
THIS BOOK COULD not have been written and, indeed, I would not be on the planet, if not for the loving support of my wife, Debra Powell. That’s the straight truth of it. This book is as much hers as it is mine, and my life has been enriched and empowered immeasurably by virtue of her presence in it. Life is struggle, and my battles have been titanic. But she has stood there in love, compassion, understanding and faith and helped me to my feet whenever I have fallen. She is the great story and the great song of my life.

There are others—Ron and Jennifer Sainte-Marie, Nancy and Peter Mutrie, Tacey Ruffner, Ron and Wanda Tronson, Pam and Bob Lee, Tantoo Cardinal, Joseph Boyden, Lyn Mac-Beath, Tom Northcott, Janet Whitehead, Lee and June Emery, Irene and Jon Buckle, Dawne Taylor, Kent Simmonds and Doug Perry—who have all been there when I needed them. This one is for all of you, too.

Thanks to the editing prowess of Barbara Pulling; to the folks at Douglas & McIntyre; to Westwood Creative Artists, especially my agent, John Pearce; and to all the people at my speaking engagements and storytelling performances who graced me with their praise and their delight at the power of stories to entertain, enlighten and bring us all together. You have only increased my belief in the process.

Oh, and to Molly, the Story Dog, who got to hear all of these before they were written while we walked in the mountains behind our home, a scratch on the ear and a rub of the belly for showing me what unconditional love and complete joy in the moment are all about.