BASIDIOMYCETES: Agaricales, Agaricaceae
Meadow Mushroom, Agaricus campestris
Basidiomycetes, order: Agaricales, family: Agaricaceae
Height to 2½"
Cap is up to 6" wide, convex, becoming flattened, smooth, white to pale gray-brown, and sometimes with soft, fibrous scales. Stalk is stout, tapering toward the base, white with scaling below, and encircled by a thin, membranous collar that leaves a permanent ring. Gills are free and pinkish, turning dark brown. Spore print is dark brown. Meadow Mushrooms are found in fields, lawns, and pastures throughout North America during the summer and fall or during the winter in California. Edible and excellent, raw or cooked.