Formatting Micom DJD369... complete
Booting BIOS Setup Utility v4.5.... complete
Warning: Setting wrong values in below sections may cause system to malfunction.
Gender Configuration: Male
EGO Balance: 1:1
Emotional Disposition Attribution: Angry
Physical Disposition Attribution: Extremely Active
Integrated Peripherals: Micom DJD369
Model Identifier: 526f79636520477261636965
Save and Initialize Kernel (Y/N): Y
Initializing Kernel... Build 4.8 rc 2 Cruel Crododile... complete
Language: English
Color differentiation (Y/N): Y
Variation: Caucasian
Age: 27
Children: 0
Class: Irrelevant
No operating system detected. Choose OS (Y/N): Y
Choose OS: SupCom...
Installing SupCom OS v2 beta...
Syncing with kernel parameters... sync complete...
Briggs-Meyers personality profile: ESFJ-A
Extracting Personality: Extrovert.... 85%... Sensing... 71%... Feeling... 87%... Judging... 90%
Childhood History: C
Preferred Fighting Style: C
Experiment Name: Winston, Carl, B
Complete Install (Y/N): Y
Completing SupCom OS v2 install to Winston, Carl, B...
Testing Micom DJD369... Success
Install Complete. Activate now (Y/N): Y
Subject is now active and ready for immediate deployment. Goodbye.