BASIDIOMYCETES: Agaricales, Strophariaceae
Brick Tops, Naematoloma sublateritium
Basidiomycetes, order: Agaricales, family: Strophariaceae
Height to 4"
Cap is up to 3½" wide, convex to flattened, smooth, brick-red or orange in the center, and fading to light brown or yellowish toward the margin. Stalk is pale with some reddish streaking and has a thin, fragile collar that is often missing. Gills are attached, pale yellow, and then grayish and finally purplish-black. Spore print is dark purple-brown. Flesh will turn dark upon bruising. Brick Tops grow on rotting wood or humus in eastern North America during the late summer and fall. They are edible and best when young.