BASIDIOMYCETES: Sclerodermatales, Sclerodermataceae


Poison Puffball, Scleroderma aurantium or Scleroderma citrinum Poison_Icon2.jpg

Basidiomycetes, order: Sclerodermatales, family: Sclerodermataceae

Width to 4"

The Poison Puffball is spherical but wider than tall, yellowish-brown, with an outer skin or “peridium” that is tough, leathery, and cracked into segments with a dark, central wart. Eventually it cracks away to reveal the dark spore mass inside. It adheres to the substrate with a short, thick base. Spore print is violet-gray to black. The mushroom is found in a variety of woodlands or grassy areas and gardens throughout North America during the late summer and fall. Not edible: poisonous! Also known as the Common Earthball and Thick-skinned Puffball.