Vegetables Part 4: Okra (Lady’s Finger)



Our first seeds were bought from the farmers’ store. Okra did not need seedbed treatment. We simply planted seeds in holes and on lines as we did with grain crops. They too were hardy like capsicum and grew very quickly and remained strong during the production period.


The crop developed even faster because what we saw as small today was ready for harvesting the very next day. They were young, tender and very tasty. The plant grew tall very fast as harvesting took place every day.


When it was done, the plant just dried out and broke. It did not need much attention a part from weeding and watering. But its life was not long so we planted it in different stages so that we could have some around every time.


It was totally disease free. Some of the ready okra crop or pods were left to overgrow and develop into seeds for planting next rounds.


We ate some and sold some.


We irrigated them in the absence of rain.