

Figure 2.1Norma Jean Dougherty— later known to the world as Marilyn Monroe— photographed in June 1945 with one of Reginald Denny’s OQ- 2 Radioplanes. Source: US army photographer David Conover,

Figure 3.1MQ- 1 Predator unmanned aircraft, armed with AGM- 114 Hellfire missiles, over southern Afghanistan, 2008. Source: US Air Force photo by Lt Col Leslie Pratt,

Figure 3.2US Air Force ground control station at Balad Air Base, Iraq, 2007. Source: US Air Force photo by Master Sergeant Steve Horton, (Public Domain).

Figure 4.1Global Hawk drone photographed in a hangar in South Asia in 2006. Source: US Air Force photo by Staff Sergeant Christopher Matthews,

Figure 4.2Royal Marine carrying a Black Hornet 2 Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS), 2017. Source: UK Ministry of Defense, licensed for reuse under the Open Government License,

Figure 5.1Pieces of a fixed wing Hezbollah UAV downed by the Israeli air force in 2006. Source: Photo by the Israeli Defense Force and released to the public domain,

Figure 7.1Zipline drone launch in a California testing facility, March 2018. Source: Photo by Roksenhorn, shared under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 International License, original available at:

Figure 7.2Technicians examine an unarmed UN drone in Goma, North Kivu province, Democratic Republic of Congo, 2013. Source: © MONUSCO/Sylvain Liechti, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 2.0 Generic License, original photo available at:,_North_Kivu_province_(11189522286).jpg