AB Anchor Bible
AJT American Journal of Theology
CD Church Dogmatics (by Karl Barth)
GNO Gregorii Nyseni Opera (ed. Werner Jaeger)
HeyJ Heythrop Journal
IJST International Journal of Systematic Theology
JLAT Journal of Latin American Theology
JRT Journal of Reformed Theology
JTS Journal of Theological Studies
MTh Modern Theology
NPNF2 Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, series 2
NV Nova et vetera
PG Patrologia graeca
ProEccl Pro Ecclesia
SJT Scottish Journal of Theology
ST Summa theologiae (Aquinas)
StPatr Studia patristica
SVTQ St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly
TynBul Tyndale Bulletin
VC Vigiliae christianae
WTJ Westminster Theological Journal