Kitty was sitting on her bed, propped up on stiff arms extended behind her. That one button on her shirt was undone, now. The pose, with her shoulders pushed forward, suited her slender body and made the most of her delicate little breasts.
She looked up at Wanda and said, ‘Now that’s the best outfit of them all.’
‘I’m glad you like it.’
Kitty grinned. ‘After all that exertion, I think we need to shower.’
‘I’ve been changing my clothes. What have you been doing?’
‘Restraining myself from ravishing you, Wanda.’ She shrugged her shirt off. ‘Come on, I’ll show you my bathroom.’
‘You expect us to shower together? No touchee, remember? I can’t see us in the shower together without some sort of contact, and that’s against the rules.’
‘Your rules. Don’t worry. Come and see.’
Wanda followed Kitty. Although her friend was slender, there were dimples in the cheeks of her bottom that winked back at her.
The bathroom was spectacular – bigger than Wanda’s bedroom by a half. There was a tub that was shaped and coloured like an oyster shell, big enough for four. The matching vanity had to be eight feet long and had three shell-shaped sinks. Then there was the shower. It was free standing, with curved sliding glass doors all the way round, and yes, like the tub, it could accommodate four people at once, easily. Inside. There were four Ionic pillars, close to the glass, with shelves for bottles and jars and hooks for sponges and loofahs.
Kitty pointed and said, ‘You go in this side and stand under this showerhead. I’ll take the other side and the opposite one. If we keep close to the walls, there’ll be three clear feet between us. What do you say?’
Showering like that certainly suited Wanda’s plan to tempt Kitty to distraction. It’d also be a very dangerous situation where her own libido was concerned. Well. The whole idea was for her to demonstrate her willpower, or ‘won’t’ power. What the hell! She stepped in and closed the door behind her.
Kitty entered from the opposite side. ‘Just push the button. The temperature is preset. There’s shampoo and everything on that shelf and on this one, so there’s no need for either of us to cross the line.’ She pointed the pretty toes of her right foot and drew an imaginary line across the floor with them. ‘And never the twain will meet, or need to, not unless we want them to.’ She looked at Wanda hopefully.
‘Thank you.’ Wanda pushed the button. Water, at the absolutely perfect temperature, cascaded over her.
Kitty said, ‘If you turn that knob, below the button, the stream will spread or concentrate. Push on the same knob to make it pulsate. I like it hard and in a nice rhythm, like this.’ The girl adjusted her shower and unhooked its head, which was on a metallic hose. She passed it across her breasts, which trembled violently at the throbbing pressure, then down her tummy, indenting it. She raised her voice over the noise of the two showers. ‘This is the best part. Try it. You’ll like it.’ She lifted a foot up onto a little built-in ledge and directed the spray up between her thighs. ‘Go on, Wanda. You aren’t afraid to, are you? So what if you have an orgasm? I’ve seen you climax before. You look so sexy when you’re right on the edge. I’ll control myself, honest.’
Just to show how self-controlled she was, Wanda said, ‘That sounds like fun but I think I’ll get clean first. You go ahead without me, if you like.’
‘Tough, huh? OK, if you can wait for it, so can I.’ Kitty stretched to reach the shampoo, which wasn’t that high that she really need to stretch up for it. Nor did she have to do it sideways on, showing off the elongation of her torso.
Wanda had no doubt that her friend was posing as seductively as she could. Well, two could play at that game! Facing Kitty, she shampooed her own hair vigorously, both elbows held high, getting the maximum jiggle. Then she had to rinse not only her hair, but also her breasts, and chase the soapy bubbles all the way down her body with the stream of water. Elbows up again, for conditioning, and she managed to ‘accidentally’ drop the bottle. She turned around, so she was facing three-quarters away, and stooped over without bending her legs to retrieve the lotion, not forgetting to flex the muscles in her bottom cheeks as she did so.
‘Nice!’ Kitty complimented. ‘You’re quite limber, aren’t you?’
‘My mom took me to yoga from quite young.’
‘So you can get into all sorts of fancy positions, then. I’m sure that Henry will love your “Downward Dog”.’
‘And my “Little Thunderbolt” and “Wheel”.’
‘I’m not familiar with those,’ Kitty confessed. ‘Will you show them to me?’
‘Some day, maybe.’
Wanda ignored that one and started soaping herself. Kitty followed suit, making the process one of fondling herself more than cleansing. She squeezed lather up her cute little tits, from their bases to their tips, then flicked the bubbles off her erect nipples.
‘You hurt yourself?’ Wanda asked.
‘In the best possible way, darling. Now where’s that loofah? This one is very rough, ideal for exfoliating. It leaves my skin extra sensitive.’ Kitty took the phallic cleaning instrument from its hook and soaped it thoroughly, making quite the performance out of stroking it as if she was stroking a man’s cock.
‘Trying to make it grow longer?’ Wanda asked, in her best innocent voice.
Kitty laughed dutifully. She scrubbed her chest with the coarse side, turning her breasts bright pink and engorging her nipples until they were deep scarlet. ‘That’s nice,’ she said. ‘This is nicer.’ She turned around and passed the cylinder between her thighs so that she could hold one end at her belly and the other at her bum, and sawed it backwards and forwards.
That did look like it’d feel nice, so Wanda followed suit. It was a rough caress, but a very stimulating one. Before long, her pussy was tingling and her clit engorging. The texture was too rough on her button, but it was easy enough to change the angle so that there was no direct contact.
Kitty, by contrast, seemed to like it rough. She turned to face Wanda, leaned back against the glass, spread her thighs wide and pushed her pubes forward. It was a most inelegant pose but despite that – perhaps because of that – it looked sexy as hell. A sweet and sophisticated young lady was transformed into an animal in heat. Wanda liked that.
Kitty grunted, ‘I’m going to come, Wanda. Join me?’
‘Let’s see if I can catch up.’ Wanda bunched her loofah around one fist to grind it into her sex, parting its lips and scouring their insides. She took the shower head, on hard pulsate, and aimed it directly onto her clit. The powerful sensations, plus the sight of her animalistic lust-consumed friend, heated her up deep inside. The tingling started and began to focus. ‘I’m getting there,’ she screamed.
‘Me too. Soon!’
‘Yeah, soon for me, as well.’
‘I love you, Wanda,’ Kitty said. She took a deep breath. ‘Well, lust you, anyway. Lust like a lover and love like a sister.’
‘That’s OK. Me too! You! Lust!’
‘Oh fuck!’ burst from Kitty’s lips.
‘Yeah, fuck, fuck, fuck!’ Wanda added, ‘I want a cock to suck on!’ Something nasty from deep inside Wanda was desperate for her to be as obscene as possible.
‘Can’t help you there. Clit do?’
Wanda shook her head, denying the image that invaded her mind.
‘I want a cock, too,’ Kitty shouted. ‘A big hard one! I should have brought a dildo in here. Or one each. No matter. I’m getting near the edge, Wanda. You know what I mean?’
‘Yes, of course I do. Wait for me, Kitty-bitch. Let’s go together.’
‘Sorry, I’m losing it, now … Now. Now!’ Kitty convulsed, thrusting her belly at Wanda and humping the air.
It was the depravity of the sight, more than the sensations she was inflicting on herself, that took Wanda over the edge. She slumped, just like her dearest lovely darling friend was slumped. Seated on the bottom of the shower, their toes touched, and Wanda simply didn’t care if it was against her rules. She just sat there, panting and playing footsie.