BASIDIOMYCETES: Aphyllophorales, Polyporaceae


Artist’s Fungus, Ganoderma applanatum

Basidiomycetes, order: Aphyllophorales, family: Polyporaceae

Width to 20"

The Artist’s Fungus is stalkless, semicircular or thick like a hoof, and attaches like a shelf to stumps or logs in mixed woodlands. Surface is dry, woody, furrowed, and tough, in various shades of gray or brown in concentric zones, and sometimes covered with orange-brown spore powder. The underside fertile surface is tightly packed spongy pores, whitish, turning dark when bruised. Hence, it can be etched upon to create messages or drawings. Spore print is brown. The mushroom appears in all seasons throughout North America. It is not edible due to its tough and woody texture. Also known as the Artist’s Conk.