Wejither (4).Job 37:22; Pr. 25:20; Mt. 16:

Discemingw.,e 17-4*; q-r75-4* 2-3 Weave ('2). Isa. 19:9; 59:5 Weaver (2),Ex. 35:35; Isa. 38:12 Weaver's (5), 1 Sam. 17:7; 2 Sam. 21:19;

1 Chr. 11:23; 20:5; Job 7:6 Weavest (l).Job 16:13 Web(4)Judg.l6:13-14;Job8:14;Isa,59:5

W. over a cave,j 318-4 Webs (1), Isa. 59:6

Wedding ( 7) .Mt. 22:3-12; Lk.12:36; 14:8

Wedge (3).Josh. 7:21-24; Isa. 13:12

Wedlock (l).Ezek. 16:38

Weeds (1),Jonah 2:5

Week (13). Daniel's 70th w., 877-878 Last w. Christ alive, h, x 109-1*; j-k

110-4*; b 117-1* Fiist day of w., Mt, 28:1; Mk. 16:2-9; Lk,24:1; Jn.20:l,19; Acts20:7; ICor. Fast twice aw. ,Lk, 18:12 16:2

Weeksa 5).70 w. of Daniel. 877-878

Feast of w., Ex. 34:22; Dt. 16:10; 2

Chr. 8:13 9:24-27

Seventy w. are determined upon. Dan,

Daniel mourned 3 whole w..Dan.lO: 2-3

Weep (48). To w. for Sarah. Gen. 23:2 Joseph sought place to w. .Gen. 43:30 Israel did w. for food. Num. 11:1-13 David and men no more power to w.. 1

Sam. 30:4 Women to w. for Saul. 2 Sam. 1:24 David did w. for child, 2 Sam. 12:21 Blessed are ye that w. now.Lk. 6:21 W. with them that w., Rom. 12:15 Be afflicted, mourn, and w., Jas. 4:9 W. and howl for your miseries, Jas.5:l

Weepest (3), 1 Sam. l:8;Jn.20:13.15

Weepeth( 4). 2Sam.l9;l; 2 Ki. 8:12; Ps. 12^:6; Lam, 1:2 Ps.30:5

Weeping (44). W. may endure a night.

No w. in Millennium, Isa. 65:19 18 causes of weeping:

1 Judgment (Num. 25:6)

2 Death of Moses pt, 34:8) 16)

3 Wife taken from husband (2 Sam. 3:

4 Rebellion of Absalom (2 Sam. 15:30)

5 Rebuilding of temple (Ezra 3:13)

6 Integration (Ezra 10:1)

7 Decree for destruction (Esther 4:3)

8 Sickness and accusations Qob 16:16)

9 Judgment on nation (Isa. 15:3-5)

10 False worship (Ezek. 8:14)

11 Killing of infants (Mt. 2:18

12 Remorse in hell (Mt, 8:12; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30; Lk. 13:28)

13 Sorrow for sin (Lk, 7:38)

14 Death of Lazarus Qn. 11:33)

15 Death of Christ (Jn. 20:11)

16 Death of Dorcas (Acts 9:39) 17Loveforthechurch(PhiL3:18) 19) 18 Desttuctionof Babylon (Rev. 18:15-

Weigh (6), 1 Chr. 20:2; Ezra 8:29; Ps. iS:2; Isa. 26:7; 46:6; Ezek. 5:1

Weighed ( 17), Gen. 23:16; 1 Sam. 2:3; Job 6:2; 31:6; lsa.40:12:Dan.5:27: etc.

Weigheth (2).Job 28:25; Ps. 16:2

Weighing (2). Num. 7:85-86

Weight (58),Gen. 24:22; Num. 7:13-79; ICTu. _ 28:14-18; Jn. 19:39; etc. Have perfect and just w. ,Dt. 25:15 Make the w. forthe winds,Job 28:25 A just w. is His delight,Pr. 11:1 A just w, and balance are,Pr. 16:11 Eat bread by w. .Ezek.4:10,16 Eternal w. of glory, 2 Cot. 4:17 Let us lay aside every w., Heb. 12:1

Weightier (l).Mt. 23:23

Weights (6). See Money and Measure Just balances, just w. ,Lev. 19:36 All w.ofbagareHis work,Pr. 16:11 Divers w. and measures an abomination to theLord,Pr. 20:10. 23; MIc. 6:11

Weighty (2),Pr. 27:3; 2 Cot. 10:10

Welfare (7).Gen. 43:27; Ex. 18:7; 1 Chr. 18:10; Neh. 2:10;Job 30:15; Ps.60:22; Jer. 38:4

Well (255). If thou doest w.,Gen.4:7 "' It may be w. with me for,Gen. 12:13 Entreated Abram w. for her. Gen. 12:16

Complete Concordance ~ Cyclopedic Index

Jordan valley w. watered,Gen. 13:10 W. stricken with age,Gen. 18:11; 24:1 Beautiful and w. favored. Gen. C9:17 That it may go w. with thee, Dt. 4:40;

5:16, 29, 33; 6:3, 18; 12:25; 19:13;

22:7; Ruth 3:1; Jer. 7:23; Eph. 6:3 Is it w. with thee, husband, child, 2 KL

4:23-26 Markw.,Job33:31;Ps.48:13;Ezek.44:5 Running waters from own w. ,Pr. 5:15 W. of Ufe.Pr. 10:11 W. of liviDg waters, Song 4:15 Learn to do w. ,seek,Isa. 1:17 Instead of w. set hair, Isa, 3:24 Wines on lees w, refined, Isa. 25:6 Son, ;n whom I am w.pleased,Mt. 3:17;

12:18; 17:5;Mk.l:U:Lk.3:22; 2Pet.L-17 W. done.Mt. 25:21,23; Phil. 4:14 He hath done all things w. ,Mk. 7:37 All men speak w. of you,Lk. 6:26 W,of water ?)rlnging up Jn.4:14; a 97-1* Continuance in w. doing, Rom. 2:7 As unknown, yet w. known, 2 Cor.6:9 Wearyinw. doing.Gal. 6:9;2Th.3:13 Ruleth w. his own house, 1 Tim. 3:4 W. reported of, 1 Tim. 5:10 Elders that rule w. ,1 Tim. 5:17 Such sacrifices God is w., Heb. 13:16 UTien do w, and suffer, 1 Pet, 2:20 Wellbeloved (6), Song 1:13; Isa. 5:1; Mk.

12:6; Rom. 12:6; 3 Jn. 1 '■v'eUfavoured (l),Nah. 3:4 Wellpleasing (2).Phil. 4:18: Heb. 13:21 Well's (6),Gen. 29:2-10; 2 Sam. 17:19 Wells (ll).W.of father. Gen. 26:15-18 12 w. of water,Ex. 15:27 Stopped all w.of water, 2 Ki,3:19-25 Water out of w. of salvation, Isa. 12:3 These are w, withoutwater,2Pet.2:17 10 wells named in Scripture:

1 Beer-lahai-roi (Gen. 16:14; 25:11)

2Esek (Gen. 26:20)

3 Sitnah (Gen. 26:21)

4 Rehoboth (Gen, 26:22)

5 Nephtoah (Josh. 18:15)

6 Harod Cfudg.7:l) 7Sechu(lSam.l9:22)

8 Sirah (2 Sam. 3:26)

9 Bethlehem (2 Sam. 23:15-16) 10 Jacob's (In. 4:6)

WeUsprtng (2).Pr. 16:22; 18:4

Wen (1).tumor,Lev.22:22

Wench (1).bondwoman.2 Sam, 17:17

Went( 1,394). W. up(134 times), j 266-1

W, down (67 times),) '266-1 Wentest (14).Gen. 49:4; Judg. 5:4; 8:1; 1 Sam. 10:2; 2 Sam. 7:9; 16:17; 19:25; Ps. 68:7; Isa. 57:7-9; Jer. 2:2; 31:21; Hab.3:13; Acts 11:3 Wept (71). Ilagar w. ,Gen. 2L-16 Tsau w, ,Gen. 27:38; Heb. 12:16-17 Jacob w. at meeting Rachel,Gen,29:11 Esau and Jacob both w. ,Gen. 33:4 Jacob w. for Joseph,Gen. 37:35 Joseph w. for brothers. Gen. 42:24; 43: 30; 45:2, 14-15; 50:17 50:1

Joseph w. at meeting Jacob, Gen. 46:29; Moses w. in the ark, Ex. 2:6 Israel w,in discouragement, Num,ll:4, 18-20; 14:1; Dt. 1:45; Judg. 2:4; 20: 23-26: 21:2; 1 Sam,ll:4; 30:4; 2 Sam, 3:32; 15:23-30; Ezia 10:1 Israel w. for Moses. Dt, 34:8 Samson's wife w. .Judg. 14:16-17 Naomi and daughten w., Ruth 1:9,14 Hannah w. for a child, 1 Sam, 1:7,10 Saul w. for David, 1 Sam. 24:16 David w. for child, 2 Sam. 12:22 David's sonsw.for Amnon.2Sam.l3:36 David w. for Absalom. 2 Sam. 18:33 Man of God w. for Israel, 2 Ki. 8:11 Joash w. for EUsha. 2 Ki. 13:14 Hezekiah w. to live, 2 Ki. 20:3 Josiah w. for sin, 2 Ki. 22:19 3:12

Israel w. at rebuilding of temple. Ezra laael w. because of sin, Ezra 10:1 N'ehemiah w. for Israel, Neh. 1:4 Job's comforters w. .Job 2:12 David w. for enemies,Ps. 69:10 Isiael w. jn captivity.Ps. 137:1 Jacob w. when wrestling, Hos. 12:4 Peter w. to be re-converted. Mt, 26:

75; Mk, 14:72; Lk, 22:62 People w. at death of girl.Mk, 5:38 Disciples w. for Jesus, Mk. 16:10 Christ w. over Jerusalem.Lk, 19:41 Jesus w. at grave of Lazaius.Jn. 11:35 Mary w, for Jesus, Jn. 20:11 DiKiples w. for Paul, Acts 20:37 John w. because no man was able to open the book,Rev, 5:4 Were (2. 368).Gen, 1:5.7-8.13. 19, 23.

31; 2:1,4, 25; 3:7; 4:8; 5:4; etc, Wert (6), Job 8:6; Song 8:1; Rom. 11:17, "^ Rev, 3:15

West (69). Gen. 12:8; 28:14; Ex. 10:19; Ps. 75:6; Ezek. 48:1-34; Mt, 8:11; 24: 27; Lk, 12:54; 13:29; etc. Western (1).Num. 34:6

Westward (26). Gen. 13:14; Ex. 26:22-

27; Ezek.45:7:48:18-21; Dan.8:4; etc. Wet ( 6). Job 04:8; Dan. 1:15. -3, 25. i (; 5: Wrae(2),Job7:12;Ezek.32:2 21

Jonah and the w. ,p-q 13-1* Whale's (l).Mt. 12:40 Whales (1).Gen. 1:21

iize of w, . s 13-1* What (973).Gen,2:19;3:13; 4:10;

4: Heb. 2:6; Jas. 1:24; 2:14; etc. Whtitsoever (150), W. he doeth 1:

Ps. 8:


prosper, Ps. 1:3 W. thy hand findeth to do,Eccl. 9:10 W. ye would that men should, Mt. 7:12 W.bind on earth,Mt. 16:19; 18:18 W.loosed on earth,Mt. 16:19; 18:18 W, ye shall ask in prayer, Mt. 21:22 W. I have commanded you, Mt, 28:20 W, he saith shall come to, Mk, 11:23 W, shall be given you in that, Mk. 13:11 W. He saithuntoyou, do it,Jn. 2:5 W, ye shall ask in My name,Jn. 14:13 W.ye shall ask the Fatherjn,15:16:16:23 W. is not of faith is sin, Rom. 14:23 W. sold in the shambles, 1 Cot. 10:25 W. is set before you, eat, 1 Cor. 10:27 W. ye do, do all to the, 1 Cot. 10:31 W. a m<in soweth.that shall.Gal. 6:7 W. things are true, honest, just, pure,

lovely, of good report. Phil. 4:8 W. state I am, be content, Phil. 4:11 W. ye do in word or deed. Col. 3:17. 23 we ask. we receive of. 1 Jn. 3:22 bom of Godovercometh. 1 Jn. 5:4 we ask.we know we have. 1 Jn. 5:15 worketh abomination. Rev. 21:27

Wheat (51). Days w. harvest. Gen. 30:14 W. and rie (rye) not smitten,Ex. 9:32 Firstfruits of w. harvest, Ex. 34:22 Land of w. and barley,Dt. 8:8 Finest of the w. ,Ps. 81:16: 147:14 Gather w. into the gamer, Mt. 3:12 Sowed tares among w. ,Mt. 13:25-30 Satan desired to sift as w. ,Lk. 22:31 Com of w. fall to ground, Jn, 12:24 May chance of w. or some, 1 Cor. 15:37 Measure of w. for a penny. Rev. 6:6 W, to be sold in Babylon, Rev. 18:13

Wheaien (1), Ex, 29:2

Wheel (13), 1 Ki. 2-33; Ps,83:13; Pr, 20:26;EccL12:6; Isa, 28:27-28; Ezek. 1:15-16; 10:9-13

Wheels(33). Chariot w. ,Ex,14:25; Judg, 5125; Isa, 5:28; Jer. 47:3; Ezek, 23: 25; 26:10; Nah.3:2 Laver w. ,1 Ki, 7:3-33 Poner's w. ,jer. 18:3 W. ofGod'scharlotdrawnbycherubim, Ezek. 1:16-21; 3:13; 10:2-19; 11:22; Dan. 7:9

Whel£_(3),Gen.49:9; Dt.33:22; Nah,2:ll

Wtielps( 10),2Sam. 17:8;Job4:11; 28:8; Pr. 17:12; Jer. 51:38:




Ezek. 19::


w. w. w. w. w. w.


Hos. 13:8; Nab. 2:12 2:4

When (2.750). W. they were created. Gen. 9ie woman saw the tree,Gen. 3:6 thou tillest the ground,Gen. 4:12 men began to multiply,Gen. 6:1 thou art in tribulation, Dt. 4:30 most High divided nations, Dt.32:8 little in thine, 1 Sam. 15:17 sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord,Job 1:6; 2:1 W,morning stars sang together, Job 38:7 W, I consider the heavens,Ps, 8:3 W.Lotd shallbuild up Zion.Ps. 102:16 W, He prepared the heavens, Pr. 8: 27 W. a man'swayspleaseLord,Pr. 16:7 W.Lord reigns in Zion, Isa, 24:23 W. poor andneedy seek water,Isa.41:17 W.enemy shall come in like, Isa, 59:19 W. righteous tum from righteousness,

Ezek,3:20-21: 18:24-27; 33:12-19 W.Jesus was bominBethlehem,Mt,2:l W.Jesus was baptized, Mt. 3:16-17 W. He had fasted 40 days, Mt. 4:2 W.'ye seethe abomination of, Mt.24:15 W. Son of man shall come in His glory

with all the angels, Mt. 25:31 W. day of Pentecost was fully. Acts 2:1 Whence (72). Gen. 16:8: Job 1:7; 2:2;

Mt. 21: 25; Phil. 3:20; Rev. 2:5; etc. Whensoever (3), Gen. 30:41; Mk. 14:7;

Rom. 15; J4 Where (395), Gen, 2:11; 3:9; Ps. 42:3,

10; Mt. 2:2; Rom. 3:27; Col. 3:1; etc. Whereabout (1), 1 Sam. 21:2

Wtereas (33),Gen. 31:37; Dan.2:41-43;

Jn. 9:25; 1 Cor. 3:3; Jas. 4:14; etc. Whereby (39),Gen. 15:8; Jer. 33:8; Acts

4:12; Rom,8:15;Phll. 3:21; Heb.l2:28:

2 Pet. 1:4; 3:6; 1 Jn. 2:18; etc. Wherefore_(348),Gen.l0:9;16:14;Mt. 6:

30; 7:20; Jas. 1:19; 1 Pet. 1:13; etc. Wherein (167). Gen. 1:30; MaL 1:2-7;

whereon (26),Cen. 23:13; Lev, 15:6,17,

li-Z^: Mk. 11:2; Lk.4;29; etc. Wheresoever (12),Lev. 13:12; 1 Chr. 17:

6; Dan. -:j-. Mt. 24:28; 26:13; etc. Where to (J). Job 30:2; Isa.55:U: Phil. 3:16 Whereunto (26), Num. 36:4; Mt. 11:16;

Lk.7:31; 13:13-20; IPet,2:8; j:21;etc. Whereupon (IT),Lev. 11:35; Ezek. 9:3:

40:41-42; Mt. 14:7; lleb. 9:18; etc. Wherewith (110) .Gen.27:41;Ex.4:17;Mt,

5:1 i; Mk. 3:28; Gal. 5:1; Eph.2;4; 4:1;

6:16; 1 Th. 3:9; Heb. 10:29; etc. Wherewithal (2),Ps. 119:9; Mk. 6:31 Whet (4).Dt732:41;Ps. 7:12:64:3; Eccl.

10:10 Whether (164), Gen. 18:21; Lev. 13:47-

55; 27:12-33; Mt. 9:5; Jn. 7:17; 9:25;

Rom. 14:8; ICor. 12:13, 26; 13:8; etc. Which( 4,365).Gen, 1:7.21,29; Ps. 1:4;

Mt, 1:20-23; Lk. 3:22-38; etc. Whfle (214),Gen. 8:22: Ps. 63:4; Pr. 19:

18; Mt. 1:20; Mk. 1:35; 2:19; etc. Whnes( 10).Ezek.21:29;44:17;Dan.5:2;

9:20-21; Hos. 7:6: Mt. 5: 25; Acts 5:4;

2 Cor. 9:13 Whilst (10).Judg, 6:31; Neh. 6:3; Job 32:

11; Ps. 141:10; Jer. 17:2; llcb. 10:JJ Wlup (2). Pr. 26:3; Nali. :t-' Wliips (4), I Ki. I-:I1-14: 2 Clir. 10:11-14 Whirletli (1). Eccl. l:t Whirlwind (27). Picture of judgment, a 774-4; Ps. 58:9; Pr. 1:27; 10:25; Isa. 5:-28; 40:24; 41:16: 66:15; Jer. 4:13; ■23:19; 25:32; 30:23; Hos. 8:7

Elijah taken to heaven in. 2 Ki.2:1-11

Cometh out of the south, Job 37:9

God was in a w. ,Job 38:1; 40:6

Came out of the north, Ezek. 1:4

Antichrist armies like a w , Dan.11:40 Whirlwinds (2). Isa. 21:1; Zech.9:14 Whisper (2).Ps. 41:7; Isa. 29:4 Whisper ed (1). 2 Sam. 12:19 Whisperer (l).Pr. 16:28 Whisperers (1), Rom. 1:29 Whispenngs (1). 2 Cor. 12:20

2:17; 3:7-3; Mt.25:13; Heb. 9:2; etc. Whereinsoever (1). 2 Cot. 11:21 6:22

Whereinio (3) ,L ev. 11:33; Num. 14:24; Jn.

Whereof (70), Gen. 3:11; Ps. 46:4; Acts

2:32; 3:15: 17:31; Heb, 10:15: etc.

W,am.oui of God, Eph, 6:11-13

W. spirit, soul, and body, 1 Th. 5:23 Wholcsor.-.e (2).Pr. 15:4: 1 Tim. 6:3 Wholly (-9). W.burnt.Lev. 6:22-23

W. followed the Lord. Num. 32:1-2; Dt. 1:36; Josh. 14:8, 3, 14

W.atease,Job 21:23

W'. given to idolatry. Acts 17:16

W, Sanctified (set apart),l Th, 5:23

W. juven to ii.inistry, 1 Tim.4:15 Whom.(792),Oen. 2:8; 3:12;Ps.32:2;41:

9; Mt.3:17; Eph. 1:7.11,13; etc. Whomsoever (20), Gen. 31:32; Mt. 11:

21: 21:44; Lk. 12:48; 20:18; etc, Whate (14). Laws against. Lev. 19:29; TT?7-9; Dt. 22:21; 23:17-18

A w.is a deep ditch, Pr. 23:27

Played the w. ,Ezek, 16:28

The great w. .Rev. 17:1, 15-16; 19:2

3 exar.ples of playing the. n -85-1 Whotedorr. (22). She is with child by.

Gen. 38:24

W. with Molech, sex orgies to idols.

g 101-1; 106; 119; d 141-4; 1-n 184-4:

k 268-1; Lev. 20:5; Num. 25:1; Jer.

13:-27; Ezek. 16:17. 33; 20:30; 23:8,

17. 27; 43:7-9; Hos. 1:2; 4:10-18;

5:3; 6:10

Wboredoms(31),Num. 14:33;2Ki. 9:22;

2 Chr. 21:13; Jer. 3:2; Ezek. 16:20-36;

23:3-43; Hos. 1:2; 2:2-4; 4:12; 5:4;

Wborer.K)nger (l).Eph.5:5 Nah.3:4

Wbore-onc^s (4). 1 Tim. 1:10; Heb.

Whit (5). Dt. 13:16; 1 Sam. 3:18; Jn. 7: ~S7 13:10; 2 Cor. 11:5 30:35-37

White (75). Tampering withnature,Gen.

Teeth w. with milk. Gen. 49:12

W. manna like coriander seed.Ex.l6:31

W. hair and skin. Lev. 13:4-43

W.assnow.leprous.Num.l2:10;2Ki. 5:

W, asses, Judg. 5:10 27

W.Unen, 2Chr.5:12

W, of an egg, Job 6:6

W. as snow, sins cleansed, Isa. 1:18; Dan, 11:35; 12:10

W. wool. Ezek. 27:18

W, as snow. garmentsofGod,Dan,7:9

W. horses. Zech, 1:8; 6:3, 6; Rev. 5:2; 19:11-14

W.aslight, garment ofChrist.Mt. 17:2

W, as snow, garment of angel, Mt.28:3; Mk. 16:5: Jn, 20:12; Acts 1:10

W. as snow,garment ofChrist,Mk.9:3

W.and glistering ,garment of Christ, Lk.

W.alreadyto harvest.Jn.4:35 9:29

W. hair of Christ, Rev. 1:14

W.Stone,Rev. 2:17; i 287-4*

W. garments for saints. Rev. 3:4-5,18; 4:4; 6:11; 7:9-14; 15:6; 19:8

W. cloud. Rev. 14:14

W. throne. Rev. 20:11 Whited (2),m 26-1*: Mt,23:27; Acts23:3 Whiter (2).Ps. 51:7; Lam. 4:7 Whither (124). Gen. 16:8; Dt. 11:8-11;

Ps. 122:4; 139:7; Jb.3:8; Heb,6:20; etc. Whithersoever (29),Josh. 1:7-9; Pr. 21:

1; Mt.8:19; Jas. 3:4; Rev. 14:4; etc. Who (954).Gen.3:ll; Job 38:2-41; Ps.103:

3-5; 104:2-5; Acts7:27-53; Rom. 8:1-

4,28-35; Gal, 2:2-20; Heb.l: 1-7; etc. Whole (248), W, face of earth.Gen. 2:6

W. heaven,Gen, 7:19

W. assembly, Ex. 12:6

W. congregation, Ex. 16:2,10


W, ram,Lev. 8:21

W.house of Israel J.ev.10:6; Ezek. 45:6

W.month,Num. 11:20-21

W.house of Benjamin, 2 Sam. 3:19

W, altar, 1 KL6:22

W. kingdom, 1 KI. 11:34; Dan. 6:1

W.house of Ahab,2 KI. 9:8

W. world. Job 3413; Mt. 16:26; 26:13;

1 Jn.2:2; 5:19; Rev. 12:9; 16:14 W.heart,Ps. 9:1; 111:1; 119:2,10, 34,

58, 69; 145:1; Jer. 24:7 W. duty of man,Eccl. 12:13 W. soul, Jer. 32:41 W. body, Ezek. 10:12; Mt, 5:29-30:6:

22-23; Lk, 11:34-36; 1 Cot. 12:17

W. council, Mk. 15:1

W. city. Acts 13:44

W.church,Acul5:22;Rom.16:23: ICor.

W. creation, Rom. 8:22 14:23

W.lump, 1 Cot. 5:6; Gal. 5:9

W.law,GaL5:3; Jas.2:10

W.family In heaven and earth,Eph,3:15

1j:4; Rev. 21:8; 22:15 Whore's (1),Jer. 3:3 Prostitutes

Wliores (2),Ezek. 16:33; Hos. 4:14. See ' Whoring (19), Ex. 34:15-16; Lev, 17:7; 20:5-6; Num, 15:39; Dt. 31:16; Judg. 2:17; 8:27-33; 1 Chi. 5:25; 2 Chr. 2L-13;Ps. 73:27; 106:39; Ezek. 6:9; 23:30; Hos. 4:12; 9:1 Whottsh (3).Pr.6:26; Ezek. 6:9; 16:30 Whose (312).Gen.l:ll-12;Ps.l5:4; 32:1; Mt. 3:11-12; 2 Th. 2:9; Heb. 3:6; etc. Whoso (54), Gen. 9:6; Ps. 50:23; 101:5;

Mt. 18:5-6; 19:9; Jas. 1:25; etc. Whosoever (182). W, hath sinned against

Me, him will I blot out of My book,

Ex,32:32-33. See Book of bfe_ W,toucheth. Lev. 11:24-31; 15:5-27;

22:3-5; Num. 19:13-16; 31:19 W. lleih carnally with woman. Lev. 19: W.cuiseth God,Lev. 24:15 20

W, hath killed a person. Num. 31:19 W. will not hearken, Dt. 18:19 W. shall call on the name of the Lord

shall be saved, Joel 2:32; Acts 2:21;

Rom. 10:13 W. is angry with brother, Mt. 5:22 W. shall say. Thou fool, Mt, 5:22 W.looketh on woman to lust,Mt. 5:28 W, shall put away his wife, Mt. 5:31-

32; Mt. 19:9; Lk. 16:18 W. shall smite on one cheek, Mt. 5:39 W. shall compel to go mile, Mt. 5:41 W. iall confess Me before, Mt. 10:32 W. shall deny Me before men,Mt.lO:33 W, shall give to drink a ci?), Mt.lO:42 W. speaketh a word against the Holy

Ghost, Mt. 12:31-32; Mk. 3:28-29 W.Will save,lose life,Mt, 16:J5 W. shall humble himself. Mt. 18:4 W. wm be great, Mt, 20:26-27 W, shall exalt himself shall, Mt,23:12 W. shall say unto this mounuin, Mk.

11:22-23; Mt. 17:20; 21:22 W.believeth in Him should not perish,

Jn. 3:15-16; 1 Jn. 5:1 W. committeth sin Is, Jn. 8:34 W.believeth on Me shall not abide in

darkness, Jn. 12:46 W.believeth oo Him shall receive remission of sins. Acts 10:43 W. justified by law fallen from grace,

GaL5:4; Heb. 12:15 W, committeth sin... Is of the devil, 1

Jn, 3:4-10; Jn. 8:32-34 w.hatethbrotherlsa murderer,!Jn,3:15 W. is bocn of God slnneth not, 1 Jn. 2:

29; 3:8-10; 5:1-4, 18 W. Qansgresseth, abideth not, 2 Jn. 9 W. will, let him come, take of the

water of life freely. Rev. 22:17 Whi.(280).Gen. 4:6; Ps. 2:1; 22:1; 42:

11; 43:5; Mt, 6:28; 27:46; etc. Wicked (342). Ufold end of tte,441 7fold reaping of w. , a 524-4 8fold reaping of w. ,n 524-4 3fold curse on the.) 529-1 30fold doom of the.k 532-4 30 judgments upon the.b 534-1 42 sins of the. a 536-4; a SJl-l

3 characteristics of the. f 699-4 8 evil practices of the. e 704-4 12fold description of the.d 723-1 7 great sins of the, k 729-1 12 things the w. are like, j 549-1

4 traits of the, a 550-1 22 sins of the, p 552-1 2fold false security of, d 552-4

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index


10sins ofthej 563-1; e.h 563-4; d-e

574-4: i 592-4 12fold charge against, n 570-4 Shorten their lives by sin, m 573-1 7 facts about the, f 574-1 4 sins of the, d 575-4

4 judgments of, j 576-1

12 sins of the, 1 576-1; h 582-1

6 facts about righteous and, c 576-4 7fold appraisal of, 1 581-4

7 fac[< about the.e 592-1

20 characteristics of, 1 600-4

Sfold envy of, q 602-1

2 characteristics of, j 614-1

15 sins of the, n 614-1

Not to become extinct, 622

5 sins of the, 628 lOfold description of, 638 4 ways they ensnare, 640 lOfoldend of,h 641-4

7 sins of the, g 642-1; i 644-4

16 characteristics of, p 659-1 Judgment of w. dead, 312* Triumphing of w. is short. Job 20:5 God angry with w. every day, Ps. 7:11 W. shall be turned Into hell, Ps. 9:17 W.bonoweth,payeth not back,P 5.37:21 Way of w. is an abomination, Pr.l5: 9 Lord is far from the w. ,Pr. 15:29 Made His grave with w., Isa. 53:9 Let w. forsake his way, Isa. 55:7

W. are like troubled sea. Isa. 57:20 No peace for the w., Isa. 57:21 No pleasure in death ofw. ,Ezek. 33:11 Children of the w. one. Mt. 13:38 Overcome the w. one. 1 Jn. 2:13-14 W, one toucheth him not, 1 Jn. 5:18 Wickedly (23),Gen. 19:7; Ps. 18:21; 73:

8; 74:3; 10§;6; Dan. 9:15; etc. Wickedness (127). Defined, p 141-1 W. of man was great, Gen. 6:5 Plow Iniquity, sow w. ,Job 4:8 The inward part is very w, ,Ps. 5:9 Righteousness and hatest w. ,Ps.45:7 Loose bands of w,, Isa. 58:4-6 Wash heart from w. ,Jer. 4:14 Wicked turn from w. ,Ezek. 33:19 This Is w, .Zech. 5:8 Jesus perceived then w. ,Mt.22:18 W.from the heart, Mk,7:22; Rom. 1:29 Fiil of ravening and w. ,Lk. 11:39 Leaven of malice and w.. 1 Cor. 5:8 Spiritual w. in high places. Eph.6:12 Whole world lieth In w. , 1 Jn. 5:19 Wide (15). Open hand w. to brother. Dt. 13:8.11 Opened mouth w. .Job 29:23; Ps.35:21 Open thy mouth w. ,1 wlU.Ps. 81:10 BrawUng woman in a w. house. Pr. 21: 9; 25:24 13

W. is the gate, broad is the way.Mt,7: Wldeness (l).Ezek.41:10 Widow (50). See Widows Lawsconceming.Ex.22:22;Lev. 21:14; 22:13; Dt.l0:18; 14:29; 16:11-14; 24: 19-21; 26:12-13; 27:19 4:26

W.womanfedElijah, IKI. 17:9-20;Lk. W. of Judas Iscariot.Ps. 109:9 The determined w. .Lk, 18:1-9 Thew.and her mites. Mk.l2:42-43; Lk. Relief to a w. ,lTIm.5:4-9 21:2-3 Babylon's claim. Rev. 18:7 Wldowhood( 4).Gen. 38:19; 2 Sam, 20:3;

Isa. 47:9; 54s4 Widow's (5), Gen. 38:14; Dt. 24:17; 1

Ki.7:14; Job 24:3; 29:13 Widows (22). 12 In Scripture. 201* Lawsconcerningw..Ex.22:24; 1-m 234-4»; y 234-1'; ICor. 7:8; lTIm.5:3-16 14 qualifications for support of. 237* Many w. in Israel. Lk. 4:25 Acts 6:1 W.the cause offirst church controversy. Visit fatherless and w. .Jas. 1:27 Wtdows' (3).Mt.23:14:Mk.l2:40:Lk.20:47 Wife (392). Hated w. , b 220-4 Innocent w. ,h 221-4 Man to cleave tow. .Gen. 2:24 17

Mancursed for hearkening to w..Gen. 3: Clothes made for man and w. .Gen.3:21 Knew his w. ,Gen.4:l. 17, 25 Laws concemingaw. ,Ex.20:17; 21:3-10; 22:16; Lev. 18:8. 14-20; 20:10-21; 21:7-14;Num.5:12-30; 30:16; Dt. 5:21:13:6; 20:7; 12:11-13; 22:13-30; 24:1-5; 25:5-11; 27:20; 1 Cor. 7 W. of Judas Iscariot.Ps. 109:9 W.be as a frultfiil vine.Ps. 128:3 Rejoice with w. of thy youth. Pr. 5:18;

Eccl.9:9 That goethintoneigHjor'sw. .Pr. 6:29; Jer. 5:8;Ezek. 16:32; 18:6-15; 22:11: 33:26 Findsw, fllnds good thing.Pr. 18:22 Prudentw.ls from the Lord, Pr. 19:14 Whosoever puu away w, .Mt. 5:31-32;

19:3-10; Mk. 10:2-11; Lk. 16:18 Remember Lot's w. .Lk. 17:32 General facts about a Christian w.. 1 Cor. 7; Eph. 5:23-33; 1 Tim. 3:2-12; Tit, 1:6; 1 Pet. 3

His w. made herself ready. Rev. 19:7 Show bride, the Lamb's w., Rev. 21:9

Wife's (ll),Gen.3:20; 20:11; 36:39;Lev. 18:11; Judg. 11:2; 1 Chr. 1:50; 8:29; 9:35; Mt. 8:14; Mk, 1:30; Lk. 4:38

Wild (44). W. man,Gen. 16:12 W. beasts,Lev. 26:22; 1 Sam. 17:46 W.goat,Dt.l4:5; ISam. 24:2; Job39:l W.ox,Dt. 14:5 W.roe,2 Sam. 2:18 W. vine, 2 KI. 4:39 W. goards, 2 Ki. 4:3 9 W. ass.Job 6:5; 11:12; 24:5; 39:5 W. grapes. Isa. 5:2-4 W.bull.Isa. 51:2C<, W.hooey. Mt. 3:4: Mk. 1:6 W. olive tree. Rom. 11:17. 24

Wilderness (305). Mules in the w. .Gen. 36:24; b 35-4 40 years in the w. .Dt. 8:2; 29:5 God furnish table in w. .Ps. 78:19 DayoftemptationIn.PS. 95:8; Heb.3:8 Better to dwell in w. than.Pr. 21:19 Bring her Into the w., Hos. 2:14 Led of Spirit in the w,, Mt. 4:1; Mk.

1:12-13; Lk. 4:1 Preaching in the w. .Mt. 3:1-3; 11:7;

Mk. 1:3-4; Lk.7:24; Jn. 1:23 Lifted up serpent in w, ,Jn. 3:14 Church in the w, .Acts 7:38 Overthrown in the w., 1 Cor. 10:5 Perils in the w., 2 Cor. 11:26 Woman fled into w., Rev. 12:6,14 Great whore in w. .Rev. 17:1-6 19 wildernesses named:

1 Beer-sheba (Gen. 21:14)

2 Paran (Gen.21:21; Num.10:12; 12:16: 13:3, 26; 1 Sam. 25:1)

3 Of the Red Sea fflx. 13:18)

4 Shur (Ex. 15:22)

5 Sin (Ex.l6:l; 17:1; Num.33:ll-12)

6 Sinai(Ex.l9:l;Lev. 7:38; Num.l:l. 19; 3:4.14; 9:1.5; 10:12; 26:64; 33:15)

7 ZIn(Num.l3:21; 27:14; 33:36; 34:3; Dt, 32:51; Josh. 15:1)

8 Of Moab (Dt.2:8)

9 Beth-aven Qosh, 18:12) lOOf JudahQudg. 1:16; Mt.3:l)

11 ZIph (1 Sam. 23:14-15; 26:2)

12 Maon (1 Sam. 23:24-25) 13En-gedi (1 Sam. 24:1) 14Gibeon (2 Sam. 2:24)

15 Of Damascus (1 Ki, 19:15)

16 0f Edom (2Ki.3:8)

17 Of Jeruel(2Chr. 20:16)

18 Of Tekoa (2 Chr. 20:20)

19 0f Kadesh(Ps. 29:8) WUes (2). Num. 25:18; Eph. 6:11 WIiraiy(l).Heb. 10:26 Wllily g). Josh. 9:4

wiiily I


(5.769). Scores of "I will's" in the Bible prove God has a will of His own Oosh. 1:5; 3:7; 7:12; 8:renudg. 2:1-3; etc.); others prove manalsohasa will and is a free moral agent (Gen. 13:9; 14:23; 18:5; 21:24; 22:2-8:23:13; 24: 3-58; 27:9-12, 41-45; Ex, 3:3; etc.). "I will" is used by man over 200 times In Psalms alone. God recognizes man as having his own will. See Lev. 19:5; 22:29; Mt, 16:24; Lk. 9:23-24: Jn. 1:13; ICot. 7:36-37:1 Pet. 4:3; 2 Pet. 1:21; Rev, 11:5-6: Rev. 22:17. Angels also have wiUpowers(Gen, 19:2; Ex, 23:21; Isa. 14:12-14; etc.), as well as demons (Mt. 12:43-45; Lk. 11:24)

348 "I will's of Scprlpture: 3 to Adam andEve.Gen. 2:18; 3:15-16 1 regarding man -to destroy him after being created,Gen. 6:7

12 to Noah, Gen. 6:13.18; 7:4; 8:21; 9: 15-17; 15:14:16:10-12; 17:1-21; 18: 10-14.21-32; 21:13,18; 22:17; 24:7 6 to Isaac,Gen. 26:3-4,24

15 to Jacob.Gen.28:13-15: 31:3; 32:9. 12; 35:12; 46:3-4; 46:4-9

210 to Moses and Israel (in the Pentateuch).Ex. 3:10-21; 4:12-23; 6:1-8; 7:3.17; 8:2-23; 9:14-30; 10:4; 11:1-8; 12:12-48; 14:4-17:16:4; 17:14-16: 19:5-11:20:24:21:13; 22:23-27; 23: 7-33; 24:12; 25:22; 29:43-45; 30:6. 36; 32:10-34; 33:1-23; 34:l-10:Lev. 9:4-26:45; Num. 11:17-18:14-12-43; Dt, 2:5-4:31; 9:14; 10:2; 11:14-15; 32:20-42; etc,

60 (ofJesusChilst. proving that He also has a free wIll).Mt. 4:19; 7:24; 8:3. 7. 19; 10:32-33; 11:28; 12:7; 13:30, 35; 15:32; 16:18-19; 21:24; 26:18,29, 32, 39; Mk, 1:41; 11:29:14:25,28,36. 58; Lk,6:9.47; 12:5.49:20:3; 21:15; 22:16.18;Jn, 2:19:5:45:6:37.40.44. 51,54; 13:37; 14: 21. 30:15:26:16:7.22.26; 17:24; 21:22-23

Material prosperity w.of God. i 549-1

Free w. the basis of God's dealings, c 670-1

10 facts about the w. of God, p 5-4*

Only doers of w. of God saved, o 7-1*

6 things constitute w. ofGod, a 170-4* 2 things always w, of God, t 232-4* 10 blessings of w. of God, 279* The w. of God. 2 Cor. 1:1; 8:5: Col.

1:1; 4:12; 1 Th, 4:3; 5:18; 1 Pet, 3:

17; 4:2, 19; 1 Jn, 2:17 WiUeth (l),Rom. 9:16 5-8

Willing ( 32).If woman be not w.. Gen. 24: Whosoever of w. heart,Ex. 35:5.21-29 W. mind. 1 Chr. 28:9; 2 Cor. 8:12 W. skilful man. 1 Chr. 28:21 Who is w. to consecrate, 1 Chr. 29:5 People be w. in day of, Ps. 110:3 If w. and obedient, Isa. 1:19 Spirit indeed is w. ,Mt. 26:41 W. to justify himself,Lk. 10:29 W. for a season, Jn. 5:35 W. of themselves. 2 Cor. 8:3 Not w. that any perish, 2 Pet, 3:9 Williniay (25).GIveth w.,Ex. 25:2 W. offered themselves, Judg. 5:2-9;

Neh, 11:2 W. offered. 1 Chr. 29:6-9. 14-17; Ezra

1:6; 3:5; 7:16 W.offeredhimselftoLord. 2Chr. 17:16 W, work with hands, Pr. 31:13 If I do this thing w,,l Cor, 9:17: Ph'm

14; 1 Pet, 5:2 This they are w. ignorant, 2 Pet, 3:5 Willow (l).Ezek. 17:5 Wmows (§). Lev. 23:40; Jn. 40:22; Ps.

137:2; Isa. 15:7; 44:4 WUt (240),Gen. 13:9; Ps. 5:12; Pr. 2:1;

Mt. 4:9; Acts 1:6; 2:27; Jas. 2:20; etc.

Wimples (l).Neck binding. Isa. 3:22

Win (2).2Chr.32:l; Phil. 3:8 r 526-4

Wlnd( 123).5 figurative statements about.

East w. .i 40-1; Gen. 41:6. 23. 27; Ex.

"17:13.19; Job 15:2; 27:21; 38:24; Ps.

48:7; 78:26: ka.27:8; Jer. 18:17;Ezek,

17:10; 19:12r27:36: Hos. 12:1; 13:15:

Jonah 4:8; Hab. 1:9 South w. quiets the earth. Job 37:17;

Ps. 78:26; Jn, 12:55; Acts27:13; 28:13 North w. driveth away rain. Pt. J5:23;

EccLl:6; Song 4<16 W, from the Lord, Num. 11:31 God seen uf>on the w., 2 Sam. 22:11;

Ps, 18:10; 104:3 Strong w. rent mountains, IKI. 19:11 Chaff before the w. ,Ps. 1:4; 35:5 Stormy w. fulfiUIng His word, Ps.l48:8 Prophets shall become w., Jer. 5:13 W.out of His treasures. Ps.l35:7;Jer,10:

13; 51:16; Prophesy to the w. .Ezek.37:9 Sown w. .reap whirlwind,Hos, 8:7 Ephraim feedeth on w., Hos. 12:1 Boisterous w. ,Mt,14:24-32:Mk.4:37-

41; Acts 27:14; Lk. 8:23-24 As a rushing mighty w., Acts 2:2 W. of doctrine, Eph. 4:14 Wave of sea driven with w. ,Jas. 1:6 Shaken of a mighty w,. Rev. 6:13 W. should not blow on eanh. Rev.7:l Winding (3), 1 Ki.6:8; Ezd<.41:7 Window (16). f 722-1; Gen. 6:16. note; 8:6; Josh. 2:16-21; 1 Sam, 19:12; IChr. 15:29; Pr. 7:6; Acts 20:9; 2 Cot. 11:33 Windows (30). W. of heaven. Gen. 7:11;

8:2; 2 KL 7:2. 19 Figure of die eyes.Eccl. 12:3 As doves to their w. . Isa. 60:8 W.of the Millennial temple. Ezek, 40:

16-36; 41:16. 26 Daniel praying with w. open. Dan. 6:10 Heavenly armies enter w. .Joel 2:9 WiU open w. of heaven, Mai. 3:10 Winds (23). Scatter them to all w., Jer.

4^32, 36; Ezek, 5:10, 12; 17:21 Four w., Jer.49:36;Ezek.37:9:Dan. 7:2;

8:8;ll:4;Zech.2:6;Mt.24:31;Mk. 13:27 W. and sea obey Him, Mt. 8:26-27:

Lk.8:25 Holding four w.of the earth,Rev.7:4 Windy (l).Ps. 55:8 Wine (231). Bible facts about, 152 10 facts about yayin, 152 10 other Heb. words for, 152 References to w, in N. T., 152; g 9-1*;

I 172-1* Amount of w, with offerings,c 189-1 First drinking of w. made Noah drunk,

Gen. 9:21-24 Second mention of w. concerns Mel-

chizedekand religious wordiip.Gea.


Third mention of w. concerns making Lot drunk to obtain children by him. Gen. 19:32-35

W. forbidden priests after two were destroyed for offering strange fire. Lev. 10:9: Ezek. 44:21

W. foibidden Nazarites, Num. 6; Judg, 13:4-14: 1 Sam. 1:15; Lk. 1:15; 7:33

W. that makes glad, Ps. 104:15

W. Is a mocker, strong drink, Pr. 20:1

W. when It Is red.Pr. 23:30-31

W.not for kings, Pr. 31:4

Love betterthanw, ,Song 1:2-4; 4:10 W. inflame them, Isa. 5:11; 28:1, 7;

Jer. 23:9 Buy w.and milk without money,Isa.55:l New w. found in the cluster, Isa. 65:8 W.cup of fury, Jer, 25:15 Rechabites - non-ciinkersJer.35:2-14 Sold a girl for w. .Joel 3:3 New w. in new bottles. Mt. 9:17; Mk.

2:22; Lk. 5:37-39 W. used as a medication.Lk. 10:34 W.made from waterbyjesusjn.2:1-10 These men full of new w.. Acts 2:13 Be not drunk with w, .Eph, 5:18 Not given to w.. 1 Tim, 3:3. 8; Tit.

1:7; 2:3 Hurt not the oil and w. .Rev.6:6 Drink w. of wrath. Rev. 14:8-10; 16:

19; 18:3. Cp, Rev. 19:15 W.of her fornication. Rev. 17:2 Wtnejjibber (2).Mt. 11:19; Lk. 7:34 WInebibbers d). Pr. 23:20

Winefat( 2) .wine-press. Isa.63:2; Mk.121

Winepress (15).Num. 18:27-30; PL 15: 14; Judg. 6:11; 7:25; 2KL6:27: Isa. 5: 2; 63:3; Lam. 1:15; Hos. 9:2; Mt, 21: 33; Rev, 14:19-20; 19:15

Winepresses (3), Job 24:11; Jer. 48:33;

Wines(2). Isa.25:6 Zech. 14:10

Wing (13). IKl. 6:24-27; 2 Chr. 33:11-

wing (

Winged (2).Gen. 1:21; Dt,4:17

sa. 10:14; Ezek. 17:23

Wing3( 75),Bare you on eagles'w. .Ex.19:4

W.of cherubim in tabernacle. Ex. 25:

20:37:9 10:104:3

W.of the wind. 2 Sam, 22:11; Ps. 18: W. of cherubim in the temple. 1 Ki. 6:

27; 8:6-7; 1 Chi. 28:18; 2 Chr. 3:11-

13; 5:7-8 W.of the peacock.Job 3ftl3 W.of the ostrich. Job 39:13 Used figuratlvelyof God's providence,

Ruth 2:12; Ps. 17:8: 36:7:57:1; 61:4;

63:7; 91:4 W. of the morning.Ps. 139:9 Used figuratively of riches so quickly

lost, Pr. 23:5 W. of seraphim, Isa. 6:2 Land overshadowing with w, .Isa. 18:1 Mountupwithw, as eagles, Isa. 40:31 W, of cherubim drawing the throne of

God,Ezek,l:6-25; 3:13; 10:5-21; U:22 W. of great eagles that symbolize

kingdoms, Ezek. 17; Rev. 12:12 W, of the lion, a symbol of Babylon,

Dan. 7:4 Dan.7:6

W. of the leopard, a symbol of Greece, W, of 2 women. Zech, 5: 9 W.of healing,Mai. 4:2 W.of a hen,Mt. 23:37; Lk. 13:34 W.oftheUvIngcre^tures,Rev. 4:8; 9:9 Wink (2), Job 16:12; Ps. 35:19 Winked (1), Acts 17:30

Winketh (2). Pr. 6:13; 10:10

Winneili (1). Pr. 11:30

Wiiiiiowed , etli (2),lsa. 30:24;Rutti 3:2 Wtnter( 14).W.tocontinueeternallv.Gen.

W. made by God. not a curse. Ps.74:17 w. In the Millennium. Zoch. 14:8 Flight not In w. .Mt. 24:20; Mk. 13:18

Wintered (1). Acts 28:11. Cp, Acts 27:12; 1 Cor. 16:6; 2 Tim. 4:21; Tit. 3:12

Wlnterhouse (1).Jer. 36:22

Wipe (8). 2 Ki. 21:13: Neh. 13:14; Isa.

wipe ( ~25IB:

Lk. 7:38; 10:11; Jn. 13:5: Rev. 7:17; 21:4 Wiped (4)Jr.6:33;Lk.7:44;Jn.ll:2; 12:3 Wipeih ( Wiping (1).2KL 21:13

wiped (4

Wipeih (2).2 KI. 21:13; Pr. 30:20

Wiping (1).2KL 21 '

Wires (1).Ex. 39:3

Wlsdom( 233).DefIned.w 208-1*: m 260-1* 12 blessings of w,. I 672-1 Justified, m 11-4* True w. .h, j 262-1* 8 characteristics of true.i 262-1* 8 characteristics of false.) 262-1* 15 ways word used, 264* Filled with Spirit of w, .Ex, 28:3; 31:

3-6; 35:31; Dt,34;9 W, of heart. Ex, 35:26: 36:2 W, of an angel. 2 Sam. 14; 20 W.of God in Solomon. 1 Ki. 3:28; 4:

29-34: 5:12; 7:14; 10:4-24; 11:41:2

Chr. 1:10-12; 9:3-23 W. shall die with you. Job 12:2 W, in the inward parts. Job 38:36 W,ofGod made the heavens. Ps. 136:5;

Pr. 3:19; Jer. 10:12 W. Is the principal thing.Pr. 4:7 W. Is bener than rubles. Pr. 8:11 W, Is too high for a fool. Pr. 24:7 W. remained with me.Eccl. 2:9 W. exceUeth foUy.Eccl. 2:13 7:11 W. is good with an Inheritance. Eccl. W.Isa defence.Eccl, 7:12 W. strengtheneth the wise,Eccl. 7:19 W. Is better than strength. EccL 9:16 W. Is better than weapons.Eccl. 9:18 W. Is profitable to direct, Eccl. 10:10 W. justified of her children,Mt, 11:19

•^. of tbe w<Rld. 1 Cor. 1:20:2:6:3^19 Fear of tleLcva is w., Job 2Bi28i Pj,

111:1C; Pt. 9:10 Incline thine &ar unto w. ,Pr.2:2 The Laid giveth w. ,Pi. 2:6 Happy is man thii flndeth w. .Pi.3:13 He that gettethw.lovethhls own soul,

Pr. 19:8 Spirit of V. ,;sa, 11:2: Eph. 1:17 Thouhaitccxrupteddiyw. .Ezek. 23:17 Filled with w. .Lk. 2:4C Increased in w, ,Lk, "5:52 Full ofihe HolyGtMst .^nd w., Acts6:3 By Spirit the word of w., 1 Cat. '.2:S If anyiTianlackw. Jas, 1:5 3:15-18 Earthly and heavenly w. .contrasted Jas. Wise (246).Tree to make one w..Gen.3:6 W, menofEgypt.Ex. 7:11 19

A gift bllndeththe w., Ex. 23:8; Dt. 16: W. hearted.Ex. 28:3; 31:6; 35:10. 25;

ii:.-^. 8: 1KI.3:12 W. woman. 2 Sam. 14:2; 20:16 W. man.l Ki,2:9; 1 Cta. 27:32 W. counseller, 1 Chi. 26:14 W. ir^n of Persia. Esther 1:13; 6:13 He that winneth souls is w.. Pr. 11:30 Tongue ofthew. is health, Pr. 12:18 W.in his own conceit. Pr.26:5.12; 28:11 W. men turn away wrath. Pr. 29:3 W.men of Babylon.Dan. 2:12-48:4:6,

18; 5:7-8. 15 W. men of the east. Mt. 2:1, 7,16 W. as serpents, harmless, Mc 10:16 W. in your own conceits, ?^m. 12:16 Hid the things from w., mi. 11:25 Will in no w.cast out. Jn. 6:37 To the only w.God.Jude 25

Wisely (14). Ex. 1:10: 1 Sam. 13:5, 14. 15.30: Pr.l6:2,28:26;Lk. 16:8: etc.

W iser f8).lKL 4:31: lob 35:11; Ps. 119: 98; Pr, 9:9; 26:16; Ezek. 28:3; Lk. 16: 8;lCor.i:25 ^Cor.i3:3;3Jn. _


Wished (2i Jn. 4:8; Acts 27:29

WpHng fD.Job 31:3C

Wl3i (13).toknow. 5 uses of.n 101-4

Wit (21j, to know.Gen. 24:21; Ex. 2:4;

~rzek. 13:16: Rom., 8:23; 2 Cor. 5:15; 8:1; etc, ,

Witch (2). Ex. 22:18: Dt. 18:10 W. of Endor. 10 acts. 315; 1 Sam. 28

Witchcraft (3), 1 Sam, 15:23; 2 Chr. 33: | 6: Gal. 5:20; b 75-1*; 207» I

Witcbcrafu (4). 2 KL 9:22; Mic. 5:12; Nah.i:4

WiA(4,62ej,3ea. 3:6,12:4:3; 5:22,24; 5^3. 9.11.13-14. le. 13-13; etc. 12exair.ples of God with man, m 27-1

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

W.blame before Kirr. in love. Eph. l--i

W.Christ.Eph. 2:12


W. offence, Phil. 1:10; w 215-1*

W. murmurings, Phil.2:14

W, wrath and doAdng. 1 Tim, 2:8

W, controversy great is. 1 Tun. 3:16

W. wavering, Heb. 10:23

W. faith. Heb, 11:6

W. partiality, Jas. 3:17

W. respect of persons, 1 Pet. 1:17

W. fault before God, r*v. 14:5

W. are dogs. ?ev. 22:15 Wida (3).new bow strings. Judg. 16:7-9 Withstand (lO. Nur-;. 22:32; 2 Chr. 13:

7-8; 20:6; Esther 9:2; Eccl. 4:12; Dan.

11:15: Acts lb 17; Eph. 6:13 Withstood (6), 2 dir. 26:18; Dan. 10:13: AcU 13:8; Gal. 2:11; 2 Tim. 3:8; 4:15 Witness (134). Defined. - :>4-4* W.by m.onument,Gen, 31:44-52 Law against false w. ,Ex. 20:16; 23:1;

Dt. 5:20: }.:u 19:18: Mk. 10:19; Lk,

\ 18:20; Rom, 13:9 14:5.25

False w.speaketh lies.Pr, 6:19; 12:17;

Given Him. forw.to tbe pec^e.lsa.55:4

lObear w.of theligli.Jn, 1:7-3.15 Iflbearw. of;.'.yself,.. iere is another

that beareth w, of Me, Jn. 5:31-37;

8:18 Works I do beat w, of Me.Jn. 10:25 Ye also shall bear w,, jn. 15:27 Beareth w. wldi our spirit, Rom. 8:16 God bearing themi w, both, Heb. 2:4 Holy Ghost also is w,, Heb. 10:15 Obtained w. he wasrighteous, r^.eo. Vi-A Three w. on earth, 1 Jn. 5:6-8 3:14 Christ, who is a faithful w., Rev. 1:5; j Beheaded for w. of Jesus. Rev, 20:4 i Witnessed (4). 1 Ki. 21:13; Rom. 3:21;

1 Tim. 6:13; Heb. 7:8 Witneges (49), Two or tliee necessary.'

a 219-1; Num. 35:30; Dt, 17:6-7; 19t

15; ?.'.t. 18:16; 2 Cor. 13:1; 1 Tim. '

5:13; Heb. 10:28 Ye are ir.y v,. Isa. 43:10-12 I

Ye shall be w. unto Me, Acts 1:8 We are all w. . Acts 2:32; 3:15; 5:32;

10:29-41; 13:31 Widi a great cloud of w,. Heb, 12:1 Give power unto My two w, .?ev.ll:3

2 witnesses of ?ev, 11:1-11. 306» Wjtnesseth (2).Jn, 5:32; Acts 20:73 Wimessing (1). Acts 26:22

i^ -lysof w,, 282* :,,Ps.lC7:27

'<■-izuz^iXv (1).Gen. 48:14

^m^; It 6?l^tTa: iS T' 4iii^:2 wi^amech,Gen^:19-23 WfthdTAwm. 1 <;;>rr lA-iQ- i^ 0.1.. * '■■• ^° coDC*ine$ of Jacob. Gen,

Withdraw (11). 1 Sam.. 14:19; Job 9:13

13:21; 33:17;Pr, 25:17; Eccl. 7:18; Isa.

60:20; Joel 2:10; 3:15; 2 Th. 3:6; 1

Tim. 6:5 Wldidiaweg (D.Ps. 74:11 withdraweth (l),Job 36:7 Witfadrawn 7g).Dt.l3:13;Sopg5:6:Lam-

2:8; Ezek. 18:8; Hos. 5:6; Lk. 22:41 Withdrew (6). N'eh. 9:29; Ezek, 20:22;

Mt, 12:15; .Mk. 3:7; Lk. 5:16; Gal. 2:12 Wither (11). Ps. 1:3; 37:2; Isa, 19:6-7;

40:-24: Jer.l2:4; Ezek,17:9-10; A mos L-2 Withered ( 25) .Gen. 41:23; Jonah4:7; Mt.

12:10: 13:6: 21:19-20; Mk, 3:1-3; 11:

21; Lk. 6:6-8: 8:6; Jn. 15:6; etc, Witbereth (8).Tob 8:12; Ps. 90:6; 129:6;

Isa.4C:7-3; Jas.l:ll: lPet.l:24;Judel2 Withheld (6).Gen. 20:6; 22:12, 16; 30:

2: Job 31:16; EccL 2:10 Wil^^dest(l;.Neh.9:20 Wtabold (9).Gen. 23:6; 2 Sam. 13:13;

Job 4-2; Ps. 40:11; 84:11; Pr, 3:27;

23:13; Eccl. 11:6; Jer, 2:25 Wi^^den (10), 1 Sam. 25:28; Job 22:7;

38:15: 42:2; Ps. 21:2; Jer. 3:3; 5:-25;

Ezek. 18:16; Joel 1:13; Amos 4:7 WltbhoiJeth (4). Job 12:15; Pr. 11:24.

26; 2 Th. 1-6 Widdn (186).Gen. 6:14: 9:21; Ps. 36:1;

Mt,3:9: Rom. 8:23; Heb. 6:19; etc. Withota (413). Earth w. form.,Gen. 1:2

Sacrifice animals w. blemish, Ex. 12: 5; 29:1; Lev. L-3.10; 3:1.6:4:3; 23, 28.32; 5:15,18: 6:6; 9:2-3; 14:10; 22: 19; 23:12,18; Num. 6:14; 28:19, 31; 29:2-36; Ezek.43:22-25; 45:18. 23; 46:4-13; 1 Pet. 1:19

Bum w.the camp,Ex. 33:7:4:21;6:11; 8:17: 9:11; 16:27: Heb. 13:11-13

Eat w. leaven.Lev. 10:1^

Sacrifice animals w, spot, Nnm. 19:2; 28:3, 9, 11; 29:17. 26

Prayer w. ceasing. Acts 12:5; Rom. 1: 9: 1 Th. 5:17; 2 Tim. 1:3

W, excuse, Rom. 1:20

W. understanding, Rom, 1:31 3:3

W. natural affection, Roni.l:31; 2 Tim.

W.Uw.Rom. 2:12

W.God. 1 Cor, 5:15; Eph. 2:12

W. were fightings. 2 Cor, 7:5

9:16-30:26; 32:22 3 w.of Esau, Gen. 36:1-6 2 w. of Elkanah, 1 Sam. 1:1-8 8w, andmoie of David, 1 Sam, 18:27;

2 Sam. 3:2-6: 5:13-16:11:27; 1 Chr.

14:3 lKi.ll;3-8

1,000 w, and concubines of Solom.on,

2 w. of Ashur, 1 Chr. 4:5

3 w, of Shaharaim, 1 Chi. 3:8-9

78 w. and concubines or Rehofaoam, 2

Chr. 11:21-23 14 w. of Abijah, 2 Chr. 13:21 2 w.ofJosiah.2Chi. 24:3 Marriage with foreign w. .Ezra 10:2-44;

Neh. 13:23-27 Esther 1:20

W.of Persia to give respect to hud)ands. Suffered you to put away w., >.!t. 19:3 W. to obey hud)ands,p 211-4*; g 267-1*:

Eph. 5:22-24; Col. 3:18; 1 Pet, 3:1 W.to reverence own husbands, a 212-1*

4 commands to w,, 214*

8 ways for w.to win bjsbands.h-i 267-i*

Model w..h 267-1*

4 qualificauoos of w.. 236* Wives' (l).l Tim. 4:7 wizard (a.Lev.20:27: Dt. 18:11

Wizards (3), Defined, d 141-1; b 75-1*;

. 13:3;


Lev, 19:31; 20:6; 1 Sara, 28:3, 9; 2 Ki. 21:6; 2.3:24; 2Chr, 33:6; Isa. 8:19; 19:3 Woe(103). W.toMoab,Num. 21:29; Jer. W.to us, 1 Sam., 4:7-8 48:46

W.tome,Job 10:15; Ps. 120:5; Isa,6:5 W.to drunkards, Pr. 23:29; Isa, 5:22 W.to Judah, Isa. 3:9-11: 5:5-22; 29:1;

30:1; 3i:l; 33:1; 45:9-10; etc. W,tothe paitors.Jer. 23:1; Eze> W. to the women, Ezek, 13:18 W. to the.T. at ease, Amos 6:1 W. to N'ineveh, Nah. y.l W,to thee,Choraz:n..Mt. 11:21 W, to thee,Bethsaida,;.X 11:21 W. unto the worid,>'.t, 13:7 W.to scribes andPharisees,Ml.23:13-

16,23-29; Lk. 11:42-52 W. to them with chad, Mt. 24:19; Mk. W. to Judas, Mt. 26:24 1.3:17

W.to the rich,Lk.6:24 W.to those Aat are full,Lk,6:25 W. to you that laugh,Lk. 6:25 W. when all men spe&V well, Lk. 6:26

'-■'. is m.e if I preach not, 1 Cor. 3:16

W,, w.. w., to men on earth, r.ev, 5: 13: 3:12; 11:14; 12:12

W.because of 6 sins, 435 Woeful (1). Jet. 17:16 Woes (l).Fev. 9:12

l3 w, in Isaiah, 512

7 woes of Isaiah 28, 472 Wolf (6). Gen. 49t27; Isa, 11:6; 65:25:

Jer, 5:6; Jn. 10:12 Wolves (7).Ezek. 22:27; Hab-l:-: i--

3:3; Mt. 7:15; 10:16; Lk.lO:3:Ac -

Woman (3611. Defined, z 2-4 ChUcfcearing and sorrow of. x-y 3-4 Law of subjection to the, a 3-4 Seed of the, 15 The w. in die ephah, e 918-4 Made He a w. ,Gen. 2:22-23 W. deceived. Gm. 3; 2 Cor. 11:3; 1 W.ctrsed.Gai.3:14-16 Tlm.2;14

Beautiful w. .Gen. 12:11-15; 2 Sam. IL 2 W. with familiar spirit. 1 Sam, 28 Wise w, of Tekoah, 2 Sam, 14 Widow w. an: EUjah, 1 Ki. 17:9-24 Great w, of Shunem, 2 Ki. 4; 6:26 Strange w,, Pr. 2:16; 6:24-32; 7:5;

20:16; 23:27; 27:13; 30:20 A virtuous w, ,Pr, 12:4; 31:10 A w, shall compass a man, Jer, 31:22 Whosoever lookett on a w., >.:t. 5:28 The w. of faith, Mt. 15:22-23 W, put away ha husband, Mk. 10:12 The sinner w. .Lk. 7:37-50 W. with the issue of blood,Lk..8:43 W.bound fOT 18 year$,Lk. 13:11-16 W. and tbe lost coin.Lk. 15:8 W. of Samaria, Jn. 4:7-42 W. uken in adultery,Jn. 8:1-10 W. full of goo<' works, .^cts 9:36 W.bomd to her hud)and,Rom. 7:2 The head of the w,, 1 Coi, 11:3-15 W, and long hair, 1 Ccx. 11:6-12 W.andprophesying,lCor,ll; Acu2:17 W. clothed with sin,Rev. 12:1-17 W, on the beast. Rev, 17 Wom;ankind (1), Lev, 18:22 Wom.an's( 7). Gen. 38:20; Ex. 21:22; Lev. 24:11; Num.5:18,25; Dt.22-5:1KL3:19 Womb ( 71) ■ 2 nations in w..Gen.25:23-24 Twins were in her w. .Gen. 38:27 Wicked estranged from. w., Ps, 58:3 A", of the morning, Ps. 110:3 I Fruit of w. is His reward, Ps. 127:3 I Filled with Holy Ghost ftom his motha'sw,, Lk. 1:15 Lame from mother's w., Acts 3:2 Cripple from, modier's w.. Acts 14:8 j Deadness of Sarah's w., Fujm, 4:19 I Me from miy mother's w, .GaL LIS ' Wombs (a.Gen.20:18: Lk. 23:29 I Women (177).Childrenbvangels.o 6-1: I Gen. 6:1-4: 2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6-7 ) W. carrying water, e 21-1 j 7fold description of evil w,. p 38-1 I W. with issue of blood. 130; b 131-1 Purification of w. ,c-h, 131-1 Lying with unclean w.. 134 W, could become Nazarites. i 161-4 First pleading forrishisof w, .el87-4 10 deaths because of w., o 270-1

8 w. with names of men, a 348-4 Strange w, ,g 372-4 8 warnings against strange w, ,g 372-4 StidngsGod hates about w, ,512 8 judgments iq>oa w.. 512 22 kinds of ornaments, 474

! 3 similitudes of contentious, d 662-4 I 31 characteristicsof virtuous, f665-4 8 commands to w, at ease, i 704-4 24 unnamed w. in Mattbew .b 17-1* 32 w, in Manhew. b 17-1* 2nd witness of resirrecrion, i 33-^ CoiiageoDs w,, f 33-1*; k 54-1* Unknown believer, u 51-1* ofold reactio" a: resjrreccion.i 54-4* 8 reasons for w, preachers, e 149-1* To be veiled, d 184-1* w, preachers, e 184-1* Hail of w,, i-j 184-1* 7 steps in the fall of, u 234-4*

4 co.Tjnands to young w,, : ^4-4* Ancient head-dress, 236*

5 co.Tirr.ands to young «. ,e 242-4*

5 doctrines for aged,d 242-^

Outward adOTBing, 269*

2 w, and the Uve child, 1 Ki. 3:17-26 Solomon loved many strange w..iKi.ll

100 singing men and w. .Ezra 2:55 Outlandish w, cause to sin. Neh. 13:26 Fairest among w..Song 1:3; 5:9; 6:1

7 w. take bold of one man, Isa. 4:1 W. weeping for Tammuz.Ezek. 8:14 W. that sew pillows, Ezeh 13:18 2 w, grinding at mill, >.:t, 24:41 Many w, beholding afar off.Mt, 27:55 W,changed natural use, Rom. l;-26 W. keep sileoce in churches, 1 Cot, 14:

34-35; 1 Tim. 2:11 W.adom themjielves with,l Tim. 2:9-10

C aptive silly w.liden with,2 Tim;. 3:6 -s : -,, 1 TL-n. 5:-; Tit. 2:3 - , w., 1 Tim, 5:2,14: Tit. 2:4 ■•• . received dead raised. Heb. 11:35 In old time holy w. also, 1 Pet. 3:5 They had hair of w,, Rev, 9:3 4

Which were not defiled with w,, p,ev,14: Women's (1'.Esther 2:11 ■■■ j7r i:.xr..zti (Z) .Gen.20:14: 32:5.22 ^i^(;.,:C3.-6:27;Pr,18:19;l?et,3:l ■ :_r.der (15). Dt, 13:1-2; 28:46; 2 Chr, ;2:31; Ps. 71:7; I*a. 20:9-14; Jer, 4:9; Hab, 1:5; Acts 3:10; 13:41; Rev, 12:1. 3; 17:8

Wogd«ed<15),W,no Lntercessor.Isa. 59:16 W. none to uphold, Isa. 63:5 W, at healings by Christ, Mt, 15:31;

>.'.k,6:51;Lk. 9:43; 11:14 W. at gracious wwds of ChristXk.4:22 W. at the rerjitection.Lk. 24-41 W. at the sight. Acts 7:31 W. at the miracles. Acts 8:13 W, at the beast. F^v, 1-3:3 W, at the great wbore. Rev. 17:6 Wonderful (21), W. plagues, Dt. 28:59 W, love. 2 Sam. 1:26 W. temple, 2 Chr. 2:9 W. ddngs. Job 42:3; Pr, 30:18; Isa, 25:1;

Jer. 5:30; Mt, 21:15 W. works,Ps, 40:5; 78:1; 107:8,15,21,

31; llL-4: ?.'.t. 7:22; Acts 2:11 W. testimonies, Ps. 119:129 W. knowledge, Ps. 139:6 W. na.me,Isa. 9:6 W. counsel, Isa. 28:29 WonderftllYf D.l Sam. 6:6; Ps. 139:14; La.T.,l:9; Dan. 8:24 Acts 3:11

■■■'oz^rmz (Z). Gen. 24:21; Lk. 24:12; ;-:-:e.'oujlj a).Iudg-13:19 *■'-'--i , -: . w, in Egypt, Ex. 3:20; 4: ::; --;::: 3-10; 15:ll;Dt.4:34: 6:22; 7;i3; ->i:3;34-ll;l Chi. 16:12; Neh. 9:10-17; Ps. 73:11, 43; Ps. 105:27; Jer. 32:20-21; Acu 7:36 Lord will do w, among us, Jo^. 3:5 W, without number.Job 9:10 W.of old,Ps, 77:11-14 W, to the dead. Ps. 78:11,43 W, among all peoide.Ps. 96:3 W. in the deep. Ps. 107:24 2:30

W, and signs in heaven, Dan. 6:27; Joel W. and signs by false Cteists, prophets, Mt. 24:24; .Mk. 13:22; 2Th. 2:i9;Rev. 13:13 W. and signs by CInst, Acts 2:22 W. and signs by believers. Acts 2:43; 4:3:; 5:12; 6:8; 14:3; 15:12; Pa>m. 15:19; 2 Cor. 12:12; Heb. 2:4 Wondrous (1-5). W. works. 1 Chi, 16:9; Job 37:14,16; Ps, 26:7; 71:17; 75:1: 78:32; 105:2; 106:22:119:27; 145:5; Jer, 21:2 W, things, Ps. 72:18; 86:10; 119:18 Wondroudy flj.Ioel 2:26 Worn (9).Ex. 21:29; Num. 22:30; ISam., 30:31; 2 5am. 20:18; Dan. 3:19; Mt, 27: 15; Mk., 1C:1; Lk. 22:39; Acts 16:13 Wood (139).Gopher w.,Gen. 6:14 W, for sacrifices,Gen. 22:3-9; Lev, 1: 7-17; 3:5; 4:12; 6:12; 14:4-52; 1 KL 18:23-.38 W.vesseU.Ex. ": 13; Lev. 11:32; 15:12;

2 Tim., -2:20: P^v, 18:12 W. for tabernacle, Ex. 25:5-38; 26:15-32; 27:1-6; 30:1-5; 55:7-33; 36:20-36; 37:1-28; 38:1-6; Dt. 10:1-3 W. weapons. Numi, 35:18 W.idols.Dt.4:28; 28:36,64; 29:17: 2Ki. 13:18; Isa. 37:19; 45:20;Ezek, 20:32; Dan. 5:4, 23; Rev, 9:20 W. cutting, Dt. 19:5; 29:11; Jo*. 9:

21-27; 2 KL 6:4; EccL 10:9 W.cart. 1 5am. 6:14 W,growing.Josh. 17:15; ISam. 1425-26; 23:15-19; 2 Sara. 18:6-17; 2 Ki, 2:24; Ps. 80:13; 96:12; 132:6 W.instrumems of music, 2 Sam. 6:5 W. yokes, 2 Sami. 24-22; Jer, 23:13 W, threshing instruments, 1 Chr.21:23 W, pulpit. Neh. 8:4 W, offerings, Neh. 10:34; 13:31 w. of forest fire, Ps. 83:14

W, chariots. Song 3:9

W, a sym.bol of works, 1 Cor, 3:12

Woods (1).Ezek, 34:25

Woof (9). crosswise threads in weaving. Lev. 13:43-43, 51-53, 56-59

Wool (14),Gideon's fleece, Judg.6:37 He giveth snow Uke w, .Ps. 147:16 Sins cleansed white as w,. I$a. 1:18 Hair of God like p'jie w,, Dan. 7:9 Scarier w. and hyssop.Heb, 9:19 Hair of Christ white like w. .Rev,l:14 Woolen (6) Xev.l5:47-59; 19:19;Dt.22:ll Word (695). Deflned .b 122-1*.See Bible 'Jsage of. a "46-1

Tbe w. of tbe Lord is found 240 times in the O, T. and 13 ti.T^s in the N, T,. b 13-1; Gen. 15:1, 4; Ex. 9:20-21; Ps. 18:30; Lk. 22:61; Aco 8:25; 11:16

Complete Concordance ~ Cy cl opedic Index


13:48-49; 15:35-36; IG: iJ; 19:10; 1

Til. 1:8; 4:15; " Th. 3:1; 1 Pet. 1:25 The w. of Co^J is found only 3 tunes in

the O. T, .but 44 times in the N.T.,

1 Sam. >;.T;lki.l-:JJ.l(:hr.l7:3;Mk.

7:13;LI<,3:2;4:4;Roni. 10:17; 2 Cor.

4: 2; Eph. 6:17; lleb. 4:12; 1 Pet. 1:23;

Rev, 1;--, 9; 6:9; 19:13; 20:4 The w. of the Holy One, Isa, 5:24 The w. of our CoJ.Isa. 40:8 The w. of truth, Ps. 119:43; 2 Cor. 6:7:

Eph.l:13;Col.l:5;2Tim.2:15;Jas.l:18 The w. of righteousness, Ps. 119:123;

lleb. 5:13 The w. of His mouth, Jer. 9:20 The w. of the gospel. Acts 15:7 The w. of His grace. Acts 20:32 The w. of promise,Ron"!. 9:9 The w. of faith, Rom. 10:8 The w. of life,Phil. 2:16; ljn.l:l The engrafted w. ,Jas. 1:21 The w. of My patience, Rev. 3:10 His w,(30 times), 2 Sam. 23:2;eiL. My w.(14 times),Isa. 55:11; etc. Thy w.(50 times),Ps. 119:9; etc. Primary purpose in hearing w. of God,

i 203-1 7foldlocationofw, of God,l 230-1 12dutiesregardingw.,o 230-1 W, of Cod confirmed, 437

12 things about, k 553-1 Eternal W. ,m 606-4 48fold description of, g 607-1 10 things caUed, 636-637

26 titles of, using way, 636

13 tides of, using law, 636

10 titles of, using testimcxiy, 636

CaUed precepts, 635

7 titles of, using statute , 636

6 titles of, usmg conunandment. 636

6 titles of, using judgment , 637 50 titles of, using word, p 637 15 titles of, using truth , 637

13 titles of, using righteousness . 637 96 tides of.636-637~^ 62 facts,psalmist and the W. ,638 7fold downgradingofw. o_fGod,m751-2symbolsofw.ofGod, k .CT-1 4 The Living W. ,b 93-1* 12 symbols of, p 247-1*; ;64» Power of, q 247-1*

7 facts about, 258*

An agent in the new birth, i, q260-4* Doers of only blessed, r, w-y 260-4* Food for growth, e 266-1* W. that proceedeth out of, Dt. 8:3 W. is nigh thee, Dt. 30:14; Rom. 10:8 W, of the Lotd is cried,Ps. 18:30 W. of the Lord is right. Ps. 33:4 W. of the Lotd tried him, Ps. 105:19 W. sent andhealedthem.PS. 107:20 So shall My word be that, Isa. 55:11 Ye that tremble at His w. , Isa. 66:5 Speak the w. only and my,Mt. 8:8 Cast out spirit with His w., Mt. 8:16 Every idle w. men shall, Mt. 12:36 W, of the kingdom, Mt. 13:19 Preached the w. unto them, Mk. 2:2 Ministers of the w. .Lk. 1:2 In beginning was W., and W. was with

God, and W. was God,Jn. 1:1 The W. was made flesh and,Jn. 1:14 If ye continue in My w. , Jn. 8:31 Clean through the w. I have.Jn. 15:3 Thy w. is truth, Jn. 17:14-17 Spake w. with boldness. Acts 4:31 W. increased. Acts 6:7; 12:24; 19:20 W. of this salvation. Acts 13:26 W. of His grace. Acts 20:32 12:8

W. of wisdom, w. of knowledge, 1 Cor. W, of God corrupted and handled deceitfully, 2 Cor. 2:17; 4:2 W. of reconciliation, 2 Cor. 5:19 Washing of water by the w. .Eph. 5:26 Sanctified by w.and prayer, 1 Tim,4:5 Rightiy dividing w. of, 2 Tim, 2:15 Preach the w,, 2 Tim, 4:2 Holding fast the faithful w. .Tit. 1:9 Upholding all things by the w, of His

power, Heb. 1:3 W.of God quick and powerful,Heb.4:12 Tasted good w. of God, Heb. 6:5 Framed by the w. of God, Heb. 11:3 Be doers of the w., and not,Jas. 1:22 Desire sincere milk of w., I Pet. 2:2 Stumble at the w., 1 Pet, 2:8 By w. of God heavens were, 2 Pet. 3:5 W. of God abideth in you, 1 Jn.2:14 TheFather,theW.,andtheHoly Ghost, 1 Jn. 5:7. Cp.Mt, 28:19; 2 Cor. 13:14 His name is called The Word of God, Rev. 19:13. See names under God Word's (2). 2 Sam. 7:21; Mk. 4:l7 Words (545). Defined. b 89-4 Longest w. in Bible, h 268-4; Ps. 56,

title; Isa. 8:1 W.ofthe Lord,Ex,4:28; 24:3-8; Dt,5:22 W. of righteous,Ex. 23:8; Dt. 16:19 W.ofthe covenant, Ex. 34:28; Dt.29:l W, of this law, Dt, 17:19; 27:3

W. of the book, 2 Ki, 22:11-18; 23:2 W. of the Lord are pure,Ps. 12:6 Let the w.ofmymouth,and,Ps, 19:14 W.ofthe wise,Pr, 1:2,6; 22:17 W. of my mouth, Pr, 4:5; 5:7; 6:2; 7: W,stirupaniierJ'r,15:l 24; 8:8

W. of a talebearer are,Pr,18:8; 26:22 W.ofthe preacher, Eccl. 1:1 W,be few, Eccl. 5:2 W. justify or condemn, Mt. 12:37 W. of this Ufe.Acts 5:2o 22:18-19

W. of the prophecy of this book. Rev. WQrk( 416).God ended Hisw. .Gen.2:2-3 No manner of w. on 1st and 7th days of

the feast, Ex. 12:16; Lev. 23:3-36 Shalt not do any w. on sabbath, Ex. 20:

8-10; 31:15; 34:21; 35:2 W. on tabernacle, Ex. 25:1-40:33 His w. is perfect, Dt. 32:4 W. on temple, 1 Ki. 5:16-9:-23 W. on city and temple after the captivity, Ezra 2:69-6:22; Neh.4:6-ll:12 Thy heavens, w. of Thy fingers, Ps. 8:3 Heavens, w. of Thy hands, Ps. 102:25 Might w. the works ofGod,Jn.6:28-30 Meat destroy not w.of God, Rom. 14:20 Personal work, 943-944 21

Prepared unto every good w. ,2 Tim. 2: Do the w. of an evangelist, 2 Tim.4:5 Perfectin every good w., Heb.13:21 Let patience have perfect w. ,Jas.l:4 According to hisw. shallbe,Rev, 22:12 i W. or not eat, d 229-4* I Worker (1),1 Ki. 7:14 I Workers (27). W. with famiUar spirits,

Snr23:24; b 75-1* Hatest aU w. of iniquity, Ps. 5:5 The termi w. of iniqirity is found 21

times, Ps. 6:8; 14:4; -28:3; etc. W, of miracles, 1 Cor. 12:29 W. together with Him, 2 Cor, 6:1 Evil and deceitful w., 2.Cor, 11:13;

Pha.3:2 29

Worketh (37). W. God oftentimes. Job 33:

W. righteousness, Ps. 15:2; Isa. 64:5;

.AcU 10:35. Cp. w. not.Jas. 1:20 W. deceit.Ps. 101:7; Pr. 11:18 W. ruin. Pr, 26:28 W.wiUingly.Pr. 31:13 W. signs, wonders in heaven. Dan.6:27 W. good, Rom. 2:10 W, wrath, Rom. 4:15 W. patience, Rom. 5:3; Jas, 1:3 W.no iU to his neighbor, Rom. 13:10 W. allinaU, ICor. 12:6 12:11

W. that one and selfsame Spirit, ICor. V.'. tlie work of the Lord, 1 Cor. 16:10 W. for us a more exceeding, 2 Cor.4:17 W. repentance unto, 2 Cor. 7:10 W. miracles among you,Gal, 3:5 W.in children of disobedience, Eph. 2:2 W.inus by power, Eph. 3:20; Col. 1:29;

1 Th.2:13 \V. in you both to will,PhiL 2:13 W. abomination, or maketh,Rev.21:27 Workfellow (l).Rom. 16:21 Working( 20). W. deceitfully. Ps. 52:2 W, salvation, Ps, 74:12 Lord w. with them with signs,Mk,16:20 W, sexual perversion,Rom. 1:27 W. of miracles. 1 Cor. 12:10 W. ofHismightypower.Eph. 1:19; 3:7;

4:16;Phil.3:21;Col.l:29;Heb.l3:21 W. with his handsthe thing. Eph. 4:28 W. of Satan with all power, 2 Th. 2:9 W.not at all, but are, 2 Th. 3:11 Spirits of devils, w.miracles,Rev.l6:14 W(»kman aO).Ex.35:35; 38:23; Song7:1; Isa. 40:19-20; Jer. 10:3, 9; Hos. 8:6; Mt, 10:10; 2 Tim. 2:15; e 239-1* Workmanship (7), Ex, 31:3, 5; 35:31; 2 Ki. 16:i0; 1 Chr, 28:21; Ezek, 28:13; Eph. 2:10 Workmen (11), 2 Ki, 12:14-15; 1 Chr. 22:15; 25:1; 2 Chr, 24:13; 34:10, 17; Ezra 3:9; Isa. 44:11; Acts 19:25 Workmen's (l).Judg. 5:26 Work's (l).l Th.5:13 Works (235). Defined, q 112-1' W.of God's hands, 618 8 w.of God, 627 6 marvellous w., j 602-4 Purpose of good w., u 4-1* 15 w.that glorify God, u 4-1* How to do w, of God,f-g 100-4* Promised all believers, o-s 112-1* Greater w, than Christ, s 112-1* Secret of doing w. ,r 112-1* Purpose of doing w.of God, u 112-1* Effectual w. ,e 224-1* W. and faith,g-j, p-q 261-4* Judgment of believer's w., q 177-4*;

a-b 178-1*; o-p 178-1* W, of Satan. See Satan Cunning and cunous w. ,Ex. 31:4; 35:

32; 1 Ki, 7:14 Dominion over w.of Thy hands,Ps, 8:6 His wondrous w,, 1 Chr, 16:9; Job 37:

14-16; Ps. 26:7; 71:17; 75:1; 78:32;

105:2-5; 106:22; 119:27; 145:5; Jer.

21:2 His marvellous w,, 1 Chr. 16:12, 24j

Ps.9:l; 105:5; 139:14; Rev, 15:3 His wonderful w. ,Ps. 78:4; 107:15,21;

111:4 118:17

W. of the Lord, Ps. 107:24, 31; 111:2; Solomon's w. ,Eccl. 1:14; 2:4,11 Clirist's mighty w., Mt. 11:2, 20-23;

13:54-58; Mk.6:2; Lk. 10:13; 19:37 W. I do in MyFather'sname.jn. 10:25 W.that I do shall he do also,and greater,

Jn. 14:12 Tongues wonderful w. of. Acts 2:11 Woman full of good w., Acts 9:36 Known to God all His w., Acts 15:18 Imputed righteousness without w.,Rom,

4:6; Gal. 2:16; Gen, 15:6 Not of w. lest any man,Eph. 2:9 Furnished unto all good w.,2 Tim.3:17 Thyself a pattern of good w., Tit. 2:7 Zealous of good w,, Tit. 2:14 Not by w, of righteousness. Tit, 3:5 Be careful to maintain good w,,Tit,3:8,

14; 1 Pet. 2:12 I leavens are w.of Thy hands.Heb.l: 10 Setthemoverw,ofThyhands,Heb.2:7 Purge conscience from dead w., Heb, 9:

14 Provoke to love and good w,,Heb, 10:24 Faith and w,, Jas, 2:14-26 Destroy w, of the devil, 1 Jn. 3:8 W, of churches. Rev. 2:2, 5. 9. 13, 19,

23,26; 3:1-2,8,15 Their w. do follow them. Rev. 14:13 Judged according to w., Rev.20:12-13 Works' (1), Job 14:11 World (284). Pleasures of w., r 38-4*; n 7fold guilt of the w. ,b 162-4* 67-1* 20 stages of w. apostasy, 174* 3 things of the w., 279* Ps,18:15

Foundations of the w., 2 Sam. 22:16; Shall judge w.in righteousness, Ps, 9:8;

96:13; 98:9 Ends of the w. ,Ps. 19:4; 22:27 Inhabitants of the w., Ps, 33:8; 49:1;

Isa, 18:3; 26:18; 38:11; Lam,4:12 Kingdoms of the w., Isa. 23:17; Jer, 25: W,withoutend, Isa, 45:17 26

Unto the end of the w., Isa, 62:11; 771 Beginning of the w,, Isa.64:4; p 57-4* Showed Christ all kingdoms of this w.,

Mt.4:8; Lk,4:5 Ye are Ught of w., Mt. 5:14 32

Forgiven him,neither in this w., Mt,12: The care of this w, ,Mt, 13:22; Mk,4:19 From the foundation of the w,, Mt, 13:

35, note; 25:34; Lk, 11:50 Field is the w,, Mt. 13:38 38,40,49 Harvest is the end of the w., Mt. 13: If he gain the whole w. , lose soul,

Mt. 16:26; Mk. 8:36; Lk. 9:25 Woe unto the w. because of offences,

Mt.l8:7 Thy coming, and of the end of the w..

Mt. 24:3; 28:20 14

Shall be preached in all the w. , Mt. 24: Not since the beginning of the w.. Mt.

24:21 Shall be preached in the whole w., Mt.

26:13; Mk. 14:9; 16:15 In the w. to come eternal life, Mk.

10:30; Lk. 18:30 Since the w.began, Lk. 1:70; Jn. 9:32 All the w. should be taxed,Lk. 2:1 Nations of the w. seek, Lk. 12:30 8 The children of this w. are wiser J.k. 16: The children of this w. marry, are given

in marriage,Lk. 20:34 20:35

Accounted wonhy to obtain thatw.,Lk. Every man that Cometh into the w. ,Jn.

1:9 9:39

For judgment I am come into this w.Jn. Holy prophets since w. began. Acts 3:21 Dearth throughout all the w. .Acts 11:28 From beginning of the w., Acts 15:18 Turned the w. upside down, Acts 17:6 God that made the w. . Acts 17:24 Judge w. In righteousness. Acts 17:31 Faith spoken of throughout the whole

w. .Rom. 1:8 Be not conformed to this w. .Rom. 12:2 Kept secret since the w. began. Rom.

16:25 The w.wondetedafterbeast.Rev.l3:3 Heb. words trans, "world" :

1 Erets. ground, land, earth. It corresponds with the Gr. ge below (Ps. 22:27; Isa. 23:17; 62:11; Jer.25:26)

2 Cheled, a fleeting portion of time; and it corresponds with the Gr. aion. age, below (Ps. 17:14; 49:l).~^ee Ages

3 01am. eternity; time out of mind. It corresponds with the Gr. aioiiios below (Ps. 73:12; EccL 3:11). See 01am, 680

4 Tebel , the inhabited world. It corresponds with the Gr. oikoumene below (1 Sam. 2:8; 2 Sam. 22:16; 1

Chr. 16:30; Job 18:18; 34:13; 37:12; Ps.9:8; 18:15:19:4; 24:1; 33:8: 50:12; 77:18; 89:11; 90:2; 93:1; 96:10, 13; 97:4; 98:7, 9; Pr. 8:26; Isa. 13:11; 14:17, 21; 18:3; 24:4; 26:9, 18; 27: 6;34:l;Jer. 10:12; 51:15: Lam. 4:12; Nah.l:5)

Gr. words trans, "world" :

1 Ge, earth(M!."^i:.i. l:j, 18,-.'j>;Roin.-j:l7: Eph. 1:10; Rev. 13:3)

2 Aion,age(Mt. 12:32:13:22. 39-49:24; 3; 28:20; Mk. 4:19; 10:30; Lk. 16:8; 18:30; 20:34-35; Rom. 12:2; 1 Cor. 1:20; 2:6, 8; 3:18; 2 Cor. 4:4; GaL 4:3; Eph. 1:21; 6:12; 1 Tim. 6:17; 2 Tim.4:10;Tit.2:12;Heb.l:2;6:."j;ll:3)

3 Aioiuos, eternal (Rom. 16:25:2 Tim.

1:9; Tit. 1:2)

4 Oikoumene, inhabited earth (Mt.24: 14;Lk.2:l;Actsll:28;i7:6;19:27:24:5: Rom_ 10:18;Heb. 1:6.' Rev. 3:10:12:9; 16:14)

5 Kosmos( Mt.4:8;5:14; 13:35,38; 16: 26:18:7; 24:21; 25:34; 26:13; Jn. 10: 36; 11:9, 27; 12:19, 25, 31, 46-47; 13:1; 14:17-31; 15:18-19; 16:8-33; 17:5-25; 18:20-37; 21:25;etc.).This word is trans, w. 169times; it means the w. system, beauty, social system Worldly (2),Tit. 2:12; Heb. 9:1 World's (1). 1 Jii. 3:17 Worlds (2). Heb. 1:2; 11:3 Worm (14).Ex. 16:24; Job 17:14; 24:20; 25:6; Ps. 22:6; Isa. 14:11; 41:14; 51:8; 66:24; Jonah4:7; Mk. 9:44-48; 1 45-4«; 1 557-1 Worms( 8),Ex. 16:20; Dt. 28:39; Job 7:5; 19:26; 21:26; Isa. 14:11; Mic. 7:17; Acts 12:23 Wormwood (9).q 229-l;b 755-1; Dt. 29: 18; Pr. 5:4; Jer. 9:15; 23:15; Lam. 3: 15-19; Amos 5:7; Rev. 8:11 Worry. Defined, s 6-1* 8 reasons not to w. , s 6-1* 20 reasons to quit w. , s 6-1* Command not to w. ,k 6-4* Worse (25). Gea 19:9; 1 Ki. 16:25; 2 ~Clir33:5; Jer. 7:26: 16:12; Mt. 12:45; Lk. 11:26; Jn. 5:14; 1 Tim. 5:8; 2 Tim. 3:13; 2 Pet. 2:20; etc. Worship (108). 6 commands about, 116 14 cases of standing w., 112 12 things not to w., 116 One place of w, ,b 138-1 5 imitations of w, ,k 284-1 10 reasons for w. ,o 593-1 20 reasons for w. ,p 698-1 W.forGodonly,e2-l*;e7-4*; ul6-l* True w. .i,p-q 97-1* Abraham went to w. ,Gen, 22:5 W. other gods,Dt. 11:16; 30:17; 1 Ki.

9:6; 2 Chr. 7:19; Jer. 13:10; 25:6 W. the Lord in the beauty of holiness.

1 Chr. 16:29; Ps. 29:2; 96:9 W. at His footstool,Ps. 99:5; 132:7 W. at His holy hill, Ps. 99:9 W. toward His holy temple, Ps. 138:2 Allfleshcome and w.Me,Isa.66:23 W. Nebuchadnezzar's image, Dan. 3: 5-28 16-21

Yearly worship in Millennium,Zech.14; In vaindotheyw. Me,Mt.l5:9;Mk.7:7 W. in spirit and in truth, Jn. 4:20-24 Let all angels w. Him., Heb. 1:6 W.of Antichrist,Rev,13:8-15; 14:9-11 W. forbidden John,Rev, 19:10; 22:8-9 Worshipped ( 70),W,the Lord,Gen.24:26. 4S,52; Ex. 4:31; 12:27; 34:8; 1 Sam. 1:19.28; 15:31; 2 Sam, 12:20; 15:32; 1 Chr, 29:20; 2 Chr, 7:3; 29:28-30; Neh.8:6; 9:3; Job 1:20 W. molten calf,Ex. 32:8; Ps. 106:19 W, other gods, Dt. 17:3; 29:26; 1 Ki. 9:9; 11:33; 16:31; 22:53; 2 Ki, 17:16; 21:3.21:2Chr, 7:22; 33:3; Jer, 16:11; 22:9 W,the sun, Ezek, 8:16 W. Jesus,Mt, 2:11; 8:2; 9:18; 14:33; 15: 25: 18:26: 28:9,17;Mk. 5:6; Lk. 24: 52; Jn. 9:38 W. and served creature,Rom. 1:25 Antichrist w., 2 Th. 2:4; Rev. 13:4;

16:2; 19:20; 20:4 God w. ,Rev. 5:14; 7:11; 11:16; 19:4 The devil w. ,Rev, 13:4 Worshipper (2),Jn. 9:31; Acts 19:35 Worshippers (7). 2 Ki, 10:19-23; Jn. 4:

23-24: Heb. 10:2 Worshippeth (6).Neh. 9:6; Isa. 44:15-17;

Dan. 3:6,11, Acts 19:27 Worshipping ( 5).2 Ki, 19:37; 2 Chr. 20: 18; Isa. 37:38; Mt. 20:20; Col. 2:18 Worst (1).Ezek. 7:24 Wpr!i (9).Gen.23:9; Lev. 27:23; Dt.l5: "ISTS Sam. 18:3; 1 Ki. 21:2; Job 24: 25; Pr. 10:20; Ezek. 30:2

Worthies (l).Nah.2:5 Wonhilv ( D.Ruth 4:11 Worthy ( 69). I am not w, , Gen. 32:10; Mir3:ll; 8:8; Mk, 1:7; Lk, 3:16; Jn.

C oniplete Concordance - Cyclopedic Inde x

1:27: Acts 13:25 W.of death, Dt.l7:6; 21:22; 1 Ki. 2:26 W. to be beaten. Dt. 25:2 W. portion, 1 Sam, 1:5 W.tobepraised,2Sam. 22:4:Ps, 18:3 Workman w. of his meat.Mt. 10:10 Not w. of Me,Mt, 10:37-38 Fniits w. of repentance, Lk. 3:8 21

Am no more w.tobe called,Lk. 15:19-Accounted w. to obtain that world,Lk.

20:35; 21:36 Walk w. of the vocation,Eph. 4:1 Walkw.oftheLord,Col.l:10;lTh.2:12 W. of all acceptation, ITiin. 1:15; 4:9 Ofwhom world wasnot w. , lleb. 11:38 W. is the Lamb. Rev. 5:2-12

Wot (10),Gen. 21:26; 44:15; Ex. 32:1,23: Num. 22:6; Josh. 2:5; Acts 3:17; 7:40; Rom. 11:2; Phil. 1:22

Wotteth(l).Gen. 39:8

Would (450),Gen. 2:19; 21:7; Jn. 4:10; ' Rom. 7:15-21; Gal. 1:7: lleb.4:8; etc.

Wouldest (38),Gen. 30:15; 31:30-31;Job 8:5; 14:13;Jn.21:18; Ileb.l0:5-8; etc. i

Wound (24). 7 uses of w.: '

1 Of the body being hurt (Ex. 21:25; 1 Ki. 22:35: Pr. 20:30)

2 Of disease 0ob 34:6)

3 Of judgment (Dt. 32:39; Ps. 68:21: 110:6: Isa. 30:26: Jer. 10:19; ]5:18: 30:12-14: Mic. 1:9; Nab. 3:19)

4 Of defeat and destruction of king- ' doms (Ps. 110:6: Rev. 13:3.12-14)

5 0f moral fall (Pr. 6:32-33) ;

6 Of wrapping or winding (Jn. 19:40; Acts 5:6) i

7 Of spiritual hun (1 Cot. 8:12) Wounded (35). W.in the stones. Dt. 23:1

W. in battle. Judg. 9:40; 1 Sam. 17:52; 31:3; 1 Ki, 20:37: 22:34; 1 Chr. 10:3; 2 Chr. 35:23 W.in heart,Ps. 109:22 W.in spirit and morals, Pr. 7:36; 18:14 W. for ouitransgressions, Isa. 53:5 W. inhouse of My friends, Zech.l3:6 W.in a robbery,Mk. 12:4; Lk. 10:30 W.bydemonpossessed man,Acts 19:16 Heavenly army at 2nd advent cannot be w. ,Joel 2:8 Kingdom of Greece destroyed and revive d by Antichrist, Rev. 13:3,12-14: 17:11, notes Woundedst (l),Hab.3:13 Woundeih (l).Job 5:18 Wounding ( 1).Gen. 4:23 Wounds (15). W, ofjoram. 2 Ki. 8:29-, 9:15; 2 Chr. 22:6 W. of Job. Job 9:17

W. of David. Ps. 38:5 22

W.causedby a talebearer, Ps. 18:8; 26: Faithful are the w.of a friend,Pr. 27:6 Moral decay pictured as w., Isa, 1:6; Jer, 6:7; 30:17 13:6

W.in the hands of the Messiah, Zech, W. wrapped or bound up.Lk, 10:3 Wove (1).2 Ki. 23:7 w5ven( 4).Ex, 28:32; 39:22.27: Jn.19:23 Wrap ( 2). Isa. 28:20; Mic. 7:3 Wrapped (14),Gen, 38:14; 1 Sam, 21:9; iKi. 19:13;2Ki. 2:8;Job 8:17; 40:17; Ezek. 21:15: Jonah2:5; Mt, 27:59; Mk. 15:46: Lk. 2:7,12; 23:53: Jn, 20:7 Wrath (198),e 96-4»: 207*:h 211-1*: m S5"0-4*; i 290-4* 6 tequirem ents to esc ape G od 's w. .48 7 W.of man kindled. Gen. 39:19; 2 KL

22:17: Job 32:2-5; Ps. 1-4:3 W.of God arose, 2 Chr. 36:16 Cruel w., Gen. 49:7; Pr. 27:4 W.ofGod waxed hot,Ex.22:24; 32:10-11 W. of God kindled, Num. 11:33; Dt.

11:17; Job 19:11; 42:7; Ps. 2:12 Fierce w. , Ex. 32:12; 1 Sam. 28:18 W.ofGod provoked,Dt. 9:7-8, 22 W. poured out. 2 Chr. 34:25; Hos. 5:10 W.of Lord turned from. 2 Chr. 12:12 W. pacified. Esther 7:10 Cease from anger, forsake w. ,Pr. 37:8 W.of man shaU praise Thee,Ps. 76:10 He that is slow to w. is,Pr. 14:29 Soft answer tumeth away w. ,Pr. 15:1 Proud w.,Pr. 21:24

Flee from w. to come,Mt. 3:7; Lk. 3:7 Filled with w. ,Lk. 4:28. See Filled W. of God abideth on him.Jn. 3:36 The law worketh w. ,Rom. 4:15 Saved from w. through Him, Rom. 5:9 Give place to w. ,Rom. 12:19 W. a work of the flesh,Gal. 5:20; Eph.

4:31; Col. 3:6-8 By nature children of w.. Eph. 2:3 Sun go down upon your w. .Eph. 4:26 Provoke not children to w. .Eph. 6:4 God not appointed us to w., 1 Th, 5:9 Hands, without wrath, 1 Tim. 2:8 IswareinMyw.,Ps.95:U;Ueb.3:ll;4:3 Slow to speak, slow to w. ,Jas. 1:19 W.of the Lamb,Rev. 6:16 Great day of His w.. Rev. 6:17; 11:18 Satan having great w, .Rev. 12:12

Wine of the w. of her fornication. Rev. 14:8: 17:2; 18:3 16:19; 19:15

Wine of the w.of God, Rev. 14:10, 19; Vials Pilled with w.ofGod. Rev. 15:1-7

Wrathful (C).Ps. 69:24; Pr. 15:18

Wraths (1). 2 Cor. 12:20

Wreath (1). 2 Chr. 4:13

Wreathed (1),Lam. 1:14 2Ki.25:17

Wreathen (10).Ex. 28:14-25: 39:15-18;

Wreaths (3). 1 Ki. 7:17; 2 Chr. 4:12-13

Wrest (5),Ex. 23:2-6; Dt. 16:19: Ps. 56:


Wrestle (l),b 212-4': Eph. 6:12

Wrestled ( 3). Mental struggle,Gen. 30:8 God w. bodily with Jacob, h 32-1 6 proofsGod w.bodily,21:Gen.32:24-25

Wrestlings (l),Gen. 30:8

Wretched (2),Rom. 7:24: Rev. 3:17

Wretchedness (l),Num. 11:15

Wring (3).Lev. 1:15; 5:8; Ps. 75:8

Wnnged (1),Judg.6:38

Wringing (l).Pr. 30:33

Wrinkle dl),Eph. 5:27

Wrinkles (1),Job 16:8

Write (91). W. this, Ex. 17:14. note W.upon these tables,Ex.34:l,27;Dt.lO:2 W. these curses. Num. 5:23 W. every man's name. Num. 17:2-3 W. them upon the posts, Dt. 6:9; 11:20 W. him a copy of this law, Dt. 17:18 W. her bill of divorcement, Dt. 24:1-

3; Mk. 10:4 W. iq)on them all the words, Dt,27:3-8 W. this song, Dt. 31:19 W. names of ttie men,Ezra 5:10 W. the covenant, Neh. 9:38 W. ye all the Jews,Esther 8:8 W. them upon table of heart, Pt. 3:3;

7:3: Jer. 31:33; Heb. 8:10 W.this man childless, Jer. 22:30 W.on two sticks,Ezek. 37:16 W. the vision, make it plain, liab. 2:2 W. them in the minds, Heb. 10:16 W. then;, that they abstain. Acts 15:20 I (Paul) w. these things, 1 Cor. 4:14; 14:37; 2Cor. 1:13:2:9: 9:1;]3, 2,10; Gal. 1:20; Phil. 3:1; 1 Th, 4:9: 5:1; 2 Th. 3:17; 1 Tim. 3:14 I (Peter) now w. unto you. 2 Pet. 3:1 I (John) w. unto you, 1 Jn. 1:4; 2:1,

7-8. 12-13; 2 Jn. 12; 3 Jn. 13 I 0ude) w. unto you.Jude 3 WTiat thou seest, w. in a book, Rev. 1: 11. 19; 2:1, 8. 12, 18; 3:1. 7. i:, 14; 10:4; 14:13; 19:9; 21:5

Writer (2).Judg. 5:14: Ps. 45:1

Writer's (2).Ezek. 9:2-3

Writest (2), Job 13:26; Ezek. 37:20

Writeth (l),Ps. 87:6

Writing ( 37). Common in ancient times, cTBl-4; d 225-4 Drinking the w., d 161-4 W. was the w.of God, Ex. 32:16 An endofw. wordsofthe law,Dt,31:24 Lord made me understand w.,1 Clir. 28: W. from EUjah, 2 Chr, 21:12 19

W.of David and Solomon, 2Chr, 35:4 W. of Cyrus, 2 Chr. 36:22; Ezra 1:1 W.in the book ofEsther. 1:22; 3:12-14;

4:8-9. 13: 9:27 W.of Hezekiah.Isa. 38:9 W. on the wall. Dan. 5:7-25 W. to condemn Daniel, Dan. 6:8-10 W.of divorcement.Mt. 5:31; 19:7 W. table,Lk. 1:63 W. on the cross, Jn. 19:19 i Writings ( l),Jn. 5:47 I Written ( 276).God's claim, ^ 886-1 Commandments which I have w.,Ex.24: 12 Dt.9:10

W. with the finger of God, Ex. 31:18; Tables w.on both sides, Ex. 32:15 God's book which He has w.,Ex. 32:32 W.in the book of the law,Di.28:58-61;

29:20-21, 27; 30:10; 8:31,34; etc. W.in the book of Jasher. Josh. 10:13;

1 Sam. 1:18 lKi.ll:41 W. in the book of the acts of Solomon. W.in the book of the chronicles of the

kings of Israel. 1 Ki. 14:19,29 W, in the book of the chronicles of the

kings of Judah, 1 Ki. 15:7, 23. 31 W, in the book of Samuel, 1 Chr, 29:29 W,in the book of Nathan, 2 Chr. 9:29 W.inbookofShemaiah, 2 Chr. 12:15 W.in thestoryofIddo,2 Chr, 13:22 W, in the book of the kings of Judah,

2 Chr, 16:11

W, in the book of Jehu, 2 Chr. 20:34 W. in book of the kings, 2 Chr. 24:27 W. in the book of the kings of Judah,

2 Chr. 25:26 ChT.27:7

W. in the book of the kings of Israel, 2 W. in vision of Isaiah, 2 Chr. 32:32 W. among the sayings of the seers, 2

Chr, 33:19 W. in the lamentations, 2 Chr. 35:25 W. among the laws of the Persians,

Esther 1:19; 2:23 In the volume of the book it is w. of

Me,Ps. 40:7; ileb. 10:7 W. with the righteous,Ps. 09:28 AU my niembers were w. ,Ps. 139:16 Dookol remeiiibraiice wasw., Mai. i: 16 It is w. ,(81 times), Mt. 2:5; 4:4-7,10;

21:13; 2C:il; Mk. 7:0: etc. Names w. in heaven,Lk. 10:2u If they should be w. ,Jn. 21:25 W, in the book of Psalms, Acts 1:20 W. in book of tlie prophets. Acts 7:4-Our epistle written in our hearts, Rom,

2:i5; 2 Cor. 3:2-3 W, and engraven in stones, 2 Cor, 3:7 Firstborn w. in heaven, Heb. 12:23 Stone and new naiiie w. ,Uev. 2:17 Book w. within. Rev. 5:1 Names not w. in book of life, Rev. 13:

8: 17:8; 20:15 Name w.in foreheads,Rev. 14:1 Upon her forehead a name w. ,Kev.l7:5 Had a name w. that no man. Rev. 19:12 On His thijzh a name w. ,Rev. 19:16 Things w.in die books,Rev. 20:12 Are w.in Lamb's book,Rev. 21:27 Plagues w. in thisbook,Rev. 22:18-19

Wrong (20),Gen, 1G:5; Mt, 20:13; 1 Cor. 6:7-8: 2Cor.7:lC;Col. 3:25; etc.

Wronged (2), 2 Cor. 7:2; Ph'm 18

Wron'^i.eth (l).Pr. 8:36

Wrongfu lly (7). Job 21:27; Ps. 35:19; 38: 19; 69:4; 119:86; Ezek.22:29; 1 Pct.2:19

Wrote (62). Moses w., Ex. 24:4; Num. 33:2; Dt. 31:9, 22 God w.,Ex. 34:28; Dt.5:22; 10:4 Joshua w. , Jo*. 8:32-33; 24:26 Samuel w. , 1 Sam, 10:'25 David w. , 2 Sam. 11:14-15 Jezebel w. ,1 Ki. 21:8-9 Jehu w. ,2 Ki. 10:1-6 Levites w., 1 Chr. 24:6 Hezekiah w. ,2 Chr. 30:1 Sennacherib w., 2 Chr. 32:17 Adversaries of Jews w. , Ezra 4:6-9 Haman w.,Esther 8:5-10 Mordecai w. .Esther 9:20-29 Baruch w. ,Jer. 36:4-32 Jeremiah w. , Jer, 51:60 Hand of God w,, Dan, 5:5 Darius w, ,Dan. 6:25 Daniel w, ,Dan, 7:1 Jesus w,,Jn. 8:6-8 Pilate w,,Jn, 19:19 Apostles w., Acts 15:23 Claudius Lysias w., Acts 23:25-30 Tertius w. , Rom, 16:22 Paul w, .1 Cor, 5:9: 7:1: 2 Cor. 2:3-4;

7:12; Epii. 3:3; Ph'm 21 John w.. 2 Jn. 5; 2 Jn, 9

Wroth (47),C ain was very w.. Gen.4:5-6 Jacob was w, with Laban.Cen, 31:36 Jacob's sons were w. ,Gen. 34:7 Pharaoh was w.,Gen,40:2; 41:10 Moses was w. with Israel, Ex. 16:20;

Num. 16:15, 22; 31:14 Lord was w. ,Dt. 1:34; 3:26; 9:19: Ps. 18:7; 78:21,59,62; 89:38; Isa. 47:6 Saul was very w., 1 Sam. 18:8 Philistines were w. , 1 Sam. 29:4 Abner was w. , 2 Sam. 3:8 David was w., 2 Sam. 13:21 Namaan was w., 2 Ki. 5:11 Man of God was w., 2 Ki. 13:19 Asa was w. ,2 Chr. 16:10 Uzziah was w. ,2 Chr. 26:19 Sanballat was w., Neh. 4:1, 7 Ahasuerus was w. .Esther 1:12 21

King's chamberlains were w. .Esther 2: Princes of Judah were w. .Jet. 37:15 Herod was exceeding w. .Mt. 2:16 The king was w., Mt. 18:34; 22:7 Satan was w.. Rev. 12:17

Wrought (100),Gen. 34:7; Ex. 10:2; Dt. 13:14; 22:21; Josh. 7:15; etc. Lord w. s4vation,l Sam. 11:13; 14:45 Lord w. great victory, 2 Sam. 23:10 W. evil in sight of the Lord, 2 Ki, 3:

2; 17:11; 21:6; 2 Chr. 33:6 W. great provocations, Neh. 9:18,26 W. His signs in Egypt, Ps. 78:43 Curiously w.in lowest parts, Ps. 139:15 W. a work on the wheels, Jer. 18:3 W, a good work on Me, Mt, 26:10; Mk. W, mighty works, Mk, 6:2 14:6

W. special miiraclesby Paul. Acts 19:11 Signsof an apostle w,, 2 Cor. 12:12 Which He w. in Christ. Eph. 1:20 W. righteouaiess. Heb. 11:33 False prophet w. miracles. Rev. 1*20

Wroughtest (l).Ruth 2:19 51:17

Wnmg( 4).Lev. 1:15; 5:9; Ps. 73:10; Isa.

Xerxes, h 867-1; 879


Yam (4), 1 Ki. 10:28; 2 Chr. 1:16 7eT3,780),Gen.3:1,3-5; 4:23; 9:4, 7: ~T?:10-11; 18:5; 19:2.8; 22:5; etc. Yea (332). Gen, 3:1; Job 1:17; 2:4; Mt.

5:37; Rom. 3:4, Jl; Rev. 14:13; etc. Year (349). Year-Jay theory untrue, 18 reasons, 875 First Month of y. to you,Ex. 12:2 3 times a y. all the males, Ex. 23:17;

34:23-24: Dt. 16:16 7tii y. sliall be a sabbath. Lev. 25 50th y. shall be a jubilc.Lev. 25:10-54 The acceptable y.ofLord,Isa.61:2; Lk, Ihe y,ofMy redeen!ed,Isa.C3:4 4:19 High priest alone once a y., Heb. 9:7 Offered y.by y. continually, lleb.10:1 Yearly (9),Lev. ■:5:53; Judg. 11:40; 21: 19; 1 Sain. 1: ), 21; 2:19; 20:6; Neh. 10:32; Esther 9:21 Yearn (1).Gen. 43:30 Yearned (l).l Ki. 3:20 Year's (2). Ex. 34:2; 2 Sam. 14: JO Years (526). Seasons, days, years. Gen. 1714-18 Y. of lives of first men. Gen. 5:1-32;

7:6; 9:28-29; 11:10-32; 25:7,17 Tyre forgotten 70 y,, isa. 23:15-17 Add 15 y, to life,Isa. 38:5 65:20

CWIJ in Millennium being 100 y., Isa. 70 y. .desolation of Jerusalem, Jer.25:

11-12; 29:10; Dan.9:: Chtist 12 y. old, Lk. 2:42 Christ 30 y. old,Lk, 3:23 12 y. of issue of blood healed.Lk.8:43 18 y. of infirnuty healed.Lk. 13:11-16 38 y. of infirmity healed, Jn. 5:5 40 y. of infirmity healed. Acts 4:22 8 y. of paralysis healed, Acts 9:33 Law 430 y. after Abrahamic covenant.

Gal. 3:17 1000 y. as one day with God.2Pct.3:8 1000 y. .reign of Christ,Rev. 20:1-10 Years'(-2), 2 Ki. 8:3: 1 Chr. 21:12 Yell (1), Jer. 51:38 TelTed (1),Jer. 2:15 Yellow (4).Lev. 13:30-36; Ps. 68:13 Yes(4), Mt. 17:25; Mk. 7:28; Rom. 3:29; ~TIJ:18

Yesterday (9),Ex. 5:14; 1 Sam. 20:27; 2 ?amn5:20:2Ki. 9:26; Job 8:9; Ps, 90: 4; Jn. 4:5-2: Acts 7:28; Heb. 13:8 Yesternight (3).Gen. 19:34; 31:29,42 Yet (681),Gen. 6:3; 7:4; Ps. 2:6; Mt. 6: ~^-20: 2 Cot. 6:8-10; Rev. 6:11; etc. Yield (30),Gen.4:12; 2Chr.30:8; Rom.

6:13-19; Jas. 3:12; etc. Yielded (8),Gen.49:33; Num. 17:8; Dan. 3:28; Mt, 27:50; Mk. 4:7; Acts 5:10; Rom. 6:19: Rev. 22:2 Yieldeth (4), Neh. 9:3; Job 24:5; Pr, 12: 12: Heb, 12:11 4;Jer.l7:8

Yielding( 7),Gen. 1:11-12,29; EccL 10: Yoke ( 59). Servitude or slavery,Gen.27: 4C; Lev. ■26:13; 1 Ki. 12:4-14; 2 Chr. 10:4-14; Isa. 9:4; 10:27; 58:6: Jer. 27:8-12; 28:2-14; 1 Tim. 6:1 A contrivance for fastening the necks of 2 animals together for work,Num. 19: 2; Dt. 21:3: 1 Sam. 6:7; 14:14; 1 Ki. 19:19-21; Jet. 31:18 A bondage to an,Lam. 1:14 Responsibility,Lam. 3:27 Servitude to God,Mt. 11:29-30 Bondage to the la w. Acts 15:10; G aU5:1 Yoked (1). joined, 2 Cor. 6:14 Yokefellow (1), partner,Phil. 4:3 Yokes (4),Jer. 27:2; 28:13; Ezek. 30:18 Yonder (7),Gen. 22:5; Num. 16:37; 23:

15:32:19; 2 Ki.4:25; Mt. 17:20;26:36 You (2, 50'2),Gen. 1:12, 29; 9:2-3,7, 9-TT, 15; 17:10-1-2; 17:12; 18:4; etc. Young (300).Y. man,Gen. 4:23; 18:7 Y. men.Gen, 14:-24;19:4; IJn. 2:13-14 Y,bullock,Ex. 29:1; Lev.4:3,14 Y. pigeons and turtledoves,Lev. 12:6 Y. calf. Lev. 9:2 Y.Uon. Judg. 14:5; Ps. 34:10 Y. virgins.Esther -2:2-3 Y. dromedaries,Esther 8:10 Y. asses, Isa. 30:6, 24; Jn. 12:14 Y. child, Mt. 2:8-14, 20-21 Y. daughter, Mk. 7:25 Y. children,Mk. 10:13: Acts 7:19 Y. men see visions. Acts 2:17 Y, women. Tit, 2:4 Younger (31). 12 y. chosen, 7 Knew what his y. son had,Gen, 9:24 Elder shall serve the y,, Gen, 25:23;

Rom. 9:12 Name of Ihe y, was Rachel,Gen,29:16 Ephraim'shead, who wasy. ,Gen,48:14 Name of the y, was Michal,l Sam, 14:49 Y, son gathered all together,Lk,15:13 Let him be as the y. ,Lk. 22:26 Y, men and women, 1 Tim, 5:1-2 Y.widows refuse: for when,1 Tim, 5:11 Y, women marry. 1 Tim. 5:14 Y. submit yourselves to. 1 Pet. 5:5 Youngest (18). Y. of Jacob's sons, Gen, 5203^15,20.32-34: 43:33; 44:2,12-26 Y. son of Jesse, 1 Sam. 16:11; 17:14 Your (1,648),Gen. 3:5; Ps. 4:4-5; etc. -y. reward in heaven,Mt. 5:12 Y. light so shine, Mt. 5:10

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

Y. good works, Mt. 5:16 Y. righteousness exceed, Mt. 5:20 Y. communication be yea.Mt. 5:37 Love y. enemies, Mt. 5:44 Y. Fadier which is in heaven, Mt,5:48 Y. alms before men, Mt. 6:1 Y. treasure,Mt, 6:21 Y, peace, Mt. 10:13 Y. souls, Mt. 11:29 Y. unbelief, Mt. 17:20 Y. minister.Mt. 20:26; Mk. 10:43 Y. Master, even Christ, Mt. 23:8,10 Y, faith,Rom. 1:8; 1 Cor. 2:5 Y. mortal body, Rom. 6:12-22; 8:11 Y. bodies a living sacrifice, Rom. 12:1 Y. reasonable service, Rom. 12:1 Y, salvation,Eph. 1:13 Y. election of God, 1 Th. 1:4 Y. faults, Jas. 5:16; 1 Pet. 2:20 Y. works, Rev. 2:23 Yoiffs (12).Gen.45:20; Dt. 11:24; Josh. "■571?; CChr. 20:15; Jer. 5:19; Lk. 6: 20; Jn. 15:20; 1 Cor. 3:21-22; 8:9; 16:18; 2 Cor. 12:14 Yourselves (190).Take heed to v.. Ex. 19: 12:Dt.2:4: 4:15,23;11:16; Lk. 21:34 Consecrate y. ,Ex. 32:29 Sanctify y. ,Lev.ll:44; 20:7: Num.11: 18; Josh. 3:5; 7:13; 1 Sam. 16:5; 1 Chr. 15:12 Separate y. ,Num. 16:21; Eaa 10:11 Keep y.from the accursed thing Jodj.6:

18 Be strong, quit y. like men.l Sam. 4:9 Present y. before theLord,l Sam. 10:19 Yield y. unto God, Rom. 6:13, 16-23 Avenge not y. .Rom. 12:19 Give y.to fasting and prayer, 1 Cor. 7:5 Examine y. whether yebe, 2Cor.l3:5 Speaking to y. In psalms, Eph. 5:19 Submitting y. onetoanother,Eph.5:21 Be at peace among y., 1 Th. 5:13 Submit y.to God,Jas.4:7 Humble y, in the sight of God, Jas, 4: 10; 1 Pet, 5:6 Pet.2:13

Submit y. to every ordinance of man, 1 Have ferventcharity amongy.,lPet. 4: Building up y.on your mostjude 20 8 Keep y. in the love of God.Jude 21 Youth (70). Man's heart evU from his y.,Gen. 8:21 Y. renewed like eagle, Ps. 103:5 Thouhastthedewofy. ,Ps. 110:3 Rejoice with wife of y. ,Pr. 5:18 Remember thy Creator in the days of

thy y. ,Eccl. 12:1 Bear the yoke In his y. ,Lam. 3:27 Observed fiom my y. up, Mt. 19:20;

Mk.l0:20;Lk. 18:21 Let no man despise thy y. ,1 Tim. 4:12 Youthful (1),2 Tim. 2:22 Youths (2).Pr. 7:7: Isa. 40:30 You-ward f3).2Cor. 1:12: 13:3: Fph '\-9

Zacher (1), fame, 1 Chi. 8:31

Zadok (50). just. 6 mepj i 338-4

Zadok's (1), 2 Sam. 15:36

ZahaiTi (l).loathlng. 2Chr. 11:19

Zaln (l).Ps. 119:49. tide

Zaii (l),a city ofEdom, 2 KL8:21

Zalaph (1), wound,Neh. 3:30

Zalmon (2). shady, d 277-1, k man. 2

Sam. 23:28. .A mountain. Judg. 9:48 Zalmonah (2). a camp. Num. 33:41-42 Zaimunna "(lg).shelter denied, Judg, 8: I 5-7,10,12,15,18,21; Ps. 83:11 ZamzumiTiIms d^.A giant race .Dt. 2:20 Zanoah (5), marsh. A man. 1 Chr. 4:18.

Zaanaim (l),a plain,Judg, 4:11 Zaanan (l).a place,Mic. 1:11 Zaanannlm g), Josh.l9:33.See Zaanaim Zaavan (l). disturbed.Gen. 367?7 Zabad (8),gift. 7 men. 1 Chr. 2:36-37;

7:21; 11:41; 2"cT04::6; Ezra 10:27.

33, 43

Zabbai (2),humming. 2 men, Ezra 10:


Zabbud(l),given,Ezra 8:14 Zabdi (6). gift of Jehovah. 4 men . Josh, 7:1.17,18; lChr.8:19: 27:27; Neh.ll:17 Zabdiel_(2),gift ofGod. 2 men , 1 Chr.

"7:2; Neh. 11:14

2^bud(l), given. 1 Ki. 4:5

^abulon (3). to bestow. Gr. form of

ZebuIun. Mt. 4:13-15; Rev. 7:8 Zaccai_(2),pure. Ezra 2:9; Neh. 7:14 Zacchaeus (3). pure. Gr fnrm ofZaccai,


Zacchur (l). mindful,! Cta. 4:26 Zaccig (8), mindful. 7 men. Num. 13:4; IChr. 24:27; ■:5:2, 10; Neh. 3:2; 10: 12; 12:35; 13:13 Zachariah (4). Jehovah remembers. 2_

menj2Ki. 14:29:15:8,11; 18:2 ^phanas (11),Jehovah remembers.Gr. form of Zachariah. 2 men,Mt. 23:35; Lk. 1:5, 12-13. 18, 21, 40, 59, 67; 3:2; 11:51; u 26-l»

_:^ties,Josh.l5:34,56;Neh.3:13; 11:30 Zaphnaih-paaneah (1), the one who fur-

nishes the nourishment of life, that is,

the chiefstewardoftheland,Gen.^:45 Zaphon (l).a city of Gad, Josh. 13:27 Zara(l). Gr. form of Zarah , Mt, 1:3 Zarah (2), sunrise. Gen, 38:30; 4€:12.

See Zerah Zareah (l),acityofJudah,Neh. 11:29 Zareathites (1). inhabitants of Zareah.

ietr.l:53 Zared (1) .a brook.Num. 21:12.See Zered Zarephath (3). a city. 1 Ki. 17r5^Ty;

Oba. 20. CaUed Sarepta .Lk, 4:26 Zaretan (1). a city. Josh, 3:16, See

Zarthan and Zartanah Zareth-shahar (1). a citv.Tosh-13:19 Zarhites (6)71bns of Zerah, Num. 26:13.

20; Josh, 7:17: 1 Chr. 27:11,13 Zananah (1). a city, 1 KI. 4:12. See

Zaretan and Zarthan Zanhan (1). a city, 1 Ki, 7:46. See

Zaretan and Zartanah Zatthu (l), lovely, Neh, 10:14 Zattu( 3).lovelv.ZmenjEzra 2:8; 10:27; ^^7:13

Zavan (1). disturbed, 1 Chr, 1:42 Zaza (1), prominent, 1 Chr. 2:33 Zeal (16). My z, for the Lord, 1 Ki. 10: IB: Ps. 119:139

Z. of the Lord, 1 Ki, 19:31; Isa, 9:7; 37:32; Ezek, 5:13

Z, of Thine house,Ps. 69:9: Jn. 2:17

Z. as a cloke, Isa. 59:17

Z. of God. but not according to knowledge. Rom, 10:2 4:13

Z,of Clilstians, 2 Cor, 7:11; 9:2; Col,

Concerning z. .persecuting,Phil. 3:6

10 examples of.h 608-1 Zealous (8). Z, for God, Num, 25:11-13; Acts 21:20; 22:3; c 149-4*

Z. of spiritual gifts. 1 Cor. 14:12

Z. of traditions of fathers, GaL 1:14

Z. of good works. Tit, 2:14

Be z. therefore, repent, Rev. 3:19 Zealously (2).Gal. 4:17-18 Zebadiah (9). Jehovah has endowed, 9

men. l Chr. 8:15.17; 12:7: 26:2; 27:77

TChi. 17:8; 19:11; Ezra 8:8; 10:20 Zebah (12), sacrifice, Judg. 8:5-21; Ps. T37T1

Zebaim (2),a place.Ezra 2:57:Neh, 7:59 Zebedee( 10).Jehovah has endowed.Gr,

form of Zebadiah. Mt. 4:21; 10:2; 26:

37; Mk. 1:19-20; 3:17; 10:35; Lk. 5:10;

Jn.21:2 Zebedee's (2).Mt.20:20: 27:56 Zebina (1).bought.Ezra 10:43 Zeboiim (2). a city. Gen. 14:2. 8. See

Zeboim Zeboim (5). a city. Gen, 10:19; Dt. 29:

23; 1 Sam. 13:18; Neh. 11:34; Hos.

11:8. See Zeboiim

^ebudah( l).given. A woman, 2KL 23:36 Zebul (6). habitation, Tiidg 4 28-41 Zebulonlie (2).Judg. 12:11-12 Z^dun (44).habitation.Gen. 30:20 One of Qibes of Israel,Gen. 35:23; 46: 14: 49:13; Ex. 1:3; Num, 1:9, 30-31; 2:7: 7:24; 10:16; 13:10; 26:26; 34:25; Dt. 27:13; 33:18; Josh. 19:10-34; 21: 7, 34; 1 Chr. 6:63-77: Ps. 68:27 Scribes, wtitencame from Judg.5:14 Prophecies of, Isa. 9:1; Ezek. 48:26-27 33; Rev. 7:8 Zebulunites (l),Num. 26:27 Zechanah^(38), Jehovah remembers. 27 men, 924. See Zachariah anS Book of Z., 916-924 Zacharias

35 commands in book of Z., 928 10 visions of Z., 928 Zedad (2),a place.Num,34:8: Ezek,47:15


Zedgkiah(61),justice of Jehovah. 5 men. 1 KI, 22:11. 24; 2 Ki. 24:17-20; 25: 2-7; IChr, 3:15-16; 2Chr. 18:10, 23; Jer, 1:3; 21:1-7; 24:8; 27:3,12; 28:1; 29:3.21-22:32:1-5:34:2-21; 36:12; 37:1-21: 38:5-24: 39:1-6; 44:30; 49: 34; 51:59; 52:1-11 5 sins of king Z,, I 486-4 14fold judgment on king Z. .a 799-1

Zedekiah's ( 1) daughters, d 787-4

Ze^(5),wolf,Judg.7:25; 8:3; Ps.83:11

Zelah(2),acity, Josh.l8:28; 2 Sam, 21:14


Zelophehad (10).fracture.Num. 26:33; 27:1-7; 36:2-ll;Josh.l7:3; lChT.7:15

Zelotes (2). zealousj.k.6:15; Acts 1:13

Zelzah (l).a city. 1 Sam. 10:2 13:4

Zemaraim (2). a city. Tosh. 18:22: 2 Chr

Zemarite (2).Gen. 10:18; 1 Chr. 1:16

Zemtra (1), melody. 1 Chr. 7:8

Zenan (l).a city,Josh. 15:37

Zenas(l), gift of Zeus, Tit. 3:13

Zephania h (10), Jehovah hides, 4 men . 2 Ki.25:18; 1 Chr.6:36; Jer.21:l: 29: 25,29; 37:3; 52:24; Zeph.l:l; Zech, 6:10,14

Z. the prophet. 913

Book of Z,, 911-913

7 classes to be cut off, 913 7 classes to be punished, 913 Zephath (1). a city, Judg. 1:17 Zephalhah (1), a valley, 2 Chr. 14:10 Zephi (1), watch. 1 Chr. 1:36 Zepho (2).watch.Gen. 36:11,15 Zephon (1). looking out, Num, 26:15,

See Ziphioo Zephonites (1). Num. 26:15 Zer (l).a clty.Josh, 19:35 Zerah (19). dawn. 6 men .Gen. 36:13,17,

33; Num. 26:13,W7osh. 7:1, 18, 24;

22:20; 1 Chr. 1:37,44; 2:4-6; 4:24; 6:

21. 41; 9:6; 2 Chr. 14:9; Neh. 11:24.

See Zarah Zerahiah (4). Jehovah raises. 2 men. 1

Chr.6:6.51; Ezra 7:4; 8:4 Zered (3),a brook.Dt.2:13-14. See Zared Zereda (1). a city. 1 Ki. 11: 26 Zeredathah (1). a city. 2 Chr. 4:17 Zererath (l).a district.Judg. 7:22 Zeresh (4).gold.Esther 5:10-14; 6:13 Zereth (1),brightness. 1 Chr. 4:7 Zeri (l).balm. 1 Chr. 25:3 Zeror (1),bundle, 1 Sam, 9:1 Zeruah (1). leprous. 1 Sam. 11:26 Zerufcbabel (22).beconen in Babylon,o

488-1; f 490-1; f 914-1; 1 Chr. 3:19;

Ezra 2:2; 3:2,8; 4:2-3; 5:2; Neh, 7:7;

12:1,47; Hag. 1:1, 12-14; 2:2-4, 21-

23; Zech.4:6-10. Called Sheshbazzar

and Zorobabel, which see Zerulah (26). wounded. Sister of David

(f 321-4) whose sons opposed David 8

times, g 350-4 Zetham (2).oUve.l Chr. 23:8; 26:22 Zethan (1).olive. 1 Chr. 7:10 Zethat^(l). examiner. Esther 1:10 Zla (1). motion, 1 Chr. 5:13 'nSi (16).planter. 2 Sam. 9:2-12; 16:1-

4; 19:17. 29; b 339-1; I-j 346-4 Z-ibeon (8). dyed.Gen, 36:2,14, 20. 24,

29; 1 Chr. 1:38. 40 ZIbIa (1). gazelle. 1 Chr. 8: 9 Ziblah_(2).gazelle.2 Ki. 12:1: 2 Chr.24:1 Zichri (12). famous. 12 men. Ex. 6:21;

IChr. 8:19.23.27:9:15; 26:25; 27:16;

2Chr.l7:16; 23:1; ■28:7;Neh.ll:9; 12:17 Zlddim (l).a clty.Josh, 19:35 Zidkijah( l) .justice ofIehovah,Neh. 10:1 Zidon (21). fora-ess. A man. 1 Chr. 1:13.

Called Sidon,Gen. 10:15. A city, Gen.

49:13; Josh, 11:8; 19:28; Judg. 1:31; 10:

6; 18:28; 2 Sam. 24:6; 1 KI. 17:9; Ezra

3:7; Isa. 23:2-4, 12; Jer. 25:22; 27:3;

47:4; Ezek. 27:8; 28:21-22; Joel 3:4;

Zech. 9:2. See SIdon Zidonian£(10),JuJgn^l2; 18:7; 1 Ki.

11:1.5,33; 16:31; 2 Ki. 23:13; 1 Chr.

22:4; Ezra 32:30 ZIf (2), second month of Jewish calendar

a KI. 6:1,37).See Calendar and Month Ziha (3), drought. 2 men, Ezra 2:43;


Ziklag (l5).a city, d 322-4

ZiUah (3),shade,Gen. 4:19-23

ZU£aE (7), dropping. Gen. 29:24; 30:9-

12; 35:26; 37:2; 4€:18


Zimtnah (3).planning. 1 Chr, 6:20, 42; 2Chr. 29:12 i;2,1

ZimTanC2),celebrated,Gen. 25:2; IChr. Zimri (13), celebrated. 4 men, e-I 380-

X--/, .-.WW, ± lilCli, C

iTe 422-4, A place .Jer. 25:25 Zin (10), a wilderness. 1 170-4



Wilderness Zina (l).bonowed. 1 Chr, 23:10 Zion (152). q 335-1; g-h 433-1 Church never called Z., q 335-1 3 comparisons of Z. , 440 Mount Z..f 571-4 21 things about Z. ,g 589-1 Stronghold ofZ.takenby David, 2 Sam, Called the city of David. 1 Ki. 8:1; 2

Chr.5r^ Z.tobe capital of laael in Millennium,

Ps. 2:6; 9:11:20:2:48:2-12; 50:2:76:

2; 128:5; 132:13; 135:21; 14€:10; Isa.

2:3; 8:18; 24:23; 30:19; 31:4-9; 35:

10; 46:13; 51:3-16; 52:7-8; 59:20;

Joel 2:22-23; 3:16-21; Oba. 17-21;

Mic, 4:2, 7; Zech. 8:3; 14:16-21 Z. to bebuilt up at timeof 2nd advent

of Christ,Ps. 102:16 As soon as Z, travaileth, Isa. 66:8 Israel to be gathered from all nations

to Z,, Jer, 3:14; 31:6; 50:5 Z, shall be plowed like a field, Jer.

26:18; Mic. 3:12 Woe to them at ease in Z., Amos 6:1 Sons of Z. to fight Grecians at the 2nd

advent, Zech, 9:9-13 Zionist medal, b 842-1

Zion's (l). Isa. 62:1

Zior (l).a city,Josh. 15:54

Zigh (10). flowing. 2 men. 1 Chr. 2:42;

4lT6. 2 clde? , Josh. 15: ii, 55; 2 Chr.

ll:8. AwIldemess, l Sam.23:14-24; 26:2 ZlEha^h(l),lent, 1 Chr. 4:16 Zlphims (l), Ps. 54, title Zephon

ZIphion (1), looking out. Gen. 46:16! See ^jpMtes (2). n 318-1; t 318-4; 1 Sam,

23:19; 26:1 ZIphron (l).a place. Num. 34:9

77^>^^7^7V'7^ U<-^ XT.._„ OO.r. ,

Zippor (7). bird. Num. 22:2-4. 10. 16;

23:18; Josh. 24:9; Judg. 11:25 Zipporah (3).bird. Ex.2:21: 4:25; 18:2 Zithri(l) .protection of Jehovah,Ex.6:22 Ziz (1). a plass In Judah, 2Chr. 20:16 Zlza (2). abundance. 2 men. 1 Chr. 4:37; ^"Chr. 11:20. See ZlzaE ~ Ziza

Zizah (1), abundance, 1 Chr. 23:11. See Zoan (7).a city.Num. 13:22: P^. 78:12,

43: Isa. 19:11-13; 30:4; Ezek. 30:14

Zoar (10). a city. Gen. 13:10: 14:2-8;

19:22-30; Dt. 34:3; Isa.l5:5; Jer,48:34

Zoba (2).a Syrian kingdom, j 338-1; 2

Sam, 10:6-8. See Zobah Zobah (11), a Syrian kingdom, j 338-1; 1 Sam. 14:47; 2Sam. 8:3-12; 23:26; 1 Ki. 11:23-24; 1 Chr. 18:3-9; 19:6 i Zobebah (1). walking slowly, ichr.4:8 Zohar (4), white. 2 men, Gen. 23:8; ""I^; 46:10; Ex. 6:15 Zohelelh (l).a stone, 1 KI. 1:9 Zoheth (1). strong. 1 Chr. 4:20 Zophah (2). expanse, IChr, 7:35-36 Zophai (1), watcher, 1 Chr. 6:26 Zophar (4), chatterer. Job 2:11; ll:l;

20:1; 42:9 Zophim (l). watchers. Num. 23:14 Zorah(8), place of hornets. City of Samson,Josh. 19:41; Judg. 13:2, 25: 16:31; 18:2.8,11; 2 Chr. 11:10. See Zoreah Zorathites (l).l Chr. 4:2 Zoreah (1). a city. Josh, 15:33. See Zorah Zoriies (l).l Chr. 2:54 Zorobabel (3).Gr. form of Zerubbabe l. Mt. 1:12-13; Lk,3:27 10:10

Zuar (5). little. Num. 1:8: 2:5; 7:18-23; Ziroh (3). honeycomb. Aman, 1 Sam. 1:

1: 1 Chr. 6:35. A land. 1 Sam. 9:5 ZurJS). rock. ^men. Num. 25:15; 31:8; Tosh. 13:21; 1 Chr. 8:30; 9:36 Zuriel (D.God is a rock, Num. 3:35 Zurishaddai (5), The Almighty is a rock.

Num. l:e;'2:12; 7:36,41; 10:19 Zuzims (1), Gen. 14:5. One of the tribes of giants (offsprina of the sons of Cod and daughters of men) used by Satan in an effort to prevent the coming of the Seed of the woman, which would avert his own doom and make salvation for others impossible. See Giants

If a person should like to tell at a glance, on any page of his Bible, whether a prophecy has been fulfilled or is yet to be fulfilled, a simple way to mark the text is as follows:


All future or unfulfilled passages may be marked with a yellow line at the top, bottom, and on both sides of the prophetical verses

All past or fulfilled prophecies may

be marked with a blue line at the top, bottom, and on both sides of the verses

As a guide to the student of prophecy, all the prophetical passages are

marked with a star at the beginning of a prophecy, and the marginal notes state whether the prediction or predictions have been fulfilled or arc yet to be fulfilled







THE TRI-UNITY OF MAN (1 Th. 5:23; Heb. 4:12. See Man in Index)

While the tri-unity of God refers to three separate amd distinct persons in the Godhead, each having His own personal spirit-body, soul, and spirit, the tri-unity of man refers to the three separate and distinct parts of one person - his body, soul, and spirit (1 Th. 5: 5:23; Heb. 4:12)

The body of man is earthly, fleshly, and material. It is the house in which the soul and spirit dwell. At death the inner man - the spiritual part, made up of the soul and spirit -leaves the body to continue in a state of full consciousness either in heaven or hell (Jas, 2:26), at which time the body goes back to dust again. In the resurrection, the body will be made immortal (1 Cor. 1 5: 35-54; Phil. 3:21). See In:imortalit\ and Hell in Index

The soul of man is the part which feels: the seat of the emotions, passions, appetites, and desires (see Soul in Index). It may be considered the battle-ground of the flesh and spirit (Rom. 8:1-13; Gal. 5:16-26)

The spirit of nnan is the part which knows: the seat of the intellect, will, and mind - all mental faculties (1 Cor. 2:11), The spirit and soul are to be understood as separate and distinct parts of the inner n^an; and these are to be understood as separate and distinct from the breath (see p. 619; and Spirit in Index)


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"O O O O D D O O O"

Tabernacle court, 104 ft, 2 in, x 208 ft, 4 in. x 10 ft. 5 in. hi^

Tabernacle, 25 ft. x 62 1/2 ft.


o o » [J u ti n n u ti n n

Most holy place


Inner veil



Golden altar










High priest

Brazen altai

31 ft. 3 in, _Q D-

Gate, 41 ft. 8 in.


31 ft. 3 in.

^ I 59










THE MOST OUTER COURT, 500 reeds, 6,250 ft. sq. (a 848-1)



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niOO cubits n

300 cubit8, 625 ft. sq.


■ ■-■="=»s«-»j«=«^


OUTER COURT, 500 cubits, 1,041 ft. sq.







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East gate


The above is a representation of the Scinctuary and its great enclosure, called "the profane place" (p. 848). The whole series of courts and buildings are located in the nrddst of the priests' portion of the 60 x 60 square miles, called "the holy oblation" (see map 5-a). The temple is only one of the buildings located in the Sanctuary, so we cannot speak of the whole series as the temple

From the south side of the altar and out from the temple itself a river will flow eastward through the whole series of walls. Its course will be southward through the city of Jerusalem, after which it will part into two. From there one river will flow southeast into the Dead Sea and the other southwest into the Mediterranean Sea (Ezek. 47)

The walls of the squares will be 12 1/2 ft. thick and 12 1/2 ft. high

The altar of sacrifice will be located in the very center of the fourth square

A highway will run from the south gate to the city of Jerusalem, about 12 miles away (see map 5-a)


The most outer court : 500 reeds, 6,250 ft. square (a 848-1) The outer court : 500 cubits, 1,041 ft. square (a 848-1) The inner court : 300 cubits, 625 ft. square (a 848-1) The altar court: 100 cubits, 208 ft. 4 in. square (a 848-1) The temple area: 100 cubits, 208 ft. 4 in. square (a 848-1)

The temple and altar areas make 100 x 200 cubits, 208 ft. 4 in. x 416 ft. 8 in.

The temple will be the capital building of Christ - where He will reign over Israel forever (Ezek.







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Above: the Babylonian Empire - the third world empire to oppress Israel in the times of the GentiLles, Symbolized by the head of gold (Dan, 2:38), a lion with eagle's wings (Dan, 7:-^, and by a great eagle (f 793-4; e 795-1)

Below: the Medo-Persian Empire - the fourth world empire to opnress Israel in gie time3 of the Gentiles. Symbolized by the breasts and arms of silver (Dan, 2:39), the bear (Dan, 7:5), and a ram (Dan, 8:3-4, 20)


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Above: the Grecian Empire - the fifth and eighth world empires to oppress Israel in the times of the Gentiles. Symbolized by the belly and thighs of brass (Dan, 2:39), the leopard with 4 heads and 4 wings (Dan. 7:6), the rou^ he-goat with a notable horn (Dan. 8:5-9, 21), and the he-goat with 4 noms (Dan. 8:8-9, 21-23)

Below: the Roman Empire - the sixth and seventh world empires to oppress Israel in the times of die Gentiles. Symbolized by the 2 legs of iron (Dan. 2:33, 40), the non-descript beast (Dan. 7:7-8, 17), tiie 10 horns (Dan, 7:23-24; Rev. 12:3; 13:1; 17:8-17), and the beast of Rev. 17

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