Prep time: 15 mins
Cook time: 25 mins
Servings: 9
150 ml of Water
3 Medium Eggs
100 grams of Plain Flour
50 grams of Butter
Cream Filling:
25 grams of Butter
1 tablespoon of Whipped Cream
50 grams of Milk Chocolate chopped into chunks
Chocolate Topping:
1 teaspoon of Vanilla Essence
1 teaspoon of Icing Sugar
150 ml of Whipped Cream
1. Heat up your airfryer to 180c. In a large skillet, add fat into water to melt over a medium high heat, bring to a boil. Withdraw from heat, add flour and mix together.
2. Place the skillet back to heat, stir until a medium ball is formed in the center of the skillet. Let the dough cool on a plate. Once cool enough, mix in the eggs until mixture is smooth.
3. Shape the mixture to éclair shapes. Transfer into the air fryer and cook at 180c for 10 minutes, then cook at 160 c with an additional time of 8 minutes.
4. Meanwhile, whisk together the icing sugar, whipped cream and vanilla essence.
Once the eclairs is cooled. Place the butter, whipped cream and milk chocolate into a glass bowl. Place mixture over hot water in a pan and stir well to melt the chocolate.
Tops the eclairs with cream filling and melted chocolate.
Nutrition per servings
Calories: 195 g
Carbohydrate: 14 g
Fat: 13 g
Protein: 3 g