BASIDIOMYCETES: Agaricales, Russulaceae


Chocolate Milky, Lactarius lignyotus

Basidiomycetes, order: Agaricales, family: Russulaceae

Height to 5"

Cap is up to 4" wide, convex with a prominent central knob, becoming flattened and the cap’s margin becoming wavy with age. Surface is dry and velvety, sometimes wrinkled in the center and chocolate brown. Stalk is dark brown, white at the base, and sometimes lightly striated. Gills are attached or descending on the stalk, white at first and becoming darker with age, and the spore print is yellow or ochre. Flesh emits a white, milky latex when cut. It is found in coniferous woodlands near rotting wood in eastern North America during the late summer and fall. The Chocolate Milky is edible but not recommended.