“To cure Redness and fiery Pimples in the Face… you may spread on the visage the warm blood of a pigeon, pullet, or capon drawn newly from under their wings; let the blood lay on all night, in the morning wash it off with warm water, or the decoction of soap, oatmeal, or the like. Or else in the place of these remedies, Take fresh flesh of a neck of beef, veal, or mutton, cut two or three thin slices, lay them on the red places, and change them often, or else they will stink: And in case you have no fresh flesh, you may take slices of stale, put them on the coals, and so apply them warm to the redness.”
Thomas Jeamson, Artificiall embellishments
Forget the pharmacy; get straight to the butcher’s for your foolproof acne treatments.