“About 8. or 10. dayes, before the Horse and Mare come to the action, being both of them in great lust and courage, feede them for euerie of those daies, with such sweete oates and old dry sweet wheat, equall in mixture and quantitie… and for the better & fuller accomplishment of the action, for those viii. or ten daies, put into euerie gallon of the water they drink (if they be of value and estimation) a pinte of white Wine… and sometime giue betwixt them a pottle of strong stale Beere or Ale, with a greate toste of wheate breade, and let the Stable be kept moste cleane and sweet.”
Nicholas Morgan, The Horse-Mans Honour
This regimen would get anyone ready for action: delicious dinner, comfortable quarters, and some booze. Oh, and a nice big piece of toast.