Rag Gujri Mahalla 4

1 Devotees, True Guru, True Creator, I beseech You,

Like worms we seek shelter in the True Guru,

Have compassion, and grant us the radiance of the Name.

My Enlightening Friend, grant me the radiance
of the divine Name.

The Name taught by the Guru is the breath of my life,
To praise the One is my daily custom.

2 Fortunate are the devotees, wrapped in faith, thirsty
for the Divine.

Hearing the Name, their thirst is quenched,

Meeting with the faithful, their virtues sparkle.

3 They who do not taste the elixir of the Name

Are unfortunate, they are with the god of death.

They who do not seek the lap of the True Guru,
nor the company of the pious, are accursed in this life,
accursed in their life to come.

4 The foreheads of the devotees who seek the Truth Guru
glow with fortune written from the dawn of time.

Blessed, blessed is the true company
in which the elixir is tasted.

Nanak says, in such company, the Name is revealed.