BASIDIOMYCETES: Agaricales, Boletaceae


Hollow-stalked Larch Bolete, Suillus cavipes or Boletinus cavipes

Basidiomycetes, order: Agaricales, family: Boletaceae

Height to 3½"

Cap is up to 4" wide, convex, becoming flattened, with a slightly inrolled margin. Surface is colored dark to light rusty orange-brown and covered with tiny, suedelike fibers. Stalk is thick and stubby, hollow at the base, yellow above a membranous collar and rusty below, and paler at the bottom. The spongy tubes and pores of the fertile surface are pale to bright yellow. Spore print is dark greenish-brown. Hollow-stalked Larch Boletes are found (you guessed it) near or under larch trees across northern North America during the fall. They are edible and excellent. Also known as Hollow-stalked Larch Suillus and Hollow Foot.