This came about the way most of my favourite food has come about, by greedy opportunism. I had some cold chicken in the fridge, a huge bunch of parsley in a jug by the stove and had recently opened a packet of flaked almonds and I was just too hungry to think further. The important thing is to leave the parsley whole and unchopped – just tear the leaves off the stalks and heap them on the plate in a rough jumble – and to toast the almonds, which just means tossing them about over medium heat in an oil-less pan until they take on colour, at the last minute. I want the heat from them as well as the crunch.

1 cold cooked chicken breast, sliced and shredded

couple of handfuls fresh flat-leaf parsley

1 tablespoon or so extra virgin olive oil

juice of half a lemon

Maldon salt

50g or so flaked almonds, toasted

Using your hands, mix the chicken and parsley together in a large bowl or on a large plate. Dribble over the olive oil and, still using your hands, toss to mix. Now squeeze over the lemon juice, sprinkle over the salt and tip in most of the toasted almonds and toss again. Sprinkle over the remaining almonds, and your work here on earth is done.

Serves 1.
