From Matt:

It has been a joy to work with Josh and Eric on this project. To be given by God kindred spirits is no small thing. It’s been my joy to think, dialogue, laugh, and love this project with both of you.

I want to thank the elders of The Village Church for allowing me the time to think and write. Laboring with you for the glory of Christ and the good of our people is a joy. Your love and care for me and my family is evidence of God’s grace on our lives.

To my family, thank you for allowing me precious time to write, review, and work on what would normally have been your time.

Finally, what a gift it has been to partner with LifeWay on this project. Working with you has been easy and fun. Jedidiah Coppenger is a man-child and has been incredible to work with throughout the entirety of this project.

From Josh:

I am truly humbled to have labored alongside Matt and Eric on this project. Matt, you are on the short list of people who have most impacted my life. I am honored to be in this fight with you and to call you friend. I love you, brother. Eric, who knew what would materialize from our first meeting in New Orleans. God has used you profoundly at key seasons to significantly shape my leadership and ministry. Not only that, you have pushed me to be a better husband and dad. You are a dear friend and brother that I love.

To the elders of The Village Church, thank you for being a covering and encouragement. You men are worthy to be emulated. To the The Village staff, our partnership in the gospel ministry is one of the greatest joys of my life. To the people of The Village, thank you for loving my family so well. It is an honor to serve you. I am wholly undeserving.

A special thanks to Jeremy Treat for his invaluable insights and suggestions. Your influence is throughout this book. Jeremy Pace, your “house analogy” brings clarity to a concept. Andrea Bowman, your administrative gift results in peace and order.

Michael Bleecker, Matt Chandler, Jason Holleman, and Trevor Joy are friends worthy of mention. You consistently encourage, sharpen, and shape me in the gospel as a husband, father, friend, and pastor. I am deeply indebted to each of you.

Finally, what a gift it has been to partner with LifeWay on this project. Your desire to steward gospel opportunities has been an encouragement to us. In particular, I want to thank Jedidiah Coppenger for his incredible work throughout the entirety of this project. You are clutch.

From Eric:

I am honored to write this book alongside two godly leaders I respect: Matt and Josh. God has used their faith to build mine, and I am grateful for the friendship. I am thankful for a small group of friends of lead/executive pastors who have sharpened me in recent years: Josh, Kevin Peck, David Thompson, and Steve Miller. Working alongside several great theological and publishing minds at LifeWay has served me well already. Thanks to Trevin Wax, Michael Kelley, Sam O’Neal, Alyssa Jones, Micah Carter, and Daniel Davis for your feedback and editing help. In particular, I want to thank Jedidiah Coppenger for his tireless work and commitment to this project.