BASIDIOMYCETES: Agaricales, Hygrophoraceae
Witch’s Hat, Hygrophorus conicus or Hygrocybe conica
Basidiomycetes, order: Agaricales, family: Hygrophoraceae
Height to 6"
Cap is up to 3½" across, sharply conical (like a witch’s hat), becoming flatter with age but maintaining a conical center. Surface is waxy or tacky and a reddish-orange that is lighter toward the margin. Stalk is thin and straight, paler than the cap, and lined with vertical striations. Gills are free to partly attached and pale yellow or darker. All flesh becomes black with age. Spore print is white. Witch’s Hat is found in coniferous woodlands throughout North America during most of the year. Edibility is questionable; the mushroom is considered poisonous by some.