of church and state, 354; a churchgoer, 355; advocates annexation of Texas, 428; last days and death, 446-449; and Jeffersonian myth, 511-512, 517, 518
Jackson, Sarah Yorke, 448
Jacksonianism in West, 205-209; defined, 306-307, 318-321; Jeffersonian-ism as source of, 307-314; Adam Smith an inspiration for, 314; social revolt in Britain a stimulus to, 317-318, 320; legal reform under, 324-333; corporation reform under, 334—339; agitates for labor, 339-344; and settlement of public lands, 344-349; fights religion in politics, 350-355, 359-360; Fourierism, 361-368; intellectuals uphold, 369-371; transcendentalists and, 380-382; Civil War absorbs, 505-507; traditions of, 505-523
Jaques, Aloses, 191, 199, 219, 228, 261
Jaudon, Samuel, 211
Jefferson, Thomas, 5, 30, 115, 136, 227; opposes industrialism, 8-9, 18; presidency, 18, 19, 20; quoted on Federalism and John Taylor, 26; on federal government, 29; on Jackson, 37; on cities, 310; on majorities and minorities, 401
Jeffersonian, The, 285
Jeffcrsonianism, struggle for, 18-29 changing interpretations of, 57-58 Jacksonianism as revival of, 307-314 the myth, 511-512, 517, 518
Johnson, Andrew, 215; agitates for homestead bill, 348; character and career, 496-500; presidency, 500-501
Johnson, Cave, 435
Johnson, Richard M., 15, 59, 68, 69, 80, 191, 435; quoted on government aid to Kentucky company, 58; opposes United States Bank, 86; agitates for abolition of imprisonment for debt, 135; champion of working class. 136; defends religious liberty, 139-140; career described, 140-142; Vice-Pres-
ident, 212, 214; loses renomination, 296-297; on religious liberty, 354 Journalists, Jackson recognizes, 67 Judiciary, Federalists seek control of,
15-16. See also Supreme Court Julian, George W., 466
Kansas, admitted to Union, 484-485
Kansas-Nebraska Act, 476^79
Kemble, Fanny, 92-93, 110
Kendall, Amos, 32, 58, 88, 89, 116, 156, 214, 250, 335, 441, 501; quoted on Jackson, 6, 40, 41, 235; member of Kitchen Cabinet, 67-70, 72-73; favors hard money, 80, 98, 100; on "Nobility System," 97; Postmaster General, 117, 190; on labor, 306; on commerce, 319; quarrels with Blair, 392-393; business manager for Morse, 394; opposes protective tariff, 422-423; opposes Lincoln, 494; death, 502
Kendall, William, 393
Ke-ndalVs Expositor, 393-394
Kent, James, 12, 48; quoted on power and propert\', 13; on Jackson, 110, 322; on state of government, 267; old-guard conservative, 287; on Charles River Bridge decision, 327; opposes codification, 331
King, Charles, 253, 287
King, James G., 109, 111, 186
King, Preston, radical Democrat, 179, 286, 398, 438, 456, 464, 473, 475; quoted on compromise, 258; abolitionist, 430 defends Wilmot Proviso, 451-452 joins Republicans, 477, 478, 483, 509 death, 501; on suffrage in New York, 508
King, Rufus, 109, 284; quoted on Van Buren, 50
Kitchen Cabinet, 67-73
Kneeland, Abner, 213; trial and imprisonment, 356-359
Knowlton, Dr. Charles, 356
Know-Nothing party, 480
Labor, organization of, 32-33; formulates demands, 133-134, 142-143; organizes in Massachusetts, 149-151, 165-167; wakes to paper-money issue, 156; organizes in New York, 192-196; in Pennsylvania, 201-205, 229-230; Van Buren limits, to ten-hour day on federal works, 265-266, 519; conser%'a-tives modify attitude toward, 270-273; Democrats oppose creed of in-
temal reform, 274-275; under Jack-
sonian Democracy, 339-344 Labor the Only True Source of Wealth
(Fisk), 231, 520 "Laboring Classes, The" (Brownson),
299-304, 309, 360 Laissez faire, doctrine of, 3 IS, 316, 317,
341 Lake Gun, The (Cooper), 380 Lamennais, H. F. R. de, 320 Land Reformers, 416-417, 492 Landor, Walter Savage, 203, 320 Langtree, S. D., 371, 372 Lawrence, Abbott, 112, 138, 145, 161;
quoted on condition of Americans,
223; guiding genius of Whig party,
422 Lawrence, Amos, 112, 481; quoted on
A. H. Everett, 175 Lawrence, Cornelius, Mayor of New
York, 219, 220 Leavitt, Joshua, 465^66 Lee, Gideon, 192, 233 Lee, Henry, 112, 144, 145, 169 Leggett, William, 50, 118, 213, 259, 261,
286, 308, 369, 370; New York radical,
186-187, 188, 189; collapse, 190-191;
quoted on Jackson's administration,
216; on flour riot, 219; founds Plahi-
dealer, 232; last years and death, 260;
student of Adam Smith, 315, 316; on
Marshall, 323; apostle of laissez faire,
341; opposes slavery, 426-427; on
hard-money policy, 526 Leigh, Benjamin Watkins, 12; quoted
on power and property, 13 Leland, Elder John, 355 Letter to His Countrymen, A (Cooper),
376 Lewis, Dixon H., 248, 417; quoted on
Calhoun, 242 Lewis, Taylor, 353 Lewis, William B., 7, 58, 59, 142, 441 Liberalism, 505, 520-522 Liberty party, 426, 439, 456-457, 465 Lieber, Francis, quoted on Webster,
84; on unions, 194, 341 Life of Martial Van Buren (Clayton),
279 Lincoln, Abraham, 215, 293, 460, 471,
476; quoted on Democratic party,
481; on Republicans and Democrats,
490; nominated for President, 493 Lincoln, Levi, 144, 159; quoted on state
of White House, 294 Lippardr George, 492
Little, Rev. Robert, 3
Livingston, Edward, 6, 41, 95; Secretary of State, 63-64, 66; upholds United States Bank, 85, 89, 98; Minister to France, 99; leads movement toward , codification, 330 ||
Livre du Peuple, Le (Lamennais), 320 T
Locke, John, 381
Locke, Richard Adams, 220, 259; founds New Era, Ill-Ill
Locofocos, spread of, 191-192, 205, 208-209, 261; lead labor movement, 198-199; in depression of 1836-1837, 219-220; advocate separation of bank and state, 236; back Van Buren for '44, 400; support Calhoun, 407; oppose abolition, 425
Log Cabii2, Whig paper, 294
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 370, 372
Lothrop, S. K., 359
Lovejoy, Elijah P., 426
Lowell, James Russell, 372, 453
Lowell, Massachusetts, 271; Crockett visits, 278; Jackson visits, 310-311
Luther v. Borden, 414-415
Luther, Martin, 414-415
Luther, Seth, labor leader in New England, 149-151, 156, 165, 167, 168, 193, 265, 425, 450; supports Dorr, 412, 413
Lyman, G. W., 112
Lyman, Tlieodore, 144, 146, 148
McDuFFiE, George, 85, 86, 94-95, 245
McKinley, Justice, 328
McLane, Louis, 6, 81, 117; quoted on Jackson, 42, 97; Secretary of the Treasury, 64, 66; upholds United States Bank, 85, 89, 98, 101; on Webster, 97; Secretary of State, 99
McLean, Justice, 54
Macon, Nathaniel, Jeffersonian Republican, 26-29, 57, 61, 115, 310; quoted on reform, 59, 80; on Benton, 82
Madison, James, 12, 37, 76, 115; presidency, 18, 19; collaborates on Federalist, 20
Madisonian, The, 235, 237, 241; directs campaign against Van Buren administration, 251-252; attacks Brownson, 302; quoted on Locofocoism, 328; on Democratic Review, 111
Majority, problem of government by, 314, 402-406, 413^14
Manifest Destiny, 427^28, 431, 450
Mann, Horace, on Benton, 61
Manual of American Principles, 230
Manufacturing. See Industrialism
Marcy, William L., Democratic leader in New York, 178, 180, 474; quoted on Butler, 179; Governor of New York, 234, 286, 372, 397, 398; opposes separation of bank and state, 237-238; opposes radicalism in New York, 258; fails of re-election, 259; on Johnson, 435; Secretary of War, 442, 444; on Wright, 455
Marshall, John, 6, 12, 26, 31, 65, 96; expands power of judiciary, 15; Chief Justice, 322-325 passim
Martineau, Harriet, 53, 110; quoted on Kendall, 72; on Calhoun, 242; on Boston Reformer, 255; on Democratic part>% 369-370
Mason, Jeremiah, 146, 267; quoted on power and property, 13-14
Massachusetts, industrialism in, 144, 148; National Republican party in, 144-146; Jacksonians in, 146-148; Work-ingmen's movement in, 149-151, 157; radical and conser\'ative Democrats in, 165-172, 175-176, 231, 254-257; paper money in, 172; new conservatism in, 288-289; 1840 campaign in, 297; legal reform in, 331; labor struggles for political rights in, 343-344
Massachusetts Quarterly Review, 453
Masses, rise of, 507-510
Mayo, Dr. Robert, 73, 224
Mechanics' Union of Trade Associations, 32
Merry Tales of the Three Wise Men of Gotham, The (Paulding), 374
Ming, Alexander, 184, 259
Ming, Alexander, Jr., 191, 198, 199, 219, 412
Missouri Compromise, 472
Mode of Protecting Do?ncstic Industries, The (Roosevelt), 199
Manikins, The (Cooper), 375, 377
Monroe, James, 12, 20; presidency, 18, 19
Moon hoax, 232
Moore, EJy, New York labor leader, 192-193, 196-197, 199, 213, 247, 261, 308, 356, 412; opposes abolition, 425; death, 501
Morning News, O'Sullivan and Tilden establish, 427
Morris, Thomas, 208, 426, 439
Morse. Samuel F. B., 394
Morton, Marcus, Massachusetts Democratic leader, 161, 164, 170-171, 175, 231, 254, 400, 436, 473; quoted on Hal-Ictt, 174; Governor of Massachusetts, 257; on slavery, 426; Collector of Boston, 446; Free Soil advocate, 466; death, 501
Morton, Marcus, Jr., 478
Muhlenberg, Henry A., 205
National Association of Manufac-
TL'RERS, 194
National intelligencer, 38
National Reform Association, 348
National Trades' Union, 193
Nationalism, growth of, under Hamilton and Clay, 9-12
New Deal, 520
New England Artisan, 149, 156, 170
New England Association of Farmers, Mechanics and other Workingmen, 149, 151, 157, 165
New-England Magazine, Whig journal, 166, 270, 357, 371
New Era, 220-221, 232, 365, 378; popularizes phrase O.K., 298
New Hamiony Gazette, 137, 138, 181
New Haven Exaininer, 150, 169
Newspapers. See Journalists, and individual papers by name
New Views of the Constitution (Taylor), 25
New York, radicalism in, 180-189, 190-200, 231, 257-260; in depression of 1836-1837, 219-221; banks suspend specie payments, 224; struggle for separation of bank and state in, 232; the new conser\a'.ism in, 283-288; legal reform in, 351, 332
New York American, 253, 276, 324
New York Courier and Enquirer, quoted on separation of bank and state, 237
New York Evening Post, 118, 164, 185, 186, 188, 189, 190, 234, 250, 263, 286, 378, 398; advocates separation of bank and state, 228, 232, 236; supports Van Buren, 252; upholds Brownson, 303; on universal suffrage, 310; organ of free-trade opinion, 315; supports Free Soil cause, 467
New York Gazette, 236
New York Plebeian, 398
New York Review, 194, 302
New York Sun, 367
New York Times, 195
New York Tribune, Greeley founds,
295 New Yorker, The, 285 Nichols, Thomas Low, 492 Niles, Hezekiah, 58; quoted on Second
Bank, 74; on state of nation, 110; on
factory conditions, 148; on changing
conditions, 210; on flour riot, 220 Niles, John M., 354, 400, 478; quoted on
independent treasury, 240; Free Soil
leader, 466; death, 501 Niles^ Register, 58 •"Nobility System," Kendall quoted on,
97 North American Review, Whig journal,
144, 145, 159, 160, 327, 371 Northampton Courier, 176 "Notes on Virginia" (Jefferson), 8 Nullification, Calhoun upholds doctrine
of, 34, 403; South Carolina attempts,
95, 96
O.K., New Era popularizes phrase, 298 Observations on the Sources and Effects of Unequal Wealth (Byllesby), 180-181 Ogle, Charles, opposes repair of White
House, 293 Oratory, parliamentary, 51-52 Oregon, boundary dispute, 441, 443 O'Sullivan, John L., 360, 369, 412; edits Democratic Review, ll\-lll, 513-514; debates with Brownson, 417-419, 420-421; establishes Morning News, 427; subsequent career, 496-497 Overton, John, 59
Owen, Robert Dale, 33, 50, 137, 181, 182, 208, 213, 261, 356, 369; supports spoils system, 46; attacks union of church and state, 138; quoted on Johnson, 140; attempts solution of labor unrest, 180; on West as refuge, 346; advocates annexation of Texas, 428
Paine, Tom, Democratic hero, 356, 358
Palmer, Elihu, 136
Paper against Gold (Cobbett), 317
Parker, Isaac, 138
Parker, Theodore, 359, 373, 453; quoted
on Emerson, 384 Paroles dim Croyant (Lamennais), 320 Parsons, Theophilus, 166 Partisan Leader, The (Tucker), 214 Paulding, James Kirke, 50, 164, 369, 370,
372; quoted on Jackson. 42; on Eve-
ning Post, 190; advocates separation of bank and state, 234, 236; Secretary of the Navy, 263; liberal journalist, 374; defends slavery, 425; death, 501
Peabody, Rev. Andrew Preston, quoted on suspension of specie payments, 224-225
Pennsylvania, radical democracy in, 201-205; new conservatism in, 289; legal reform in, 331
Penmylvania, The, 204, 205, 496
Pennsylvania Whig, 202
People's Own Book, The (Lamennais), 320
Pericles and Aspasia (Landor), 203
Philadelphia, labor movement in, 201-205, 229-230; Republicans meet at, 479
Philadelphia Argus, 496
Philadelphia National Gazette, 79, 117, 236
Phillips, S. C, 465
Philosophical Miscellanies (Ripley), 382
Pickens, Francis W., 248; quoted on Southern cotton, 244; defends South-em labor, 247; on revised subtreasury bill, 250; on capital and labor, 274; on majority government, 403
Pickering, John, 492
Pierce, Franklin, 42; presidency, 474, 475, 476, 477
Pittsburgh, Republican convention at, 478
Plaindealer, The, 111, 260
Plebeian, The, 365, 407, 427
Plummer, Franklin, defends Working-men's party, 207-208
Poe, Edgar Allan, 372; quoted on Locke, 232
Political Economy (Potter), 194
Polk, James K., 28, 52, 59, 77, 208, 434; described, 61-62; quoted on American System, 62; opposes United States Bank, 107-108; supports hard money, 115; Governor of Tennessee, 297; religious views, 355; elected President, 436-438, 439, 440-446; orders troops to Mexico, 450; disregards slavery as political issue, 452^53; on Wright, 455, 458
Poor Rich Man, and the Rich Poor Man, The (Sedgwick), 272
Potter, Alonzo, 194; quoted on laboring population, 220, 221
Powers, Hiram, 369; on Jackson, 42
Prescott, William Hickling, 254
Preston, William, 227
Priestcraft Umnasked, 139, 150, 169
Prime, Ward & King, 252
"Producer's Election Hymn, The," 297-298
Public and Private Econcnny (Sedgwick), 155
QuiNCY, JosiAH, 99, 138; quoted on
Jackson, 39 Quincy, Josiah, Jr., quoted on Jackson,
Radical, The, 348
Radical Rejormer and Working Man^s Advocate, The, 204, 317
Radicalism, in Massachusetts, 165-172, 176. 254-257; in New York, 180-189, 190-200, 257-260; in Pennsylvania, 201-205; spreads through East, 261-262
Raguet, Condy, 79, 121; quoted on Gouge's History, 118
Randolph, Edmund, advocates separation of bank and state, 227, 228
Randolph, John, 12, 26, 27, 29, 30, 33, 57, 61, 76, 115, 247; quoted on state of country, 7; on Jefferson, 20; opposes Madison, 20-21; on Taylor's Inquiry, 22; on State rights, 29; on power, 34; on Van Buren, 49; on Calhoun, 56
Rantoul, Robert, Jr., Massachusetts Democrat, 122, 172-173, 217, 436, 446, 468; advocates separation of bank and state, 234; agitates for codification of common law, 350, 331; defends unions, 339-340; expansionist, 428; Collector of Boston, 434; death, 476
Raymond, Henry J., 364
Reeve, Tapping, 52
Reform Bill, English, 320
Relief War, Kentucky, 30-32, 69, 119
Religion, in struggle for Federalism, 16-17; anticlericalism, 136-140; struggles for place in politics, 350-360
Report on a Code for Louisiana (Livingston), 332
Report on Manufactures (Hamilton), 10-11, 18
Republicans, party organized, 478
Revised Statutes of the State of New York, 331
Revision of the Statutes of Ohio, 331
Revolution of 1830, Van Buren approves, 320
Revolution of 1848, 461
Rhett, R. B., 248; quoted on capital and labor, 274; on VVest as refuge, 346
Rhode Island, constitutional difficulties in, 410-413, 415^16
Richmond Enquirer, 37
Richmond Junto, 51
Rights of Man to Property.', The (Skid-more), 184
Ripley, George, 359, 373, 383-384
Ritchie, Thomas, 37; quoted on Polk, 441; edits Washington Union, 444
Ritncr, Joseph, 205, 289
Rives, John C, 72, 393
Rives, William Cabell, 130, 213, 222, 302, 395
Roane, William H., quoted on minorities, 421
Robinson, Frederick, Democratic leader in Massachusetts, 156, 167-168, 172, 261, 468, 476; deserts Democrats, 495-496
Ronaldson, James, 79
Roosevelt, Clinton, 198-199, 438, 492
Roosevelt, Franklin, 520
Roosevelt, Theodore, 520
Rotation-in-office. See Spoils system
Round Hill School, 159
Rudd, Theron, 233
Rush, Benjamin, 202
Rush, Richard, 202
Ryckman, L. W., 364, 365
St. Lawrence Republican, 233
Saturday Evening Post, 93
Savage, Chief Justice, quoted on competition, 194, 341
Say, J. B., 315
Scarlet Letter, The (Hawthorne), 375
Science of Wealth (Walker), 502
Scott, Winfield, Whigs nominate, 474
Scoville, Joseph A., 407
Secession, 493-494
Secession (Kendall), 494
Sedgwick, Arthur G., 503
Sedgwick, Catharine Maria, quoted on Jackson, 96
Sedgwick, Theodore, champion of laboring class, 154-155, 157, 176, 185, 261, 308, 438; advocates separation of bank and state, 236; quoted on cities, 310; on Adam Smith, 315; advocates legal reform, 332; on Polk's nomination, 438
Sedgwick, Theodore, Jr.. 187-189, 412, 463, 468, 482; quoted on Jackson, 96;
on Equal Rights party, 234; converted to Adam Smith, 315; on age of Jackson, 369; opposes annexation of Texas, 429
Sergeant, John, 86, 251, 328
Seward, William H., 397, 468, 482, 507; quoted on Van Buren, 214; Governor of New York, 259; leader of new-conservatism, 283-286, 287-288; on Wright, 454; antislavery Whig, 471; opposes Kansas-Nebraska Act, 477
Seymour, Horatio, 397
Shaw, Henry, 149
Shaw, Lemuel, 145; establishes legality of unions, 340-341, 342
Shepard, E. M., 317
Shiner, Michael, quoted on Van Buren, 266; on Jackson, 449
Short History of Paper Money and Banking in the United States, A (Gouge), 117-118
Simms, William Gilmore, 372
Simpson, John K., 147, 254
Simpson, Stephen, Philadelphia labor leader, 201-202
Six Months in a Convent, 173
Sketches of Switzerland (Cooper), 377
Skidmore, Thomas, Sr., 184
Slamm, Levi D., 198, 199, 233, 398, 407, 412
Slavery, 34, 57; becomes political issue, 190, 424-427, 428-^33, 452^54, 462-468, 469-472, 484-486, 487-493
Smith, Adam, 127, 308, 342; an inspiration to Jacksonians, 314-317
Smith, Isaac S., 199
Smith, Joseph, 439
Social Destiny of Man, The (Brisbane), 361, 365
Society for Christian Union and Progress, 254
Society of Journeymen Tailors, strike of, in New York, 194-196
"Song of the Manchester Factory Girl," 272
South Carolina, and doctrine of State rights, 34; voids tariffs of 1828 and 1832, 95
South Carolina Exposition (Calhoun), 34, 53, 95
Spartan Band, 408, 412, 508
Specie Circular, 218; agitation against, 130-131, 222-223, 224; West favors repeal of, 262
Spencer, Ambrose, 138; quoted on Jackson, 322
Spirit of the Age, The, 366
Spirit of the Pilgrims, The, 139
Spoils system, 45-47
Stanton, Edwin M., 467; Secretary of War, 494
State rights, 57; Jeffersonians uphold, 29; Calhoun upholds, 34; doctrine of, in South, 34, 244; Jackson opposes, 95-96
Statesman, The, 147
Stephens, A. H., 480
Stephens, John L., 369
Stevens, Thaddeus, leads Pennsylvania Whigs, 289
Stockbridge, Mass., center of reform enthusiasm, 315, 332
Stone, William L., 186, 378
Story, Joseph, 12, 65, 96, 144, 313; quoted on Jackson's inauguration, 6; on judiciary, 16; on state of nation, 110; on problem of government, 269; on independent treasury, 276; pillar of Supreme Court conservatism, 322-323, 326, 327; opposes codification of common law, 330, 331
Sturges V. Crowninshield, 31
Subterranean, The, 409
Subtreasury. See Independent treasury
Suffrage, 30; problem of, in Massachusetts, 343-344
Sullivan, William, quoted on failure of self-government, 267
Sumner, Charles, 61, 254, 464, 475, 493, 500; quoted on Benton, 60; on Theodore Sedgwick, Jr., 188; Free Soil leader, 466; on money and slave power, 470; opposes Kansas-Nebraska Act, 477; opposes slavery, 479; on John Van Buren, 483; opposes judicial usurpation, 485, 486
Sumner, William Graham, quoted on Gouge's History, 118; on banks and bankers, 124; on Biddle's bank, 264
Supreme Court, under Marshall, 15; a fortress of conservatism, 322-323; under Taney, 323-329; judicial supremacy attacked, 485-487
Swartwout, Samuel, 233
Syracuse, New York, Democratic convention at, 460
Taft, William Howard, 282
Tallmadge, Nathaniel P., 130, 179, 257, 395, 397; quoted on credit system, 200; leads conservative Democrats,
221, 233; opposes separation of bank and state, 238, 240; on subtreasury bill, 250
Tammany Hall, 191
Taney. Roger B., 77, 96, 116, 494, 518; quoted on Jackson, 40, 41, 66; on Cass and McLane, 64, 101; Attorney General, 65; on Woodbury, 65; on Barry, 66; on Bank of United States, 75, 124, 125; hard-money advocate, 89, 98, 101, 105-106, 121, 126, 526; Secretary of the Treasury, 101, 117; on Biddle,' 114; administers oath to Van Burcn, 215; Chief Justice, 323-329, 333, 415; writes Dred Scott decision, 486; on purpose of government, 516-517
Tappan, Arthur, 138
Tappan, Benjamin, 208, 356, 467
Tariff, 34; protective, 8, 11, 30, 422^23; of 1816, 19; of 1832, 95-96; wages and protective, 271; of 1846, 443
Tariff of Abominations, 34
Taylor, John, 30, 33, 34, 37, 57, 76, 115, 119, 155, 277, 422; quoted on Adamses and Madison, 20; Jeffersonian, 21-27, 29; on finance capitalism, 246; on distribution of wealth, 269; Inquiry, etc., 308-309; his theory of real and artificial property, 311
Taylor, Nathaniel W., 440
Taylor, William P., 248
Taylor, Zachary, leads troops in Mexican War, 450; Whigs nominate, 463; elected President, 468
Tecumseh, 141
Teamiseh (Emmons), 212
Tertium Quids, 20
Texas, annexation of, 428-431, 435, 438, 450
Thacher, Peter Oxenbridge, 16, 138, 146; quoted on poverty and riches, 14; opposes unions, 165-166, 340, 341; sits at Kneeland trial, 358
Theory of Legislation (Bentham), 331
Thirty Years' View (Benton), 453, 473
Thomas, Francis, 86
Thompson, Waddy, quoted on labor, 196
Thompson, William W., 149
Thoreau, Henry David, 369, 371, 372, 384; politics and opinions, 386-388; meeting with Whitman, 389-390; disapproves of expansion, 428
Tilden, Samuel J., 179, 339, 412, 462, 463, 465, 482, 502; quoted on capitalist class, 321; establishes Morning News,
427; opposes annexation of Texas,
429; Democratic nominee, 503 Timberlakc, Margaret O'Neale. See
Eaton, Margaret O'Neale Tocqueville, Alexis de, 473; quoted on
Jackson, 93; on religion and politics,
353 Toombs, Robert, 480 Towns of Manhattan, The, 380 Townscnd, Robert, Jr., 199 Transcendentalism, rise of, 360; immune
to Jacksonianism, 380-382 Trist, Nicliolas P., quoted on Jackson,
41; Secretary to Jackson, 102, 182, 236,
350 Tucker, Beverley, 214 Tuckerman, Joseph, 273 Tweed, Boss, 333, 502 Tyler, John, 12; Whig candidate for
Vice-President, 245, 248; presidency,
394-395; seeks second term, 434 Tyranny Umnasked (Taylor), 25
Union (s), 492; established in Boston, 165-167; in New York, 192-196; in Philadelphia, 204; legality of, established, 339-342. See also Labor
United States of North America as They Are, The (Brothers), 210
United States Telegraph, 6, 54, 70
Upshur, Abel P., 248
Useful Knowledge for the Producers of Wealth (Hale), 185, 317
Utica, New York, Barnburner convention at, 4<53, 464
Vale, Dr. Gilbert, 182, 198, 356 Van Buren, John, 398-399, 455, 464, 465, 503; quoted on Marcy, 190; at Herkimer convention, 461; champion of abolition, 463, 482^83; hero of Free Soil campaign, 467, 474—475; death, 501-502 Van Buren, Martin, 5, 12, 28, 53, 59, 77, 89, 96, 111, 164, 176, 217, 259, 434, 473, 475, 477, 518; Secretary of State, 6-7; quoted on Federalism in the judiciary, 15; on Jackson, 37, 39-40, 41, 43; background, career and character, 47-52; Minister to Great Britain, 55-56; opposes government aid to private corporations, 58; on Cambreleng, 63; on Kendall, 69; V^ice-President, 95, 100; on Wright, 105; supports hard money, 115, 126; supports abolition of imprisonment for debt, 135;
power of, in New York, 177; elected President, 213-215; upholds Specie Circular, 222-223, 225-226; and fight for independent treasury, 227, 234-241; radicals support, 261; weakness of, as politician, 263-264; fails of reelection, 297-299, 304-305; on fruits of labor, 316; on Hamilton, 319; favors elective judiciary', 329; on religion in politics, 353-354; at Linden-wald, 396, 450; Jacksonians demand, for 1844, 400; majoritarian Democrats support, 406; opposes protective tariff, 423; opposes annexation of Texas, 431; loses second nomination, 435-436; on Yankees, 444; on Italian uprising, 461; writes exposition of Free Soil case, 462-463; Free Soilers nominate, 464-466; on Buchanan, 481; attacks Supreme Court, 487; opposes secession, 494; death, 501
Van Ness, Peter, 396
Vaux, Roberts, 79, 202
Verplanck, G. C, 92, 185, 186; quoted on Van Buren, 55
Voice from America to England, A (Colton), 281
Voice jrom the Grave of Jackson, A (Blair), 478
Voice of Walt Whitman, etc. (Whitman), 479
Wadsworth, James S., 460
Wainwright, Jonathan M., quoted on religion and inequality, 16-17
Wait, William S., 149; quoted on security to property, 312
Waiker, Amasa, 176, 478; radical Democrat, 174; quoted on cities, 310; leads campaign for secret ballot, 343; opposes slavery, 426; Free Soil leader, 466; renounces politics, 502
Walker, James, 146
Walker, Robert J., 116, 395, 435, 436; Secretary of the Treasury, 441, 442, 443, 445; Governor of Kansas, 484; quoted on hard-money policy, 527
Walsh, Mike, 348, 408^09, 412, 416, 428, 490-491, 508
Walsh, Robert, 93
War of 1812, 8, 18, 19, 20, 31
Ward, Samuel, 252, 253, 264
Warren, Josiah, 492
"Warrior Sage, a National Song, The," 212
Washington. D. C. in 1829. 4h5
Washington, George, 66
Washington Globe, 71, 82, 93, 101, 118, 129, 191, 232, 234, 264, 292, 441; advocates separation of bank and state, 235; supports Van Buren, 252; Polk closes, 444; "The world is too much governed," 511
Washington Union, Polk makes party organ, 444
Watkins, Tobias, 70
Watmough, J. G., 86, 111
Wayland, Francis, 414
Wealth of Nations, The (Smith), 314-315
Webb, James Watson, 187, 287, 378
Webster, Daniel, 17, 52, 53, 82, 96, 97, 120, 127, 130, 144,211,212,214,225,276, 302, 324, 327, 386, 471; quoted on Jackson, 4, 7, 38, 45, 92; on power and property, 12-13, 14; described, 83-84; upholds United States Bank, 84, 107; on Hallett, 174; in 1836 campaign, 214; as orator, 243; on Morton, 257; revises theory of power and property, 269, 270, 280; declining powers, 289, 293; argues for Bank of Augusta, 328; argues for religion in politics, 353; defends Borden, 415; advises collaboration with Democrats, 480-481; on issue power of banks, 525
Webster, Noah, 138; proposes to reconstruct society, 267-268
Weed, Thurlow, 135, 378, 507; quoted on Albany Regency, 177; leader of new conservatism, 283-285, 287, 289; on Greeley, 296
Welles, Gideon, 400, 463, 473, 474, 477, 478, 501, 509; quoted on Leggett, 232; advocates separation of bank and state, 236; moves against religious belief as qualification for testimony, 354; on Seymour, 397; advocates annexation of Texas, 428; on King, 430, 451; on Polk, 442; on Democrats and Whigs, 489; Secretary of the Navy, 494; death, 502; on suffrage in New York, 508-509
Wentworth, John, 329
West, financial troubles of, 30-32; Jack-sonianism in, 205-209; reaction of, to Specie Circular and independent treasury, 262-263; conservatism in, 283; the problem of public lands, 344-349
Wetmore, Prosper M., 233
What Is a Monopoly? (Sedgwick), 188
Whig Ah)ianac, 395
VVhiggcry, weakness of, 279, 282
VVhitcomb, Samuel, Jr., 149
White, Hugh Lavvson, 116, 227, 476; Whigs back, for President, 211, 215, 245
White House, repair of, opposed, 293-294
Whitman, Walt, 99, 369, 372, 438, 478; quoted on Frances Wright, 181-182; on Vale, 182; on Brisbane, 363; champion of democracy, 388-390, 509, 510 advocates annexation of Texas, 428
?uoted on American expansion, 450 ree Soil enthusiast, 452, 467; demands new social myth, 518-519
Whitman, Walter, 181
Whitney, Reuben M.. 79, 100
Whittie'r, John Grecnieaf, 372, 459, 476; ethical abolitionist, 454; supports Barnburners, 464
Wilkes, George, 409, 508
Willis, N. P., quoted on Benton, 60
Wilmot, David, radical Democrat, 450, 454, 463, 473, 477, 478; quoted on Wright, 458^59; at Herkimer convention, 460-461; Free Soil leader, 466; on slavery, 469; death, 502
Wilmot Proviso, 451-452, 456
Wilson, Henry, 292
Wilson, Woodrow, 520
Windt, John, 182, 191, 198, 219, 228, 348, 407, 492
Winslow, Rev. Hubbard, 146; quoted on inequality, 17
Winthrop, Robert C, 481
Wirt, William, 94
Wise, Henry A., 248, 302, 395, 480; quoted on Jackson, 39; on Kendall, 70, 73; opposes United States Bank, 107; attacks subtreasury bill, 250
Wolf, George, 111, 205
Wood, A. H., 168, 170; quoted on cap-
ital and labor, 166-167; on Van Buren, 236; on rich and poor, 312
Wood. Fernando, 406, 508
Woodbury, Levi, 6, 90, 98, 127, 435; Secretary of the Navy, 64-65; opposes United States Bank, 101; Secretary of the Treasury, 117; quoted on inflation, 129; opposes separation of bank and state, 228; denounces Brownson, 303; on Boston Quarterly, 373; Justice of Supreme Court, 415; death, 474
"Word to Southern Democrats, A," 470
Working Marfs Advocate, 138, 140, 182, 286; awakens East to land issue, 347-348
Working Man's Manual, The (Simpson), 201-202
Workingmen's party, 149-151, 157, 193, 201; Plummer defends, 207-208. See also Labor
Wright, Frances, social reformer, 5, 33, 50, 137, 181-183, 184, 259, 261, 321, 356, 369, 425; quoted on mail question, 138; campaigns for Van Buren, 213; upholds hard-money policy, 230; on independent treasury, 241; editor of Investigator
Wright, Silas, 52, 100, 130, 178, 180, 200, 218, 392, 393, 397, 398, 434, 453; Senator from New York, 104-105; quoted on specie order, 221; advocates separation of bank and state, 233, 234, 250, 265; on Clay, 396; opposes annexation of Texas, 430; declines nomination for Vice-President, 437; Governor of New York, 438, 454-456; declines cabinet post, 444; death, 457-460
Young, Samuel, 179, 286, 315, 398 Young America, 348