[1] 1:1 Some manuscripts saints who are also faithful (omitting in Ephesus)
[2] 1:5 Or before him in love, having predestined us
[3] 1:9 Or he lavished upon us in all wisdom and insight, making known . . . ;
[4] 1:14 Or down payment
[5] 1:14 Or until God redeems his possession
[6] 1:15 Some manuscripts omit your love
[1] 2:3 Greek flesh
[2] 2:3 Greek like the rest
[3] 2:4 Or And
[4] 2:19 Or sojourners
[5] 2:22 Or in
[1] 3:6 The words This mystery is are inferred from verse 4
[2] 3:9 Or by
[3] 3:15 Or fatherhood; the Greek word patria is closely related to the word for Father in verse 14
[1] 4:8 The Greek word anthropoi can refer to both men and women
[2] 4:9 Or the lower parts of the earth?
[3] 4:11 Or pastors
[4] 4:11 Or the shepherd-teachers
[5] 4:13 Greek to a full-grown man
[6] 4:22 Greek man; also verse 24
[1] 5:27 Or holy and blameless
[1] 6:5 Or slaves; also verse 6 (for the contextual rendering of the Greek word doulos, see Preface)
[2] 6:5 Or your masters according to the flesh
[3] 6:8 Or slave (for the contextual rendering of the Greek word doulos, see Preface)
[4] 6:9 Greek Lord
[5] 6:23 Or brothers and sisters