1 Which scales, which weights,
which goldsmith should I call to assay You?Which Guru should instruct me?
Whom should I approach to assess You?
My Beloved, I do not know your limits,
You pervade the earth, waters and the air above,
You are ever present in all.
2 If I were to use the scales of my mind,
the weights of my consciousness,
and the goldsmith of my service,If I were to weigh You within myself,
then could I hold my consciousness in balance.
3 You are the indicator, You are the weight,
You are the scales, and You are the assessor.You observe, You recognize,
and You are the dealer.
4 The mind is ignorant, base and alienated,
it flits from here to there.Nanak lives in such company,
how can this fool ever find You?