
Footnote from Isaiah 1:2 (Back)

[1] 1:2 Or Sons; also verse 4

Footnote from Isaiah 1:10 (Back)

[2] 1:10 Or law

Footnote from Isaiah 1:18 (Back)

[3] 1:18 Or dispute

Footnote from Isaiah 1:21 (Back)

[4] 1:21 Or become unchaste

Footnote from Isaiah 1:29 (Back)

[5] 1:29 Some Hebrew manuscripts you

Footnote from Isaiah 2:3 (Back)

[1] 2:3 Or teaching

Footnote from Isaiah 2:19 (Back)

[2] 2:19 Hebrew dust

Footnote from Isaiah 3:1 (Back)

[1] 3:1 Hebrew staff

Footnote from Isaiah 3:4 (Back)

[2] 3:4 Or caprice

Footnote from Isaiah 3:7 (Back)

[3] 3:7 Hebrew binder of wounds

Footnote from Isaiah 3:8 (Back)

[4] 3:8 Hebrew the eyes of his glory

Footnote from Isaiah 3:12 (Back)

[5] 3:12 Or they have confused

Footnote from Isaiah 3:14 (Back)

[6] 3:14 Or grazed over; compare Exodus 22:5

Footnote from Isaiah 4:4 (Back)

[1] 4:4 Or purging

Footnote from Isaiah 5:5 (Back)

[1] 5:5 Or grazed over; compare Exodus 22:5

Footnote from Isaiah 5:7 (Back)

[2] 5:7 The Hebrew words for justice and bloodshed sound alike

Footnote from Isaiah 5:7 (Back)

[3] 5:7 The Hebrew words for righteous and outcry sound alike

Footnote from Isaiah 5:10 (Back)

[4] 5:10 Hebrew ten yoke, the area ten yoke of oxen can plow in a day

Footnote from Isaiah 5:10 (Back)

[5] 5:10 A bath was about 6 gallons or 22 liters; a homer was about 6 bushels or 220 liters; an ephah was about 3/5 bushel or 22 liters

Footnote from Isaiah 5:13 (Back)

[6] 5:13 Or without their knowledge

Footnote from Isaiah 5:13 (Back)

[7] 5:13 Or die of hunger

Footnote from Isaiah 5:14 (Back)

[8] 5:14 Hebrew her nobility

Footnote from Isaiah 5:15 (Back)

[9] 5:15 Hebrew high

Footnote from Isaiah 5:16 (Back)

[10] 5:16 Hebrew high

Footnote from Isaiah 6:1 (Back)

[1] 6:1 Or hem

Footnote from Isaiah 6:3 (Back)

[2] 6:3 Or may his glory fill the whole earth

Footnote from Isaiah 6:9 (Back)

[3] 6:9 Or Hear indeed

Footnote from Isaiah 6:9 (Back)

[4] 6:9 Or see indeed

Footnote from Isaiah 6:10 (Back)

[5] 6:10 Hebrew fat

Footnote from Isaiah 6:13 (Back)

[6] 6:13 Or purged

Footnote from Isaiah 6:13 (Back)

[7] 6:13 Or offspring

Footnote from Isaiah 7:2 (Back)

[1] 7:2 Hebrew Syria has rested upon

Footnote from Isaiah 7:2 (Back)

[2] 7:2 Hebrew his heart

Footnote from Isaiah 7:3 (Back)

[3] 7:3 Shear-jashub means A remnant shall return

Footnote from Isaiah 7:6 (Back)

[4] 7:6 Hebrew let us split it open

Footnote from Isaiah 7:9 (Back)

[5] 7:9 The Hebrew for you is plural in verses 9, 13, 14

Footnote from Isaiah 7:11 (Back)

[6] 7:11 The Hebrew for you and your is singular in verses 11, 16, 17

Footnote from Isaiah 7:13 (Back)

[7] 7:13 That is, Isaiah

Footnote from Isaiah 7:14 (Back)

[8] 7:14 Immanuel means God is with us

Footnote from Isaiah 7:19 (Back)

[9] 7:19 Or watering holes, or brambles

Footnote from Isaiah 7:23 (Back)

[10] 7:23 A shekel was about 2/5 ounce or 11 grams

Footnote from Isaiah 8:1 (Back)

[1] 8:1 Hebrew with a man's stylus

Footnote from Isaiah 8:1 (Back)

[2] 8:1 Maher-shalal-hash-baz means The spoil speeds, the prey hastens

Footnote from Isaiah 8:9 (Back)

[3] 8:9 Or Be evil

Footnote from Isaiah 8:9 (Back)

[4] 8:9 Or dismayed

Footnote from Isaiah 8:10 (Back)

[5] 8:10 The Hebrew for God is with us is Immanuel

Footnote from Isaiah 8:16 (Back)

[6] 8:16 Or law; also verse 20

Footnote from Isaiah 8:21 (Back)

[7] 8:21 Hebrew it

Footnote from Isaiah 8:21 (Back)

[8] 8:21 Or speak contemptuously by

Footnote from Isaiah 9:1 (Back)

[1] 9:1 Ch 8:23 in Hebrew

Footnote from Isaiah 9:1 (Back)

[2] 9:1 Or of the Gentiles

Footnote from Isaiah 9:2 (Back)

[3] 9:2 Ch 9:1 in Hebrew

Footnote from Isaiah 9:6 (Back)

[4] 9:6 Or is upon

Footnote from Isaiah 9:6 (Back)

[5] 9:6 Or is called

Footnote from Isaiah 9:17 (Back)

[6] 9:17 Or speaks disgraceful things

Footnote from Isaiah 10:12 (Back)

[1] 10:12 Hebrew I

Footnote from Isaiah 10:27 (Back)

[2] 10:27 The meaning of the Hebrew is uncertain

Footnote from Isaiah 11:11 (Back)

[1] 11:11 Probably Nubia

Footnote from Isaiah 11:15 (Back)

[2] 11:15 Hebrew devote to destruction

Footnote from Isaiah 11:15 (Back)

[3] 11:15 Or wind

Footnote from Isaiah 12:1 (Back)

[1] 12:1 The Hebrew for you is singular in verse 1

Footnote from Isaiah 12:2 (Back)

[2] 12:2 Hebrew for Yah, the LORD

Footnote from Isaiah 12:3 (Back)

[3] 12:3 The Hebrew for you is plural in verses 3, 4

Footnote from Isaiah 12:5 (Back)

[4] 12:5 Or this is made known

Footnote from Isaiah 12:6 (Back)

[5] 12:6 The Hebrew for your in verse 6 is singular, referring to the inhabitant of Zion

Footnote from Isaiah 13:3 (Back)

[1] 13:3 Or those who exult in my majesty

Footnote from Isaiah 13:5 (Back)

[2] 13:5 Or earth; also verse 9

Footnote from Isaiah 13:6 (Back)

[3] 13:6 The Hebrew words for destruction and almighty sound alike

Footnote from Isaiah 13:18 (Back)

[4] 13:18 Hebrew dash in pieces

Footnote from Isaiah 13:21 (Back)

[5] 13:21 Or owls

Footnote from Isaiah 13:22 (Back)

[6] 13:22 Or foxes

Footnote from Isaiah 14:2 (Back)

[1] 14:2 Or servants

Footnote from Isaiah 14:4 (Back)

[2] 14:4 Dead Sea Scroll (compare Septuagint, Syriac, Vulgate); the meaning of the word in the Masoretic Text is uncertain

Footnote from Isaiah 14:13 (Back)

[3] 14:13 Or in the remote parts of Zaphon

Footnote from Isaiah 14:18 (Back)

[4] 14:18 Hebrew house

Footnote from Isaiah 14:23 (Back)

[5] 14:23 Possibly porcupine, or owl

Footnote from Isaiah 15:2 (Back)

[1] 15:2 Hebrew the house

Footnote from Isaiah 15:2 (Back)

[2] 15:2 Or temple, even Dibon to the high places

Footnote from Isaiah 15:9 (Back)

[3] 15:9 Dead Sea Scroll, Vulgate (compare Syriac); Masoretic Text Dimon; twice in this verse

Footnote from Isaiah 16:4 (Back)

[1] 16:4 Some Hebrew manuscripts, Septuagint, Syriac; Masoretic Text let my outcasts sojourn among you; as for Moab, be a shelter to them

Footnote from Isaiah 17:11 (Back)

[1] 17:11 Or though you carefully fence them

Footnote from Isaiah 17:11 (Back)

[2] 17:11 Or will be a heap

Footnote from Isaiah 18:1 (Back)

[1] 18:1 Probably Nubia

Footnote from Isaiah 19:3 (Back)

[1] 19:3 Or I will swallow up

Footnote from Isaiah 19:18 (Back)

[2] 19:18 Dead Sea Scroll and some other manuscripts City of the Sun

Footnote from Isaiah 20:3 (Back)

[1] 20:3 Probably Nubia

Footnote from Isaiah 21:5 (Back)

[1] 21:5 Or they set the watchman

Footnote from Isaiah 21:8 (Back)

[2] 21:8 Dead Sea Scroll, Syriac; Masoretic Text Then a lion cried out, or Then he cried out like a lion

Footnote from Isaiah 23:1 (Back)

[1] 23:1 Hebrew Kittim; also verse 12

Footnote from Isaiah 23:5 (Back)

[2] 23:5 Hebrew they will have labor pains

Footnote from Isaiah 23:9 (Back)

[3] 23:9 The Hebrew words for glory and hosts sound alike

Footnote from Isaiah 23:13 (Back)

[4] 23:13 Or that has become nothing

Footnote from Isaiah 23:15 (Back)

[5] 23:15 Or lifetime

Footnote from Isaiah 24:1 (Back)

[1] 24:1 Or land; also throughout this chapter

Footnote from Isaiah 24:14 (Back)

[2] 24:14 Hebrew from the sea

Footnote from Isaiah 24:15 (Back)

[3] 24:15 Hebrew in the realm of light

Footnote from Isaiah 24:17 (Back)

[4] 24:17 The Hebrew words for terror, pit, and snare sound alike

Footnote from Isaiah 25:10 (Back)

[1] 25:10 The Hebrew words for dunghill and for the Moabite town Madmen (Jeremiah 48:2) sound alike

Footnote from Isaiah 25:11 (Back)

[2] 25:11 Or in spite of the skill

Footnote from Isaiah 27:2 (Back)

[1] 27:2 Many Hebrew manuscripts A vineyard of wine

Footnote from Isaiah 27:6 (Back)

[2] 27:6 Hebrew In those to come

Footnote from Isaiah 27:8 (Back)

[3] 27:8 Or By driving her away; the meaning of the Hebrew word is uncertain

Footnote from Isaiah 27:8 (Back)

[4] 27:8 Or wind

Footnote from Isaiah 27:9 (Back)

[5] 27:9 Septuagint and this is the blessing when I take away his sin

Footnote from Isaiah 27:12 (Back)

[6] 27:12 Hebrew from the River

Footnote from Isaiah 28:5 (Back)

[1] 28:5 The Hebrew words for glory and hosts sound alike

Footnote from Isaiah 28:7 (Back)

[2] 28:7 Or confused by

Footnote from Isaiah 28:16 (Back)

[3] 28:16 Dead Sea Scroll I am laying

Footnote from Isaiah 28:25 (Back)

[4] 28:25 A type of wheat

Footnote from Isaiah 28:28 (Back)

[5] 28:28 Or Grain is crushed for bread; he will surely thresh it, but not forever

Footnote from Isaiah 29:2 (Back)

[1] 29:2 Ariel could mean lion of God, or hero (2 Samuel 23:20), or altar hearth (Ezekiel 43:15–16)

Footnote from Isaiah 29:9 (Back)

[2] 29:9 Or Linger awhile

Footnote from Isaiah 30:1 (Back)

[1] 30:1 Hebrew who weave a web

Footnote from Isaiah 30:8 (Back)

[2] 30:8 Some Hebrew manuscripts, Syriac, Targum, Vulgate, and Greek versions; Masoretic Text forever and ever

Footnote from Isaiah 30:15 (Back)

[3] 30:15 Or repentance

Footnote from Isaiah 30:27 (Back)

[4] 30:27 Hebrew in weight of uplifted clouds

Footnote from Isaiah 30:33 (Back)

[5] 30:33 Or For Topheth

Footnote from Isaiah 31:4 (Back)

[1] 31:4 The Hebrew words for hosts and to fight sound alike

Footnote from Isaiah 31:6 (Back)

[2] 31:6 Hebrew they

Footnote from Isaiah 32:17 (Back)

[1] 32:17 Or security

Footnote from Isaiah 33:6 (Back)

[1] 33:6 Hebrew his

Footnote from Isaiah 33:8 (Back)

[2] 33:8 Masoretic Text; Dead Sea Scroll witnesses

Footnote from Isaiah 34:2 (Back)

[1] 34:2 That is, set apart (devoted) as an offering to the Lord (for destruction); also verse 5

Footnote from Isaiah 34:9 (Back)

[2] 34:9 Hebrew her streams

Footnote from Isaiah 34:11 (Back)

[3] 34:11 The identity of the animals rendered hawk and porcupine is uncertain

Footnote from Isaiah 34:11 (Back)

[4] 34:11 Hebrew formlessness

Footnote from Isaiah 34:13 (Back)

[5] 34:13 Or owls

Footnote from Isaiah 34:14 (Back)

[6] 34:14 Identity uncertain

Footnote from Isaiah 35:8 (Back)

[1] 35:8 Or if they are fools, they shall not wander in it

Footnote from Isaiah 36:2 (Back)

[1] 36:2 Rabshakeh is the title of a high-ranking Assyrian military officer

Footnote from Isaiah 36:16 (Back)

[2] 36:16 Hebrew Make a blessing with me

Footnote from Isaiah 37:9 (Back)

[1] 37:9 Probably Nubia

Footnote from Isaiah 37:27 (Back)

[2] 37:27 Some Hebrew manuscripts and 2 Kings 19:26; most Hebrew manuscripts like a field

Footnote from Isaiah 38:1 (Back)

[1] 38:1 Or live; also verses 9, 21

Footnote from Isaiah 38:5 (Back)

[2] 38:5 Hebrew to your days

Footnote from Isaiah 38:8 (Back)

[3] 38:8 The meaning of the Hebrew verse is uncertain

Footnote from Isaiah 38:10 (Back)

[4] 38:10 Or In the quiet

Footnote from Isaiah 38:13 (Back)

[5] 38:13 Or (with Targum) I cried for help

Footnote from Isaiah 40:2 (Back)

[1] 40:2 Or hardship

Footnote from Isaiah 40:3 (Back)

[2] 40:3 Or A voice of one crying

Footnote from Isaiah 40:6 (Back)

[3] 40:6 Revocalization based on Dead Sea Scroll, Septuagint, Vulgate; Masoretic Text And someone says

Footnote from Isaiah 40:6 (Back)

[4] 40:6 Or all its constancy

Footnote from Isaiah 40:9 (Back)

[5] 40:9 Or O herald of good news to Zion

Footnote from Isaiah 40:9 (Back)

[6] 40:9 Or O herald of good news to Jerusalem

Footnote from Isaiah 40:13 (Back)

[7] 40:13 Or has directed

Footnote from Isaiah 40:20 (Back)

[8] 40:20 Or He chooses valuable wood

Footnote from Isaiah 41:2 (Back)

[1] 41:2 Or whom righteousness calls to follow?

Footnote from Isaiah 41:23 (Back)

[2] 41:23 Or that we may both be dismayed and see

Footnote from Isaiah 41:27 (Back)

[3] 41:27 Or Formerly I said

Footnote from Isaiah 42:4 (Back)

[1] 42:4 Or bruised

Footnote from Isaiah 42:6 (Back)

[2] 42:6 The Hebrew for you is singular; four times in this verse

Footnote from Isaiah 42:15 (Back)

[3] 42:15 Or into coastlands

Footnote from Isaiah 42:19 (Back)

[4] 42:19 Or as the one at peace with me

Footnote from Isaiah 44:7 (Back)

[1] 44:7 Or Who like me can proclaim it?

Footnote from Isaiah 44:23 (Back)

[2] 44:23 Or will display his beauty

Footnote from Isaiah 45:2 (Back)

[1] 45:2 Masoretic Text; Dead Sea Scroll, Septuagint level the mountains

Footnote from Isaiah 45:11 (Back)

[2] 45:11 A slight emendation yields will you question me about my children, or command me concerning the work of my hands?

Footnote from Isaiah 45:19 (Back)

[3] 45:19 Hebrew in emptiness

Footnote from Isaiah 45:23 (Back)

[4] 45:23 Septuagint every tongue shall confess to God

Footnote from Isaiah 48:10 (Back)

[1] 48:10 Or I have chosen

Footnote from Isaiah 48:11 (Back)

[2] 48:11 Hebrew lacks my name

Footnote from Isaiah 49:3 (Back)

[1] 49:3 Or I will display my beauty

Footnote from Isaiah 49:12 (Back)

[2] 49:12 Hebrew from the sea

Footnote from Isaiah 49:12 (Back)

[3] 49:12 Dead Sea Scroll; Masoretic Text Sinim

Footnote from Isaiah 49:17 (Back)

[4] 49:17 Dead Sea Scroll; Masoretic Text Your children make haste

Footnote from Isaiah 49:22 (Back)

[5] 49:22 Hebrew in their bosom

Footnote from Isaiah 49:24 (Back)

[6] 49:24 Dead Sea Scroll, Syriac, Vulgate (see also verse 25); Masoretic Text of a righteous man

Footnote from Isaiah 51:4 (Back)

[1] 51:4 Or for teaching; also verse 7

Footnote from Isaiah 51:6 (Back)

[2] 51:6 Or will die like gnats

Footnote from Isaiah 51:16 (Back)

[3] 51:16 Or planting

Footnote from Isaiah 51:19 (Back)

[4] 51:19 Dead Sea Scroll, Septuagint, Syriac, Vulgate; Masoretic Text how shall I comfort you

Footnote from Isaiah 52:4 (Back)

[1] 52:4 Or the Assyrian has oppressed them of late

Footnote from Isaiah 52:13 (Back)

[2] 52:13 Or shall prosper

Footnote from Isaiah 52:15 (Back)

[3] 52:15 Or startle

Footnote from Isaiah 53:1 (Back)

[1] 53:1 Or Who has believed what we have heard?

Footnote from Isaiah 53:3 (Back)

[2] 53:3 Or forsaken

Footnote from Isaiah 53:3 (Back)

[3] 53:3 Or pains; also verse 4

Footnote from Isaiah 53:3 (Back)

[4] 53:3 Or and knowing

Footnote from Isaiah 53:3 (Back)

[5] 53:3 Or sickness; also verse 4

Footnote from Isaiah 53:3 (Back)

[6] 53:3 Or as one who hides his face from us

Footnote from Isaiah 53:10 (Back)

[7] 53:10 Or he has made him sick

Footnote from Isaiah 53:10 (Back)

[8] 53:10 Or when you make his soul

Footnote from Isaiah 53:11 (Back)

[9] 53:11 Masoretic Text; Dead Sea Scroll he shall see light

Footnote from Isaiah 53:12 (Back)

[10] 53:12 Or with the great

Footnote from Isaiah 53:12 (Back)

[11] 53:12 Or with the numerous

Footnote from Isaiah 54:9 (Back)

[1] 54:9 Some manuscripts For this is as the waters of Noah

Footnote from Isaiah 54:11 (Back)

[2] 54:11 Or lapis lazuli

Footnote from Isaiah 54:12 (Back)

[3] 54:12 Or jasper, or ruby

Footnote from Isaiah 54:12 (Back)

[4] 54:12 Or crystal

Footnote from Isaiah 54:17 (Back)

[5] 54:17 Or righteousness

Footnote from Isaiah 57:5 (Back)

[1] 57:5 Or among the terebinths

Footnote from Isaiah 57:8 (Back)

[2] 57:8 Or on a monument (see 56:5); Hebrew on a hand

Footnote from Isaiah 57:10 (Back)

[3] 57:10 Hebrew and so you were not sick

Footnote from Isaiah 58:3 (Back)

[1] 58:3 Or pursue your own business

Footnote from Isaiah 58:6 (Back)

[2] 58:6 Or bruised

Footnote from Isaiah 58:13 (Back)

[3] 58:13 Or business

Footnote from Isaiah 58:13 (Back)

[4] 58:13 Or pursuing your own business

Footnote from Isaiah 58:13 (Back)

[5] 58:13 Hebrew or speaking a word

Footnote from Isaiah 58:14 (Back)

[6] 58:14 Or of the land

Footnote from Isaiah 59:15 (Back)

[1] 59:15 Hebrew and it was evil in his eyes

Footnote from Isaiah 59:19 (Back)

[2] 59:19 Hebrew a narrow river

Footnote from Isaiah 60:5 (Back)

[1] 60:5 Hebrew your heart shall tremble and grow wide

Footnote from Isaiah 60:19 (Back)

[2] 60:19 Masoretic Text; Dead Sea Scroll, Septuagint, Targum add by night

Footnote from Isaiah 60:19 (Back)

[3] 60:19 Or your beauty

Footnote from Isaiah 60:21 (Back)

[4] 60:21 Or that I might display my beauty

Footnote from Isaiah 61:1 (Back)

[1] 61:1 Or afflicted

Footnote from Isaiah 61:1 (Back)

[2] 61:1 Or the opening [of the eyes] to those who are blind; Septuagint and recovery of sight to the blind

Footnote from Isaiah 61:3 (Back)

[3] 61:3 Or that he may display his beauty

Footnote from Isaiah 61:8 (Back)

[4] 61:8 Or robbery with a burnt offering

Footnote from Isaiah 62:4 (Back)

[1] 62:4 Hebrew Azubah

Footnote from Isaiah 62:4 (Back)

[2] 62:4 Hebrew Shemamah

Footnote from Isaiah 62:4 (Back)

[3] 62:4 Hebrew Hephzibah

Footnote from Isaiah 62:4 (Back)

[4] 62:4 Hebrew Beulah

Footnote from Isaiah 62:9 (Back)

[5] 62:9 Or in my holy courts

Footnote from Isaiah 63:3 (Back)

[1] 63:3 Or their juice; also verse 6

Footnote from Isaiah 63:4 (Back)

[2] 63:4 Or the year of my redeemed

Footnote from Isaiah 63:9 (Back)

[3] 63:9 Or he did not afflict

Footnote from Isaiah 63:11 (Back)

[4] 63:11 Or Then his people remembered the days of old, of Moses

Footnote from Isaiah 63:15 (Back)

[5] 63:15 Or holy and glorious

Footnote from Isaiah 63:18 (Back)

[6] 63:18 Or They have dispossessed your holy people for a little while

Footnote from Isaiah 64:2 (Back)

[1] 64:2 Ch 64:1 in Hebrew

Footnote from Isaiah 64:5 (Back)

[2] 64:5 Or in your ways is continuance, that we might be saved

Footnote from Isaiah 64:7 (Back)

[3] 64:7 Masoretic Text; Septuagint, Syriac, Targum have delivered us into

Footnote from Isaiah 64:11 (Back)

[4] 64:11 Or holy and glorious

Footnote from Isaiah 65:1 (Back)

[1] 65:1 Or that did not call upon

Footnote from Isaiah 65:7 (Back)

[2] 65:7 Or I will first measure their payment into their lap

Footnote from Isaiah 65:22 (Back)

[3] 65:22 Hebrew shall wear out

Footnote from Isaiah 65:23 (Back)

[4] 65:23 Or for sudden terror

Footnote from Isaiah 66:11 (Back)

[1] 66:11 Or breast

Footnote from Isaiah 66:18 (Back)

[2] 66:18 Septuagint, Syriac; Hebrew lacks know

Footnote from Isaiah 66:18 (Back)

[3] 66:18 Hebrew and it is coming