The Old Testament
Book of Beginning* - Creation - Fall - 2 Deluges - 4 Dispenaationt
J Stfc Sujiiiiijfy of Ccncm, p. Si
b Froni tticdatcU" - the end of the
7J*yiofl:3-. oriod may be
ciUeJtt.c Anic-^ .■■^.. Ai;c - thenis-peHUtiJO oF Ag^cls. bo jutc JiiJTls ruled various plaiicit (l%i. !■;. 1^-14; Bick, 28:11-17; CcU 1:15-18) c Dt. 3J:4: Job 38; Pi. IS: 30: Eccl. 3:11 d 'Tbc wotld(Gr. kocinM, social sysu-m) that then was" wlicti c-;: braces the wlioleprc-Aciaiiiicc universe, towhicN all fonil s jnJ re::'3ins bclooti e S«e The Jjteleti past , p. SI f Hob, Eloiur r.e.odt. See p. J80of N. T. » Sec ' Bara -create" defined , p. 51 h Hob. heavens, nearly always in the
plural. See Heaven In Index i See 'Ej fth' defined , p. 51 j See The pre-Ada: ite world .p. 54 Ic See 'Jte of "and" in Gen. 1-2 . p. 51 I Heb. ha yah , becai. c. Trans, b ecame 67 txmcslCen. i7; 1*26; 20:l2; 24: 67: beca-TEst (lC^r.!7:22;E2.16:8) ; came an J carre to pass 505 times (Gen, 14:1; 6:1. 4; U;2, 5; etc.); become 66tlmci(Gen.3c22; 18:18; 48:19;etc.); cofT c topass 131 times (Cen, 4:14; 6: 1; 27:40; etc.); and be in the senseof becone (Gen. b3,6,"5r 14; 3:5; etc) m Heb, tohu va bohu . meaning waste and empty Qct. 4:C3), The earth was not created tohu in the beginning (Isa, 45: IS), but became tohu becatise of an. as in note 1. above n Obscunnc the sun and consequent darkness are always a result of judnnicnt.
never of creation (Gen. 6-8; Ex. 10:21 Jcr. 4:23; Joel 2:31; Rev, 6:12; 8:1'2: 9:2; 16:10
o See L ucifer's flood , p. M
p Hcb. rachaph . to brood, relax, flutter. Trans, flutieteth (Dt. 32:11) and shake (Jct23:9) .Here we have the beginning of the heavens and earth which are now (V 3-31; 2:1-25; 2 Pet, 3:5-8)
H In this veric wchave the existence of the earth, darkness, and waters be fore day 1 (v 3; LixJ Ier's flood , p. U)
r God taij. 10ti::^es atthcbeginning of each day; 3rd day 2 uiDes; 6th day 4 liiijcs(v,
s See Lcf defined , p. 52
t Bacome.not the verb tobe (note 1, L-2). Let there become light and there became light
u 3ccarne (note 1. above)
V First appearance of light from the sun sinceCod commanded the heavens to withhold light from the earth causing the judgm.cnt of v 2(Jer, 4:23-26.Cp. 2 Cor. 4:6) 31)
w Cod saw.7 tjiTies fv
X Bcjuuful (Eccl.3:H). Uscd 7 times (v 4. 10. 12. 18. 21. 25. 31). Cp. one thing not good ('2:18)
y Sec 2 divisions by ' od . p. 52
" God called, 5 ui: esf v 5.8.10.Cp.5:2)
' See 7 proofs 6 days were 24-hr. days. p. 57
b Evening, endiii,? t h ^ first period of ligtit. and .: uming . ending the first pcnod of darkness constitute day 1, Time at this point begins again on earth as before the chaos in v 2
c Sec 4 divine acts in day L p.
d See • Fiv'a: ent' defiiiej^ p.
e Sec tJivisio n of t?ic wateFs , p. -•fined, p, JayT, p.
Jay 2
52 52 52 ')2 52
f Sec
R See 4 divii.
h See Earth rcjtwed^
I Job M:H: Pi, lO-i-.H: Pr. 42^ J If irylanj isearth .and tt w.^s originally created su< h in 1:1, tfjcn 1;2 referi ic a flood on Jrv land be< auti- of sm. IJry land must navebeci. TRc
waten. else there w( . no
place to hold the wateri.J'i, i >;.:? jutci (hat Certain pla< ei for waters wer^
L ■ '- ■ ■ ■ c
2^: 1' , i-. i- .,Vi. L"; ij,j_;_; Iw.. .j.l 104:8; Pr. 3:19; 8:2'>. I»a. 51:13-16).' Pan of the placei founded for the waterj arc on the surface of the earthl
*THE CREATIVE AGES (Gen, I :l-2:2S). 1 Original creation <Tn a de perfect and inhabited (laa. 45:1 a). ^'The world that then was" (2 Pet. 3:5-8)
13 And the evening and the morning were the*third day.
4 Solar regulation: first or *Solaric Covenant (Gen, 8: 22; Pa 89:34-37; Jer. 31: 35; 33:19)
8 Covenants - Patriarchs
2371 Years
lu ' And God saitf . Let there benights in the firmament of the TN the beginning'God^reated heaven-'to divide the day from i. the*hcaven and Ihe-eirth:' «he night; and let them be for
signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: • 15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
16 And Goj'made two great lights; the/greater light to rule the day, and the'lesser light to rule the night: he made''the stars also.
17 And G od set them in'the firmament of the heavento give light upon the earth.
18*And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.
19 And the evening and ihe morning were'the fourth day.
II £<trth made chaos: end of earth's first perfect state and first sinful career because of'Lucifer's rebellion. Overthrow of "the world that then was"(2 Pet. 3 5-8; Jer, 4:23-26)
2*And the earth'was^ithout form, and void; and'darkness was upon the face of the^deep. And the Spirit of Qod'taoved upon the face of the^waters.
! Ill Re-creation: earth's second perfect state and
' second habitation. The seven days: 1 Day and night restored
|3 • And'Qod said,'Let there
'be light: and there^waslight.
4 And'God saw the light, that
it itas'good: and God Mivided
the light from the darkness.
■5 And 'God c alled the light
^ay, and the darkness he called
I Night. And the*ever.ing and
; the morning were'^the first day.
Firmament and restored
6 * And pod saii Let there e a'firmament in the midst of
the waters, andHct it divide the waters from the waters.
7 And Qgd 'made the firmament, and d'vjded the waters which were imder the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
■8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were*the second day.
3 Earth and vegetation restored
|9 • And G od saij . Let the waters under the *heaven be gathered together unto 'one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. ■10 And Cod called the 'dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and Ood saw that if was good.
|11 And Cod sai(L earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fn:it tree yielding fruit ^tcr his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth; and it was so.
12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed g«t,.r Ki_ I'p,!, and the tree . whose seed was 1.. ..,v,., ,..,cr his kind: and Qpd Bsw that if was good.
5 Life re stored: fish and fowl
120 And Cod _ said. Let the waters bring forth abundantly the'^oving creature tliat''hath life, anrf^owl that may fiy above the earth in the open firtnament of heaven.
21 And God '' created «great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth 'abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after hi§ kind: and God saw that if was good.
^22'And God blessed them, say-mg. Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.
23 And the evening and the morning were'the fifth day.
6 Life restored; man and beasts' second or "Edenic
|24 • And God said/Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kindj cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. 25*And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and Cod 5IIW that it uas good. |26 * And G od said .T-et us make Let *the J""" '" our^mage. after ourtike-ness: and let them have^omin-ion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing thit creepeth upon tli. .-Mrth.
27 So God*cre.r m his
own image, in tht- ; ^1 Cod
create J he him;'male and fe-
le treated he them.
28 And ^od/blejsed them, and
jndpanintncdccpbowcUufthe eartti (Gen. 7:11; 8:2: Ex. 20t4: Job 38:25: rs. .•4:2; Jonah 2:5-6)
It kinds of vegetation: i'le herbs the txeci
lOM^es In l:ll-25.Cp.7:14 - 1.65« - 15 facti disprovint
iiods. The whole ttru<. (ure of the sentence ihowt (hat there is unity joined wllhx>l'irilil. fCp. ;J:22;pL 2«0 N. T) c Gen. (4. .Ml other creatures
alK) w,: _l: male and female
I The serondhlciiingwai upon man soc' '" '. not upon man alooc
rcaturcv, t,p. 1:22
See 5 divine acu in day 3, p . 52 b See y . venanti,jx 57
c See 2 . is. p. 52
d See TToIu purpose of lighit, p. 52
e See Made - not created , p. 51
f The greater light to rule the day ii fim called iun in Gen. 15:12. The word ii found 168 dmetin Scripture. The iunii ipoken of as going Jovm (Gen. 15:12. 17),rianii(Num,'2:3; Jo»h. 1'2:1). iet-dng fl.k. 4:40). going backward Gu. Sl8), and standing sail (Josh. 10:12-13). See Our solar system , p. 58
g The moon is the lesser light, because it is not a ball of fire like the sun. It merely reflects the light of the sun. See notes on the solar system.p. 58
h The stars arc really suns toother solar systems like our sun to our system. There are trillions of them. See notes on the solar system. p. 58
i The openexparue of space surrounding the earth (v 20)
J See Source of light , p. 52
k The sun. moon, and stars are now restored asrulersof day and night, as before the curse of v 2: Jer. 4:23-26: 2 Pet. 3:5-8
1 See 4 divine acts in day 4, p. 52 m Heb. sherets .swarming, creeping things (7:21: Lev. 5:2; 1L20. 21. 23, 29.41. 42. 43. 44; 22:5: Dt. 14:19)
n Heb . nephesh. the soul - the feelings, passions, desires, and appetites of any living thing. See Soul in Index
o This verse literalfy~reads. "Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures. And let fowl flv above the earth. " There is no allusion to any productive power in the waten. or to the fowls being produced by the waten. God was the penonal Creator of each (v 21; 2:19)
p See Created - not made , p. 52
q Great sea creatures. Some whales are said to become 40 x 100 ft. in size with weight of 300.000 lbs. See note s.Mt. 12:40
r See 15 facts disproving evolution. point 3. p. 55
s See First blessing, p. 52
t See 5 divine acts in day 5 . p. 52
u This covenant was made with Adam and Eve before the fall and was conditional upon man remaining true to God
V In V 24 we have the divine purpose stated, and in v 25 the divine work. The how and order of the divine work are recorded in 2:7-25 where it seems clear that man was first created (2:7). Next, the beasts were created and brought to A dam so that he could name each one (2:19-20). Last of all. the woman was created (2:21-25)
w Evolution theories make this a lie: but the truth IS that GoO made each creature Himself, in days 5 and 6 (1:20-31: 2:7-25; 5:1-2: 9:6; Ex.:'0:9-::; Jn. 1: 3-4; Eph. 3:9; Col. 1:15-18: Heb. 1: 1-3; Rev. 4:11)
X A Divine Trinity Is recjuired by the use of plural personal pronouns(l: 26; 3:22; 11:7; Ps. 2:2-4; Isa. 6:8; Jn. 14:'23; 17:11. 21. 22, beep. 280ofN.T.
y Hob, tselcni . shade, resemblance. Its usage proves it refers to out ward fortr. not toattnbutcs(l: 26-27; 5::i; .*6; Ex. 20:4; Lev. 2C: 1; Ps. 73:20; 106:19; Isa. 40:19-20; 44: 9-17; 45:20; 48:5;Jer.lO: 14; 61:17. c:p. Rom, 1:20; 1 Cor. 11: 7; Jas, 3:i))
z Heb. demuwth. resemblance, model, shape; and refers to oinw.ud forrri as proved by its usage (1:26; 5:1. 3: lu. 40:18; Ezck. 1:5. 10. 13. 16. 22. 26. 28: 8:2: 10:1. 10. 21. 22)
a Man'sdominiun included even the sun. miHxi and stars (Ps. 8). In the final restoraiiou man will again have such rulership (1 Cor. 15:24-28; Eph. 1:10; Heb. 2:7-9)
b Sec Crcai ic: of —sn. p. 52
r See The ^ _. r.GlS
d In thcima,. him (plural).
Re-creation of heaven and earth
a Gen.l:22: 8:17; 9sl.7; 35:11. A her the fall.tobc fruitful was a special blessing aod to be unfruitful was a curse
bThis proves a social system before A dara,when Lucifer ruled (Cp. 9tl;Isa. 2:6: 23:2: Jer. 31:25:Ezek. 26:2: 27:25)
c Man was given grain, fruits and other higher products. Animals were also created to be eaten by him (1 Tim. 4: 3-5: 1 Cor. 6:13. Cp. Gen. ft 3)
d Animals were not created to eat each other and will not do so in the Millennium and the New Earth (1:30; Isa. 11: 6-9: 65:25)
c See 9 divine acu in day 6. p. 52
f See God's sabbath, p. 52
g The earth's first sinless carcjr was when Lucifer ruled the prc-Adamites without sin (1:2; Ezek.28:15) and before his rebellion (1:2; Isa. 14:12-16: Ezek.28: U-17:Jer.4:23-26:2 Pet. 3:5-8)
h "The heavens and the earth, which arc now, "asin 2Pet.3; 5-8.not the original creation of the heavens and the earth asin t l.This work was that of the 6 days of 1:3-2:25 to regulate the solar system in connection with the restored earth and to make it habitable again
i Heb. tsaba. mass of persons or things. Cp.2:i^25 and 32:2 with Dt. 4:19; 17: 3:2 Ki. 17:16: Isa. 24:21; Jer. 8:2. Here it refers to all the infinite creations of heavens and earth
j Literally,on the6thday He ended His work (LSITEx. 20:11), and rested the wfeole 7th day (2:2). The Septuagiut and some other versions read, on the 6th day, instead of the 7th andlBis is correct
k Everything is ascribed to the personal acts, words and deeds of a living God: hence, no room for evolution without a flat denial of the divine revelation
1 See 4 divine acts in day 7, p. 52 m See Shebii - seventh , p. 52
n See Sabbath in Index; also, laws con
ceming the 7th day, note, Ex. 12:16 o The 3rd of 3 blessings in Gen. 1-2;
1 Upon the fish and fowls (1:22)
2 Upon man and animals (1:28)
3 Upon the 7th day (2:3: Ex. 20:11) p The first use of this word proves that
sanctification means separation from a profane to a sacred purpose, and that it is not limited to the sin question. See Sanctification. p.231 of N. T.
q This gives the reason for God blessing and sanctifying tlie 7th day. See 22 facu about the Sabbath, p. Ill
r See God's day of rest , p. 52
s From the original creation of the heavens and the earth (1:1) to the end of the week of re-creation (1:3-2:25)
t Literally, the faniily history of the heavens and the earth (L1; 2:4)
u See Summary of creative ages, p. 53
V See 16 Jehovah titles , p. 52
w See Earth before 1:11 described , p. 53
x See Mist and vapour, p. 53
y Heb. yatsar , to mould or squeeze into shape as a potter does (2:7, 19; 2 Ki. 1ft 25; Ps,94:9; 95:5; Isa. 45:18). The body was formed but the soul and spirit, or the inner man was created (1:26-27; 5c 1-2)
z Heb. aphar. mud, rubbislu Trans, earth (26:15): dust (2:7; 3:19); ashes (Num. 1ft 17; 2 KTr23:4); ground Qob 14:8); morter (Lev. 14:42,45); powder (2 Ki. 23:6. 15); and rubbish (Neh. 4:2, 10)
a Heb. naphach, to breathe out, puff, inflate, blow hard (2:7: Ezek. 37:9)
b Heb. neshamah. brcath - the air inhaled and exlialed, respiration (2:7; 7:22; Job 33:4; 37:10; Isa. 2:22; 30:33: 42:5). Breath is not the soul or spirit of man, for spirit and breath are dlitinqulshed in lob 34:14
c Heb. chaylm . lives. Breath of lives. because it made the body, soul, and spirit live and function together
d See Adam , p. 53
e Heb. hayah. became (note 1, 1:2)
f Heb. nepnesh, »j1. See Index
g See Garden of Eden , p. 53
h See Eden, p. 53
i This seems to indicate that Adaiii was formed before the garden was planted
God said unto theni.'Ee fruitful.
and multiply, and^eplenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. ^29 • And God said . Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; '^to you it shall be for meat.
►30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, / have<tgiven every green herb for meat: and it was so.
31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the'sijtth day.
7 Sabbath rest/of God: beginning of earth's'second sinless career
THIIS*the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the'liost of them. 2 Andfen the seventh day God ended *his work which he had
made: — ---
seventh day from all
and 'he ^ested on "the his work which he had made
3 "And God blessed the seventh day and Psanctified it :because that in it heTiad rested from all his work which God created and made.
8 Summary ofcreative ages (Gen. 1:1; Jcb 33; Heb. U: 3)
4 * These are the fenerations of th^Tieavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the 'Lord God made
life also in the*midst of the garden, and'Uie tree of knowledge of good and evil.
12 Water system of Eden
10 And a'^river went out of £'d6n to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.
11 The name of the first'w Pi son: that is it which com-passeth the whole land ^f Hiv'i-lah, where there is gold;
12 And the gold of that land is good: there iAdellium and^e onyx stone.
13 And the name of the second river is'Gi'hon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of/£-thl-6'pi-i.
14 And the name of the third river is*HId'dc-k61: that is it which goeth toward the east of As-syr'i-d. And the fourth river iVTu-phra'tes.
ANTE-DILUVIAN AGE: recreation to flood (2:15-8:14) IV "First dispensation: Innocence; length-? . 1 Favorable beginning and test
• 15 And the Lord pod tool man, and put him into garden of £'d6n''to dress it and to keep it.
■16 And the Lord God Commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
• 17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: "for in the day that thou eatest thereof thpu shalt surely die.
2 God's foresight for man
■18 • And the Lord God said. It is not good that the man should be alone; 'I will make him anTielp meet for him.
3 Animals created (Cp.
The garden 0 Eden
the earth and the heavens,
9 Earth described before plants were restoredin day three (Cp. Gen. 1:9-13; 2:8-14)
5 "And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the
earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.
6 But there went up a'mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.
10 Day six: nnan formed and created (Cp.1:24-31)
7 And the Lord God ^formed
man of the^ust of the ground, and'Tj reathed into his nostrils the*breath of life: and''man *became a livinefeoul.
11 Day six: man's first home
8 * And the Lord God pl anted a garden eastward Ln^l'dSn; and there he put t he man whom he ' had formed.
9 And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow ievery tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for*food; the tree of
j 3 food appeals:
1 Fruit trees pleasant to the siglit(2:9;
2 Fruit good for food (2:9; 3:6) 3:6)
3 Fruit to be desired (3:0)
k Here and in 3:0 food is connected with sight . Most food is eaten because it is good to the eyes and taste. In modem times this is very deceivint; as far as nutrition is concerned
Gen. 1:20)
19 And 'out of the grotmd the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto kd'Hmfto see what he would call them: and whatsoever Ad'im called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
20 And "Ad'Sm gave names to all cattle, and to the ^owl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Ad'im there was not found an help meet for him.
4 Woman's creation (1 Xim. 2:13)
21 "And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Ad'im, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
22 And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man,*made
he a woman, and brought her imto the man.
5 Day six: first marriage (Heb. 13:4)
23 And Ad am said,n"his IS now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall bewailed Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
•24''Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and
23; 1 Cot. 11:3-12; 1 Tirr.. 2:9-15). Woman is said not to have been taken outofnian'sheadtobe lorded-over by liini, nor from his feet to be trampled onbytiim,butfrom hissidctobc equal with him, from under his arm to be protected byhim, and from near his heart to be loved by him a Mt.l9;5:Mk.l0:7;lCor.6:16;Eph.5:0i
a Heb. cliayim. lives, from chayah. to live, revive, keep or preserve alive (3: 22;Pr.3:18; Rev. 2:7: 2-2:2).Literally, tlie tree of the lives, because each separate life eating thereof would live forever
b Cp. mldit of paradise (Rev. 2:7)
c A Utcial tree as were all the trees of the garden. Disobedience, not the nature of the fruit.biought the teallzatloa of good and evil (Rom. 5:12-21)
d Heb. nahar, a stream, sea, flood (Cp. Ps. 46:4; Rev. 22:1). It had iu source in Eden and parted into 4 branches which ran through the garden and Into different parts of the earth
e See note g, v 8
f Arabia(10:7,2ft.25:18:lSam. 15:7: 1 Chr.t 9,23.See note$,Gen.l7:20; 25tl2)
g Heb. bedolach, something in pieces, a fragrant of amber gum or pearl (Num. 11:7)
h Heb. shoham. to blanch; a gem of a pale green color (Ex. 25:7; 28:9, 20; 35:9, 27: Job 28:16)
i See note g, v 8
j Only one Etliopia mentioDed in the Bible or history (2 KI. 1ft 9; Esther 1:1; Isa. 18; 20:3; Nah. 3:9; Acts 8:27)
k See Garden of Eden, p. 53
1 North of Babylonia between the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers
m See Garden of Eden, p. 53
n See 7 dispensations , p. 59
o Man's duty cultiva'te and keep or pre-serve the garden from all Intruders (2: 15). Keep. Heb. sharoar. to hedge about,guard,protect,asin3:24; 6:19-20:7:3:17:9-10:18:19: 28:15, 20; Ps. 17:8. This is the first reference to an enemy of God and man. Adam failed, so sin entered and Satan became the pseudo-ruler of the restored earth (Mt. 4:1-11:12:24-25;Rom.5:12-21:2Cor. 4:4: Eph.6:10-liJ). His final defeat is pictured in Rev. 12:7-12; 20:1-10
p 5 commands before the fall:
1 Be fruitful (L 28)
2 Multiply (L28) 3Roplenisli(l:28. Cp. ftl-2)
4 Exercise dominion and do not give it to anotlier (1:28; 2:15)
5 Refrain from eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil (2:17)
The last two were broken in Gen. 3. Ofthe 5 commands only the last would be a source of temptation, cross man's will and arouse his curiosity.Theothen needed no special warning to cause respect, hence the special penalty attached to the last q Adam died the same day he sinned, so this should be understood as a 24 lit. day. The penalty, eternal death, look effect immediately upon the act of disobedience (Rom. 5:12-21)
r God saw that His work was not yet complete in that man was rwt complete and could not reproduce liis kind alone: so He made a help meet for him to enable him to propagate Ms kind (1:28: ITim. 2:11-15; 1 Cor. 11:9)
s A help suitable to man intellectually, morally, and physically - as his counterpart
t See notes, 2:7
uGod sees,discovers, finds out, gets to know certain things in human affairs (6:5-6; 11:5; 18:21; 22:12; 2ft31;Ex. 3:4; Dt. 32:19; 2 Ki. 14:26: 2 Chr. 12: 7; Isa. 5ft 15-16; Jonah 3:10). Cp. the same regarding man in 3:6; 8:8; 37:14: etc.
V Man's knowledge given of God, must have been very extensive, and his language fully developed, for He made no change in Adam's work. No man can do tliis today after a lifetime of study
w First anesthesia and major operation. Cp. 15:12: 1 Sam. 26:12: Dan. 8:18
X Heb. panah builded, i.e., skillfully formed. Not asah. the ordinary word for made. See lfsah-Mad ;, p. 52
y See EpHT 5:28-31
z Heb. Ish shah , fem of Ish, of man. It literally means she-man; womb-man: man with the womb; or female-man, because she was taken out of man (v
The ttmptation and the fait
Expulsion from Eden
a Where ibere It no tin, there it no tfiamc (v 25)
b Heb. ruchjth. mikc.Sann hat no power (ouanifomi himself iiiio a snake. Ho 1> an aiidel and always will be thou^ih now afallciiannel(Erek.J8:ll-lT).A literal leipcni U Involved at » tool of Satan: otherwise, it would be luijusi of ood to curat 11. See The terpeot of Eden. P. 47
c Heb. aruwtTv. <.unmna(usuallyin a bad Koie), crafty (Job i 12: 15c5). The cliaracterofthe temptation illusuaics craftiness. The method was no doubt agreed upon by Satan and the serpent, as the best to cause the fall of iran. Tbere was nothing said at first to awaken suspicion.or toshockthe moral sense: merely a shy insinuatioa calculated to excite a natural curiodty. Then there was a direct lie, combined, however, with jun enoutih truth to give It plauiibiUty(v4-S). Note the 3 steps In the outline of V l-4.1eading to transgression (V 6: Jo. 8:44; 2 Cor. 11:3: I Tim. 2:14)
d Question 1. Next. 3:9
e Misquoted from 2:16-17
f Addition to 2:16-17
g Misijuoted from 2:17, implying a doubt as to whether the penalty would be executed
h A direct lie, the first in Scripture On. 8:
i Cp. Acu 26:18; 2 Cor. 4:3-4 44)
) Ooe ofSaian's mo<t effective appeals to a human-to make a god of himself
k Heb. Elohtm , plural of Doah - Gods. See p. 280 of the N.T.
1 God knows evil only as He has seen it in rebels. He could not know sin experimentally, for there is no higher law or Being than God m 3fold temptation of matr
1 Lustof thcncjh(v6; ljn.2:15-17)
2 Lust of the eyes (v 6; IJn. 2:15-17) 3ThepiideofUfe(v6; IJn.2:15-17)
a Adam was with her, therefore, without excuse (Cp. 1 Tim. 2:14). He should have spoken up and protected his mate and his dominion. See note o, 2:15
o A different sight from what was expected (Cp. 3:5)
p Knew before mentally, but now by experience. They lost God-consciousness and gained self-consciousness. They lost the power to do the good, and jiaincd the power to do the evil. Thus, instead ofbecoming like God they became unlike Him in that He has the power to do only good. It is morally Impossible for Him to sin. Adam lost that g*oricwssinlessiieu and innocent-looking countenance comparable to that of Elohim
q What they used for sewing is not stated. Cp.Eccl, 3:7; Job 16:15: Ezek. 13:18
t Heb. chagorah. something with which to gird about, as a belt or girdle.Trans, gird (lu. 32: U); girdle (1 Sam. 18:4: 2 Sam. 18:11: 20:8: 1 Kl.2:5: Isa. 3:24). Cp. man-made aprons of leaves with God-made coats ofikinsfv 21).There is no comparison asto warmth, protection, comfon and durability
s Nodoii>t they had been expecting Cod as usual. Now they were guilty and knew not what to do.so tried to hide (v 8)
t The voice may have had a manifestation of anger, causing fear (v 10: Ps. 2*. Rev. 10:4) which also came from a guilty conscience
u Wltid. ln the East a cool breeze comes up in the evening (v 8)
v An impossible tiling (Ps. 134 7-12; Jet. 23:24: Amos '3i2-3). TUs alone was evidence of guilt
w Heb.paneh.the face, presence (4: IS; 27:30: 41:46; 45:3)
^ Com, from column .
bean choking the Word (Mt. 13:7, 22) and human suffering (Num. 33: 55; 2 Cos. 12:7)
g Thistles were noxious plants represem-ing all forms of poisonous weeds that made pan of the curse (3:18; Job 31; 40; Hos, 10:8). Sec parables of thlsUes (2 Kl. 14:9; 2 Chr. 25cl8; Mt. 7:16)
shali cleave unto hu> wife: and they shall be
t> M^n'a atat* in innocence
25 And thev were both naked, the man and his wile.Hmd were nut ashamed.
(Six days' workended-1: 3~2: ^S. Beginning earth's second perfect state and habitation)
7 Man's (aiiarc: temptation
and fall (Gen. 3:1-7, Rom.
5:12-21; Ja». 1:13; I Jn. 2:
15-17. 1 Tim. 2:14).
(1) Do'-ht of God's Word
(Rom. 14;23)
NOW the*serpent was more '^subtU than any beast of the field which the Lord God had Upadf And he said unto the woman/Yea, hath pod sa.id. Te shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
(2) Addition to Cod's Word (2 Cor. 4:2-4; Rev. 22:18-19)
2 And the wo m an said imto the serpent. We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: •3 But of the fruit of the tree which IS in the midst of the garden, God hath sai d. Ye shall not eat of it,'neither snail ye touch it,1est ye die.
(3) Contradiction of God's
Word(Cp.Gen. 2:17)
4 And the serpent said unto the woinan,*Ye shall not surely die:
5 For God doth knew that in the day ye eat thereof, then your'eyes shall be opened,'and ye shall be as *gods,'knowing good and evil.
(4) Transgression of God's Word. Beginning of earth's second sinful career. It
ends in Rev. 20: 7-1 5
6 And when the woinan'"saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, ghe took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her "husband with her; and he did_eal.
(0) Immediate effects of sin (2: 17; Ezek. 18:4; Jas. 1:15)
7 And theleyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; antrthey sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves'aprons.
b New restoration work be-
gun: first man hunt (Cp.
Gen. 4:9. Lk. 15; 19:10)
8 AndHlLty heard the'voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the"cool of the day: and Ad ikm and his wife'hid themselves from the'Tiresence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden.
9 Man on trial: cross-ex-amination (Cp. 4:9-10. Job
■9 And the Lord God 'called unto Ad 4m. and said unto him, •Where ait thou?
10 And'^he said. I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I H'flf naked -and I hid myself. ■ 11 And he said/Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I ' comm anded thee that thou shouldest not eat?
12 And the man said . 'The woman whom*lhou gavest to be *wi»h me, 'she gave me of the tree, and I did'eat. ■13 And the Lord God said unto the woman. *What 15 this that thou hast done? And tllfi wom an 'said. The'^erpent beguiled me, and I did eat.
10 Third or'Adamic Covenant: fivefold sentence. (1) Curse upon the serpen£
114"And the Lord God said unto the serpent. Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field ;tipcn thy belly shalt thou go. and <dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
(2) Curse upon Satan
15 Andl will put'enmity between thee and the woman, and between'thy seed an (flier seed; it shall'bruise thy head, "and thou shalt bruise his heel.
(3) Curse upon the woman
JlSTJnto the woman he said. I will greatly multiply tny^sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth'chiJdren; and thy "desire shall be to thy husband, and*be shall rule over thee.
(4) Curse upon man and the earth
♦ 17*And unto kd'im he said . Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying. Thou shalt not eat of it: 'cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shall thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
IS^Thoms also and 'thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the*herb of the field;
19'In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, ijll thou return unto the groimd; 'for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
1 1 F a 1 t h of Adam; where Cain got his wife (5:4; 6:1)
20 And ^'Acqjalled his wife's name*£ve; 'because she was the mother of all living.
12 Divine provibion first shedding of blood pointing to the Redeemer (Cp.Gen. 4: 3. Heb. 9 22)
21 Unto Ad im also and to his
h Hefo. eieb, all manner of heibvvegeu-tloo, and fruits (L 11-12. 29-30j 2:5; 3tl8; 36 3; Ps, 104:14)
1 See Mans curse , p. 42
J Sec Gen. 2:7, 19; Eccl. 3:19-21 k Heb. Chi yah . Uvc, Uvc-sprlng. See
Acts 17:26 1 Where did Cain get Ms wife '' p. 46
grouna, ana au it produces (3c 17-19; Rom. 8:19-23; Rev. 2L4; 22:3) f Thorns ate a sign of desolation (3:18; Pt.24:31; 1m. 5c6; 7:'24; 34:13). They were used as awls Q** 41:2), fuel (Ps. 58:9: 118:12; Eccl. 7:6). fences (Hos. 2:6; Mlc. 7:4), and to make the crown of Chrlst(Mt. 2> 29; Mk. li 17; Jn. 19t 2, 5). Thorns symbolize evils in the
< Continued, column 1
a Heb. aara, tocall out; adOressby name (1:5. TTlO; 2:19; 3:9. 20; 4:17. 25)
b Question 2. Next. 3:11. Cp, first question in the N.T. (Mt. 2:2)
c 4fold confession (v 10):
1 I heard: acknowledgement of God
2 I was afraid: guilt discovered
3 1 was naked: effect of sin
4 I hid myself result of guilt d Questions 3-4. Next. 3:13
e Gen. 2:16-17: Rom. 5c 12-21 f Covering sin; putting the blame on the woman (Job 31:33; Pt. 28:13). Adam was not deceived (1 Tim. 2:12-15) g Implying blame on God as well as his
wife, i. e., if God had not given Mm the wife he would not have sinned. Placing blame on othen Is a uait of the natural man
h Funher proof that Adam was present when his wife was tempted, but did notMng to protect her because he.him-self wanted to eat (note n, v 6)
i Asifhe had been forced totake.and eat
J Further confession. Eating caused the first sin. Cp. Lk. 21:34; PWl. 3:19
k Question 5. Next, 4:6. Cp. Gen. 31: 26; 44:15: Jn. 18:35
1 It is as natural for the woman as the man toblame others. Eve did acknowledge she had eaten, but claimed she was not to blame
m Noteb,3:li2Cor.ll:3;lTim.2:13-15
n See 15 peat covenaijits. p. 57
o 1st propnecy in Gen. (3:14-15. Pan has been fulfiUed; part is being fulfilled; and pan wlU be fulfilled in all eternity). Next, T 16. 8fold prophecy , p.48
p This indicates that the serpent walked uprigtht before the fall (v 14)
q This expresses the utter humiliation of the creature that helped cause the fall of man. Of all the beasts of the field the serpent writhes and thrives in the dust (Cp. Ps. 72: 9; Mic. 7:17). Even in the Millennium the serpent will sdll bear the curse after it Is removed from other animals Gu. 6Sc25)
t See Law of double reference , p. 42
s There is a natural enmity between snakes and men. as well as between children of Satan and God (3:15: Mt. 10:34-38; Jn.lSc 18-19; Jas. 4:4:1 Pet. 4112-19; 1 Jn. 2:15-17; 3:8-12:4:1-6)
t Mt. 13:38; Jn. 8:44; 1 Jn. 3:8-10
u See The Seed of the woman, p. 15
V Christ shall unerly crush and eternally defeat Satan (Rom. 16:20; Gal. 3:16; Ps. 72:9: Eph. 2:14-18; CoL 2:15; Heb. 2:14; Rev. 11:15; 1 Jn. 3:8; Rev. 12: 7-12: 19:11-20:10)
w Satan was to inflict only temporary sufferings on the Messiah (3:15; Isa. 53: Acu2:25-26; Heb.2:14-15: Rev. L 18)
X 2n(J prophecy in Gen. (3:16, fulfilled and Deing fulrilled). Next, v 17. The curse was not in having children, for tMs was commanded before the fall (L 26-28); but it wasin multiplied sorrow and conception (3:16). CMldren will be born in all eternity after the Millennium (8:22: a 12; lu. 5*21; Dan. 7.13-14; Lk. 1:32-33: Rev. 11:15; 21: 24). Withthe curse removed in the new eanh. there should be no pain in childbirth forthe coming generations (Rev. 2L3-7)
y Heb. etseb . sorrow (3:16: Ps. 127:2; Pr. 10:22). The words pain and travail are used many timesin reference to chlld-birth G»«.13:8: 21:3: 26:17; 54:1; 66:7; Jet. 4:31; 6:24; 22:23: 306 6; 5C6 43:Ps. 4&6: Rom.8:22; 1 Th.5c3: Rev. 1^2)
z Heb. for sons, but daughters included (1:26-28,^^20; 5:4: 6:1)
a Heb. longjng (4:7; Song 7:10). Your desire shall be subject to your huAand, implyingpertiapsthat she had learned her lesson and would consider Mm in her future actions. Cp. 3:1-6
b Man is now the head of the woman (1 Cor. 11:3-12; Eph. 5:22, refs.) 3rd prophecy InGen. Q: 17-19,fulfilled and being fulfiUed). Next, 4:12. The curse upon the ground will be removed in the new eanh (Rev. 21:1-7: 2'2;3)
d See 2fold un of Adam , p. 7
e Ttic curse was not only upon the rational creation, but also upon aoimals. the
Cain and Abel
a From animals that God had taught Adam to offer as sacrifice in looking forward to the promised Redeemer. Cp. 4:1-7; Heb. 9:22
b See 7 dispensatio ris, p. 59
c This errphasizes tHe fact that there is more than one separate and distinct personin the Godhead. See proof of the Trinity , p. 280 of N.T. Become as one of Us in knowing (;ood( Heb. tobe good), and evil (Heb. ra, bad, calamity, wretchedness as a result of sin)
d There must have been an inherent virtue in the aee of life for the purpose of preserving life indefinitely. If man was created to live forever, should he not sin, then he lost eternal life in the fall. It is Christ who brings it back to him (2 Tim. 1:10). The tree of life would have caused even sinful man to live forever physically; hence, the action of v 22-24. See notes on 2: 9 Cp. Rev. 22:1-3
e Heb. shalach. to send away, cast out (21:14; 2 & 6; 28:5; 45:7)
f Heb. abad. to work, serve (2:5; 2 Sam. 9tlO; Jer. 27:11)
g See elements of body, col. 4, p.618
h Hefa .garash. drive out from a possession, expel (414; Ex. 2:17; 6:1; 23:28-31; 33:2; 34:11). Could it be thatman was loathe to leave and had to be driven?
i Heb. shakan, to place in a tabernacle or to dwell (Ps.~3:6:;Dt, 14:23; 16:2, 6, 11; 26:2; Josh. 18:1)
j Heavenlybeings(Ezek. 1:8-28; 8:1-4; 10:1-22)
k Heb. lahat . a blaze, enchantment (Ex, 7:11). See Ministers a flame, p. 633
1 Josh. 5:13; Num. 22:23-31; 2 Sam.24:
16; 1 Chr. 21:12-30; Isa. 37:36 ro See note o, 2:15
n Heb. derek, a road. No doubt God had made a beautiful way of approach to the tree.lu position in Rev. 2:7; 22:2 may suggest where it wasin the garden
o Daughters were perhaps born before this; hence.special emphasis upon getting a man child this time. Cp. 6:1
p Heb, raah. to tend, feed or pasture. Trans, keeping (1 Sam. 25:16); keepeth (1 Sam. 16:11) and feed 66 times
q See note f, 3:23, above
t When they became responsible for acting in personal faith in the coming seed of the woman who was to bruise the ser-fjent's head and restore man's dominion (see 3:15, note)
s A product of the curse could not remove the curse. In Num.18:12-14;Lev. 27 the fruits of the ground were accepted as tithes and offerings to support the ministry; they could not have pictured the atonement at Calvary or been a sin offering (Heb. 9:22)
t Acceptedbyfire(Lev.9: 24;Judg,6:21; 1 Ki.l8:38; 1 Chr.2L26; 2 Chr. 7:1). Accepted because of faith and the right kind of sacrifice (Heb. 11:4)
u Because hebrought the wrong sacrifice in selfwill and unbeUef. No acknowledgment of guilt or of faith in the atonement (Heb. 9:22; 11:4)
V First instance of man's wrath. It was over religion
w Questions 6-8. Next, v 9. Cain's wrath was without excuse, for God still offered to accept the right sacrifice
x Heb. chata, sin offering (Ex. 30:10; Lev.4:37^5; 8:2:Ps.40:6).It was at the door of the tabernacle of worship. CainwastoldtoofferitasAbeldid and he would be accepted
y Religion has always been the greatest cause of wars and bloodshed (Mt. 23: 35;Judell;lJn.3:12;Rev.l?.6;18:24)
z In the open field and in private the first murder took place. This proves it was pre-meditated
a Perhaps the same day
b Questions 9-11. Next. 12:18
^ Cont. from column 3
w Heb. kinnor , twang (note j, Ps. 33:2) x Heb. uggaF , a breathing or reed in-
strurrent (note a, Ps. 150:3) y Heb. flowing frorrCain, showing Cain had a great reputation or children would not have been named after him
wife did the Lord God •make coats of skins, and clothed them.
13 Final sentence: end of the first dispensation - Innocence. V Beginning of the *second dispensation- Conscience-IbSbyears (Gen. 3:22-8:14). 1 Favorable beginning and test
■22 •" And the Lord God s aid. Behold, the man is become'ag one of us. to know good and evil:
and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat.'and live for ever: |23 Therefore the Lord God 'Sent him forth from the garden
of E d6n,/to till the^round from whence he was taken.
24 So heMrove out the man; and he'placed at the east of the garden of EdSn 'ChSru-bimj, and a *flaming 'sword which turned every way, toTieepMie way of the tree of Ufe.
2 Adam's sons (Cp. Gen. 4:25-5:4)
AND Ad'im knew £ve his • wife: and she conceived , and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a°man from the Lord.
2 And she again bare his brother A'b61. And Abgl was% keeper of sheep, but Cain was a'tiller of the ground.
3 Failure of Cain: first
false religion
3 And in '^process of time it came to pass, that C&in brought of the fruit of the ground an offering imto the Lord. ■4 And A'bSl, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the Lord ha d'respect unto A'bfel and to Hs offering:
5 But imto Ciin and to his offering he had "not respect. And Clin was very'wroth, and his countenance fell.
4 First religious teacher
■6 And the Lord said unto CainrWhy art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen?
7 If thou doest well, shall thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well.'sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.
5 Failure of Cain: first
murder (Jn. 8:44)
8 And Cain'talked with A'bSl his brother: arid it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Ab61 his brother, and^lew him.
6 Failure of Cain: lying (Cp. Gen. 3:9; Job 38:1-42:6)
■ 9 •" And the Lord "said unto Cain, *Where is A'b61 thy brother? And he said, I know not: /Im I my brother's keeper? ■10 And he said.What hast thou
done? "the voice of thy brother's *blood'crieth unto me from the ground.
7 Fourth or^Cainic Covenant (Gen. 4:11-15). (1) Cain sentenced
11 And now art thou'cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy haind;
*12/ When thou tillest the grotmd, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; »a fugitive and a*vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.
(2) First recorded remorse
13 And Cain said imto the Lord, My 'punishment is greater than I can bear.
14 Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fueitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every'one that findeth me shaU slay me.
(3) Divine intervention (Gen. 3:21)
fl5 And the Lord sai4 unto him. Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And t£e Lord set a*mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.
8 First civilization
16 •" And Cain went out from the'presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land^f Nod, on the east of Eden.
17 And Cain "knew his wife; and she conceived , and bare Enoch: and he buiJded a''city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his sonf£ ndch.
9 Failure of Lamech: first polygamist
18 And unto E noch was bom irid: and I'rid begat Me-hu'-ja-el: and Me-hu ja-el begat Me-thw'sa-el: and Me-thu'-sa-el begat Lamech.
19 « And ^amech took unto hJm two wives : the name of the one was Adah, and the name of the other Zniah.
10 First cattle rancher
20 And A dah bare Ta'bal : he was the'father of such as dwell intents, and of such as'have cattle.
il First
musical instruments
21 And his brother's name was Tubal : he was the"father of all such as'handle the*harp and-*organ.
12 First metal-smiths
22 And ZU'lah, she also bare ■ Tu'bal-cain. an 'instructer of
every 'artificer in brass and iron: and the sister of Tu'bal-cain was Naa-mah.
z Heb. latash, to harr mer out an edge, sharpen, whet. Trans, sharp (Ps. 52:2); sharpen (1 Sam. 13:20): shafpeneth (Job 15:9:; and whet (Ps. 7:12)
a Heb. choresh, fabricator, mechanic (1 Ch, 29:8: 2 Chr. 34:11; Isa. 3:3). Tubal - Cain was the inventor and teacher of metal arts
wandering life required a movable
habitation It Heb. miqneh . live stock (Ex. 34:19;
Num. 32:16; Eccl. 2:7) I u Inventor and teacher of musical in-I struments |V Heb. uphas, manipulate, wield, uke
hold (Jer. 2:8:46:9; Ezek. 27:29; 38:4)
I ^ Continued, column 1
a Mt. 23:35; Heb. 11:4: 12:24 b Heb. dam, drops of blood. Could this refer to Abel's posterity which was cut off forever by his death? In murder, one not only sins against God and the man he kills (9s 6), but also a gainst the murdered man's posterity for eternal generations c Heb. tsa 'ak. to shriek, cry out in anguish and fear (27:34:41:55: Ex. 5:15; 8:12: 14:10,15; 15:25; 17:4: 2'2:27;Ps.l07:6). UnsuspectingAbel may have cried out thustoGod and toCain.God had coro-passioo; Cain showed no concern (v 3) d See 15 great covenants, p. 57 e No deatn penalty here because no law agaipst murder yet (Rom.7:7-25; GaL 3:19-25). First law against murder (9t 6). A further curse seems to have been placed on the ground (vl2) and Cain's occupation made much harder than before (v 2) f 4th prophecy in G en. (4; 12). Next, 6; 3 g Heb. nuwa, to wa"ver, go to and fro. Trans. ?ugitive in v 12.14.but elsewhere reel ils.24:21}; •<<a-.Qer Oiu.32:13;?s. 53: 15; Je. 14: 11 ;1^-..4: 14-15; At--4 :8; 8:12); and va gabonds (Ps. 109:10) h Heb. nuwd .to flee, wander. Trans, elsewhere flee (Ps. 11:1): shaken (1 Ki. 14: 15); wandering (Pr. 26:2) . Heb. avon, perverseness, wrung out of course. Many translate it "Is mine iniquity too great to be forgiven?" i By now A dam had been on earth about 130years(4;25; 5:3).Ata very moderate rate of increase there could have been 500, 000 people by this time.Cain Mm self built a city which requires manypeople (4:17). Every son of man had SODS and daughters and started branchesoftherace (4:15-24; 5:1-32; 6:1-2) kHeb. owth, token, sign. Trans, mark only here (v 15). Elsewhere it is trans. token (9:12. 13, 17; 17:11; Ex. 3:12; 12:13; 13:16; Num. 17:10; Dt. 22:15-20; Josh. 2:12; Job 21:29; Ps. 65:8; 86:17: 135:9; Isa. 44:25); sign and signs (1:14; Ex. 4:8-9, 17, 28. 30; 7:3; 8:23; 10:1-2; 13:9; 31:13, 17; Num. 14:11; 16:38; Dt. 4:34: 6:8. 22: 7:19; 11:18; 13:1, 2; 26:8; 28:46); ensign (Num. 2:2); miracle (Num. 14:22; Dt. 11:13). God did not give Cain a physical mark of any kind. Rather, the idea is that God gave him a pledge that vengeance would be taken 7fold on anyone who became his murderer
1 Evidendy God already had a place or tabernacle of meeting with menwhere He blessed worshippers (Cp.2 Ki.13:23: 24:20; Ps. 51:11; 96:6-8; Job 1:12; 2:7) r Heb. nod, wandering. So-called because oTCain's wanderings. Supposed bysometobe ancient Tartary (eastern Europe and western Asia), or China n A Heb. idiom for co-habitation and fatherhood (4:1; 38:26: 1 Sam. 1:19; 1 Ki. 1:4; Mt. 1:25) o The first city on earth since the destruction of pre-Adamite cities when Lucifer rebeUed Oer. 4:23-26, notes). The antediluviansbuilt cities; invented iriusical instruments; made songs; danced; forged weapons of war from brass and iron; set boundaries around lands; fortified their cities against beasts and invaders; invented weights and n^easurcs and, in aeneral, lived wicked,licentiou$livcsbefore Godun-tiljudgmenthadtocome.People were plunderers a nd profligates. Cain's leadership as "mayor" of ttie first city reveals the wickedness of the times (1 Jn. 3:12; Jude 11)
Not tfie Enoch of Setli's line wlio was the 7thfromAdam(5:18-24;Jude 14). This Enoch was the 3rd from Adam in Cain's line
The 7thfrom Adam in Cain's line became the first polygamist (v 19) and the second murderer (v 23) An idiom for originator or inventor of any new thing
Houses were of earlier origin than tents (Cp. V 17). Tents were a special invention for the cattle trade, whicn made it necessary to travel from place to place where grass was the best. A
a Pint of 153 oocivrencei of h---^- , Thc»<;two venci jre iuppo*cJ ' aiiicdiluviaii ux\i.li to, it ti i.i. iii» on re cor J b LiteuUv. 1 have slain a :iian who woundeJ n'e.anJ a young -vta whohun tTic.lf L<od protectedCaia by a tcveti-foldplcvlge whocoii'n'itted wilful and pre-n'cdltatcd rnurder. He will protect mc levcnty-icvcnfold when I have (lain a :: a:: in self-Jefensc c See 12 examples youniterchoten .p. 7 d Setu iieaiii iubnitutcJ e Ei>o« meain .: onal , fTail f It isgeiierally believed that chere were oiily two brancr;ej of the race: one , a >iodly line tlirou^ti Seth; and the o ther ail uniiodly line through Cain. But ttiis ii contrary to Scripture and tiinory. All the sons and daut;hters of Adarn and others throughout the antediluvian period started branches of the race. Then too, there were the ciants, the offsprliigof die sonsofood and daughters of men (6:4, note)
There were n>uliipUed millions of men on earth during this period, 'it would be impossible to have the race| divided into only two families. Cain'sj line ismcntioiied only to the 7th generation (4:16-24).Seth's line is the only one entirely given in all this period,the purpose being to record the line of the Messiah from Adam to Christ (4:25-5: 32: Lk. 3:23-38) j
Seth's line was just as ungodly as aUj others. Abel, Enoch and Noah were thci only godly people mentioned in this, period of all the race. A postasy began in Seth's line with his first-born (4:26). This verse bterally reads, "then men! began to call themselves by the name of Jehovah" or "call upon their gods (idols) by the name of Jehovah." If true worship began here then what kind of' worship was that of Adam, Abel, Sethi and others up to this time (3:21; 4:1-15; | Heb. 11:4)? Seth's line and others were so ungodly at the time of Enoch that he prophesied of their destruction (Jude 14). He also foretold the deluge, for he called h i $ son Methusaleh, which means," when he is dead it (the deluge) shall come." Where were all the many so-called soruofGod fron^ Seth's line during those last 600 years''God said to Noah that he was the only righteous one in the earth (6c 9; 'n)7" A 11 flesh had corrupted his way upon earth,hence the judgment upon all flesh except eight penons. If Seth's line had not failed as much as all other men,God would not have destroyed them along with the ungodly. Even Noah's family was not uved from the flood because they were godly, but because they were pure Adamite stock (see p. 63) g Heb. lolcdah (plural only), descent, fairily history. Here we have the family history of the first tr an Adam of this race, showing the line through whom the second man Adam, the seed of the worran. should come Into the world
Genealogy and age of the patriarchs
Cen. 2:4 we have the fainil the heavens and of the earth. In Mi. 1: -17; Lk. 3:23-38 we have the family
history of the second manAdam,Chriit. Adam was the youngest man in history to have children (4:1-6:1). The next youngest in this chapter was 65-yean old (v 15, 21). See note, 46:21 h The 6th day (1:24-31; 2:7. 21-25) i c.en. 1:27; Mt. 1964: 1 Cor. 11:3-12:
1 Tim. 2:13 J Sec note f, 1:23
k Heb, Adam, red, rosy, flush, ruddy 1 Adam was created in the Ukeness of God (1:26-28); men are begotten in Adam's likeness (v 3). God's Ukenett was perfect; A dam's was imperfect and depraved with the law of sin and death working in and bringing it to ruin (Job 14:4; 25:4; Ps. 14:3: 51:5; Rom.5cl2-21; 1 Cor. 15c3>. Eph. 2:2-3) m If Adam had sons and daughters after Scth, then doubtleu he also had them afterCaln and Abel. One tradition uys that Adam had 30 sons and 30 daughters: another says 300 sons and 300 daughteti. Adam was contctiiporary
13 Failure of Lamech: sec-
ond murderer
23 And JLA mech said unto hia wives, A^ili diid ZllTah. Hear
^y voice; ye wives of Li mech,
•hearken unto my speech:♦for I
have slain a man to my woimd-
ing, and a younK man to my hurt.
24 If Ciin shall be avenKed sevenfold, truly LA mech seventy and sevenfold.
14 Failure of Enos: begin-
ning of idolatry
25 * And A(*'fni Im^*^ his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name S6th: For God, said she, hath ''appointed me another seed instead of A'b*l, whom C4in slew.
26 And to^Seth. to him also there was bom a son; and he called his name't'nos: /then began men to call upon the name of the Lord.
15 Length of Conscience
IbSb years (Gen. 5; 7:6; 1
Chr. l;Lk. 3:36). (l)Adam:
930 years
THIS IS then)ook of the generations of Ad Sin. *In the day that ^d created man, in the likeness of God made he him;
2 'Male and female created he them; and'blessed them, and called their name^d 4m, in the day when they were created.
3 • And Ad Sm lived an hun dred and thirty years, and begat a son in'his own likeness, after his image; and called his name S«th:
4 And the days of Ad am after he had begotten S6th were eight hundred years: and'Tie begat sons and daughters:
5 And all the days that Ad'im lived were nine hundred and thirty years: "and he died.
(2) Seth: 912 years
6 'And S^lh lived an hundred and five years, and begat £nos:
7 And Stth lived after he begat fi'nos eight hundred and seven years, and 'liegat sons and daughters:
8 And all the days of S*th were nine hundred and twelve years: and he died.
(3) Enos: 905 years
9 ' And Epos lived ninety years, and begat C4-i nan:
10 And £ nos lived after he begat Cfl-i nan eight hundred and fifteen years, and begat sons and daughters:
11 And all the days of £'nos were nine hundred and five yesu's: and he died.
(4) Cainan: 910 years
12 ' And'CA-i naa lived seventy years, and begat MA-hA'-la-!«-el:
13 And CS-Inan lived after he begat Ma-hd la-l*-el eight hundred and forty years, and begatj
sons and daughters:
14 And all the days of Cfl-i'nan were nine hundred and ten years: and he died.
(5) Mahalaleel: 69S years
15 • And' MA-hi'U-lt -el lived sixty and five years, and begat Ja red:
16 And Ma-h4'la-lf-el lived after he begat jA'red eight hundred and thirty years, and begat sons and daughters:
17 And all the days of Mfl-ha la-l6-el were eight hundred ninety and five years: and he died.
(6) Jared: 962 years
18 ' And»ja'red lived an hundred sixty and two years, and
I he begat £ n6ch:
; 19 And Jd red lived after he
' begat £'n6ch eight hundred
years, and begat sons and
20 And all the days of Ja'red were nine hundred sixty and two years: and he died.
(7) Enoch; 365 years on
earth: about 5310 years in
heaven (Heb. 11:5)
21 • And «^£ji6ch lived sixty and five years, and begat Mg-thu se-lah:
22 And £'n6ch Avalked with God'after he begat M6-thu'se-lah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters:
23 And /all the days of £'n6ch were three hundred sixty and five years:
24 And £ n6ch walked with God: and he was not;*for God took him.
'8) Methuselah; 969 years
25 • And* Md-thu'se-Iah lived an hundred eighty and seven years, and begar La'mech:
26 Ajid M6-thw'se-lah lived after he begat La'mech seven hundred eighty and two years, and begat sons and daughters:
27 And all the days of M«-thu'se-lah were nine hundred sixty and nine years: and he died.
(9) Lamech: 777 years
28 • And 'La'mech lived an hundred eighty and two years, and'begat a son:
29 And he called his hiame N6'ah, saying. This same shall •comf >rt us concerning our work and toil of our hands, because of the^round which the Lord halh cursed.
30 And La'mech lived after he begat N6'ah five hundred ninety and five years, and begat sons and daughters:
31 And all the days of La'mech were seven hundred seventy and seven years: "^ind he died.
(10) Noah; 950 years (Cp.
Gen. 7:6. 9:28)
32 And'TJdah was five hundred years old : and Nd'ah begat Sh^m, Ham, and jA pheth.
withallof Cain's potierlty mentioned in 4:16-24 and all of Seth's down to the 308th year ofEnoch and the 243rd year of Methuselah. Thus two men (Adam and Mct)iuselah) lived through the whole Antediluvian Age (v 5, 27).This r haptcr singles out (he human line through whom the Messiah was to come Cootinued. column 4 ^k-
is stated any plaie to the contrary. It could be that daughters were bom in some cases before these sons. And agaln.it may be in some instances, as in that of Scththatthe boy rrcntlooed was a younger one who took the older one's place in the choteo line. See 12 examples, p. 7 p Heb.flxed .possessor nChr.b2:Lk.3c 37)
a Heb. praise of Cod (1 Chr.l: 2: Lk.3:3T)
b Heb. yarad, to descend at cast down (1 Chr. L2; Lk. 3:37).Could it be that his name was prophetical of the casting down or overthrow of the race by the deluge*^ It is significant that his wasthe first one after the ii:iddle of 10 names from Adam toNoah.At least.intheday of Ills son, Enoch God Jefinitely foretold the deluge as a judgn ent upon the apostate and corrupt rate
C see Inoch . p. 36
d Heb. halak. to walk up and down, be conversant. Cp. Ex. 2:5; 14:29; Lev, 26:40:Jo$h.5c6; 1 Sam.8: 3: 12:2.Enoch and Noah were the only antediluvians who walked withGod (5:22; 6: 9). Abel. Enoch and Noah jre the only ones referred to in the Bible as being godly during this age (4:4. 5:2.;; 7:1; Lk. 17: 26-27; 1 Pet. 3:20; 2 Pet. 2:4-5; Heb. 11:1-7; Jude 14). This walk with God might have been a s literal a $ with Adam (2:19; 3:8)
e Why not before Methuselah was bom? Could it be that something happened at this time that would have turned him to C>od. It is clear that at this time he did receive a revelation from God. for he named his son Methuselah , which means'whcnheisdead it (the deluge) shall come," He also foretold the 2nd comingofChrlsttodestroy the ungodly (Jude 14)
f That is, all his days on earth at that time. Besides living 365 years on earth, he has now lived about 5, 310 years In heaven, making around 5,675 years he has lived without death. He will return asoneofthetwowitnessesofRev.il to complete his earthly life and die (Rev. 11:7).as is appointed unto all men (Heb. ft27). It is said of each of the others in tWs chapter that "he died" (v 5.8. 11. 14, 17, 20, 27. 31), but of Enoch. "he was not, for God took him" (v 24)
g That is, translated him without dying as in the case of Elijah (2 Ki. 2; Heb. 11:5). His is one of the briefest and most outstanding of biographies - one sentence revealing the history of 365 years, 300 of which were believing, humble, holy walking with God
h The longest earthly life on record. His father still Lives in heaven and will agai n live on earth and die as one of the two witnesses (Rev. 11:3-11). Enoch, therefore, and not Methuselah is the oldest man that ever lived. All men would have Uved forever if man had not sinned. AII will live forever physically in the new earth and carry out God's original program (Rev. 21-22, notes)
i Heb, means destroyer. The 9ih from Adam in Seth's line, not Lamech, the 7th from Adam InCaln's line (4:7-24)
J First time this expression is used since V 3. In both cases something is mentioned in particular for the sons: hence, the different wording
k Heb. N oach. rest, comfort. A different Heb. word (No'ah. movenient) is used of the Noah in Num.26: 33; 27:1; 36:11; Josh. 17:3. This ark-builder is mentioned in 5:29-32; 6:8-22; 7:1-23; 8: l-20; 9:1-29: Iftl. 32: 1 Chr. 1:4: Isa. 54:9: Ezek, 14:14, 20; Mt. 24:37-38; Lk, 3:36: 17:26-27; Heb. 11:7; 1 Pet. 3:20: 2 Pet. 2:5
1 Heb. nachani. to sigh, avenge, pity, console.Cp.2'7:42: 37:35:Ps,23:4; 71;'21 m See the curse on the ground (3:17-19) n He died 5 yean before the flood
o To be understood (In round numbers) as about 500 years old, for Noah was 600 yean old when the flood came (7:6): and his son, Shem was only 100 years old 2 years after the flood (11:10). See 1 2 examples of younge r choscq. p. 7
^ Cont. from column 2
n FulflUingGen,'2:17; Heb. 9t27; ICor,
16c21-22; Rom. 5:12-14 oAll these generations following Seth
were perhaps flrst-bom sons, as nothing
Wickedness in the earth
Noah instructed to build an ark
a Thislustorybeiinsagain with the time of Adam and ends with Noah as did Gen. 5. Each of the chs, 4, 5 and 6 begins with Adam, but only the last two cover the whole Antediluvian Age
b It seems that daughters were born before sons (v 1. Cp. note o, 4:1)
c Sec Sons of God , p. 14
d Daughters of men (Heb. sing, the man Adam), therefore, not the daugRters of Cain, Seth, or men in general
e Heb.towb,fair (6:2; 24:16: 26:7; Judg, 15:2;~Eithe7Tril;Isa. 5:9: Dan. 1:15): beautiful (2 Sam, 11:2); and good (1: 4. 10, 12, 18, 21. 25, 31
f 5th prophecy in Gen. (6:3). Next, 6:7, It wasfiilfilledin Adam.and gave him 120 m ore years to live before being cut off. This wai given when he was 810 years old, making v 1 -2 refer to the 810 years since Adam's creation, and v4 refer to the days after this to the flood
g Heb. ruach , wind, breath, life. Here it is the breath of Life, or lives - con-science. life (45:27; Josh. 5:1; Judg. 15:19: Job 27:3; 32:8)
h Heb. duwn . torule, judge. Trans, strive only here. Elsewhere, judge, judged. judgeth. judgment , contend, execute. and plead. Many versions translate it remain in. i. e. My breath of life will not always remain in the Adam
i Heb. Adam, with the definite article, the man Adam. The meaning is: "for that he (Adam) is also flesh (as all other men are): yet his (Adam's) days shall be an hundred and twenty years" (v 3). If man isheld tobe in the plural,meaning all men in general and not A dam in particular, then who else is referred to by the word also? The fact is, the verse reveals that Adam had corrupted his way upon earth as all other flesh had done.and thatGod,in His mercy, gave him 120 more years in which to repent and conform his life to the will of his Creator. Whether A dam did this ornot is not known
j Heb. nephilim, pi. of ncphil. bully, tyrant, giant. Only here and in Num. 13:33: but other words are trans, giant
or giants 18 other times in Scripture. See Giants and sons of God, p.62
k The days of Noah after Adam or be fore the flood
1 See Giants after the flood. p. 14 m Marriage of sons of God. p, 14
n Not the daughters of Cain as supposed, for no daughters of Cain could be on this side of the»flood. They were all killed by the flood (6:18; 7:7: 8:18: 9:1; 1 Pet. 3:20)
o Women had children by fallen, wicked angels as well as by men. It was not necessary to emphasize having children by men. but having children by angels wassometliingto make special mention of (v 4; Jude6-7). It was because of this great sin that "it repented the Lord thathe had made man on the earth" (6:1-6)
p Heb. shem . men of name, honor, and authority (Num. 16:2: Ezek. 16:14-15; 34:29; 39:13; Dan. 9:15), The giants became the heroes of Gr. mythology and primitive truth now conupted by transmission. See Giants , p. 62
q Divine inspection and dissatisfaction. God learns true conditions the same as man(v 5-6; 7:1; 11:5; 18:21; 22:12; 29:31; Ex. 3:4; Dt.32:19: 2 Ki.l4:26; 2Chr. 12:7: Isa. 59:15-16: Jonah3:10). Cp.the same statements regarding men (3:6; 8:8; 37:14)
r Heb. rah.bad, evil, wicked (v 5; 39:9; Dt. 13711: 17:2: Judg, 2ft 3. 12)
s Heb. rab . abundant,full, exceedingly. Cp. 13:16: 18:20; 1 Sam. 12:17
t Heb. yetser, concept, purpose, desire (8:21; Dt. 31:21)
u Heb. means to sigh, breathe lieavily. and be sorry in the literal sense (Ex. 32: 14; Judg. 2:18: 1 Sam. 15:35; 2 Sam. 24:16; Ps. 106: 45)
v God is capable of all feelings, emotions, and right desires as we are. See note r, Jn. 4:24: and God in Index
w 6th prophecy in Gen. (6:7. fulfilled). Next.6:13.Tne 1st prophecy of the flood
x The divine purpose stated. God had
16 Sin of angels: fornication to do away witb pure Adamite stock (v 4; 1 Pet, 3:19; 2 Pet. 2:4; Jude6-7)
AND it came to pass, "^^hen • men began to multiply on the face oftheearth, andWaugh-ters were bom unto them,
2 That the "^sons of God saw , ... < > fi*^, ^,.Kitc «„a
the^aughters of men that they ip^dtk of it fiftx cub ts and wcre'fa.k; and they took them the height of it thirty cubits.
(4) The ark of grace 625x104x62 1/2 ft.
• 14 • Make thee an^ark oftgo-pher wood; ^rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and ''shaJt pitch it within and without*with pitch.
•15 And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the
wives of ail which they chose. 17 Final failure of Adam
J3 And the Lord 'said, IMy spirit shall not always Astrive with 'man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
18 Sin of angels: giants before and after the flood (2
Pet. 2:4; Jude 6-7)
4 There were ' giants in the earth in*th qse days ; and/ also . after thaC wlien the sons of God came in unto the''daughters of men.land they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men'bf renown.
19 Complete failure of man (Gen. 6:5-8:14). (I) The
5 !; And ^GoD saw that 'the wickedness of man u'os^eat in the earth and that every toiagi-nation of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
20 Judgment ending the second dispensation Conscience. (1) Judgment purposed
6 And it " repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it'grieved him at his heart.
17 And the LoRD'^aid.^I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth: both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, jind the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them,
(2) Grace purposed
8 But No'ah foimd ^grace in the eyes of the Lord.
9 • These are the generations of No'ah: No'ah was a^'ust man
•16 A»window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a'K:ubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shait thou set in the side thereof; with lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it,
(5) Judgment revealed
*17 'And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, ito destroy *all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die.
• 18 OBut with thee will I establish my covenant; and''%ou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee.^ •19 And of every living thing of all flesh,'two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female. •20 Of fowls' Iftfter their kind. and of cattle ^ter their kind , of every creepmg thing of the earth after his kind, two ibf every sort shall come imto thee, to keep them alive. •21 And take thou unto thee of all food that is eaten, and thou shalt gather i< to thee; and it shall be for food for thee, and for them. 22'Thus did No'ah; according to all that God commanded him, so did he.
(6) Preparation for judgment ND the Lord said imto
ond'^erfect in his*generations, and No'ah wal ked with God.
10 And No'ah begat three sons, "iShem, Him, and Ja'pheth.
(3) Jadgmient announced
11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with-iviolence.
12 And 'God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt ; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
Sl3 /And God said unto No'ah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
created; nowdeciuca to destroy (Kom, 9:11-33) y Heb. chen , favor, grace. Used 38 times in the O. T., proving grace is not only a N. T. doctrine. Only the fulness of grace came by Christ (Jn. 1:17; 1 Pet. 1:10-12). See 19:19; 43:29;Ey.22:27;
Continued, column 4 ^
No'ah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I 'seen 'righteous before me in this generation. •2 Of every 'clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his femiale: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female. •3 Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth. *4"For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth "forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth.
5 And No'ah did according unto all that the Lord commanded him.
6 And No'ah was six himdred years old when the "flood of waters was upon the earth.
7 *^ And No'ah *went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of
wastheeldest(10:21; lChr.l:5): Ham, the younger (9:22-24)
d Heb. meaning to maltreat, injustice, cruelty, oppression. Cp. Ps. 55:9; Jer. 6:7; 20:8: Ezek. 7:23: 45:9
e Looked - His holiness could not tolerate such wickedness any longer
f 7th prophecy in Gen. (6; 13, fuHllled). Next.6:17-18. See 12 "I will's .'P. 16
a Heb. t ebah, vessel. Used only of this boat (SiT4-ftl8) and of Moses' ark (Ex. 2:3-5) b An unknown wood, unless it was the cypress of Assyria which was used in ship-buildingbecauseit was not likely to rot or be eaten by worms
c Heb. gen, nest, as translated elsewhere (NumT^21: Dt. 22:6; 32:11: Job 29: 18; 39:27; Ps. 84 3: Pr. 27:8; Isa. 10: 14; 16:2; Jer. 49:16)
d Heb. kaphar. to cover. The only word for atonement in the O. T. Used 69 times (Ex. 29:33-37; 30:10-16; Lev. 16:6-34; 17:11)
e Heb. kopher . resin, not the pitch or bitumen of Ex. 2:3: Isa. 34:9: which is zepheth
f See The size of Noah's ark , p. 41
g See "Window" of the ark, p. 41
h The theory of only one small cubit-size window to the ark. and in the roof for the sole purpose of allowing men to look upward to God is unbelievable in view of facts
i 8th prophecy in Gen. (6:17-18, ful-fiUed). Next, 7:4, The3rd prophecy of the flood with the additional prediction of the Noahic covenant. See 15 great covenants, p. 57
j The purpose of the flood. Cause given (6:1-13)
k A figure of speech, synecdoche , i n which a whole is put for a part. See col. 1, p. 308 of N.T.
1 Noahic Covenant announced (Gen. 9,
notes) m This is proof that Noah's sons were grown and married when God told him to make the ark. Shem was only 100 years old 2 years after the flood: so, Noah could not have been 120 years building the ark (UDte c, 8:18)
n For preservation of species. Cp. 7:2
o After 1,600 years the law of reproduction was still in force (1:11, note)
p Both the clean and the unclean
q An example of perfect obedience. Cp.
r See note q, 6:5 7:5
s Where do you find all the so-caUed godly line of Seth at this time? How could there be godly men called sons of God if Noah's house was the only righteous one on earth? Thus, we see that there was no remaining godly line of the sons of Seth
t 7 pairs of clean so that some could be used for sacrifice: 1 pair of the unclean for reproduction (6:19; 7:2). This indicates a knowledge of clean and unclean animals before the law of Moses as in Lev. 11; Dt, 14
u 9th prophecy in Gen. (7:4, fulfilled). Next, 8:21. The 4th prophecy of the flood with the additional detail that it would come in 7 days
v No spiritual significance simply because the word forty is used in several places (note, v 12)
w The second universal flood on earth.
The first was Lucifer's flood that de-
suoyedall plant and animal life (1:2;
Jer. 4:23-26: 2 Pet. 3:5-8) X Gen. 6:13-15; Pr.22:3; Ml. 24:38: Lk.
17:27: Heb.ll: 7; 1 Pet.3:20; 2Pet. 2:5
^ Cont. from column 2
33:12-17,19; 34:6,9; Mjm.6:25;32:5; 2 Chr.30:9; Neh. 9:17. 31; Ps. 84:11; 86:15: 103:8: 111:4: 112:4:145:8; Pr. 3:34. Also see Grace in Index
z See 9 just m en of Scripture, p. 29
a Heb. tamiym , bodily perfection, not moral: without blemish; pure stock. It is used 46 times of sacrificial animals, which had tobe pure and perfect stock. It means that Noah and his family were the only pureAdamites left. All other men were a mixture of angeb and men, or giant stock (v 11-12). See Giants, and sons of God, p. 62
b Heb. dor, period of life or among contemporaries. Not toledoth as at the first part of this verse
c Shem, the middle son,is always mentioned firstbecause it was through him that the Messiah should come. Japheth
a Proof (Ii4t 7 p«ir« of clean ammali entexcd the ark (v 9 with v 2, 15)
b U of the flood Jatet were ubbathj (7:4. 10; 8:10. ISf
c Cen. 1:2: 4*23; Ol. 33:13; Pt. 10*6
J I let), meaiu flood -gjtet (8:2; 2 Kl. 7:2: EccH2:3: IM. ^-fclS; COeH; NUl 1-10)
e Theflntand lonvicsi rainrecoriJcJ.but noc the fim rain ochcrwlio. It rained aUthroufth Lucifer's kiniiJo : (Iim. 14: 1--14) and fron' AJatn to N'oah. for ood created cloud* to >ijve rain upon the eanh (Job 38: i>, •2-2-30)
f I'hc number of Jays in connection with
11 wparate events in Scnpturc:
1 Noah'i flood (I.en.7:4.12.17:8:6)
2 Jacob's death (ccn. bO: 3)
3 Moics in tlic nount (Ex. 24:18)
4 Moscaadaininthe nount (Ex.34: 2S: Dt. lOelO) -25)
5 SpiesscorchinftCanaan(Num. 13c G .Moiejfasunn(nt.ai8.Cp.i>9-ll)
7 Elljah'»fliRht(lKi.l'Jt8) 4:6)
8 Ezcklel lyin^; o«i tiRht side (F/xik.
9 Nliievah's judnrent (Jonah 3:4)
10 Cluiii fastinfi (Mt. 4:2)
11 Chrlsi'i po«-resurrection minM-lry(Acm:3).Cp.40 years (Num.14: ;M)
9. ElRht souls (1 Pet, 3:20; 2 Pet. 2:5) h After his kind is an eternal law(1:11;
7:14. notes) I Male and female of all creatures except the fish, which stayed in the seas, Cp. y 22; 6:19 J A supernatural act is here indicated. God must have likewise opened it 1 yr. 17 days later (8:16-1:)). Cp. 7:4, 10-11 with 8:13-14 for this period k Tlk; sanicwordinRisusedin 1:2, proving there was a universal flood before Adam (2 Pet. i6) 1 31 ft. 3 in. Some doubt that the flood was universal, but V IMs just as literal as L- 2: Ps, lot: 6; 2 Pet,3: 5-8,Evidences of a universal flood arc found in all lands. Let it be remembered tliat the first and cliief fundamenial principle of interpretation is to take evcrytliing as literal unless there is plain evidence that ilie lannuaRe is figurative. Let it also be remembered that the eartli was one vast block of land and not divided into continents and islands until after the flood. See note, 10:25 111 Sec col. 1. p. 308 of N.T. n Ileb.iicshamah,bri-ath.Occurs25times Ci 7; 1:22; Dt.20:16; Josii.l0:40; 11:11, 14: 2 Sam. 22:16; 1 Kl. 15:29; 17:17; job 4£9: 26:4; 27:3:32:8:33:4; 3414; 37:10: Ps. 18:15: 150:6: Pr, 20:27; Isa. 2:22: 30:33; 42:5: 57:16; Pan. 5:23; 10: 17). Breath is distinguished from both soul and spirit. See notes A-U, col, 1.P.C13; jIjo ilie words Breath. Soul. and Spirit in Index
Soah and his family tnter the ark
2fold sill of Adam (3: 17):
1 lleailng the pleadings of his wife to eat the forbidden fruit. What fofm her ar«un)ents took, how Adam met thein.orto what extent he resined before he yielded is not known. The Uicory that he would have been required to live separated frotii her and not have cliildren by her is not biblicaL If he had lived true to Cod he could have hadchi;iir<T.and they would liave been accounted sinleu, for it was reckoned that sin passed to othen by the father, not the motlicr (Fx, 2065; Eaek. 18:2-4: Rom. 5:12-21). The mother would have merely been the means of bringingsinless cfiildren into the world in the umc sense ttut Christ wasbom sinleu by a sinful mother and a dnlesi Father (Roni. H:3)
2 Eadng of the foitolddcn fruit (2:17; 3:6. 17: Roni. 5t 12-21)
12 examples younner chosen (4:25):
I Abel (4:1-7)
the flood.
S Of clean beasts, and of beasts that are not clean, and of fowls, and of every thins that creepeth upon the earth.
9 There went in"two and two unto N6 ah into the ark, the male and the female. ^S Ood hAi C9mm^4e<l Ni") ah.
(7) Judgment executed
10 And It came to pass after •fceven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth.
11 * In the SIX hundredth year of Nd ah's hfe, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month. Hxt S*ine 4iy were all the fountains of the 'great deep broken up, and the^in-dows of heaven were opened.
12 And the'raio was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.
13 In the selfsame dajr entered N6 ah. and Sh*m, and HAm, and J4 pheth. the sons of Na ah, and N6 ah's wife, and the three wives of his sons'with them, into the ark;
14 They, and every beast after Ms kind, and all the cattle after tbeir kind, and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth^ter his kind, and every fowl after his kind, every bird of every sort.
15 And they went in unto N6 ah into the ark, two and two of all flesh, wherein /5 the breath of life.
16 And they that went in, went in'maJe and female of all flesh, AS God had cotninanded him: and the LoRo'shut him in.
17 And the flood was forty days upon the earth; and the waters increased, and bare up the ark, and it was lift up above the earth.
18 And the waters prevailed, and were increased greatly upon the earth; and the ark went upon the*face of the waters.
19 And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered.
20 'Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.
21 And "all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man:
22 All in whose nostrils was the "breath of life, of all that was in the dry tand, died.
23 And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man. and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Nd ah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark.
24 And the waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred nnd fifty days.
The flood subsides
AND Godremei^b^rc^ Nd'ah, • and every living thmg, and all the cattle that was with him in the aik; and*God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters asswaged;
2 The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained;
3 And the waters returned from off the earth continually: and after the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated.
4 And [he ark jested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains ufii^'a-rAt.
5 And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month: in the tenth monf/i, on the first day of the moiilh, were the tops of the mountains'seen.
6 * And it came to pass at the end of forty days, that Ndah opened theAvindow of the ark which he had made:
7 And he sent forth a'raven, which went forth 'to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth.
8 Also lie _SfiJlL forth a «dove from him. to see if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground:
9 But the dove foimd no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned, unto him into the ark, for the waters were on the face of the whole earth: then he put forth his hand, and took her. and pulled her in unto him into the ark.
10 And he stayed yet other seven days; and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark;
• 11 And the dove came in to him in the evening; and. lo, in her mouth was an *olive leaf pluckt off: so N6'ah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth.
12 And he stayed yet other seven days; and sient fort^ the dove; which returned not again unto him any more.
13 * And it came to pass in the six hundredth and first year, in the first month, 'the first da\i of the month, the waters were dried up from off the earth: and N6'ah removed the'covering of the ark, and looked, and, behold, the face of the ground was dry.
■14 ^nd in the second month, on the seven and twentieth day of the month, was the earth dried.
(End of the second dispensation - Conscience, Gen 4:1-8:14)
(8) Judgment finished end of diipenaAtion of Conacience
3 Shem (424-27)
4 Abraham (11:2.'>)
5 luar (l^l.-j-lj)
6 Jacob (25:23: Mai. 1:2: Ko . 9)
7 Joscpli (37:5-11; 45:8; 50:20)
8 Epiiraini (48:20) 9Mo*:s(Ex. 7:7)
10(;ideof) (JudkU 6:15)
11 Oavid (1 Sam. 16)
12 Solomon (1 Kl. 1-2)
to the Millennium (Gen. 8:
VI Third dispensation: /Human Government - 427 year: . Flood to the call of Abraham (Gen. 8: 15-1 I: 32), 1 Favorable beginning
15 • And Ood sfiiJie unto NO'ah, saying,
• l«*<io forth of the ark, thou, andthy wife, and thy sons, nnd
Ibc last of Sdccirions fll:4>:
1 Lei IIS make brick (v 3)
2 Let MS bum them thixoiighly (v 3)
3 Let la build us a city (v 4)
4 Let us build lu a tower (v 4)
5 Let us make us .i name (v 4)
I he purpoac was lest we be sc.ntercd abroad , as Cod had planned (v >. Ot. 32:8: Acu 17:26)
a 33 acts of (..od in C.ea. 6-9:
1 Said (6: 3-21; 7:1; 8:15.21: 9t 1-17) '2 Saw (6:5; ?:'.)
3 Repented (6:6-7)
4 Was gneved (6:6)
5 Hetern Ined (6:7, 13. 17-18) 0 ProptiesieJ (6:7, 13. 17-18: 7:4:
8:21-22: '>.6-17. 25-27)
7 Was grailous (6:8)
8 Fellowslupped man (6:9)
9 Looked (6: 12)
10 Made a discovery(6:5.12; 7:1)
11 Comirandcd (6:14-22: 7:2-5; 8: 16-17; atl-17)
12 cave a plan (6:15-16. 19-21)
13 Made a covenant (6:18; 'il-17)
14 Saved lives on basis of righteousness (7:1) 4:9:1-17)
15 Exer.iscd foresight (6:18-21; 7:2-
16 Fulfilled prophecy(7:10-12.19-24)
17 Shut door lo the ark (7:16)
18 Made promises (6:17-18; 7:4; 8: 21-22; !):9-17)
19 Fulfilled promises(7:10-12.19-24)
20 Remembered(8:l)
21 Made windtopassovereanh (8:1)
22 Cave rain (7:12)
23 Stopped rain (8:2)
24 Opened fountainsof the deep(7:ll)
25 Stopped fountains of the deep (8:2)
26 SmeUed (8:21)
27 Thought in (lis heart (8:21)
28 Vowed to man (8:21-22) 2:> Blessed man (9:1)
30 Cave laws (instituted human government. 9tl-8)
31 Cuaranteed natural laws (3:22)
32 Cuaranteed eternal generations of natural people on the earth (8:22: 9! 12, 16) (7:21)
33 Sent destruction to wicked men b In Armenia (2 Ki. 19:37; Isa. 37:38;
Jer. 51:27)
c How could Noahsee them if there were no openings for light except one small cubit-size window in tlie roof as is sometimes taughf
d Not zohar as in6:16.but ctiallo n. This must refer to one of the windows in zohar or the place for light, which was in each story of the ark
eLcv. 11:15; 1 Ki. 17:4-6: Job JS:< • Pr. 3a 17; Song 5:11; Isa. 34:11: Lk. 1'2:24
f lleb. means going fonh and returning
p S.'c Dove in Index
h Vegeta'tion and trees wore not killed by the months under water. In Lucifer's flood all vegetauoQ was destroyed (Jcr. 4j 23-26) and had to be created again (1:11-13; 2:5-6.8-17). Thisproves the first flood was on eanh much longer than Noah's. It also confirms the fact of the creacionof the heavens, the sun, moon.stars.earth.and the pre-Adamitc social system before the6 days of 1:3-2:25
' 6 in)ponant events on this day
1 Rood ended (Cen. 8:13)
2 Tabernacle set up (Ex. 40:2)
3 Temple sanctified (2 Chr. 2^17)
4 Hetuni from captivity (Ezra 7:9)
5 Separation from strange wives (Ezra 10:17) (Ezek. 45:18)
6 Future cleansing of sanctuary J Tradition says awnings were hung over
the place of light so they could not see the dead k Noah in the ark 1 year and 17 dayt
1 Before rain began. 7 days (7:10)
2 During rain which began 17th day of 2nd month (7:11)
3 Left ark 27thday of 2nd month the following year (8:14)
1 See 7 dispeiisaooiis. p. 59 m 10 coiiiijiands to iToah:
1 Make an ark (6:14-16)
2 Take animals into ark (6:19-20)
3 Take food for all in the ark (6:21)
4 Enter the ark (7:1-5)
5 Leave the ark (8:16-17)
6 Bring animals out (8:1*0
7 Not to eat blood (5 4) 5-6)
8 Capiul punishment fofmurder(9:
9 Multiply and replenish the earth 10 Rule the eartl^a 2.7.9-17) ^tl.T)
Noah and his family leave the ark
The covenant and the rainbow
a Only here in Scripture bGen. 1:22. 28: 8:17: 9:1-7 c 2 common errors:
1 That Noah was 120 years building the ark. Thlscould r»t be so because:
(1) Inn:) place dsesthe Bible mention 120 years in connection with Noah,asis clear from notes f-i, 6:3
(2) It is clear from 6:18 that when God told Noah to build the ark his sons-Shem, Ham, Japheth-were already grown and married (7:7, 13; 8:16, 18)
(3) Shem had a son bom when he was 100 years old which //as2yearsafterihe flood(11:10). He was97yearsold when he entered the ark forthe flood lasted lyearandI7days(notek, 8:14). A11 this being true.it is plain to see how impossible it would be for Noah to speni 120 years building the ark
2 That it did not rain before the flood. ThisisispcDved by Gen.2:5-8,n3tes,as well as the fact that God created clouds to give rain (Job 33:9, 25-28)
d This eternal law has never been broken e See Clean in Index f Facts ab o ut altars :
1 \! osaic laws ot construction (Ex.20: 24-26; Dt. 27:5-7; Josh, 8:30-31)
2 Used in idolatry Oudg. 6:25; 1 Ki. 12:32; 16:32; 18:26; 2Ki.16:10; 23:12. 15;Isa.27: 9; 65:3; Hos.8:11; Acts 17:23)
3 2 kinds in the tabernacle-temple:
(1) Altar of burnt offerings - the brazen altar (Ex. 27:1-8; 38:1-7)
(2) Altar of incense - the golden altar (Ex,30:I-10: 37:10-16; 39:38) 10)
4 Of Christians (Mt.5:23-24;Heb. 13:
5 In heaven (Rev. 6:9; 8:3-5; 9:13; 14:18; 16:7. Cp. Heb. 8:5; 9:23)
6 Future Jewish (Rev. 11:1)
7 Millennial(Ezek.40:47; 41:22; 43: 13-27; 45:19; 47:1)
g Heb. ruach. to breathe, smell. Used of God (8:21; Lev. 26:31); man (27:27; I><.30:38); anirrals (Job 39:25);and should be understood in the same sense regarding all. God has a body and can therefore, smell (note r, Jn. 4:24)
h 10th prophecy in Gen. (8:21-22. ful-filled and being fulfilled). Next, 9:9, It predicted that God would not curse the ground anymore; that He would not destroy every living creature again as He had done; and that there would be eternal plantings, harvesting, cold and heat, sum met and winter, and day and night on the earth
i Proof thaiGodhasthisbodilypart-the heart (6:5-6; Jer. 3:15; 7:31. See note r, Jn. 4:24)
J Gen, 6:5-7; Jer. 17:9; Rom. 3:10
kGod totally destroyed pre-A da mites and all animals and vegetation in Lucifer's flood Oer. 4:23-26); and almost totally destroyed all life in Noah's flood. He will never do so again by water (9:15) or by the fire of 2 Pet. 3: 10-13. Natural life on the earth is perpetual (8:22; 9:12,16; also col. 4, p. 312 ofN.T.)
1 10 eternal things of Noahic covenant:
1 Earth (Ps. 78:69; 104:5; 119:90; Eccl. 1:4; 2 Pet. 3:13; Rev. 21-22)
2 A11 living creatures (8:21; 9:10-16)
3 Seedtime, plantingby menf8:225
4 Harvest, reaping by men (8:22)
5 Cold (8:22; Job 38:22-23, 29)
6 Summer (8:22; Ps. 74:17)
7 Winter (8:22; Ps. 74:17}
8 Day(8:22;Ps.72:17; 89:29; 36-37)
9 Night (8:22;Ps. 89:29, 36-37) 10 Generations of natural people (8:
22; 9:12, 16; col. 4, p. 312 of N. T.) m See blessing of God (1:22, 28)
n Refill (not just fill) the earth, as commanded Adam (1:28), proving a pre-Adamite aswell as an Adamite world
o This states the natural dominion of man over all creatures. If God had not put a fear of man in all animals, they would have destroyed mankind long ago
p Man's new diet now consisted of all animals (1 Tim. 4:3-5; Col. 2:16; Acts 10:12-14; Rom. 14)
q When God gave man a vegetable diet He retained the tree of knowledge to attest His own supreme lordship and to remind Adam of the conditions of his
thy sons' wives with thee. •17 Bring forth with thee every living thing that is with thee, of all fiesh, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth; that they may "breed abundantly in the earth,*and be fruitful, and multiply upon the earth.
18 And No'ah'^went forth, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him:
19 Every beast, every creeping thing, and every fowl, and whatsoever creepeth upon the earth, " ^after their kinds , went forth out of the ark.
20 « And Noah builded an altar unto the Lord; and took of everi' 'clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the'altar.
I 2 Noahic Covenant purposed (4) S i g n of the covenant
10 And"with every living creature that IS with you, of the fowl, of the cattle, and of every beast of tlie earth with you; from all that go out of the ark, to every beast of the earth.
(2) Terms of the covenant
► 11 And I will establish my covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off any more *by the waters of a flood; neither shall there 'any more be a flood to destroy the earth.
(3) Length of the covencint
■12 And God said . This is<the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you.' for perpetual generations :
J21 And the Lord ^smelled a sweet savour; and the Cord said in his'Tieart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the iimagina-tion of man's heart is evil from his youth; ^neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done. 22 ' While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
3 Fifteenfold test ana purpose of Human Government I
■ANl A^od blessed No'ah and; *^ his sons, and said unto them. Be fruitful, and multiply, and"replenish the earth. •2 "And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.
•3''Every moving thing that liv-eth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.
•4 But flesh with the life thereof, which is the'Hjlood thereof, shall ye not eat.
5 And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the hf e of man.
•6 Whoso sheddeth man's blood,'by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man. • 7 And you, be yefruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein.
4 Fifth or Ncahic Covenant made (Gen. 9:8-17; 8:21-22). (1) Parties of-the covenant
■8 *: And God spake unto No'ah, and to his sons with him, saying,
*9 'And I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you;
13 I do /set my*bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.
► 14 And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud:
►15 And I willAremember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.
► 16 And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the fever-lasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth. ■17 And God said unto No'ah, This IS the token of the covenant, which I have established between me and all flesh that IS upon the earth.
5 New rulers of creation
18 % And the sons of No'ah . that went forth of the ark, were Shem, and Ham, and Ja'pheth: and 'Ham is the father of Ca'naan.
19 These are the three sons of No'ah: and'Kif them was the whole earth overspread.
6 Failure of man in Human Government (Gen. 9:18-11: 4). (1) Failure of Noah
20 And No'ah began to be'an husbandman, and he plantetf^ vineyard:
21 And he drank of the wine, and was"drunken; and he was uncovered within his°tent.
(2) Failure of Ham
22 And Ham, the father of Ca'naan, saw the nakedness of his father, and ffold his two brethren without.
23 And Shem and Ja'pheth took a garment, and laid i^ upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness.
(3) Great racial prophecy
24 And No'ah awoke from his
tenure. Now, with animal food permitted,He likewise retained a portion-the blood, to testify that He alone is the giver of all Ufe aev. 3:17; 7:26; 17:10-14; 19:26; Dt. 12:16,23; 1 Sam. 14:34)
The death penalty for murder is here commandedbyGod(v5-6). Hispledge
Continued, column 4 ^»-
15; Rev. 9:21; 21:8; 22:15), See 42 death-penalty sins in Scripture, p. 16
s See Gen. 1:22,28; 8:17; 9:1
t lHh prophecy in Gen.(9: 9-17,fulfiIled
1 prophecy i being fuliil
and being fulfilled). Next, V 25. It con-tains the 10-fold terms of the Noahic covenant.ln the 8th prophecy (6:17 -18), givenbeforetheark wasbegun, we had the first mention of this covenant
a 4 parties to the Noahic covenant:
1 God (V 8-17)
2 Noah (v 8. 11-16)
3 Noah's seed (v 9)
4 AH living creatures (v 10.12-17) b Twotimestheearthhasbeencursed by
a universal flood (1:2; 6:8-8:22; 2 Pet. 3:6).Though the earth will some daybe renovated by fire, its inhabitants will not be destroyed (2 Pet. 3:10-13)
c Furtherproofthatthe flood was universal. There have been manylocal floods in all ages, but never another universal flood since Noah'stime, nor will there ever be (8:21-22; 9tll, 15)
d See note k, 4:15
e 2 great truths here:
1 The eternal pledge between the eternal parties of the eternal covenant (v 12-16)
2 Eternal lengthof the covenant-for perpetual generations, plainly promising eternal generations of natural people. See col. 4, p. 312ofN.T.
f Heb. nathan , grant. Not the first time seen, but the first time assigned as a reminder of the eternal covenant. Cp. Ezek. l:28;Rev.4:3; 10:1. The rainbow is a natural effect of a natural cause. It always has been and always will be seen where water falls, showers of rain and sunshine exist. The multi-colored semi-circle caused by rays of the sun on drops of water has no doubt been an enjoyable sight since the original creation of clouds, rain and sun. The true meaning here is: As surely as the eternal rainbow is an effect of sunshine and rain,so surely and eternal this earth and natural Ufe shall be an effect of God's covenant with all living creatures
g Heb. qesheth, a bending. Used of a bow (weapon) 52 times (27:3; 48:22, etc.)
hLev. 26:42, 45; Dt. 7:9; 1 Ki. 8:23: Lk. 1:72
i Again confirming the fact that the covenant was an eternal one, and that natural man and all living creatures are to continue on earth forever
J This is stated here so that thecurse of V 25 can be understood
k Distinct nations and races of men came into existence after the flood. All men were of one lineage up to this point, for there was only one family line - that of Noah who was in the line of Christ, being mentioned in Lk. 3:36 with his son Shem.
1 2Ki.25:12:Amos5:16;Zech.l3:5;Mt.
21:33-41;Jn. 15:1; 2 Tim. 2:6; Jas. 5:7
m First vineyard mentioned in Scripture
n First drunkenness on record
o See note s. Gen. 4:20
p Breaking the law of parental authority. There are evidences of other laws in Genesis concerning: monogamy (16J.); adultery (20:3-9); priesthood (14:20; 28:22); ageements (21:27); circum-gision (17:10); hospitality (18: l-8);fot-nicatioD (34:7): oaths (21:23); binh-right( 25:33); anointing oil (28:18); vows ^25n8); idolatry (31:32-35); brother's widow (38:8); dowry (34:12); heirs (15: 1-6); concubines (16:1-3); and robbery (31:32)
^»- Cont. from column 2
to Cain was a 7-fold penalty (4:15), perhaps referring to greater damnation in hell (Mt. 23:14)
5 reasons murder a great crime:
1 It is a crime against God who created man in His own image(1:26-28; 9:6)
2 It manifests hatred of God's image
3 A crime against society of which each man is an important part
4 A crime against the family unit
5 It is a crime against the individual whose life is taken away. It cuts him off from his duties toboth God and man; and seals his doom regarding eternal life and heaven if he is unconverted. Hence, taking life maliciously is no trifling matter (v 5-6; Ex. 21:29-32; Num. 35:16-31; Dt, 17:6; 21:1-9; 27: 24-25; 1 Ki. 21:19; 2 Chr. 24:22; Mt. 5:21-22; 15:19; Gal. 5:19-21; 1 Tim. 1:9; Jas. 2:11; 1 Pet. 4:15; 1 Jn. 3:
< Referring to Hjni. See noic c. b:10 b 12th Propbc n. (3k25-^7. ful-
nlleJ and \ .' ^eJ). Ncm. li 1-3. The 3 KMu 01 :■ jjti were to produce 3 difOQCl cliuet of people. Here we bjve the 2nd dlitliici prophecy of CtuiRwhowai to cone throutih .^herT-OJt. 3e36) Hair (10:6)
c Prophecy of * icrvUe potteniy frori d See 18 curv;i of Scnpture. p. 36 e Prophecy that ShcT would oe a choaen race and have a peculiar relailodihip with God. All divine revelation Unce Sherr haicoire through hljUne.Chrlit, after the fleib, descended from hir-(iat21; 11:10: Lk. 3;.;3-38) f See 16 exampleiof rnenbleued . p. 41 i Prophecy that Japheth would be the father of the great and erilarged races. Covexnrretx.Kience.and art are ii ain-ly Japhetic. Hlidescendaatsconsutute the leading nationi of civilization h Completing the hlnory of Gen. 5. Cp.
5:28-32 i Heb. toledah. farrlly history (g. 5:1) J AU races,col on and types of men came into being after the flood (lOt 1-32; 17: 20; 1*34-38: 25:1-34; 36:1-43) k See Sons of Japheth. p. 40 1 Maritime couniiiei of the Mediterranean (iM. 42:4. 10; 49t 1; 66:19; Jer. 2:10:Ezeic. 27:3-7,15.35; Eai.11:18) m See Sooi of Him , p. 40 n Frorr Heb. rrarad. to rebel, or "we will rebel." It points to some violent and ope n rebeUion against G od. :^ I Trod be-gantobe a mighty one in the eann by bold and danngdeeds. His rebellion is auoclated with the beginning of his kingdom and suggests that his hji-ting and mighty deeds were related primarily to hunting men by tyranny and force. He lorded it over othen, hunting and destroying all who opposed him in hlsdespoQc rule over men. This is the meaning understood by Josephus and wrlten of the Targu.-i s. Josephus says that Nlmrod persuaded men not to ascribe their happineu loG od. b Jt to hi r: at the cause of it. He became a great leader: taught men to centralize; and defied God tosend another flood. It is uid that N'imrod hunted down wild beasts also, which were killing many people, and taught men to build walls around cides for protection against tbem
The term mighty hjnter in Heb.could refer to a hunter of animals or of men to enslave them. Nlmrod was a hunter of both men and animals. The Heb. gibbor. trans, mighty here means a powerful warrior, tyrant, champion, giant, orstrongone. It is used of giants who were renown for wlckedneu(6:4). and of other wicked men (P$. 52:1-3; 120:4; Iw. 5c22; Jer. 9:23), so could logically refer to Nlmrod as a tyrant and de*p(X oppreidng othen in the earth. He established the first kingdom and the first great universal false religion oppodngGod, since the flood of Noah(ieep. 309of the N. T.). Thiswas done "before the Lord, "that is, openly In the presence of Cod with all defiance. That Is whyGod,when He came down to see Babel, took action to counteract the rebellion of Nlmrod (11; 1-9) o Here we have the beginning of empires among men, not necesaarily divine in-stltutiooa guaranteeing law and order among men. as ordained by God to Noah(Gen, 9). but the achleveiiienuof lawleu tyranu whotaught men to revolt against divine laws and duly constituted authonty.ThenoryofGen.il concerns happenings before this portion of Gen. 10 where we have 8 great cities conitltudng the flr« 2 empires -Babylon and Auyrla (v 10-12) p The fon of Shem (v 22; 1 Chr. 1:17)
^ Com, from coluxrin 3
tower, foe the work was stopped on the city only (v 4. 8). One ancient Babylonian tablet reads, "The building of this llluftrlouitower offended the gods. In a night they threw down what they hjd built. Theyscanered them abroad and made strange their speech. Their
Centalo^y of Noah's family
wine, and he knew whufhts younger son h.> ' inm.
• 25*And he • t<
£A nd«a. «sr(.,ii; I irv.intS
shall he be unto his brethren.
26 And'he said,'Blessed he
the Lord God of Shfm; and
Ci n." ■ ■• • • • rvant.
27»(. 1 phrth,
and hi- sum .iw. n ni the tents of Sh^ra; and Cd Milan shall be his servant.
(4) Death of Noah: 950 years (S:5; 6:9-1 i; 7 6. 11-13; 8: 13-14)
28 • And Nftah lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years.
29 And all the days of Nd ah were nine hundred and fifty years: »and he died.
PARENTHETICAL gener-attons of the sons of Noah (Gen. 10 1 -i^; 1 Chr. 1).
1 Sons of Japheth (1 Chr.
NOW these are the'generations of the sons of N6'ah, Sh6m, Ham, and Japheth: and unto them were sons bornfafter the flood.
2 T]i^e sons of Ja pheth; Comer, and Magdg, and MSda-i, and Ja vin, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Ti'ras.
3 And the sons of Go'mer; Ash ke-naz, and Ri ph^th, and T6-Rar'mah.
4 And the sons of Ji'vin; £-li shah, and Tar'shish, Kit'-tim. and D<"i da-nim.
5 By these were the'isles of the Gen tUe$ divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.
2 Sons of Ham (1 Chr. 1: B; 4 40; Ps, 78; SI; 105:23; 106: 22)
6 * And the"^ons of H4m; Gush, and Miz'ra-im, and Phut, and Ca ndan.
7 And the sonsof CiJsh; Se bd, and Hiiv'i-lah, and Sib tah, and Ra a-mah, and Sibte-chah: and the sons of Ra'a-mah; She ba, and De dan.
8 And Ciish begat "T^imrfid: he bcKan to be a mighty one in the earth.
9 He was a mighty hunter before the Lord: wherefore it is said. Even as Nim r6d the mighty hunter before the
10 And the "beginning of his kingdom was Bdbel, and ^'r6ch. and Ac liid, and Cdl neh, in the land of Shi nar.
11 Out of that land went forth 'As'shur, and builded Nin e-veh, and the city Re-h6'both, and Cd lah.
12 And Re sen between Nin'e-veh and Cd'lah: the same is a great citv.
13 And Mizra-im begat Lu'-dim, and An a-mim, and Le hA-bim, and N4ph tu-him,
14 And P.ith-ru sim, and CSs'-lu-him, (out of whom came Phi-lfs tim,) and CAph t6-rim.
15 * And CA'nAan begat Si-d6n his firstborn, and Hith,
16 And the J«b u-site, and the Am or-lie, and the Gir ga-site,
17 And the Hi vite, and the Ark ite, and the Sin ite,
18 And the Ar vad-ite, and the Z^m a-rite, and the Hd tnath-ite: and afterward were the families of the Cd ndan-ites spread abroad.
19 And the border of the Ci -nAan-ites was from Si d6n, as thou comest to 06 rar, unto GAzi; as thou goest. unto S6dom, and G6-m6r'rah, and Adrnah, and Ze-bo im, even unto Li shd.
20 These are the sons of Him, after their families, after their tongues in their countries, and in their nations.
i Sons of Shem (Gen. 11:10; 1 Chr. 1:17-28; Lk. 3:23-38)
21 • JJnto 'ShSm also, the father of all the children of £'ber, the brother of Jd pheth the eldtr, even to him were children born.
22 The Nrhildren of Shdm; K lim, and As'shur, and Ar-ph^ ad, and LQd, and A ram.
23 And the children of A ram; Vz, and Hul, and Ge'ther, and Mish.
24 And Ar-phax ad begat Sa-laii; and Sa lah begat £ ber.
25 And unto<'£'ber were bom two sons: the name of one was Peltg; ''for m his days was the eajth divided; and his blether's name was J6k'tan.
26 And Jok'tan begat Al-mo'-dcd, and She k ph. and Ha-zar-nia vctli, and Jerah,
27 And Ha-doram, and U'zal, and Dik lah,
2S And 6 bal, and A-bim'a-cl, iiid Sheba,
29 And 6 phir. and H5v'i-lah. ar.d Jo bab: all these were the sons of JAk'tan.
30 And their dwelling was from Me'sha, "as thou goest unto Se phar a mount of the east.
31 These a'<? the sons of Shem, after their families, after their tongues, in their lands, after their nations.
32 These are the families of the ^ons of N6'ah, after their generations, in their nations: and by these were the nations divided in the_earti after the flood.
(5) Failure of all men(Cen. 6:1-5)
AND ihe whole earth was of > (one language, and of one speech.
2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed Mrom the cast, that they found a plain in the'land of Shi'niir; and they dwelt there.
3 And they said one to another. Go to, let us make'brick, ^nd burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone,'and slime had they for morter.
4 And they said, Cjo to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top ""may teach unto heaven; and''let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
progrea* was Impeded. They wept hot tean for Babylon'
The builders were supposed to have been glanu who waged war with thi-gods. Nl;i:rod. himself is called "a mighty one' and the giants in Gen. 6:4 are called " mighty men. " These came frotr the fallen angels and daughters o! men after the flood (Gen. 6:4. note) I See The last of 5 decisions, p. 7
square and 2U ti. high: the 5th 140 ft mu»tc aiid 20 ft. high; the 6th 110 ft. square and 20 ft. high: and the 7th 80 ft. long.60 ft. wide, and 50 ft. high. On the top platform M>easunng 60 x 80 ft. was a sanctuary fur the god Bel-Merodach and ligiis of the Zodiac The builders •■vldently finished the
.^0 CJocHinucd. column 1
family 9
a She:i'. the 2ud Son of Noah, was perhaps ircniioned last In the table of nation^ because his seed was to be the Important subject of the remainder of the book of Genesis aswell as the remainder of the O. T.. as the litie through whoiv the Messiah would con e (v 21-32: Ht26: U:l0-3'2; Lk. 3:23-38; Rom, *4-5). The whole of Genesis 10 is parenthetical and an introduction to the story of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their seed. Chronologically, It should follow Gen. 11:9,but its position here completes the story of Noah's 3 sons of ch. 9 before taking up the story of one and hisdescendentsln the rest of Genesis. Men were noidivided as to tongues and naticxrs until afterthe event of Gen. 11:1-9; hence. Genesis 10 gives the earliest division of men after the confusion of tongues and before the division of the earth into continents and islands which took place in the days of PeleR(ia25)
b See Sons of Shem, p. 40
c Heb. eber , across or the opposite side, referringtothe other fide of Euphrates. Fron) this the word Hebrews is derived (14:13)
d This explains the word Peleg. In l^s days the earth was divided into con-dnenu and islands, after the various nations were scattered abroad on all the one land at the time of the dlvlDe judgment of Gen. 11:1-9
e TWj is supposed by some to refer to the mountains of Media, and by others to mean southern Arabia; but the exact location is not known
f In general, we may conclude that Japheth settled in the north, west and east of Europe, and in Asia; that Ham settled in Africa; and that Shem settled in countries sunounding Palestine
g There are evidences they say. that the Hebrew was the original language of the whole earth. It is impressive that it was the one Cod used to give His revelation of the O. T. toman; and the one Christ used when speaking to Paul, although the Aponle knew the Greek well (Acts 21:40; 22:2: 26:14)
h In th; 100 years after the flood, mankind had travelled from Mt. Ararat in Armenia to the east of the Euphrates where they settled Zech. Sell)
1 Babylonia (14; 1; Isa. U:ll: Dan. 1:2:
J First brick making on record, Cp. Ex. L14: b: ', 8. 18-19: 2 Sam, 12:31
k Bricks in Palestine were sun-dried. Here, theyburned them to quicken the process. Men are usually in a huiry when in rebellion against God
1 Slimo (bitumen) pits are still found in Babylon. The slime used in thosedayi was so tenacious that it is almostim-possible.even today, to detach things which are found cemented with it
m There are no words in the Heb. for may reach, which means there is therefore, nothing in the text to sugt^est that the height wastobe ashighasheaven. The meaningisthat the top would be dedicated to the heavens, with signs of the Zodiac portrayed on it as visible objects to worship. l!p to this time the whole race not only had one language, but the idolatrous worshippers had ooly one form in rcliuion. When God confounded their language they began to disa^ec on religion and other matters, branching off into sects and parties
riic tower ol Babel (11:4)
A Babylonian description of the tower of Babel diKovercd in 1X76 indiiatei there was a grand conrt :H)0 x 1,156 ft. and a smaller one. 450 x 1.056 ft.. inside of wliicli was a platforn> with walls about it liaving 4 gates on eacli side. In the center stood the tower with n>any imall shrines at tlie base dedicated tovarious gods. The tower itself W.11 300 (t. high with dccrras<'d width i n stages froi' the lowest to the lughest pout. Fact) wassqnare.The 1st foundation stage n easnred 300 ft. square and 110 ft. high: the 2nd measured 260 ft. sq.iare and 60 ft. high: the 3rd 200 ft. square and 20 ft. higlu the 4th 170 ft.
The tower of Babel
Abram leaves Ur of (he Chaldees
a Wehave manyexamples of God gcing from place 10 place like other persons (3:8; 11:5; 18:1-22. 33;32:24-32;35: 13; ncxe r, Jr..4:24)
bPs.l4:2;Ex. 3:7.9,16.Cp.Gen.6:5,refs.
c One, in anity (Dt. 6:4, note)
d Plural pronouns prove plurality of persons in the Godhead. See 8 3 proofs of a Trinity, p. 280ofN.T.
e Meillet and Cohen in"Language$ of the World" list 6, 760 tongues and systems of writing. The actual number of languages computed by the French Academy is 2,7 96.Tongues were con founded in judgment here. They were given as a sign for unbelievers, in the church (Isa. 28:11; 1 Cor. 14:21-22)
f This was done before God split the earth into continents and islands (10: 25).Thepeoplebeing scattered "upon the face of all the earth" before it was split explains how the Indians got to the Americas and how various other tribes came tobe on certain islands and other remote parts of the earth
g Means confusion . See Babylon in Index
h See Sons of Shem, p. 40
i Shem was 97 years old when he entered the ark (v 10; 6:11; 8:13);and was grown and married when God told his father to make an ark (6: 9-10, 18). Noah, therefore, was not 120 years building the ark
j Shem was the 3rd generation from Adam to Abraham. Methuselah was contemporary with A dam 243 years (5: 1-32); Shem was contemporary with Methuselah 97 years(5:32; 11:10-11); and Abraham was contemporary with Shem 75 years (11:10-32). Then, Jacob was contemporary with Abraham 15 years;so it can be seen how information could, by natural meansbe passed from Adam to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
k Lk.3:36 adds Cainan , but this wasprob-ably a gloss from the Septuagint and crept into the text. No second Cainan is found in the Heb. anywhere (Cp. 1 Chr. 1:18)
1 Born 14 years before the happenings of V 9.In his days the events ofGen.ll: 1-9 tookplace, the nationswere scattered, and the earth was divided into continents and islands (v 16; 10:25; 1 Chr.1:13) m It will be observed that as time advanced the length of human life decreased. Before the flood men lived nearly 1,000years (Gen, 5). The first generations after that lived over 400 years (11:10-17). Later generations Uved 200-250 years (11:18-32), and still later ones, about 100-200 years (23:1; 25:7, 17; 35:28; 47:28; 50:22; Dt. 31:2; 34:7)
n Ragau (Lk. 3:35)
^ Cont. from column 3
with you (17:4, 7) (17:2; 22:17)
22 I will multiply you exceedingly
23 You will be the father of many nations (17:5-6) ful(17:6)
24 I will make you exceedingly fruit-
25 Kings shall come from you (17:6)
26 I will make a covenant with your seed eternally (17:7) seed(17:7-8)
27 I will be a God to you and your
28 I will bless your wife (17:16) 19)
29 I will give you a son of her (17:16-
30 She shall be a mother of many nations (17:16)
31 Kings shall come of her (17:16)
32 1 will establish My everlasting covenant with Isaac and his seed (17: 19-21)
33 I wiU bless Ishmael (17:20)
34 I will make him ft'jitful (17:20)
35 I will multiply him abundantly (17:20)
36 12 princes shall he beget (17:20)
37 I will make him a great nation (17:20) (17:21;18:10,14)
38 Sarah shall have a son next year
39 I will not destroy Sodom if I find 50 righteous (18:26)
40 I will not destroy the city if I find 45 righteous (18:28)
41 1 will not destroy it if I find 40 righteous (18:29) righteous (18:30)
42 I will not destroy it if I find 30
43 I will not destroy it if I find 20 righteous (18:31)
7 Judgment ending the third dispensation - Human Government
5 And the LoRD°came down tto see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. ■6 And the Lord said. Behold, the people is*ione, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
7 Go to, lef'us go down, and there confound their^anguage, that they may not imderstand one another's speech.
8 So the Lord /scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.
9 Therefore is the name of it called 'Babel; )3ecause the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.
8 Length of Human Government: 427 years. Generations of Shem (11:10-32; 1 Chr. 1; Lk. 3). (1) Shem:
600 years
10 *■ These are the genera-tions of'Shem: Shem was an 'htin-dred years old, and begat Ar-phix'ad two years after the flood:
11 And 'Sh6m lived after he begat Ar-phax'ad five hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(2) Arphaxad: 438 years
12 And Ar-phlx'ad lived five and thirty years, and begat
13 And Ar-pbax'ad lived after he begat Sa'lah four hundred and three years, and begat sons and daughters.
(3) Salah: 433 years Cp. 1 Chr.1:17-28
14 And tSa'lah lived thirty years, and begat E'ber:
15 And Sa'lah lived after he begat E'ber fotir hundred and three years, and begat sons and daughters.
(4) Eber: 464 years
16 And E'ber lived fotir and
thirty years, and begatfPe'leg:
17 And £ ber lived after he begat Pe'leg four hundred and thirty years, and begat sons and daughters.
(5) Peleg: 239 years
18 And Pe'leg lived thirty years, and begat Re'u:
19 And Pe'leg lived after he begat Re u''two hundred and nine years, and begat sons and daughters.
(6) Reu: 239 years
20 And "Re'u lived two and thirty years, and begat Se'rug:
21 And Re'u lived after he
begat Se'rug two hundred and seven years, and begat sons and daughters.
(7) Serug: 230 years
22 And " Se'rug lived thirty years, and begat Na'hor:
23 And Se'rug lived after he begat Na'hor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.
(8) Nahor: 148 years
24 And Na'hor lived nine and twenty years and begat *flt-rah:
25 And Na'hor lived after he begat Te'rah an himdred and nineteen years, and begat sons and daughters.
(9) Terah; 205 years
26 And Te'rah lived seventy years, and begat "Abram, Na'hor, and Ha'ran.
27 ^ Now these are the generations of Te'rah: Te'rah begat A'bram, Na'hor, and Ha'ran; and Ha'ran begat Lot.
28 And Ha'ran died before his father Te'rah in the land of his nativity, in<^r of the Chal'-dees.
29 And A'bram and Na'hor took them wives: the name of A'bram's wife was 'Sa'rai; and the name of Na'hor's wife./MO'cah, the daughter of Ha'ran, the father of Mil'cah, and the father of^Is'cah.
30 But Sa'rai was barren ; she had no child.
31 And Te'rah '^took A'brim his son, and Lot the son of Ha'ran his son's son, and Sa'rai his daughter in law, his son A'bram's wife; and they went forth with them from tr of the Chal'dees, to go into the land of Ca'naan; and they came unto 'Ha'ran, and dwelt there.
32 And the days of Te'rah were two hundred and five years: and Te'rah died in Ha'ran.
(End of the third dispensation - Human Government, 8:15-11:32)
Fourth dispensation:/Prom-
ise; 430 years. Abraham to the Exodus of Egypt (Gen. 12:l-Ex. 12:36)
VII History of Abraham (12:1-25:11). 1 The sixth or Abrahamic Covenant (12:1-3, 7; 13:14-18; 15:1-18; 17:4; 22:17; 26:1; 28:3, 14)
*VrOW the LoRD*faad said unto ^ » A'bram, 'Get thee out of thy country,"^nd from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that "I will shew thee:»
► 2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great;
44 I will not destroy it if I find 10 righteous (18:32) (21:12)
45 In Isaac shall your seed be called
46 I will m.ultiply your seed as the sand in number {22:11)
47 Your seed shall be the victor over their enemies (22:17)
48 In your seed shall all nations be blessed (22:18)
17 IwiUbring your seed out of bond -age (15:14-16. Fulfilled, Ex. 12)
18 I will bless your seed with great material substance (15:14)
19 You will die in peace (15:15)
20 You will be buried in a good old age (15:15)
21 I will make an eternal covenant
^ Continued, column 1
a Saruch (Lk. 3:35)
b Thara (Lk. 3:34)
c Here wehave the 4th innance of God choosing the younger instead of the elder (note c,4:25). The reason he 1$ mentioned first here is that his history is the subject of this part of Genejis as the father of the Hebrews. Terah was 130 yean old when Abraham was born (11:26-12:5)
d Now Mugheir on the western bank of the river Euphrates
e Mentioned 61 timet. Her biography is found in Gen. 11:29-31; 12:1-23:19. Elsewhere referred to in Gen. 24:36; 25:10; 49:31; Isa.5L2; Rom. 4:19; 9: 9; Heb. 11:11; 1 Pet. 3:6. One other person so named (Num. 26:46)
f Mentioned 7 tlme$(lL-29;22:20-24:47), One other person so named(N urn .26:33)
g Josephus identifies Iscahas Sarah, but this cannot be as is cleat from Gen. 11: 27, 29; 14:12; 20:12. Sarah was Abraham's half-sister, not his niece, as in the case of Iscah
hit was Abram that had received the call, not Terah (12:1; Acts 7:2)
i Haran was located in northeast Mesopotamia on the river BeUas about 60 miles above its confluence with the river Euphrates. It was a trade center on the route from Ninevahto Carchemish (Ezek.27:23);and thechief seat of worship of the moon-god Sin.Here is where Isaac and Jacob got tEeir wives and where the latter brought up most of hii family (24:1-35:29). See 2 Kl. 19:12: Isa. 37:12; Acts 7:2, 4
J See 7 dispensationi. p. 59
k From Acts 7:2 we leam that God firit called Abram before he went to Haran. From Josh, 24:2 we leam that Terah and his family were idolators previoui to this call. It was Terah that took Abram and others to go into Canaan. Terah seems to have become converted toAbtam's God and desired to flee idolatry and persecution from his neighbors. In this case Abram was not as disobedient as he is generally pictured.Cp. 12:4; 13:14; 3L 53. In 12:1-3 God repeats His call to Abram which was first given in Ur of the Chaldees (Acts 7:2)
1 13th prophecy in Gen. (12:1-3.fulfilled and being fulfilled). Next, 12:7. It predicted that Abraham and his seed would be many and be blessed forever, and that all nations would belMejsed through Christ, the promised seed. This is the 3rd prophecy of Christ (3:6-8,16)
m 14 commands to Abraham:
1 Get out of your country (12:1; Acts
2 Leave your kindred (12:1) 7:2)
3 Leave your father's house (12:1)
4 Goto a land I will show you (l&l)
5 Arise,walk through the land(13:17)
6 Make a sacrifice toMe (15:9-12)
7 Walk before Me and be perfectG7:
8 Keep My covenant (17:9-14) 1)
9 Circumcise all your males (17: 10-14)
10 Circumcise on the 8th day (17:12)
11 Call your son's name Isaac (17:19)
12 Obey your wife in this matter (21:
13 OfferIsaacasasacrifice(22:2)12)
14 Lay not your hand upon Isaac (22: n 48 promjlses to Abraham: 12)
1 I will show you the land (12:1)
2 Make of you a great nation (12:2)
3 Bless you (12:2; 22:17)
4 Make yourname great (12:2)
5 You will be a blessing (12:2) 3)
6 I will bless them that bless you (12:
7 Curse them that curse you (12:3)
8 In you all nations will be blessed (12:3; 22:18)
9 I will give this land to your seed forevera2:7; 13:14-17; 15:18-21:17:8)
10 I will make your seed as the dust in number (13:16)
11 I am your shield (15:1)
12 I am your great reward (15:1)
13 Your own son shall be your heir (15:2-4)
14 Your seed shall be as the stars in number (15:5; 22:17. Seep. SS)
15 Your seed shall be strangers and oppressed 400 years (15:13) 14)
16 1 will punish their oppressors (15:
GENESIS 12. 13
» Thishaibeen fulfilled nitnyUniei Jnd win bceiernjlly fulfilled in the StU-leniUarp and New Eanh
b The onlypUce In Scripture where this ttatemeni it found
c In (be Metilah of Abrahan'*! leeJ all naaon* will be bleued eternally (Ps. 7*17; IM. *6-7: 35e 1-8; Dan. T13-27; Mlc. 4; Rev. 11; IS; 21:1-22: 1
d Beginning of the 427 yean of the dit-pentatlon of Pronlie. See 7 diipentJ-tlocu . p. 59
e f Ml wai lo great that it caused iho teparadon of Lot and .Abraharr (13:7)
f Thli refen to the share of Abrahan''s iDtaerltance at the death of Tetah as WtW as to the converts he TT^ade at Haran who wanted to go along with hi:: to share God's blessings that werc promiaed. There were n^any slaves, among therr at least 318 trained sol-dlen and their wives and farrilies. besides the rrany who belonged to Lot (11: 14). The 318 were bom in AbraharT's house of 636 fathers and n'others who no doubt also had other children. All these farr-ilies together n^ade a greai throng, perhaps several thousand
g At thistlrre Abrahan rrayhave known the land to which he was going, but at the original call in Jr he did not know (Acts 7:3: Heb. 11:?)
h This land wasnarred afterCanaan, the son of Ham. whose descendents settled in this place (15:18-21; Josh. 12). The land of Canaan is found 66 tlrres in Scripture, 35 tirres in Genesis alone. The terrr is fouixl only 5 times outside of the Pentateuch and Joshua, in the O. T. , and not once in the S. T.
1 The place of Abraha:r "sfirst altar(v6-7: Cp. 33:20; Jn. 4:5; Acts 7:16)
J The giants (see Giants , p. 62)
k TWrd of 10 appearances of Cod to Abram (12:1-3.7; 13:14; 15:1-21; 17: 1-27: 18:1-33: 21:12: 22:1. 15)
1 l4thprophecyinGen. (12:7). Next. 13: 14. Here we have the first promise that Abraham's seed would be given Canaan. It hasbeen partially fulfilled but will be corrpletely and eternally fulfilled in the Millennium and the New Earth (v 7; 17:8; 9:6-7; Ezek.37:1-28: 47:13-23: 48:l-35;Dan.7:13-18:Zech. 14:Hos.3;4-5;Lk.l;32-33:Act$ 15:13-18)
m 14 altar builders of Scripture;
9:25: Rev
God's cnll and promise to Ahram
Ah'arn and Lot st'faratt
1 Cod (Heb. 5:5
2 Noah (Gen. 3:20)
3 Abraham (four.Gen.l2:7-8; 13:18;
4 Isaac (Gen. 26:25) 22:9)
5 Jacob (two.Gen. 33:20; 3acl-7)
6 Moses (four. Ex. 17:15; 24:4: 27: 1-8: 30:1-10)
7 Jothua (two. Josh, 8:30-31; 22:10)
8 Gideon Oudft- 6:24-32)
9 Israel Qudg. 21:4)
10 Saul (1 Sam. 14:35)
11 David (2 Sam. 24:18-25)
12 Solomon (two. 1 Ki. 9:25)
13 EUjah (1 Ki. 18:30-35)
14 Zerubbabcl (Ezra 3:2-3)
n Abraham was the flrit mountaineer mentlooed. of many in Scripture (v 8). Even God dwells in a mountain city (Rev. 14:1-5; 21:16. Cp. Isa. 2:2-4). See 18 facts about mountains, p. 628
o Heb. means house of God About 20 mi. south of Sichem. and 10 mi. nonh of Jerusalem.CalledLuz(28:17-19; 35«; 48:3; Josh. 16:2: WlZ: Judg. 1:23)
p Abraham is the first man named in Scripture of whom It is recorded that he called upon the name of. or prayed to God (v 8). Abel. Enoch and others prayed, we are sure, but no record of it was made. The men of Gen. 4:2». were Idolaten. not men who prayed to God.Cp. 13:4; 26:25; 1 Chr. 4:10; Ps. 9ft6: 116:4: Joel 2:32: Acts 2:21
q Heb. .the Negeb or hill country south of Judah. Cp. 13:1; 20:1; 24:62; Josh. 11:16; 15:19; Lk. 1:39. Many Bible events took place here
r First of 13 famines In Scripture . Faii-ines were judgments of Cod. They are mentioned elsewhere In connection with judgments(2Sam.24;13:Ps. 105c 16; IM. 51:19; Jer. 14:15; 15c2; 24:10; 27:8: Ezek. 5cl2: 12:16): and foretold
ar. t
slia t hi- a ^
: "mml .
of th.
• m thai
■ :M1 that
Z First
sojourn in Canaan (111)
k u
rl#-r»-i rf»'
H. as the ■in; and
1 ! ^ »<rAm
u j' '■ "Id
u.., .,., . I .. i.t o! Hj ran.
5 And A brim took S4 r4i his wife, and Lot his brother's son, and 'all their substance that they had Rafhered. and the souls that they had 'gotten in Hir.in; and they went forthio go into*the land of Cd nAan; and into the land of Cd ndan they came.
S • And A bram passed throuRh the land unto the place of'Sichem, unto the plain of M6'reh. And the *Ca nian-ite was Jhen in the land.
And the Li>iH)*appeared unto bram. and said.'Unto tliv seed will I Rive this land: and there builded^he an altar unto the LoRn, who appeared unto him*
8 And he removed from thence unto a'^ountain on the east of Betli -el. and pitched his tent, havingliiih-el on the west, and Ha i on the east: and there he builded an altar unto the Lord, and < tall e3 upon the name of the Lord.
9 And A brim journeyed, going on still toward the*;outh.
3 Sojourn in Egypt. (1) A coward and deceiver
10 • And there was a'famine in the land: and A bramV^nt down into E sypt to sojourn there; for the famine was grievous in the land.
11 And it came to pass, when he was come near to enter into £'gjpt. that he said unto Sa rii his wife. Behold nnw, I know that thou art a fair woman tc look upon:
12 Therefore it shall come to pass, when the 6-^5'p 'ians shall see thee, that they shall say, This is his wife: and they will kill me, but they will save thee alive.
13 "Say, I pray thee, thou art my sister: that it may be well with me for thy sake; and my soul shall live because of thee.
(^) God's intervention (Cp. Gen. 20)
14 * And it came to pass. that, when A br4m was come into E^J^pt, the £.-g<p tian? beheld the woman that she was very fair.
15 The princes also of PhA'-rai^h saw her, and commended her before Pha'ra6h: and the woman was taken into Phft'-rarth's house.
16 And"Tie entreated AbrSir, well for her sake: and he had sheep, and oxen, and he asses, and menservants, and maid-Mrvants, and she asses, and camels.
17 And the LoRt) ^U£ued
as a sign of the 2nd advent of Christ(Mi. 24:7;Lk.2L 1 Ij.Proriilses during fan Inc (2Chr. 1. :. .;Ps.33!l9; 37:19;Rom. 8: 35)
13 famines In Scripture. In:
1 Caiuan in Abraham's day (12:10)
2 Canaan in Isaac's day (26:1)
3 Canaan in Jacobs day (4L 54-57)
Continued, column 4 ^
Kre.. A br
and his house with because of Si'rAi
Abraham'* trial: expelled from Egypt
18 AndPh.i ra6hcalledA brdm, and said.'What is this that thou hast done unto me? why didst thou not tell me that she was thy wife?
19 Why saidst thou.*She is my sister? so I might have taken her to me to wife: now therefore behold thy wife, take her, and Ro thy way.
20 And'Pha ra6h commanded his men concerning him: and they "^ent him away, and his wife, and all that he had.
4 Second
so]ourn (U:4)
in Canaan
out of Fis wife, and Lot
AND A bram' wcnt > t'gypt, he, and and all that he had with him. into the'south.
2 And A brim was very'rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold.
3 And he went on his journeys from the south even to B6th -el, unto the*place where his tent had been at the beginning, between Beth -el and HS'i;
4 Unto the place of'the altar, which he had made there at the first: and there A brSm'called on the name of the Lord.
5 Abram separates from Lot
5 * And L6t also, which went with A brdm. had flocks, and herds, and tents.
6 And the land was not able to bear thtin. that they might dwell together: for their substance was great, so that they could not dwell together.
7 And there was a*strife between the lierdmen of A brim's cattle and the herdmen of L6t's cattle: and i.'ie Ca nian-ite and th'j Per i2-zite dwelled 'tlicn in the lai.d.
8 And A brim said unto^ot, "Let there le no stiife, I pray thee, between me and thee, and between my herdmen and thy herdmen; for we be brethren.
9 °ls not the whole land before thee? separate thyself, I pray thee, from me: if thou wilt take the left hand, then I will go to the right; or if thou depart to the ri^ht hand, then I will go to the left.
10 And L6t lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered every where,'Tjefore the Li-ki) destroyed S6dom and Go-mor-rah. even as the garden of the LoKi), like the land of fg^pt, as tb'.n . ..mi-st unto Zoar.
11 • chose him all the plan. . ,!jn; and L6t journeyed eabt: and they separated themselves tl'.e one frcin the other.
12 A brJm dwelled in the land of Ca ndan, and l.f>t dwelled in the cities of the plain, and pitched his tent toward Sod om.
13 But 'the iren of Sod om u't'/t-Viekeil and sinners before the Lottb exceedinaly.
him (Fsiher 2:12). It was durinu this
time- (hat c>oO intervened and sjvcd
sjt.ih (v 14-20)
Abrah-im's conscience no doubt hurt
him lor lakinu fjvors from Pharaoh
durinu (las deception penod
What kind of plagues IS not known, but
in a si ID liar case the curte was barrrn-
ncsi (t.en. 20). bee Bible plagues , p.
317 of N.T.
J Question s 1 b She wj$
14.Next, l^g.Cp.3:13 a half-sister (21/: 12) c Officialtitle of all Wngi of Egypt until
the division of Greece after which they
were called Ptolen let d This 1$ the first of-i .inytiii'cs Abraham
and his seed were driven from one land
to another (v20: 20: K; Ex. ll:8;2Ki.
17; 25; Lk. 21:24).See Wars and defeats
o f Israel , p. C35 e Cp. with "went down" in Gen. 12:10 f See note 4, 12:9 fi. First recorded rich man. Cp. the last
one, Lk. 18:23 h Back tothe starting point. Nothing was
gained in leaving Canaan (12:7-9) i No altar or praying in Egypt recorded J See note p. liS
k 7 steps of Lot downward:
1 Strife (v 7). See the cause (v 6)
2 Beheld ScxJom-Gomorrah territory J Chosetolivelhere(v 11) (vlO)
4 Pitched tent toward Sodom (v 12)
5 Dwelt in Sodom (14:12)
6 Sat in the gate (19:1)
7 Drunkenness (1J:33)
1 Emphasizing the fact a second time that giants were occupying the land to contestGod'sclaim on it for Hispeople (v 7; 12:C). See Ci_ani$, p. 62
ni Lot is mentioned 7 times outside of Gen. 11:27-19:36. He is named as an object lesson to others (Lk. 17:28-32; 2 Pet. 2: 7). Whatever may have been his failures at other times. Lot kept himself socleanfrom the homosexual sins (sodon y)described inGen. 19and Rom. 1:24-32 that he is called both just and righteous in 2 Pet. 2:7-3
n A real sermon on unselfishness. Note the spirit of the 2 men and the consequent results (13:7-13; 1411-12. 16-24; 18:16-19:38)
o Question 15. Next, 15c2. The same spint is exhorted in the N. T. (Eph. 4s 1-3; Phil. '2:1-4)
P A great contrast before and after the curse on Sodom. It no longer is fruitful
c( This verse shows the nature of Lot's choice. Cp. 19:1-38
r All homosexuals.sodomitesor lesbians, and other perverts are always classed as wicked sinners before the Lord.Their sin is onethatt~<odcannotand will not tolerate. He sent judgment upon these sodomite cities as a lesson to others who would be tempted to follow in their sin,and condemned many peoples afterward who did so.promising eternal hell as their reward (18:20; 19t 5,13; Isa. 3:9; Rom. 1:18-32; 2 Pet. 2: Jude 7-19)
^ Cont. fron' column'2
4 Canaan during the judces (Ruth LI) 21:1)
5 Canaan in David's day (2 Sam.
6 CanaaninElijah'sday(lKI 17:1)
7 CanaaninElisha'sday(2Ki.4:3a)
8 Samaria in Elishas day(2 Ki.-".: 25)
9 Canaan in Elisha'sday (2 Ki. 8:1)
10 Jerusalem in Zedekiah'sday(2Ki. 25c 3; Jer. 14)
11 Canaan in Nehemiah's day(Neh.
12 Anunknownland(Lk. 15c 14) 5:3)
13 The Roman Empire in Paul's day (Acts 11:28)
s Abram was to remain in the land, lie failed in this test. Jews ever afterward looked to Egypt for help. For this they were rebuked by many prophets 0^.30: 2; 31:1; 3ti:6: Jer. 2:30; Ezek. 17:15)
t Heb. yaphch .beautiful. Said 23 tiriiej of wotne-n (v 11.14; 2 Sam. 13:1; 14: 27; I Ki. 1:3-4; Job 4'2:15; Pr. 11:22; .Song l:15-le: 4 1, 7; r,:4,10; Amos 8: 13). Sarah was about 65 at this time (Cp. V 4: 17:1. 17. 24; 21:5)
u Again showing the weakness and failure of Abraham in faith.Hc had already been promised a son by Sarah and nothing could kill him until (his w.is ac-roiiiplisbed. Me did not want her (o lie but to suppress part of the truth. She was actually his half-sister (20:12)
V A woman taken into the harem of a king went through a long penod of purification before she v.as brought to
a God may have been waiting for their separation before making this additional revelation regarding the land. knowntoAbraham.If so, this indicates that God wanted him to leave all his kindred and be a separate people. Cp. Num. 23:9. On the other hand, after may imply the time only and not the condition of revelation
b 15th prophecy in Gen. (13:14-17).Next, 15:4. The 2nd prophecy of Canaan for Israel as an eternal possession (12:7; 13:14-17: 15:18-21; 17:8; 24:7); and the 2nd prophecy of Abraham's seed being an innumerable people (12:2; 13:16; 15:5; 16:10; 17:2,4-5, 16, 19; 18:10,18; 21:12-13, 18; 22:17-18). It is in process ofeternal fulfillment (see note 1, 12: 7)
c Israel must be an eternal natural people for this to be true. See Eternal generations in Index
" Abraha m^seed compared to 3 thing s
1 The dust of the earth in number (13:16)
2 The stars ofheaven in number (15: 5; 22:17) (22:17)
3 The sand of the sea in number e Supposed to be Hammurabi, king of
Babylon, who was a celebrated warrior, builder, and lawgiver of the famous Babylonian Code of Laws regulating courts of justice and daily life of his subjects. See note 1, 44:9
f Thiskingseemstohavebeen the overlord of the others who were allies with him in the war with the kings of v 2.who had served Chedorlaomer for 12 years before their rebellion againsthim(v4). Arioch was his sister's son, and Tidal was king of barbarian tribes of the Kurdish mountains
g First war on record. Many others are mentioned. See Wars and defeats of Israel, p. 636 Wars are predicted to continue until Christ comes to earth (Mt.24:4-21;Rev.6:l-8;13:4-8;19:U-21)
h Called the salt sea (v 3: Num. 34:12; Dt. 3:17; Josh. 3:16; 12:3; 15:2.5; 18: 19); the sea of the plain (Dt. 3:17; 4: 49; Josh. 3:16); the easflea (Joel 2:20); and the former sea (Zech. 14:8)
i The Rephaims. Zuzims, Emims, and others of v .5-7 were of the greatest gianttribes(Dt. 2:10-11.20-21; 3:11-13; Josh. 12:4; 13:12; 15:8; 17:15; 18: 16). See Giants, p. 62
j Ancient name of Engedi in Syria. It was a sizable city when Hebron was built (2 Chr. 20:2)
kA valley full of bitumen pits, which was later submerged under the waten of the Dead Sea when Sodom was destroyed by God
^ Cont. from column 3
battleof Arma2eddon(Zech.l4;Rev.l9) See 30 sieges of Jerusalem , p. 25 n These are the emblems of the Lord's Supper, showing that Melchizedek and the patriarchs fully understood the doctrine of atonement (1 Pet. l:10-12;Gal. 3:8;Heb.4:1 -2.Cp.Lk. 22:14-20; 1 Cor. IL 23-34)
o The first use of the word and proves that God has had representatives in all ages. Melchizedek was a Gentile whose priesthood is eternal in Christ (Ps. 110; Heb. 5:10; 6:20; 7:1-28). The .A atonic priesthood was temporary(Heb. 7:11-12)
p Heb. El-Elyon, Most High God. First occurrence (v 18-22). El signifies Strong, First. It is the dtTe that shows God to be the Mighty One, the First i Cause of everything, the possessor of I the heavens and earth. It is used 250 i times and is connected with some of! the attributes of God as Almighty -God [ (17:l); Everlasting -God(21:33); Jealousi God (Ex. 20:5); Grea^-God (Dt. 10:17); i LiviDgGod QosHTS: 10); Merciful -God (Dt. 4 31); Faithful -God (Dt. 7:9); | Mighty -God (Dt. 7:21). In Dt. 32:4itj is connected with truth, justice, right- | eousness,perfection. El-Elyon Is always , used to refer to the highest Sovereign of the heavens and earth. Cp. Lk. 1: 76; Acts 17:24
Battle of four kings against five
6 Abrahamic Covenant confirmed
Il4 * And \he Lord said unto A'bram.' 'after that Lot was separated from him, *Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward:* >15 For all the land which thou seest, to thee wLU I give it, and to thy seed'^or ever. M6 And I will make thy seed as thei^ust of the earth: so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seed also be numbered. •17 Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it; for I will give it unto thee.'*
18 Then A'bram removed his tent, and came and dwelt in the plain of Mam're, which is in Hebron, and built there an altar unto the Lord.
7 Abram delivers Lot (Cp. 19:27). (1) First battle of the vale of Siddim: 12 years of servitude
AND it came to pass in the ■ days of''Am'ra-phel king of Shi'nar. A'ri-och king of El'la-sar, ^Ched-or-la'o-mer king of E'lam, and Tidal king of nations ;
2 That these made^ar with Be'rd king of SSd'om, and with Bir'shd king of Go-mor'rah, Shi'nab king of Ad'mah, and Shem-e'ber king of Ze-boi'im, and the king of Be'li, which is Zo'ar.
3 All these were joined together in the vale of Sid'dim. which is the'^alt sea.
4 Twelve years they served Ched-or-la'o-mer, and in the thirteenth year they rebelled.
(2) Rebellion; conquest of the giants
5 And in the fourteenth year came Ched-or-la'o-mer, and the kings that were with him, and smote the'Reph'a-ims in Ash'tS-roth Kar-naim, and the Zu'zimg in Ham, and the E'mim§ in Sha'veh Kir-i-a-tha'im,
6 And the Ho rites in their moimt Se'ir, unto £l-pa'ran, which IS by the wilderness.
7 And they returned, and came to En-mish'pat, which is Ka'-desh, and smote all the cotmtry of the Am'a-lek-ites, and also the Am'or-ites, that dwelt 'in Haz'e-zon-ta'mar.
(3) Second battle of the vale of Siddim
S And there went out the king of Sodom, and the king of Go-mor'rah, and the king of Ad'mah, and the king of Ze-boi'im, and the king of Be'li (the same is Zo'ar;) and they joined battle with them in*the vale of Sid'dim;
9 With Ched-or-la'o-mer the king of E'lam, and with Ti'dal king of nations, and Am'ra-phel
king of Shi'nar, and A'ri-6ch king of El'la-sar; four kings with five.
10 And the vale of Sid'dim was full of slimepits; and the kings of Sod'om and Go-mor'rah fled, and fell there; and they that remained fled to the mountain.
11 And they took all the goods of Sod'om and G6-m6r'rah,and all their victuals, and went their way.
(4) Captivity of Lot
12 And they took Lot, A'bram's brother's "son, who dwelt in Sodom, and ''his goods, and departed.
(5) Abram's only war: Battle of Dan
13 ' And there came one that had escaped, and told "A'bram the'^Hebrew; for he dwelt in the plain of Mam're the 'Am'-6r-ite, brother of Eshcol, and brother of A'ner: and these were confederate with A'bram.
14 And when A'bram heard that his brother was taken captive, he armed histraincd servants, born in his own house, three hundred and eighteen, and pursued them untofDan.
15 And he divided himself against them, he and his servants, by night, and smote them, and pursued them unto'Ho'bah, which is on the left hand "of Da-mas'cus.
(6) Abram's victory
16 'And he brought back all the goods, and also brought again his brother Lot, and his goods, and'fthe women also, and the people.
(7) Abram's triumphant return
17 '' And the king of Sod'om went out to meet him after his return from the slaughter of Ched-or-la'o-mer, and of the kings that were with him, at the valley of Sha'veh, which is the king's dale.
8 Abram's blessing by Melchizedek: a new revelation
18 And rMel-chiz'e-dek king of
"^a/lem brought forth'^read and wine: and he was the°priest of the'taost hieh God.
19 And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be A'bram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth:
20 And'Hjlessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. AndTie gave him tithes of all.
9 Abram's unselfishness
21 And the king of Sod'om said unto A'bram, Give me the persons, and take the goods to thyself.
22 And A'bram said to the king of S6d'om,1 have lift up mine hand unto the Lord, the most high God, the possessor of heaven and earth.
q This is the first instance of praising God in Scripture (v 19). Cp. this with the last droe (Rey, 19:1-10)
r First example of paying tithes (v 20). See p. 270 of N.T.
s A mode of appealing toGod.and calling Him to witness any transaction.lt was a wayof takinga solemn oath. Cp. Isa. 62:8; Dan. 12:7; Rev. 10:5-6
for the last 3 1/2 years of this age (Rev. 11:1-2). It is God's chosen place for the capital of His eternal earthly kingdom under the Messiah (2 Chr. 6:6; 33:4; Isa. 2:1-4; 9:6-7; 44:26; 62: 7; Jer. 17: 25;Ez.43:7;48:35;Jbel3:20;Ze.l4:l-21). Jerusalem will be the center of the
4 Continued, column 1
a See Gen. 11:27, 29
b See Gen. 13:5-7
c Changed to Abraham in 17:5
d First use of the word Hebrew .from eber, meaning across, or the opposite side. It refers to the other side of the Euphrates in this case. The word is used ofAbraham'sdescendents(v 13:39:14, 17; 41:12; Ex. 1:15-19; 2:7-11; 21:2; Dt. 15:12; Jet. 34: 9-14; Jonah 1:9; Acts 6:1; 2 Cor. 11:22; Phil. 3:5)
e Descendents of one of the sons of Canaan (10:16). Most powerful of the Canaanite nations. They were to be dispossessed by A braham "s descendents (15:16-21).Here they were confederate with him (v 13). They were the first people to be dispossessed by Israel when coming out of Egypt(N um.21:21-35; Dt. 3:1-17. Cp. Josh. 11)
f Trained for warbecause of danger from unfriendly wandering tribes and other enemies. See note f, 12:5
g A city marking the nonhern limit of Israel Oudg. 20:1; 2 SaT,. 3:10;17:11; 24:2.15; 2Chr. 30:5).Itwa3 originally called Laish Qudg. 18:7, 29). Here Jeroboam set up an idol (1 Ki. 12:28-29)
hA place 60 miles northwest of Damascus
i Capital of Syria (2 Sam. 8:5; 1 Ki.ll: 24; 15:18-20; 20:1; 2 Ki.8:28; 10:33; 12:17; 13:3. 24; 14:28; 16:5-9). One of the oldest cities in the world. Tradition says it was built by Abraham or his steward (15:2)
j Abraham was no warrior by nature, yet through God's help he became a suc-< cessful conqueror and accomplished a feat equal to Gideon's (Judg. 7). This was one of the exploits of faith (Heb. 11:33-39)
k This is of special interest as it shows Abraham carried out his attack so quickly that all the wives and daughters were rescued from the licentiousness of the victorious soldiers..\'ote that besides Lot, these were rescued: all females, all captives, the material goods
1 Many idle stories and unscriptural interpretations have been given about Melchizedek; but the Bible states very simple facts about him which will give us a clear understanding of the subject, if we will limit ourselves to what is written
Melchizedek-7fqld type of Christ: in 1 Genealogy(Heb.7:3,6 withMic..5:2)
, 2 Sacrifice (14:18 with Lk. 22:14-30)
3 Endless priesthood (Ps.llO with Heb, ' 5:10; 6:20; 7:3.17,21,23-28) 12-13)
4 King-priest (Heb. 7:1 with Zech, 6:
5 Greater than Abraham (Heb. 7:4-8 withjn. 8:55-59)
6 Kingof righteousness (Heb. 7:2 with 1 Cor. 1:30; Heb. 1:8)
7 Kingofpeace(Heb.7:2 withlsa.9:6) The contrast between the Melchizedek and A atonic priesthoods is in person, order and duration . In His sacrificial work Christ followed the A atonic which was merely the shadow of His sacrifice (Heb. 8:1-10:19). See Melchizedek (Melchisedec) in the Index
m The name of ancient Jerusalem (v 18; Ps. 76:2; 122:3; Heb. 7:1-2). It is said that 700 years before Rome was founded, the Jebusites conquered Salem and called it Jebus. Later the two names were united into one - Jerusalem, meaning habitation of peace . The city is mentioned 807 timesinScripture by this name, beginning with Josh. 10:1 and ending with Gal. 4:25. The only other places the name is used in Scripture it refers to the New and Heavenly Jerusalem (Gal.4:26; Heb. 12:22; Rev. 3:12; 21:2,10). Earthly Jerusalem has undergone 30 sieges, of which 12 are recorded in Scripture.lt was the capital of Israel from David's time until Nebuchadnezzar (2 Sam. 5-2 Chr. 36); and became the capital of restored Israel in thedayof Ezra and Nehemiah(Ezra 1; 2-Neh.l3:20).It was totally destroyed in 70 A. D. when Israel was scattered among the nations the 2nd time (Lk.21: 20-24). It will become the capital of the new modern Israel before the days of Antichrist when he will conquer Israel and make Jerusalem his capital
GENESIS 15. 16 Mekhr.edek blesses Abram God's covenant with Abram confirmed
a Whjiever the ort^njl uylng .■T-eani. 11 li clear that Abtaha:: rcfujeJ the tniallest pjit of that which belonged to aootber. (Us allies could take what was cusionary but he would have nothing frorri 3 thread or ribbon that tied a miden't hair to a iran's shoe strin)i -nochinit but the food that had been eaten (v 23-24)
b First occuncnceof239tlrrej in the O.r. and i*tiii'es in the N.T.Only twice In Gene^i (1S:1.4). It iifound 113 limes la Jererrlab and Ezekiel alone refer-riog to the word fro-:' God to then-
c 21 men who had visions fron' ^'Od:
1 Abrahan' (Gen. 1^: I)
2 Jacob (Cen. 46:2)
3 Balaarr (Nun-. 24:4. 16)
4 Samuel (1 San:. 3:1. 15)
5 Nathan(2Sam.7:17: lChr.l7:16)
6 iMiah Gu- 1:1: 2 Chr. 32:32)
7 Mesdah (P». 89:19)
8 Ezekiel (Ezek. 7:13: 8:1-4;11:24)
9 1ddo(:Chr. 9t29)
10 Daniel (Dan.a 19; 8:1-27; 96 21-24)
11 Nebuchadnezzar (Dan. 2)
12 Obadlah (Oba. 1)
13 Nahum (Nah. 1:1)
14 HabakkuJt (Hab. '2:2-3)
15 Peter (Mt. 17:9; Actj 10:19: 11:5)
16 Jamej (Mt. 17:9)
17 John (Mt. 17:9; Rev. 9tl7)
18 Zachatlai (Lk. 1:22)
19 Ananias (Acts ^10-12)
20 CorneUuj (Acts 10:3, 17)
21 Paul(Act5l6:9-10;18:9;2Cor.l2) d See Fear In the Index
e Dt. 35^. Pi. 84:11: 91:4; Pr. 30: s
f Queitioo 16. Next. 15:9
g This waibeforelshniael (16:15),Isaac (2l:l-8),andoihcr»onjbyKeturahwere born (25:1-6)
h Referring to EUezer of v 2
I 16th prophecy Id Gen . (15:4-5). Next. V 13. This is trie 3rd prophecy of Abraham's jeed being great in Durrber. Ii Is in proceu of fulfillment
J Note Abraham's 4 'look's' ;
1 Over the earth (13:14)
2 Toward heaven (15:6)
3 At Jehovah (18:2)
4 At a iiibstitute (22:13) k Rom. 4:3. 6; Gal. 3:6; Ja». 2:23 1 Queitioo 17. Next. 16:8. A natural
quenlon.Cp.Judg.6:17: 1 Ki. 13:3-5; 2 Kl. 20:8 m Cp. theMotalc offering! (Lev. 1:3.10. :4; 3:1,7,-.2; 4:14, 23,28,3^- 5:6-7) n So as to isolate Abraham's mind entirely from earthly scenes, and to bring him into a wholly yielded state. God alone was seen and heard; and Abra-ham'i thoughti were filled with the subject to the excluilon of all else. Thuj. the Abrahamic covenant had a vlvidneu and reality which made it indelibly impressive 0 17thprophecy inGen. nSe 13-16).Next, v 18. This predicts that Abraham's seed would be sojourners for 400 yean more; that Egypt would be punished for enslaving Israel; that Israel would become rich; that Abraham would live long; and that his seed would come out ofEgypt in the 4th generation to defeat the Ariiorites. All of the prophecy was fulfilled in the exodus and settlement of Canaan under Moses and Joshua (Ex. 7:1-14:28; Num. 21:21-25; Josh. 12)
The actual sojourn of Abraham *s seed In Egypt was only 215 yeari.There were other countries which made up the land ofiojoum02:l-20; 13:1-18:15:13-14; 20:1-18; 21:22-34; 23:4; 26:3-35; 28: 10: 29:1; 3L 13-55; 35c6; 37:1; 46:1-7; 47:27; 50:22-26; Ex. 1-12; Heb. 11:8-10). The 400 yean of Gen. 15:13 and Acti 7:6 date back to the time when Isaac was weaned and confirmed as the seed, and Ishmael was can out (21:12; Gal. 4:30). At that time Isaac was 5 yean old
Other scriptures speak of the period as 430 years (Ex. 12:40; '.al. 3: 14-17). and that reckoningdates back farther, to uke In these 5 years of Isaac's bfe and 25 yean previous to hiiblnh- when Abraham went IntoCanaan to sojourn. The following outline shows how the
23 Thai I Will not take from^ thread even to a shoclatchet. and that I will not take any thing that is thine, lest thou shouldist say. I have made A brdm rich:
24 Save only that which the younn men have eati-n. and the pottion of the men which went with me, A ner, ^sli cAI. and M4m ri\ let them take their portion.
10 Abrahatnjc Covenant enlarged. (1) Concerning the seed
MQER th ese thinp.s hhe word ^■^ of the Lord came unto A brdm in a' vision. saying/Fear not, A brim: I am thy'shield, and thy exceeding great reward:*
2 And A'brim said. Lord God, /what wilt thou give me, seeing I
go childless, and the steward of my house is this £-li-e'zgr of Da-m3s'cus?
3 And A brJm said. Behold, to me thou hast given *no seed; and, lo,*one bom in my house is mine heir.
S4 And, behold, the word of the Lord came unto him, 'saying. This shall not be thine heir; but he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine heir.
pS And he brought him forth abroad, and said, 'Look now toward heaven, and tell ifae &taiS. if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be .
6 lAnd he believed in the Lord ; and he counted it to him for righteousness.
(i.) Concerning the land
7 And he said unto him, I am the Lord that brought thee out of Or of the ChAl deeg, to give thee this land to inherit it.
8 And he said, 'Lord God, whereby shall I know that I shall inherit it?
(3) Concerning the seed
■9 And he said unto himfTake me an heifer of three years old, and a she goat of three years old, and a ram of three years old, and a turtledove, and a young pigeon.