BASIDIOMYCETES: Agaricales, Russulaceae
Cottony-margined Milky Cap, Lactarius deceptivus
Basidiomycetes, order: Agaricales, family: Russulaceae
Height to 3½"
The large cap is up to 10" wide, white, and convex with a depression in the middle or vase-shaped. Margin is inrolled and textured like cotton. Stalk is thick, straight, white, stiff, and brittle. Gills are attached and colored white or pale brown. When cut, the flesh exudes a white, milky latex. Spore print is white to buff. The Cottony-margined Milky Cap is found near moss in mixed woodlands in central and eastern North America during the summer and early fall. It is edible if cooked but quite acrid in taste. Also known as the Deceptive Milky.