Edward Goes On Holiday
Edward was packing his suitcase, he had put in his best shorts and hat
Eric the fox was going to feed his goldfish, so he left the key under the mat
He made some jam sandwiches and took his train guide
Edward was off on holiday, off to the seaside.
He was very excited on the train and fidgeted most of the way
The other passengers were getting fed up with him, so he thought of a game to play
He counted all the brown cows he could see, now this really was fun
The game didn’t last long, it was getting boring, he’d counted a hundred and one!
At last the train pulled into the station at platform number five
His auntie had been waiting for his train to arrive
She greeted him enthusiastically with a hug and a kiss on the cheek
She was cuddling him so tightly Edward felt his legs go weak!
In the car on the way back they chatted and laughed about
About when Edward was young, how he and his brother had made a raft
They had taken it to the river and jumped on board ready to sail the seas
Their adventure was cut short, the raft sank and the water was up to their knees!
At last they arrived at aunt Kate’s house, Edward went to find his uncle Ted
He was at the back of the house painting his rowing boat white and red
Edward helped his uncle paint until his tummy started to rumble
Just at that point aunt Kate came out and said “who’s for apple crumble?”
Not only was there apple crumble but scones, chocolate cake and home made bread
Edward had never seen so much food, his eyes nearly popped out his head!
He ate as much as he possibly could, then he ate a little bit more!
He would really have to stop now, his tummy was getting very sore
He went outside and played in the sand, with his bucket and spade
And built the biggest and best sandcastle he had ever made
He ran in and out of the sea and jumped over the waves
Then went walking across the rocks and looked in the old caves.
Edward loved to explore, but the caves were dark and he was a bit wary
What if he should meet a spider that was big, black and hairy!
He collected funny shaped stones and shells even though they did smell
He found the shell of a dead crab and put that in his pail as well.
It was getting dark and getting late, it was nearly time for bed
He would be glad to climb under the covers and rest his weary head
He saw the light in the distance, what a welcoming sight
He said goodnight to his aunt and uncle and went out like a light.
The next few days were spent playing on the rocks and on the shore
Having adventures in the caves, he wasn’t worried about spiders any more
He would pretend to be a famous explorer, a pirate or sometimes a buccaneer
Who would always be the hero of the story and never show fear.
People would speak to him as they passed by and some would even smile
But when he dug up a dead crab, or bones of a fish some of them ran a mile!
Edward had loved his holiday and didn’t really want to leave
He had been there seven days which he found hard to believe.
As he waited to board the train, his aunt and uncle said goodbye
Edward felt all sad inside and thought he was going to cry
“Don’t feel sad Edward” auntie said as she wiped away a tear
“We have enjoyed having you, please come back next year.”