Occasionally, a website may not recognize Flip4Mac when playing WMV files. If you have installed Flip4Mac and still can't view WMVs, you may have to resort to installing the Windows Media Player for Mac.
Microsoft has stopped developing the Windows Media Player for Mac, so you will still need the Flip4Mac video player to view newer versions of WMVs.
Here's how to download and install Windows Media Player for Mac:
Start Safari and visit Microsoft's website at http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/player/mac/mp9/default.aspx. The Windows Media Player for Mac OS website appears.
Click the Download Now button.
The Windows Media Player for Mac appears in your Downloads folder as a .sitx compressed file. To uncompress this .sitx file, you need to download and install the free StuffIt Expander program (if you haven't done so already) at http://my.smithmicro.com/mac/stuffit/expander.html. Then double-click the .sitx file to uncompress and install the Windows Media Player for Mac program.