The Wiccan Witchcraft series of books was written for the person who is looking to learn how to have a deeper and more enriching relationship with their environment, and themselves. Wiccan Witchcraft can provide the ultimate connection between mind, body and spirit.
Many people were confused when I began writing about Wicca, as my spiritual name is Black Witch S. A common mistake made is believing that I am a Satanic witch because I also practice other forms of occult magic, however Satanism isn’t my area of practice. I call myself a Chaos Witch, as I use elements of many traditions and practices in my spiritual and magickal practices. As a student looking to understand new-age practices, it is important that you quickly learn the differences between all traditions. For example, you can be Wiccan, and not practice magick. Or you can be a Witch and not be Wiccan. I don’t recommend you giving yourself any title at all so soon. Wait and see how you feel by the end of a year’s study in Wiccan Witchcraft.
For me, learning Wicca was beneficial in so many ways. I strongly believe that each person entering witchcraft or learning an occult tradition, can greatly benefit from a foundational training in Wicca. By learning Wiccan Witchcraft, one can understand the origins and strengths of the oldest religion on earth. You will also learn how to participate in Wicca celebrations and rituals, so you can be part of the Wiccan or Neo-pagan community (and not feel left out).
This Wiccan Witchcraft series, provides a pathway for learning First Degree Wiccan Witchcraft and Second Degree Wiccan Witchcraft. They will provide you with enough foundational knowledge to pass an online Wiccan Course. You will feel confident about joining a coven, as you will know what is expected of you, and how you can contribute to your coven. Your ability to feel proficient as a Wiccan or a witch however, is only through consistent practice, and future research in the areas or topics of interest to you.
There is no pretense of original or exhaustive research here. The information is drawn from popular books and standard reference works such as can be found in any library. There have been many thousands of pagan deities, of course, and a truly complete listing of them is probably impossible. This discussion of only a few hundred gods does not pretend to be any more than a sampling of the riches of the pagan history.
Many will disagree with my choices, “Why this god and not that one?” And especially I will have questions on, “Why was this pantheon ignored altogether?” The answer is that the choices are almost completely arbitrary, being those gods I thought important or interesting enough to make a note of, or that I have personally taken an interest too.
One caveat. Sources sometimes disagree with each other, and the pagan pantheons were quite fluid, changing all the time. One god would split into several, or several gods would merge into one, and often one god was considered an aspect or form of another god. The pagans borrowed deities from each other quite freely, and the various cults went in and out of fashion much the same way that rock groups go in and out of fashion in our own day. With that explanation (or excuse), I accept all blame for any truly glaring errors.
For now, all you need to do is have an open mind and an open heart. Challenge your old beliefs, especially those that do not serve you. Don’t jump down any rabbit holes too soon – meaning – learn all you can on a foundation level before you commit to practicing an area of this path which leads you in the wrong direction.
For the sake of clarity, I should point out that in this course the terms “Wicca”, “Witchcraft” and the “Craft” are generally used interchangeably, although it is made clear when a tradition believes that it is not Wiccan and does not describe itself as such [1]. The term “Wiccan” is applied to most coven Witches and most forms of solitary practice.
I also take a fluid approach to the religion of Wicca, believing very strongly that you should only do things that feel right to you. Inevitably, though, there are other opinions and other ways of looking at things; at the end of the day you will have to make up your own mind and it is sincerely hoped that this book will give such inspiration, with regard to this and many other issues...