Chapter 41. Expanding Your Mind by Listening to Free College Lectures

Sometimes listening to the same tunes in your music collection can get old. For variety, you could listen to Internet radio stations, but even that can get tiresome after a while. Rather than use iTunes to listen to music, you might want to expand your mind by using iTunes to listen to college lectures.

Normally, the only way to listen to college lectures is to attend classes, which can be both expensive and time consuming. Fortunately, with your Macintosh and a copy of the iTunes program, both of these barriers no longer exist, because iTunes lets you listen to recordings of college lectures on a variety of topics from different universities. Want to learn about biology, sociology, computer science, or business management? Just run iTunes and listen to lectures from such well-known universities as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Texas A&M, Stanford University, and the University of California, Berkeley, through a free service called iTunes U.

Universities voluntarily record and store audio and video recordings of lectures on specific subjects and post these audio and video recordings in the iTunes Store for anyone to download, copy, and listen to or watch for free. While you won't get any college credit or earn a degree, you just might get a little bit smarter, and you won't have to take final exams or pay tuition. The two basic steps required for getting a free college education are:

  1. Find and download a lecture from iTunes U.

  2. Listen to your chosen lectures with iTunes.

Project goal: Use iTunes U to expand your mind by listening to free lectures presented by professors from universities around the world.

To find free recordings of college lectures, you'll need to use the following: