BASIDIOMYCETES: Agaricales, Amanitaceae
Grisette, Amanita vaginata
Basidiomycetes, order: Agaricales, family: Amanitaceae
Height to 6"
Cap is up to 4" wide, convex or bell-shaped to flattened or upturned with a raised, central knob. Surface is various shades of pale brown or gray, smooth, and often with one or more patches of white veil tissue. The margin is clearly grooved. Stalk is thin, pale grayish-brown, sometimes with small scales, and based in a saclike volva. A collar is usually lacking. Gills are free or partly attached and whitish. Spore print is white. The Grisette is found in a variety of habitats, including grassy areas and woodlands throughout North America during the spring and fall or during the winter in California. It is edible with caution for poisonous look-alikes. Also known as the Sheathed Amanita.