Appendix:Quick Reference Charts

Ticks by State and Province

This chart shows which ticks have been found in which U.S. states and Canadian provinces as of the latest reports, which generally date from between 2017 and 2019. An X indicates that a tick species has been found in a particular state or province, but remember that tick ranges can vary widely across a state or province, and tick species that carry specific diseases in some regions do not carry those same diseases in other regions.

A chart showing reported instances of various ticks listed by state A chart showing reported instances of various ticks listed by state and Canadian province

Tick-Borne Disease by State and Province

This chart shows which tick-borne diseases have been found in which U.S. states and Canadian provinces. This information was gleaned from reports originating with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, the Canadian ministry of health, various state departments of health, and other reputable sources. The time span in which cases were reported differs by disease, depending on when official agencies began collecting case reports, and the relevant dates for the United States are noted in parentheses with each disease below.

A chart showing reported cases of various diseases listed by state A chart showing reported cases of various diseases listed by state and Canadian province