This is a general bibliography and is in no way intended to be seen as exhaustive or even inclusive of all seminal texts. It is hoped that the list will provide a student of Wicca with a number of high quality books from which to begin to build a reliable magical library.
Anderson, William, Green Man, The Archetype of our Oneness with the Earth, Harper Collins, 1990. An underrated book that should have a place on every Wiccan bookshelf as it explores the Green Man and the idea of a male vegetation deity throughout history.
Farrar, Janet and Stewart, The Witches’ Goddess: The Feminine Principle of Divinity, Hale, 1987. An excellent book that sets the divine feminine in historical context (from a Wiccan point of view) and provides detailed coverage of many female deities. A number of useful rites and ceremonies are included as well.
Farrar, Janet and Stewart, The Witches’ God, Phoenix Publishing Inc 1989. A similarly excellent work that achieves the same depth of coverage for the Witches’ God.