How to Tell Time



“Another excellent Rule, to know the houre of the Day or Night at any time. If any two (or more) Parties be in company together, let one of them take something from the ground, (what they please) and give it to another Party standing by. Now, if the thing taken up hath growne, and may grow againe, as Seeds, Hearbs, or the like, it is then 1. 4. 7. or 10. of the Clock, or very neare. If it did never grow, nor never shall, as Stones, metals, Pot-sheards, Glasse, or the like, it is then 2. 5. 8. or 11. of the Clocke, or very neare. But if it hath growne, and will never grow again, as Sticks, Chips, Shels, or such like, it is then 3. 6. 9. or 12. of the clocke, or very neare. But remember this Caution. That both they that give the judgement, and they that taketh up the thing, doth not know what houre it is before they try the Conceit.”

John White, A Rich Cabinet

This technique is guaranteed to be accurate to within an hour or two, provided that you don’t check the time either before or after you try the Conceit.