Pigeon peas were tree like legumes that we planted parallel to the fence throughout the homestead. We simply planted some of the pigeon peas we bought for cooking. The seeds were either a mixture of red and light brown in color or all light brown.
The crop did very well all the year round till the trees reached their peak and we uprooted them and planted new ones with the onset of the next heavy or short rains. It was actually a perennial crop for several years.
The mature trees were like six feet tall. The trees started flowering and producing pods at a height of about three feet. We ate the fresh green pigeon peas from that age to the age of maturity. At the same time we left the mature pods on the trees to dry up for harvesting later.
There was constant harvesting of fresh ones and dry ones till the end of their lives. The trees eventually got dry and were used as firewood. The dry harvest was kept for future cooking and some as seeds for planting the following year.
We planted them for our own consumption.