THERE ARE A SET of works within Conjure that can either draw things to you or remove things from you. These types of works are known by a few different names.
* Attraction work is done to draw things into your life that you need, money drawing work, success work, and other works of these types are worked to draw.
* Reversal work, cleansing works, and cut and clear works are all done to remove something from your life.
You need to have a good understanding of both of these types of works before you decide to do them. You may be thinking, “Well, attraction works are simply drawing what I need and want into my life.” Let's get real: nothing is ever that simple in life. If you are having to do attraction work, then there are things going on in your life that are causing issues. If you simply do attraction work, then you are just patching the underlying issue, which will still be there when the attraction work runs out. Some folks have called me an expert in this work. I am nobody's expert. I have learned through the years what and what not to do. My mama used to say, “a hard head makes a soft behind.” We all have to learn our lessons.
Drawing and removing work go hand in hand. If you have to do one type of work, then you really need to follow up with the other type of work. If you have to do a cut and clear work to remove something or someone from your life, then you need to do some type of drawing work to fill that void with something you want or need in your life. You could just do nothing, but something is going to fill that void left in your spirit. This type of work is not modern. Back in the days of the ancestors these works were born out of necessity. Some of them were worked with for healing as well as crossing. They used what they had, and most of them always had Irish potatoes. There is a work my mama used on us if we were sick or hurting somewhere. Of course, as children we didn't pay much attention to what she was doing, but as I got older, I watched her like a hawk. To me there was nothing my mama couldn't fix.
This is a simple work to remove something or someone from your life. You simply need an Irish potato. If you are trying to remove an illness, then you rub the potato over the affected area going in a downward motion. You can even set the potato on the area while praying that whatever is there be moved into the potato. Then you bury the potato on the west side of the house as the sun is setting. Then just forget about it; as the potato rots away, so will the illness be gone. Nowadays when folks want to remove someone from their life, the first thing most do is hotfoot. Hotfoot work should be the last thing you do; if nothing else works and the situation is dire, then do hotfoot. Hotfoot has been made popular over the internet, but that type of work is harmful and shouldn't be done just because you don't like someone or they made you mad. You have to remember that this work is all about justice and being a justified worker. Here is a work that can be done in a couple of different ways—to stop gossip and to move someone away from you without hotfoot.
To shut someone's mouth who can't seem to mind their own business, you need an Irish potato and red pepper. Using a sharp knife, you need to cut a piece of the potato deep into the center. Save the piece you cut out because that is what you will use to plug the hole you made in the potato back up after you have loaded the potato. Like most old works, this is so simple you wonder how powerful it really is. Trust me, it works and it works well. Once you have the hole made in the potato, name the potato for the target just like you would if you were making a dollie. Tell the target that every time they talk about you or yours, their mouth will become sore and burn like fire. Put the red pepper in the hole you made in the potato and plug it up. Then bury the potato on the west side on the corner of the house when the sun is rising, because this is what you want to bring to the target every time they gossip about you. You want their mouth to burn like it is on fire, and at the same time by burying them in the west corner of the house, you are removing them from your life. This is called a double action work.
To drive someone away, you need an Irish potato and the dirt from a crossroads away from you. Using a sharp knife, you need to cut a piece of the potato deep into the center. Save the piece you cut out because that is what you will use to plug the hole you made in the potato back up after you have loaded the potato. Name the potato after the target and then load the dirt from the crossroads into the potato and plug the hole up. Now there are two ways you can do this job, and either one of them will work well. You can bury the potato on the west side on the corner of the house when the sun is setting, or you can take the potato to running water and throw it in. Either way, the target will be removed from you. This work is all about working with what you have in your home. You don't have to buy a bunch of supplies to get a job done. I have added some other works below to help you get started with removing the old and drawing in the new.
If you are coming out of a bad relationship or if you have been hurt deeply, then you need to do some work on yourself before you try to draw a new love into your life. You need to do some spiritual cleansing on yourself to heal your spirit. You don't want to draw that same type of person to yourself or carry old baggage into a brand-new relationship. Cleansing work is very important before you start any kind of attraction or love work. This work not only helps you cleanse away all the pain and hurt, but it also helps you build your personal power. You need a plate that has been cleansed with running water and dressed with some type of holy oil, a white handkerchief, one tealight, a photo of yourself, a blue candle, lovage root, Solomon's seal, Master of the Woods, calamus root, frankincense, myrrh, lavender, and some powdered sugar.
Set the plate and candle off to the side and lay out your hankie, take a pinch of each one of the ingredients one at the time, pray your petition over them, and place them on the hankie on your altar. Take the tealight and dress it with your oil. Set the tealight on top of your ingredients and pray your petition over it. Let the tealight burn completely out. While the tealight is working, take a photo of yourself and write your petition for personal power across your photo. Set your photo on top of your plate. Once the tealight has burned out, take the blue candle and starting at the crown of your head, wipe downward to the bottom of your feet. Repeat this a few times and really focus on cleansing your head. Blue is a healing color; it also calms and soothes the spirit. When you have finished the cleansing with the candle, set the candle on top of your photo.
Sprinkle your ingredients around the photo going with the hands of the clock while praying your petition. Light your blue vigil candle and pray your petition over your work along with these power words “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. . . .” Try to pray your petition over the work at least three times. Once the candle burns out, take the photo and the ingredients off the plate and tie them up in the white handkerchief. Pray your petition for personal power into the packet and feed it whatever oil you feel is appropriate at least once a week. Keep your packet on you.
Jeremiah 16 V 16-18
16 “But now I will send for many fishermen,” declares the Lord, “and they will catch them. After that I will send for many hunters, and they will hunt them down on every mountain and hill and from the crevices of the rocks.
17 My eyes are on all their ways; they are not hidden from me, nor is their sin concealed from my eyes.
18 I will repay them double for their wickedness and their sin, because they have defiled my land with the lifeless forms of their vile images and have filled my inheritance with their detestable idols.”
Some of you might be wondering what a reversal is. A reversal is a set of conjure works that removes whatever condition is on a person and returns it back to the sender. I think there is a misconception about reversal work: some folks think that if you do reversal work you are crossing the person up. This is absolutely not true! You are removing whatever has been sent to you right back to the sender; if they get knocked on their ass, that is all on them. You are only taking off what they have sent to you.
Another misconception is that folks think that cleansing and reversal work are the same work. This is also absolutely not true. Let me explain. While they both do remove crossed conditions, they don't both return the said condition to the sender. Cleansing work does just that: it removes the blocks and any other cross condition that is on a person. Reversal work not only removes the crossed condition, but it also gives the sender a taste of their own medicine. There is a kind of safety clause in reversal work: if the work was justified, then nothing will happen to the person who did the work. Meaning if you deserved the issues you are having through your own action, then the worker is safe from any reversal work. On the other hand, if you are innocent, then the worker will feel the justice served by the spirits. It's kind of like a double-edged sword: dull on the side of the innocent and razor sharp on the side of the guilty! I have written up a few Q&As that I hope will answer some of readers' questions about reversal work. The main thing to remember is that when reversal work is done, it will only hit those who justly deserve it; the innocent will not be harmed by the work.
Q. How do I know if I need to keep the reversal going?
A. Here are a few other symptoms that you may be feeling if you need to do a reversal work and keep it going:
* Confusion
* Sleep too much or sleep too little
* Light-headedness
* Money blocks
* Disaster everywhere you turn that just keeps happening
* Sickness that doesn't go away
* You feel like someone's watching or sitting on your chest when you're asleep.
I could go on and on but I think you get the idea.
Q. How often can I do a reversal?
A. You can do reversal work anytime you feel you have a crossed condition or you feel someone has put blocks up around you.
Q. Will the work come back on me?
A. This is another myth. As long as you are justified in your work, then you are safe.
Q. Will reversal work start a spiritual war?
A. The answer is absolutely not because you are only returning what has been sent to you. If they were justified in crossing you up, then no reversal in the world is going to harm them, but if they were unjustified, then they're going to get their own medicine right back in their lap. Think of it as an undeliverable package at the post office and stamp it with RETURN TO SENDER.
Q. How do I keep crossed conditions off me?
A. The way to keep folks from being able to cross you up is to keep your protections up. You also need to set up routine cleansings and reversals.
Q. What is justified work?
A. When you hear a worker say they will only do justified work, just exactly what are they talking about? Justified work is done when the target deserves it. That is why reversal work is the best way to go. You don't just work on someone because they pissed you off. When a worker jumps the gun and just starts throwing because someone made them mad, this shows an immature worker who needs to go back and learn the ethics of Conjure 101. If I worked like this, I'd never get any rest.
When you decide to work on someone, you really need to have a valid reason. This work was not meant to be thrown around on a whim; it can be dangerous. Let me give you a few examples of justified work. If a child is harmed, this calls for justified work. If a woman is battered, it's justified work. If money is owed: justified work. If a neighbor won't leave you alone: justified work. So you get the idea? Justified work should fit the crime. Do not throw at someone because they pissed you off. If you do and they do a reversal, then you will get hit with your own work plus theirs. Like my daughter says, “Use your thinker not your stinker”—meaning don't be an ass, think before you react! Always be smarter and work with a cool head.
Reversal work is usually done with a candle that has two different colors. The colors will be black and white, green and black, black and red, or orange and black. Most people think that the black and white candle is the best candle to use for a crossed condition, the red and black for a love jinx, a green and black for a money block, and orange and black will help bring change into your life. I personally prefer the black and red one for all my reversal work. The red and black one always works well for me. The other colors are hard to find, but you can find a red and black one almost anywhere they sell this type of candle.
The black in the candle pulls off anything that doesn't belong on your spirit, and the red represents the blood. If you want to bring about changes within your life, then you need to work with an orange and black stick candle. Orange is powerful because it draws and it gives you control. You should always do what feels right for you, so if you are not sure about where to start with reversals, then I highly recommend using a red and black stick candle.
I have been asked how often you should do a reversal. The answer is it all depends on your situation. If you have a lot of things going on in your life, then you may want to do a set of reversals. Let's face it, not everyone is gonna love you, and when you are dealing with folks who are envious, jealous, or just don't like you nowadays, you don't know what to do. Everybody is a worker, so what do you do? Reversal work! If you are in the public eye or around a lot of folks daily, I suggest you do a reversal at least once a month. If things seem to be going bad, then I'd do one once a week until things settled down. You also need to remember to keep your protections up at all times; this will help.
I'm gonna give you a couple of reversal works that you can work with. Always do what feels right to you. Remember a reversal candle should never be dressed with anything, you don't want to fill it up with oil and such, as it needs to be filled with what it pulls off of you.
This reversal work is two steps, and you will be working with stick candles; one black and one red. This is an ole-school work from days gone by before there were glass candles.
You need a black stick candle. You place the black stick candle at the crown of your head, then start to wipe yourself down going all the way to your feet, and then you wipe from heel to toe. Always remember to wipe your head, the back of your neck, your shoulders, chest, hands, and feet thoroughly with the black candle because these are the areas when you are hit the hardest with crossed conditions.
As you are wiping yourself down, pray to your higher power that all blocks in your life are immediately removed and returned to sender. Pray that justice is served and they get a taste of their own medicine.
In the next part of the work you will do the opposite with the red stick candle. You start at the bottom of your feet and wipe upwards until you reach the crown of your head. While you are doing this, you pray and petition the Trinity and the ancestors to draw the things you need into your life. The red stick candle will draw to you whatever was taken away or lost because of the crossed conditions. After you bring the candle up to your crown, then take a nail and write your birth name on the candle, dress the candle with holy oil, light the candle, then place it on top of your photo. Sprinkle a little Master of the Woods, powdered sugar, and angelica root around the red candle. Pray for success, love, and happiness.
To destroy another worker throwing roots on you, use the whole chapter of Isaiah 47 to defeat them. It cancels out any works done in your name and blinds them so they cannot use divination nor spirits to “see” you. Tear out chapter 47, write “all my enemies” on it, and load it into a doll baby. Isaiah 47 works like a triple-edged sword because it crosses them up with their own work where your enemies can't uncross themselves nor have anyone help them. It also stops them and anyone helping them from putting curses on you.
This will help remove any blocks that may be holding you back.
You need to take five coffee baths and pray Isaiah 41 and Psalm 23 daily. Make sure you dress yourself with some type of holy oil after each bath.
Here's the recipe for the bath:
1 cup strong black coffee
4 tablespoons table salt
1 cap lemon juice
Pray Isaiah 54 V 17 daily.
Isaiah 54 V 17
17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.
The red onion can draw love, money, prosperity, or whatever you need because it is sweet, but it is also bitter, which makes it good for cleansing and uncrossing work. If your home is in an uproar, you can cleanse yourself and your home with a red onion. This will help stop all the fussing and arguing. This works because the onion is considered bitter. The onion will pull any negative energy in your home into itself. It can also be worked to sweeten your relationship. Because they are both sweet and bitter, they can serve a dual purpose like the ole saying “killing two birds with one stone.” This type of job is considered a double action work because you are removing and drawing at the same time.
To do this work, you'll need a new broom, large red onion, some whiskey, a large glass bowl, a photo of you and your target, pyrite, a coin given to you by your target, lovage, salt, sugar, Master of the Woods, spikenard, a small pinch of gunpowder, frankincense and myrrh, a magnet, and some honey. Hold the red onion to your mouth, call on the Trinity and your ancestors, and ask Spirit to cleanse and sweeten your relationship. Hold the broom to your mouth, call on the Trinity and your ancestors, and pray your petition asking them to sweep away all blocks and troubles affecting your home. Sprinkle a few drops of whiskey on the broom head to feed the Spirit. Use the broom to sweep the onion through the house while praying that all blocks be removed. The broom will help sweep out all the buildup in your home and your relationship that is causing the problems. By working this way, you are doubling up the power of your prayers; this is another reason why this is considered a double action work.
Core the center out of the onion, then place it in the large bowl. Write your petition on top of the photo; keep it simple. Burn the photo to ash; then put the ash, the pyrite, the coin, lovage to draw love into the relationship, a pinch of salt prayed over for protection, sugar to sweeten him, Master of the Woods so you have the upper hand, spikenard so things run smoothly, then add a tiny pinch of gunpowder to heat the work up. Don't get heavy-handed with the gunpowder; too much can cause a breakup. Add the frankincense and myrrh to add power to the work and to bless the home. Tear off five small pieces of broom straw from the broom. Add the straws to the onion to keep the devils out of your home. Clean the magnet under running water, then give the magnet a drink of whiskey. Call on the Trinity and your ancestors and pray your petition over the magnet; pray that all crossed conditions be removed from your relationship. Don't feed the magnet anything other than a taste of whiskey because the magnet will feed itself by pulling all blocks out of your relationship. Place the magnet in the onion with the other ingredients. Add a few drops of whiskey in the onion to give the work added power. Pour some of the honey over the onion to cover the onion in its sweetness.
Place the bowl on your love altar; you will be making a cross setup using white candles. Then you will place a tealight on top of the work. You need to call on the Trinity and your ancestors, then one at the time, pick up a candle and pray your petition into it. Pray your petition three times into the candle. When you say your petition over something three times, you're locking the work down. This way the work can't be undone. Place the first candle at the top of your setup, the second one to the bottom, the third to the right, and the last one to the left with the tealight on the top of the onion. Light them the same way you placed them: top to bottom, then right to left, then the one on top of the work. The cross setup represents the crossroads with Holy Spirit in the middle to empower your work.
When the candles burn out, mix some powdered sugar, Master of the Woods, and lovage root together. Then get you a large jar. Make a bed of the ingredients in the jar, call on the Trinity and ancestors, then pray your petition into the jar. Then place the onion in the jar. Pray your petition again over the jar, then pour the rest of the ingredients over the onion and cover it with honey. Once again hold the jar up to your mouth and pray your petition into the jar. Close the jar and place it on your love altar. Burn a tealight on the jar daily while praying your petition. This is called working the jar. Shake the jar at least three times while praying your petition. This will keep the work moving; if you just let the jar sit there, then the work will just sit there.
I usually prefer to work with either sugar or syrup for my sweetening work because they work a lot faster than honey, which crystalizes over time and will slow the work down or stop the work completely. One of the reasons for using honey in this work is because honey runs slow when you pour it. It also soothes, and honey is well known for its healing properties. Honey can be used as a preservative too. By adding honey to your work, it will help preserve the onion and keep it from rotting. Honey's soothing effect will help keep things running smoothly. I know this seems like a lot of work, but nothing is free in this life. If you want something, you have to work for it!