1 Give me Your hand and protect me,
Fulfil the wishes of my heart.
May my mind stay steadfast at Your feet,
Care for me as Your own.
2 Destroy all my enemies,
Save me with Your own hands.
May my family live in peace,
Creator, and all my devotees and Sikhs.
3 Protect me with Your own hands,
Crush all my enemies today.
May my wish come true,
May I always thirst for worship of You.
4 May I contemplate no one but You,
Whatever I desire, may I receive from You.
Let my devotees and Sikhs cross the ocean,
Single out my enemies and slay them.
5 Protect me with Your own hands,
Absolve me from the fear of death,
Stay for ever on my side,
Revered One with the sword on Your banner, protect me.
6 Sustain me, my Sustainer,
My Beloved Sovereign, Friend of the pious,
Guardian of the poor, Destroyer of the corrupt.
You are the Owner of the fourteen worlds.
7 By Your command, Lord Brahma was born,
By Your command, Lord Shiva descended here,
By Your command, Lord Vishnu was revealed.
This entire universe is Your sport.
8 Who fashioned Lord Shiva as the ascetic,
Who crowned Lord Brahma as the king of the Vedas,
Who created and embellished the entire universe,
Our salutations to That One.
9 Who made the whole world,
Who produced gods, demons, and guardians,
Who is One from the beginning to the end of time,
Know That One as our Guru.
10 Our salutations are to That One alone,
Who creates all Its own citizens,
Who bestows virtue and happiness on the devoted,
Who instantly destroys all enemies.
11 You know the beatings of each and every heart,
Recognize the pain of the good and the bad.
From an ant to an elephant,
You look upon all with favour and rejoice.
12 When the pious suffer, You suffer too
When the pious rejoice, You rejoice too.
You feel the pain of each and every being,
Know the veils of each and every heart.
13 When You, Creator, expand,
Your subjects take on their countless forms.
When You recede,
Their bodies merge with You.
14 The diverse bodies in this world,
Praise You, each in their own way,
But You remain apart without support
The Vedas and the wise know Your mystery.
15 Formless! Immaculate! You need no support.
Primal Being! Without colour, without time, without birth.
Only a fool dares to describe
The mystery that no scripture knows.
16 He confuses You with a stone,
The great fool cannot distinguish the two.
He calls Lord Shiva the Eternal One,
He has no clue of the Formless One.
17 According to their own faculties,
People describe You in so many ways.
Your expanse cannot be fathomed;
We can never know how the world first began.
18 You have one form, without compare,
Here You are a beggar, there You are a king.
You created life from egg, from womb, from sweat,
From earth, such riches are given.
19 Here You sit, sumptuous as a king,
There You sit, shrunken as an ascetic;
The whole creation displays wonders.
You are before time, throughout time, and ever self-existent.
20 Grant me now Your protection,
Defend my Sikhs, attack my foes.
The tyrants who brutalize,
Destroy them on the battlefield.
21 Those who seek Your lap, You who carry the banner,
May their enemies die a terrible death.
Those who bow at Your feet,
May all their troubles be expelled.
22 Those who once remember the Timeless One,
The time of death does not approach them;
They are tended all the time,
And in no time, their enemies are undone.
23 Those You look upon with favour,
Their suffering ends at once,
Their homes are filled with treasures, material and spiritual,
Enemies cannot strike even their shadow.
24 Those who remember You once,
Are freed from the snare of death.
Those who say Your Name,
Are freed from poverty, enemy and misery.
25 You who have the sword on Your banner, I seek Your lap
Extend me Your hand and support me,
Guard me in every place,
Protect me from every enemy and misery.