ASCOMYCETES: Pezizales, Morchellaceae
Common Morel, Morchella esculenta
Ascomycetes, order: Pezizales, family: Morchellaceae
Height to 6"
Upper portion is a variable, elongated egg shape or bullet shape to 2" wide. Surface is like a sponge, honeycombed with irregular, pale to deep ochre ridges and dark brown pits. The stubby stalk is white, somewhat crinkly or bumpy, with a thick base. Spores in this group are produced not in gills but rather in structures known as asci, located in the pits. They are responsible for the deeper yellow color of the morel at maturity. It grows from spring to summer in a variety of wooded habitats, including orchards and gardens, and is found throughout North America. Highly edible and prized. Also known as the Yellow Morel and Honeycomb Morel.