All page number are refer to the print edition of this title.
5-methoxy-DMT (5-MeO-DMT), 285
Abhidharma, 175, 176
Abraham, Moses compared to, 110
Adam and Eve, 73, 76, 142, 190, 252
affective relatedness, 179
altered states, 21, 74–75
angels, 86, 197
anger, 128–29
angry God, 73–74, 84–85
animals, visions of, 149–50
anthropomorphisms, 84
anthropopathisms, 84
anticholinergic compounds,
anuttara-samyak-sambodhi, 95
architecture, visions of, 146
arhats, 94
assault or struggle, 119
attributes of God, 209–13
audience for this book, 15–19
auditory effects
DMT research results, 41
kavod and, 199
music and singing, 135–36
nonverbal perceptual communication,
prophetic and DMT, 134–37
silence, 137
a sound, 134–35
spoken voice, 136–37
See also perception
in beings, 160–61
consciousness vs., 20
awe, 122–24
ayahuasca, 32
beasts, four, 153
Hebrew Bible on, 208
what God does, 213–16
awareness, sentience, and intelligence
of, 160–61
category described, 107
criteria for spiritual experience and,
disinterested observation by, 183
as objective things, 265
perceived on DMT, 42–43, 265–67
prophetic and DMT, 107, 147–54
as sensible representations of the
insensible, 266–67
as subjective things, 265
visual effects, 147–54
beliefs, Hebrew Bible on, 207–8
bicameral mind, 275–76
bidirectional communication, 185–88
birds, visions of, 149
birthright of prophecy, 281–83
bitterness, 128–29
bodily sensations. See physical sensations
Bonder, Nilton, 63, 64
Buber, Martin, 77
buddhas, 94, 95
Abhidharma, 175, 176
author’s practice of, 28–29
biblical message and, 235–36
cause and effect in, 80–81
dependent origination in, 176
DMT experience and, 55–56
idealism vs. actuality and, 54–55
invisible worlds and, 53–54
as psychedelic model, 12–13, 51–59
rating scale and, 106, 175
reality in, 176–77
skandhas in, 111
See also enlightenment
canonical prophets, 9, 90, 205, 249–50,
cardiac symptoms, 117–18
cause and effect, 81
Chayot, 154
chlorpromazine (Thorazine), 26
chozeh, 92–93
clairvoyance, 154–55
clouds, 139, 196–97, 201, 285
appraising capacity, 158
awareness, sentience, and intelligence of
beings, 160–61
clinical cluster for, 106
confusion or loss of insight, 160
DMT research results, 42
level of consciousness, 158–60
prophetic and DMT, 158–67
reality assessment, 161–66
summary of findings, 166–67
thought processes and content, 158
cognitive communication, 181–88
bidirectional, 185–88
contention, 186–88
disinterested observation by beings, 183
minimal engagement, 183–84
overhearing, 184
patterns of, 183–88
quality of, 182–83
simple witnessing, 183
spoken vs. telepathic, 181
unidirectional, 184–85
color, visions of, 141–42
compassion and love, 127–28
altered states of, 21
awareness vs., 20
defined, 20
DMT’s role in, 267–68
Hebrew Bible and ours, 74–75
level of, 158–60
pineal gland and, 31–32
contention, 186–88
control. See volition and will
Daniel, four beasts of, 153
darkness, visions of, 138
death, 164–65
deep space, visions of, 138
dependent origination, 176
despair, 126–27
DMT (dimethyltryptamine)
in ayahuasca, 32
blood-brain barrier and, 33
Buddhism and, 55–56
Controlled Substances Act, 33–34
described, 32
as endogenous, 2, 30, 33
metaphysics of, 256–68
physiological effects of, 38–39
presence in plants, 32
requisite features for model, 59
research in the 1990s, 35–50
role in consciousness, 267–68
subjective effects of, 39–44
in the theoneurological model, 11
See also prophecy and DMT compared;
psychedelic drugs
DMT research in the 1990s, 35–50
administration of DMT, 36–37
generation of the DMT world, 47–48
inadequate models for, 12–13, 46–47,
message and meaning of the DMT
state, 44–45
perception of the DMT world, 48–49
physiological effects found, 38–39
project overview, 35–38
subjective effects found, 39–44
supervision of sessions, 37–38
types of states experienced, 46
volunteers for, 36
drug, defined, 25
Eastern meditation
author’s practice of, 28–29
DMT subjects aided by, 176–77
introduction to the West, 26
overlooked by scientists studying
altered states, 30
psychedelic qualities of, 27, 52, 53
reality of phenomena in, 53–54
“spirit molecule” and, 30–31
Elohim, 83–84
emanation from God, 86–87
emotions, 122–31
affect clinical cluster, 106
amount of, 130–31
anger, hatred, and bitterness, 128–29
awe, fear, and reverence, 122–24
in communication, 193
DMT research results, 41
euphoria, joy, and happiness, 125–26
grief, sorrow, and despair, 126–27
humiliation, 129
isolation, 130
kavod and, 198
love and compassion, 127–28
reactions to Hebrew Bible, 72–74
safety, reassurance, and peace, 124–25
summary of findings, 131
end of days, hastening, 287–88
end of prophecy, 270–80
by becoming universal, 271
canonical vs. non-canonical, 280
continued prophecy after, 278–79
evolutionary biology and, 275–76
medieval philosophers on, 272–73
politics of, 276–78
in Second Temple period, 272
Spinoza and, 273–75
true cessation, 271–72
Buddhist terms for, 94–95
“emptiness” of, 53, 54, 58–59, 235
kavod and, 202
message lacking in, 235–36
as motive for Buddhist path, 29
rarity on DMT, 46, 55, 176
relatedness lacking in, 95, 176
entheogens, 25
eternal life, 227–28
ethics, morality compared to, 23
euphoria, 125–26
eyes, visions of, 147
“falling upon the face,” 98
false prophets and prophecy
biblical discussion of, 229
criteria for, 208, 229–32, 295
DMT and, 238
mechanisms of, 255
need to be aware of, 236–37, 295
societal response to, 232
varieties of, 231–32
fear, 122–24
figures, visions of, 148, 151–54.
See also beings
fire, 140–41, 197, 201
flashes, visions of, 140–41
foretelling, 90, 92, 208, 224–25, 253–54
formed images, visions of, 144–45
Freedman, Daniel X., 13
Freud, Sigmund, 19, 274
functional items, visions of, 145–46
furniture, visions of, 145
gastrointestinal symptoms, 117
God, 77–89
“angry,” 73–74, 84–85
anthropomorphisms, 84
anthropopathisms, 84
cause and effect as basis of, 81
criteria for spiritual experience and,
emanation from, 86–87
frequency experienced on DMT, 80
guidelines for relationship to, 217–19
Hebrew Bible depiction of, 77
homonymous terms, 85–86
intermediaries of, 86–88, 244
kavod and, 195, 197
learning about the nature of, 88
names of, 82–84
pronouns for, 79–80
prophecy dependent on, 246–47, 257,
as a real thing, 78
theodicy, 88–89
in theoneurological model, 11, 241
visions of, 151
what God does, 213–16
what God is, 209–13
Golden Rule, 219–22
Gray, Rebecca, 278–79
grief, 126–27
Guide of the Perplexed, 72
Halevi, Judah, 71–72, 272–73
Hallucinogen Rating Scale (HRS), 39n,
106, 168n, 175
hands, visions of, 148
happiness, 125–26
Harman, Willis, 13
hastening the end, 287–88
hatred, 128–29
Hebrew, defined, 66
Hebrew Bible
accepting at face value, 69
Adam and Eve, 73, 76, 142, 190, 252
author’s study of, 14–15, 27–28, 63–66,
beliefs and behavior in, 207–8
Buddhist message and, 235–36
development of the canon, 67–68,
difficulties in studying, 68–69
emotional reactions to, 72–74
medieval philosophers on, 69–72,
109–10, 243–46
numbers holding as scripture, 66
as Old Testament, 66
original text of, 68
our consciousness and, 74–75
prophecy’s status in, 8
sections of, 67
translations used for, 78
See also prophecy
homonymous terms, 85–86
humans, visions of, 150
humiliation, 129
I and Thou, 77
ibn Ezra, Abraham, 71, 73
“If so, so what?”
detailed information and, 206
evolutionary biology and, 17
Freedman’s use of, 13
prophetic and DMT similarities and,
theoneurological model and, 17, 49,
257, 296
imaginative faculty, 11, 244–45, 259–60,
insects, visions of, 149
interactive-relational states
abundance on DMT, 13, 46
criteria for spiritual experience and,
defined, 22–23
Good Friday Experiment and, 290
mystical-unitive states vs., 22–23, 54,
prophetic state as, 74
reality of DMT state and, 56, 65
See also relatedness
intermediaries of God, 86–88, 244
isolation, 130
Jaynes, Julian, 275
Jeremiah, call to prophecy of, 251
joy, 125–26
“just sitting,” 29, 38
Kabbalah of Envy, The, 63
kabbalistic authors, 109
kavod, 194–202
on 5-MeO-DMT, 285
biblical, 194–201
as cloud, 196–97, 201, 285
in DMT reports, 201–2
emotional quality of, 198
as fire, 197, 201
meanings of, 194–95, 196
metaphysics of, 254–55
perception and, 199
relatedness and, 200–201, 202
Saadiah’s view of, 245
somatic effects, 198
space occupied by, 197–98
summary of findings, 202
volition and, 198–99
knowledge, limits to, 234–35
Krishna in the Sky with Diamonds, 52–53
level of consciousness, 158–60
love and compassion, 127–28
about, 72
on Adam and Eve, 76
on imaginative and rational faculties,
prophecy seen as a perfection by, 252
prophetic ranking by, 109–10
on requirements of prophecy, 273
on the world to come, 263
mammals, visions of, 150
medieval Jewish philosophers, 69–72,
109–10, 241, 243–46, 272–73
melatonin, 31–32
message and meaning
aesthetics vs., 203–4, 299
Buddhist vs. biblical, 235–36
canonical vs. non-canonical, 205,
category described, 108–9
in DMT experiences, 203–5
DMT research results, 44–45
Golden Rule, 219–22
guidelines for relationships, 216–22
history, 224
lacking in enlightenment, 235–36
the messiah, 228–29
poetry, 208, 235
prophetic, elements of, 207–8
prophetic, location of, 248–49
prophetic and DMT, 108–9, 206–7
resurrection and eternal life, 227–28
summary of findings, 222–23, 236–38
what God does, 213–16
what God is, 209–13
wisdom, 208, 233–35
the world to come, 225–27, 263–65
See also false prophets and prophecy
messiah, the, 228–29
metaphysics, defined, 22
metaphysics of DMT, 256–68
beings and, 265–67
DMT and the prophetic state, 258
embeddedness and, 261
imaginative faculty and, 258–60
truth of the message, 261–62
Urim and Thummim, 262–63
the world to come and, 263–65
metaphysics of prophecy, 240–55
criteria for spiritual experience and,
explanations of prophecy, 245–47
false prophecy and, 255
foretelling and, 253–54
kavod and, 254–55
medieval view of, 243–45
prophecy as a mission, 250–51, 253
prophecy as a perfection, 250, 252–53
prophetic message, 248–50
theoneurological model for, 241–42
morality, ethics compared to, 23
Moses ben Maimon. See Maimonides
Moses ben Nachman (Nachmanides),
mouth, vision of, 148
movement-related effects, 113–14, 142–
43, 169–70
music and singing, 135–36
mystical experience, defined, 22
mystical-unitive states
euphoria of, 125
in Good Friday Experiment, 290
interactive-relational states vs., 22–23,
54, 297
rarity on DMT, 46
reality of DMT state and, 56
relatedness eclipsed by, 43, 107–8, 176
relatedness secondary to, 236
See also enlightenment
Nachmanides (Moses ben Nachman), 71
nature, God revealed by, 219
navi, 91–92
near-death experiences, 23
neurotheology, 4, 241–42, 257
New Age philosophies, 52
nirvana, 95
non-canonical prophets, 90, 205, 249–50,
nonverbal perceptual communication,
Old Testament. See Hebrew Bible
peace, 124–25
perception, 132–57
auditory effects, 41, 134–37, 199
clinical cluster for, 106
of the DMT world, 48–49
kavod and, 199
summary of findings, 155–57
synesthesia, 155
tactile effects, 133
taste effects, 132–33
visual effects, 41–42, 137–55, 199
physical relatedness, 178
physical sensations, 111–21
cardiac and respiratory, 117–18
clinical cluster for, 106
DMT research results, 40–41
gastrointestinal symptoms, 117
kavod and, 198
movement through space, 113–14
returning to the body, 120
shakiness, 114–15
skandhas and, 111
strength and weakness, 118
struggle or assault, 119
summary of findings, 120–21
temperature-related, 115–16
during transition to normal
consciousness, 119–20
tumultuous onset, 112–13
weight-related, 113
physiological effects of DMT, 38–39
pineal gland, consciousness and, 31–32
places conducive to prophecy, 100
poetry, 208, 235
postures catalyzing prophecy, 98–99
prayer, 99, 219
prediction, 90, 92, 208, 224–25, 253–54
pronouns for God, 79–80
biological concomitants of, 298
as a birthright, 281–83
Christian use of, 276–77
defined, 8, 90
dependent on God, 246–47, 257, 270
the end of, 270–80
foretelling vs., 90, 92
hastening the end by, 287–88
in the Hebrew Bible, 8–9
Hebrew Bible infused with, 8, 66
intellect and communication of, 247
metaphysics of, 240–55
methods for catalyzing, 97–100
as a mission, 250–51, 253
not caused by drugs, 14, 100–101
as a perfection, 250, 252–53
places conducive to, 100
psychedelic drugs as aid to
understanding, 12
rational faculty and, 286–87
three pillars of, 90, 243–44
transfer of, 97
via Urim and Thummim, 101–2,
words for, 94
See also false prophets and prophecy;
prophecy and DMT compared
prophecy and DMT compared
beings, 107, 147–54, 160–61
clinical clusters or categories, 106–9
cognition, 158–67
emotions, 122–31
false prophecy and, 295
kavod, 194–202
Leo’s and Ezekial’s visions, 1–3
materials, 104, 105
methods, 104, 106–7
perception, 132–57
physical sensations, 111–21
rating scale for, 106
relatedness, 107–8, 175–93
summary of findings, 297–98
volition and will, 168–74
See also message and meaning;
metaphysics of DMT; metaphysics of
prophecy; specific categories
canonical, 9, 90, 205, 249–50, 270
characteristics of, 95–96
chozeh, 92–93
navi, 91–92
non-canonical, 90, 205, 249–50, 270
qualifications of, 246–47, 250–53, 260
ro’eh, 93
schools and training for, 96–97
terms for, 91–94
See also false prophets and prophecy
proximity to death, prophecy and, 98
psychedelic, defined, 25
psychedelic drugs
author’s use of the term, 25–26
biological psychiatry and, 26
described, 9–10, 25
dream interpretation and, 294
effects of, 25
in the house of worship, 290–92
impact on Western culture, 10
inadequate models for, 12–13, 46–47,
49–50, 51–59, 62
non-research use of, 10, 51–52, 292–93
other names for, 25
prophecy not caused by, 14, 100–101
prophetic tradition as aid to
understanding, 12
risks in using, 294–95
See also DMT (dimethyltryptamine)
Psychedelic Experience, The, 52
psychedelic subculture, 16–17, 18
psychotomimetic drugs, 25
“raising the eyes,” 99
Rashi (Solomon ben Isaac), 70–71
rational faculty, 11, 245, 286–87
assessment in prophecy and DMT, 161–66
in Buddhism, 176–77
DMT and the nature of, 267–68
dreams vs., 164
familiarity and recognition of, 163–64
of meditation phenomena, 53–54
more real than real, 166
as real as everyday, 165–66
uncertainty of, 162–63
reassurance, 124–25
recursiveness, 143
relatedness, 175–93
affective, 179
ambiguous, 192
beneficial, 189–90
category described, 107–8
cognitive communication, 181–88
DMT research results, 43–44
harmful, 191
kavod and, 200–201, 202
lacking in enlightenment, 95, 176
need for category, 178
nonverbal perceptual communication, 179–80
physical, 178
prophetic and DMT, 107–8, 177–78
purpose of, 188–92
summary of findings, 192–93
teaching and instruction, 190–91
See also interactive-relational states
candidates for understanding DMT, 51–59
defined, 21
possible objections from, 16
shamanism, 56–57, 58
usefulness as DMT model, 50
See also Buddhism; Hebrew Bible
reptiles, visions of, 149–50
respiratory symptoms, 117–18
resurrection, 227–28
reverence, 122–24
rituals, 99, 218–19
ro’eh, 93
round things, visions of, 144
“rush” on DMT, 40, 112
Saadiah ben Joseph, 70, 245
safety, 124–25
samadhi, 95
altered states and, 30
limits as DMT model, 49–50
possible objections from, 16
self-control. See volition and will
self-improvement, 233–34
sensory deprivation, 97–98
sensory stimulation, 97
serotonin, 26
shakiness, 114–15
shamanic model, inadequacy of, 56–57, 58
silence, 137
singing and music, 135–36
Solomon ben Isaac (Rashi), 70–71
somatic effects. See physical sensations
sorrow, 126–27
deep, visions of, 138
movement through, 113–14
occupied by kavod, 197–98
sparks, visions of, 140–41
speech and volition, 170–71
Spinoza, Baruch, 70, 252, 273–75
spiritual, defined, 21
spiritual experience, defined, 22
spoken word, 136–37, 181, 284–85
strength, 118
struggle or assault, 119
study, prophecy catalyzed by, 99–100
subjective effects of DMT, 39–44
auditory effects, 41
beings, 42–43
cognitive effects, 42
emotions, 41
physical sensations, 40–41
rating scale for, 39
relational effects, 43–44
the “rush,” 40, 112
visual effects, 41–42
volition, will, and self-control, 42
See also prophecy and DMT compared
synesthesia, 155
tactile effects, 133
taste effects, 132–33
tathagatas, 94–95
telepathic communication, 181
temperature-related effects, 115–16
Ten Commandments, 219–20
theodicy, 88–89
theology, defined, 22
theoneurological model
controversial nature of, 15–17
evolutionary biology vs., 17
faculties of the mind in, 11
in the field, 292–93
God in, 11, 241
in the house of worship, 290–92
“If so, so what?” in, 257–58
mechanisms in, 10–11
neurotheological model vs., 3–4, 241–42
practical implications of, 11–12
in the research center, 289–90
Thorazine (chlorpromazine), 26
trees, visions of, 144–45
unidirectional communication, 184–85
unitive-mystical states. See mysticalunitive states
Urim and Thummim, 101–2, 262–63
visual effects
animals, 149–50
architecture, 146
beings, 147–54
bizarre figures, 151–54
clairvoyance, 154–55
clouds or a cloud, 139
color, 141–42
darkness, 138
deep space, 138
DMT research results, 41–42
eyes, 147
flashes, sparks, and fire, 140–41
formed images, 144–45
functional items, 145–46
furniture, 145
God, 151
hands and wings, 148
humans, 150
kavod and, 199
a mouth, 148
movement, 142–43
nonverbal perceptual communication, 179–80
outlined figures, 148
prophetic and DMT, 137–55
recursiveness, 143
repositories of information, 147
round things, 144
statuary, 149
summary of findings, 156–57
trees, 144–45
view from great height, 138–39
weapons, 145–46
See also perception
volition and will, 168–74
clinical cluster for, 106
DMT research results, 42
kavod and, 198–99
movement-related, 169–70
other effects affecting, 168
sense of control, 171–73
speech-related, 170–71
summary of findings, 171–73
weakness, 118
weapons, visions of, 145–46
weight-related effects, 113
will. See volition and will
wings, visions of, 148
wisdom, 208, 233–35
world to come, the, 225–27, 263–65
worship, psychedelics and, 290–92
YHVH, 82–84