Vegetables Part 3: Capsicum (Bell Peppers)



We bought capsicum seeds from the farmers’ store the first time we planted them. After that, we left some of the crop to dry up intact so that seeds could remain sealed inside the outer cover.


We planted the seeds in the nursery in grooves and on lines and transplanted them after two weeks in the well-prepared garden. They were a hardy crop that was not affected by anything. They grew to a height of about two feet tall and then just spread sideways into bushes.


We planted the red and green varieties. Some of the crop was very big while some were medium or small in size. The crop grew very fast because what we saw as small today could be ready for harvesting next day but one.


They also lasted long in the garden despite harsh weather conditions so long as they got some water in the evenings and some weeding and manure. We mulched them to help them remain sturdy.


Capsicum became part of our daily breakfast. We woke up, picked a few every day, washed them and chopped them up, sprinkled a little salt with a bit of lime or lemon juice and we then enjoyed them. They were crispy and crunchy every day. We also sold some.


We watered the existing crop during dry weather but planted new crops every rainy season.