BASIDIOMYCETES: Agaricales, Agaricaceae


Horse Mushroom, Agaricus arvensis

Basidiomycetes, order: Agaricales, family: Agaricaceae

Height to 5"

Cap is up to 3" wide, spherical, then becoming convex to flattened, smooth, and creamy white to pale yellow. It may have small scales, especially in the center, and the margin often retains pieces of papery veil remnants. Stalk is thick, enlarged toward the base, whitish, and with scales below the skirtlike collar. Gills are free, pale grayish, becoming dark brown. Spore print is dark brown. The flesh turns yellow when bruised and has an aniselike odor. The Horse Mushroom sometimes forms fairy rings in lawns and pastures throughout North America during the summer and fall or during the winter in California. It is edible and very good.