Amos |
Amos |
Judg. |
Judges |
1 Chron. |
1 Chronicles |
1 Kings |
1 Kings |
2 Chron. |
2 Chronicles |
2 Kings |
2 Kings |
Dan. |
Daniel |
Lam. |
Lamentations |
Deut. |
Deuteronomy |
Lev. |
Leviticus |
Eccles. |
Ecclesiastes |
Mal. |
Malachi |
Esther |
Esther |
Mic. |
Micah |
Exod. |
Exodus |
Nah. |
Nahum |
Ezek. |
Ezekiel |
Neh. |
Nehemiah |
Ezra |
Ezra |
Num. |
Numbers |
Gen. |
Genesis |
Obad. |
Obadiah |
Hab. |
Habakkuk |
Prov. |
Proverbs |
Hag. |
Haggai |
Ps. (pl. Pss.) |
Psalms |
Hosea |
Hosea |
Ruth |
Ruth |
Isa. |
Isaiah |
1 Sam. |
1 Samuel |
Jer. |
Jeremiah |
2 Sam. |
2 Samuel |
Job |
Job |
Song of Songs |
Song of Songs |
Joel |
Joel |
Zech. |
Zechariah |
Jon. |
Jonah |
Zeph. |
Zephaniah |
Josh. |
Joshua |