Two years have passed since the Russian novelist and Nobel Prize winner Alexander Solzhenitsyn left the Soviet Union to take up residence in the West. —News item
May 1—Derby Day buffet at Andrei and Bev Sakharov’s. Bring cranberry ketchup for the ham.
May 2—Twins to band camp. Drinks with André and Nan Malraux.
May 8—Welcome Wagon visit in A.M. Remind Al to drain dehumidifier pan again.
May 9—Sunday dinner at the Lévi-Strausses’. (Claude and JoAnn. Children: Sean, 7, and I think Jason, about 4.) 1003 Red Fox Trail, Walden Estates.
May 10—Pick up twins at band camp. Take Al’s old Siberia clothes to Fire Dept. Rummage Sale.
May 11—Crêpes Club here: Mimi Sartre, Megs Ionesco, Barb Dubuffet, Wendy Szent-Györgyi, Tracy Robbe-Grillet, Gail Miró.
May 12—Remind Al—bring patio trays up from basement. Nobel Prize winners’ Spaghetti Dinner. Get Al’s marimba fixed.
May 15—Al’s Rotary Meeting: Brown Derby. 8:00 P.M.: To P.-T.A. Mummers’ Barefoot in the Park with Mikhail & Candy Baryshnikov.
May 17—Ecology Day. Al’s old Cancer Ward notes to recycling center. Twins’ swimming lesson—2:30: Leisure Time Pool.
May 20—Leave Subaru at the shop: oil &lube. Twins to the Sakharovs’. Sam & Patsy Beckett for lunch and paddle tennis.
May 21—Hog roast at the Lévi-Strausses’.
May 24—Get twins’ band uniforms cleaned for Memorial Day Parade. Al’s slide show at Church Guild—“Russia: Land of Contrasts.”
May 26—Blocked Writers’ Benefit Car-Wash & White Sale: Church parking lot, 9:00 A.M. Evening: Gals’ poker night at Cindy Böll’s.
May 31—Memorial Day Horse Show: 2:00 P.M. Bring covered dish.